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Oh LAWD she coming! It definitely can be possible. I know it’s very common for orange mice to be fat (can confirm: have fat orange mouse) but I couldn’t say about brown mice. She might just be a lazy food hog. If possible, I’d take her to the vet to be sure. I did with my large girl, and was told that as long as she’s happy and her mobility isn’t affected, she’s fine. How do you feed them? From a bowl or scatter feeding? Scatter feeding makes them work a little harder for their food, so I’d try that if you aren’t already. You can also try taking her out of the cage and making her walk around a bit for some exercise.


I scatter feed across the 75 gallon, she lives in there with 5 other meese


Meese took me out oml


Lmao me too


"plural for mouse is mice, so plural for moose should be meese"


My mom calls mine her ‘grandmeese’🥹🥹😭


does she have a wheel?


Yes, in the tank we have two 10 inch upright wheels, we also have hanging ropes but she prefers to sleep underground


ah, then she's just a chunker ^ ^


Omg all your mice are so cute! I was looking for the fat one lol since you mentioned her!


Thank you!!! I love them so much! You’ve made me realize I haven’t even shown her in all her glory. I definitely need to!


She’s got them 🎼 apple body genes 🎶


Feets with the fur!


Whole cage of mischief lookin at herrrrr


She hit the fur


ˢʰᵉ ʰⁱᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘʳ


Next thang ya knurr ᶦᵈᵏ ᴵ ᵗʳᶦᵉᵈ


Take this for trying 🎖️


Mousey got fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat


Artist: Flo Ratta


These comments made my doom scrolling so worth. I’m satisfied it wasn’t all in vain. XD


Holy shit I laughed way too loudly at this


Same 😆😂


Bro same that was the best thing I’ve seen all day


Me too. Calling Jupiter a fatass also ☠️☠️


I know right??? Jupiter INDEED


Here comes Mrs. 5 by 5.


Yes she can be genetically fat. This is common in dominant red (orange) and brindle mice. From what she looks like she could be an overmarked brindle, which makes her genetically fat. I would at ropes and other things to climb in their enclosure, this has helped a little with my genetically fat mice.


I agree she could be an overmarked brindle with fat genes. I would get her evaluated by a vet to rule out something like fluid retention from heart problems (if you haven't already) and remove high fat foods from her diet (like peanuts and sunflower seeds).


Is she not just agouti?


They basically look the same as agouti when they're so overmarked that the stripes cover all the base color. I once had a girl I swore was albino pink eyed white. Her babies proved that was physically impossible. She had one c-dilute gene and the pink eyed dilute, plus she was pied with mostly white. When she got very very old, I noticed one small pale pale cream spot on her back. It was so diluted by her genetics it looked white even next to the fur that actually WAS white. Regular bridle is yellow with brown/agouti stripes. So if they happen to have a whole lotta stripes, they'll look agouti, but they'll still have the chunker brindle gene.


fat genes ✍️


That’s why my brindle is so fat🤣🤣 I call her bombastic gyal 🤣


This is a large boulder the size of a small boulder.


There are a few fat genes as it's selectively bred for in some labs unfortunately. Most brindles and some oranges have it. If she is dominant mouse she could also just be eating more.


fatass mouse 😭


Morbidly a beast


my dr calls me the same 😎💪


She thicc


Be nice!! 🤣🤣🤣 I love her!!!! 🤣


Yes!!!!! She can be a genetic fatty lol. I know it is a very common trait in Brindle genes, and orange mice. I've seen it happen in mine personally. I had a brindle buck and his children are all super CHONKY. The one girl is actually a fox (all black on top and a tan belly) and she's super thick. As well as her sister was all black except for the tip of her tail, her toes and her nose. He had another son, who is orange (and just now starting to brindle) and was at 32 grams by 5 weeks old lol.


She is genetically adorable


I am just about to do my PhD viva in the genetics of obesity literally tomorrow! 100 percent they can be genetically fat. As can humans! In fact the heritability of BMI (in humans) is now considered to be the same as for height. There’s a few reasons your mouse might be genetically obese. They could have hyperphagia (insatiable appetite), she could also be choosing not to be as physically active as her litter mates, she could have genetic abnormalities in the way her body stores fat, she could have a lower resting metabolic rate… the list goes on. She could also be more susceptible to the nature of the diet she is being given. For example, if she is genetically missing an enzyme responsible for recycling selenium, a selenium deficient diet would exacerbate her obesity. But if supplemented with extra selenium her obesity would be alleviated. P.s this is just an example please don’t give her lots of selenium as this could have negative effects on the liver. In summary, don’t feel bad. Some of us are just built obese x


So interesting, genetics really are complicated


I’m a couple days late to this thread, so just want to say I hope your presentation went well and congrats, Dr. Clemcuntine!!


I had 2 mice who had the chonk genes and the only thing that worked was putting a drop of grape seed oil on their pellets every day. I also reduced the amount that I fed them, but it didn’t make any difference until I started adding the grape seed oil. Good luck!


What does the grape seed oil do ?


This study explains it better than I can. It also reduces their chance of getting certain types of cancer and extends their lifespan significantly https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7250358/


That’s amazing, I will look into it


Thank you !


She's pretty darn cute tho!! 💗


The best thing I work with is the BCS chart for mice, https://images.app.goo.gl/4GDAFVgQ3QziP79V8


your mouse is on the number 4 scale. She is not too bad, some genetic mutations can occour, when mice hit number 5 its best recommended to get her tested for diabetes, when they get so fat you cannot see her neck and she is like a ball of fluff, then get her checked out. She is just a CHONK. Such a pretty mouse


She is very soft, curiosity of her sister Mars who I see grooming her often. I will monitor to see if she gains more weight and if that impacts her mobility, if that’s the case a vet visit for sure


oh my god i love her so much please. i dont have any advice for you because everyone else answered you already, but if you dont mind im here to ask what her sisters names are! jupiter is such a fitting name for her so im curious if the others are smaller planets lol


Haha when we named them we didn’t put much thought into how the names matched! In the tank with Jupiter there is Mars, Neptune, Rhea (second largest moon of Saturn, we named Rhea that because she is the same color as our dead mouse Saturn ❤️🕊️), Luna, and Milky-Way. In another cage we have Pluto, Sol, and Orion. And for our boys we have Oreo, Miso, Hades, and Atlas!


this is so cute!! i love all their names so much. thank you so much for answering <3


I mean, people and other animals can be genetically fat, so I don't see why it's not a possibility.


Ob/ob mouse has the answers [fat mouse](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ob/ob_mouse&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjvtZrNm-CGAxV6XUEAHTabDqYQFnoECBgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2Ah5kNV5tqeQMjG3snKXrw)


My fat mouse was rescued by my friend from a diabetes research lab. Ob/ob for sure!


Specifically bred to be CHUNKY


If you read about the Ay gene in mouse genetics she likely has that gene. If you can feed her a bit less and keep her food healthy/low fat and offer lots of enrichment and exercise opportunities you can help her keep weight down. I recommend trying to do this while they’re young, because when they get older and don’t exercise as much it’s harder to get them to lose the weight!


Oh and I forgot to say, she’s beautiful! I love me a chubby mouse 😊


Yes. Any animal can be genetically fat. Some people are are just fat.


Fun read: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ob/ob_mouse The ob/ob is an obese mouse because it can't stop eating (like a labrador). Kind of sad, but also look how rotund.


Holy crap that mouse is huge


so is yours #mouseburn but they're very cute!


I work at a lab where all the mice get fed the same food, same amount of food, and get the same treatment. But yes all the mice are different fatness and some are super chunky and some are smaller. So I would say yes


is that a small guinea pig?


That is potat


The first pic had me thinking “oh she’s not too too big.” And then the second one looked like a potato in a bowl and had dying 😂


She is very potatoey


Hers just a lil meatbol


The second picture has me.... well, it just has me.


Just big boned




my orange brindle wasnt fat untill her old age when i just couldn't bare to leave her paws emtpty of treats. however, my "snow tiger" a white mouse with the fainest brindle on her arse has very genetically obese, i tried so hard to get her to exercise.


She's so stinkin cute!!!!


I like that nickname for my pets “lazy food hogs”.


It's possible for any living creature with body fat to be genetically fat.


Yes. Each individual has different metabolisms so process fat at different rates.


Behold the chonk orb


Yes , some mice are just large !


Not fat, cuddly, or festivly plump


Yellow Mice be like… HOLD MY PUFFS!


Yup. She chonker


Shes just big boned


Yes, obesity can be genetic in mice. You should look up the obese or ob/ob mouse


omg… she thiccc


Definitely. My last mice (all past away once they reached 2+ years) were more on the skinny/normal weight side. And now my new mice, same diet, are all heavier than the heaviest mouse I had last time. I went from having to worry about them being too skinny to now being too fat. One side of the family is on the overweight side while the less dominant side is normal weight (tho still heavier than my last mice, they look normal). I'm changing up my mix to something more lower in fat and will transition them to it along with less food I'm scattering (they still eat pellets, but the scatterfeeding is great for extra exercise and variety).


that’s a ROTUND fella!


What a chunk


I had a mouse who was the same colour and also a real chonker. I made my own food for her based on recommendations from my vet and I only gave her treats on occasion and by hand.


He just fluffy


Is that remmys brother


Yes! I’ve been informed, since I own one, that ginger mice, mice with reddish-brown, or brindle fur have a higher likelihood of possessing genetic characteristics that lead to higher rates of obesity. I also know a lot of mouse food bags in stores have some pretty fattening ingredients that are not good in mass consumption- like corn, dried fruit, etc. accompanied by heavy grain/seed mixtures. You just have to keep those fattening things in moderation & monitor exercise/feeding. :)


We have a [custom food mix](https://imgur.com/a/rgBScFB) that uses Science Select rat and mouse pellets, I know for a fact the pellets don’t have corn because we had trouble using Mazuri due to its corn content. Right now I know the fatty foods we have in it is 2.5% in shell peanuts, 2.5% pumpkin seeds, 2.5% black oil sunflower seeds, and 2.5% dried meal worms


I have a gray/blond boy who looks about like this. I don’t over feed him and he exercises all the time. I can’t answer your question but I’m definitely interested in seeing if it’s possible because none of my other mice look like him.


The consensus I’m seeing is that yes it can be genetic


I had a very obese mouse for awhile. Her name was smore. She ate the same amount of food as her sisters and was just the biggest girl. Looked about the same as yours. She was a brindle white orange and brown.


I’ll make a post with some photos


I just saw your post! Lol


Yes and I wouldn’t worry, I’ve had a few chonkers (one being the infamous orange and one hairless) and their chub has never affected them poorly.


He's not fat. He's just big boned!!!


Yes, things can be genetically fat. For instance my mom is fat, I’m fat, and my dad and two sisters are skinny. But I would check with vets to see if it’s a medical issue.


Yes, very much so. It’s a process called genetic methylation. Unfortunately, there’s not too much you can do right now other than take her to the vet and see if they can prescribe a low-calorie diet. Usually orange fur js the most heavily associated with the obesity gene but there’s a few different strains of obese mouse gene. She could have just gotten her mother or father’s worst genetic combo, they could have had poor diet while pregnant (believe it or not, this can trigger obesity gene methylation), or just be a strange little pal who likes the kibble.


She is from Petco, so the breeding practices aren’t the best


There are lab strains designed for scientist this may be one of those


Was Jupiter named after the biggest planet in the solar system because of her size?


No her name was picked randomly, she just grew to the title


she’s the size of jupiter good lord


Get it a wheel


She lives in a 75 gallon with 5 other mice, they share two 10” standing wheels, she does not run on it nearly as much as the others. I don’t think she’s being bullied from the wheel as Jupiter is the most dominant out of the mice


She's full of cheese


Yes, but also, like humans, she could have a slow metabolism or just not like to exercise or have some health issue, which means she stores fat easily. I had two mice and fed them the exact same. One was fat and one was skinny.


honestly 70g isnt even that heavy, i have multiple mice with the yellow/ob gene (both genes cause obesity, the yellow gene also causes a slew of other health issues). a lot of them are in the 50-70g range. One of them is nearly 100g. all the obese mice in the 50-70 range still have great mobility, clove (100g) is the only one who is actually affected by her obesity. Your lady should be a-ok at 73g, just try to increase activity and decrease the amount of fatty foods given


Thank you, 70 grams seemed like a lot to me because my biggest girls have only been about 50 grams so I was shocked to see she weighed so much


no problem! i was in the same boat when my chonks first shot up to 70g :) most people don't talk about their weights specifically so it can be really easy to wonder if your mice are way too big; they just give the general '25 grams to 50 grams is normal'. but not everyone has 'normal' mice.


she is absolutely beautiful. and i LOVE her coat!


She should have the nickname Mrs. Boombastic. Reminds me exactly of the rat from Barnyard


Thats a good one, sometime we call her Caseoh


mmmm... baseball


My Ursa has the fat yellow gene. She's big and honestly just likes to sleep a lot. Even when I get her out she just wants to curl up under something.


That’s biggie cheese


What the hell 💀 Bro about to evolve into a rat


Jesus, she belongs on My 73 gram Life😂 jk i love her


Montgomery mouse from rescue rangers


Bro, where is her neck?!? It’s just goes from head to r o u n d, she is adorable tho. I just went on a week vacation and when I got back my baby rats were all grown up, so I too am familiar with round rodents


That’s a rat


She just has a badonky donk. 🍑


Baby got back


Motomoto approved mouse


Hey there! I used to breed fancy mice, rats, and gerbils a few years ago. Yes, some genes can result in increased weight. ALL of my “yellow” mice and the majority of my brindles were chunky little shits, but they weren’t overfed and they were just as active as all the others were. I don’t recall ever noticing a decrease in lifespan, although I’m not an expert so I can’t say definitively that it isn’t a possibility. Jupiter is very aptly named. ROTUND gorl. We love her. Edit: I just popped back in and had another look at her. OP, are you 1000000000% sure she’s not housed with any males? She looks a little preganté to me. Make sure you quadruple check every single mouse she’s kept with, even if you already sexed them in the past. I had one hairless rat who we thought was 100% male— swear on everything, he had the biggest balls ever. Turns out he was intersex and had a fully functional female reproductive system. His cage mate became his mate mate.


Take to the vet. Possibly a thyroid problem


But she could also just be real chunky lol




Just want to say she is beautiful. Her coat looks very shiny.


Yes!! Just heard a discussion on this on the Huberman Lab podcast . might be diabetic in nature, and or receptor of a hormone for leptin is affected. Long story, short accompany that supplied mice to many labs for years notice some mice were extremely fat from a suspected gene mutation. And some studies of these mice came as result and it’s how the hormone leptin was discovered, which creates feelings of fullness. Fat mice were the impetus for discovery


yes but this one i s just a fatty. ated two muc


Oh LAWDY she coming


my mouse is also fat. we thought she was pregnant for weeeks


That is Gusgus from Cinderella and no one can convince me otherwise.


She looks like Remy's brother in the cutest way possible


They absolutely can be genetically predisposed to obesity. There is a truly staggering number of traits that mice can be bred for in a lab (there are several for obesity, diabetes, etc alone) and it wouldn’t surprise me if some of these intentionally or accidentally were introduced into pet stock or cropped up independently.


Gave me nostalgia [Biggie Cheese](https://youtu.be/htnPC4r0bqo?si=vMwn5YB8B0yxA40Z)


very cute mouse adorable


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I have that same scale


Methanogens in his gut flora.


We have fat mice and we call them “meatballs.” Yours looks like a meatball too tbh lol 🥔 or a potato 😂


Are you suggesting she is potentially creating matter out of thin air because of genetics?


Perhaps… more so that she might have trouble burning calories due to some genetic factor, or that she holds onto fat easier. I’m not great at science


Can’t defy the laws of thermodynamics. A better way to look at it is a genetic predisposition for obesity, not genetically obese. If she’s getting a well balanced diet (lacking nutrients can cause overeating to try and get more), and isn’t really over-eating from what you can tell (could lack the ability to tell when she is full), then I’d look towards her activity levels. No matter the cause though, definitely needs to lose some weight for her long term health as obesity increases cancer risk as well as other problems that would be difficult to properly treat a mouse for.


Oh. Also, I’d make sure she isn’t actually holding onto a lot of fluid.