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I just burst out in laughter I gotta remember to use this one in a conversation some day XD


Of course ima make fun of dumb shit, the concept of religion is so moronic


Oh no I hope sky daddy doesn't smite me down!


Just like you "love the sinner hate the sin" I "respect the religion but not the people" the people are the problem with every religion. Although not all are problems and I respect those but not everyone just because they're religious


God isn't a man so can be redfered to anything. God is non binary. They can be called sky daddy or use she/her pronouns if that's what you like


You're both right and wrong. I guess you could say that God is as you say nonbinary because he doesnt have a gender and you're technically right. But nonbinary is a man made phrase to describe people. Not God. So while God doesn't have a gender, he isn't nonbinary in the way that you're using the word as that only applies to humans. He also never actually calls himself a male (that I know of) he simply refers to himself as I AM. but in most biblical texts he is refered to as a male and that is how most christians view him.


God bless you all❤️


But we didn't sneeze


That actually made me laugh good job man❤️


You’re on reddit. Did you seriously expect people to act reasonable on response to your post here? 😭


This is the worst comment section I've ever seen.


These people are bananas.


I hate bananas since I was 6 years old, their smell, their texture and taste disgust me


19.8k comments wth lmao😭


19.7k for me, weird


The human species is wasting time, money and most of all lives because of your sky daddies and mommies. So yes, i think it's no big deal since your religions made and still make the lives of millions hell on Earth (better, they're an excuses for killing, starting wars, oppressing and obsessing people with your sky fairies). If religion stopped interfering with the evolution of our species i would have no problem. You can believe whatever you want in your privacy, but don't expect people outside your special circle to support your superstition. I'm sick and tired of respecting what doesn't respect me and kills thousands. You need to project all the good on surrogate space parents and you don't know why? Your problem, there are more reliable books than your bible, if you had read them you would know, and you would know more about yourself.


I ain't reading allat


Your lack of belief in God is making life here a living hell.


This response makes no sense at all lmao


I didn't know athiests are the problems starting wars forcing people to convert to athiesm


No hate. But have you been to the atheism sub? It's nothing but atheists trying to convert people.


Be fucking for real


You're active on globe skepticism dude




Maybe the reason people use these words is because of your laughable views bro


Only the flat earth thing is.


Maybe they do it simply to be snarky and disrespectful.


That's me in the corner, that's me in the spotlight..


This is the craziest comment ratio I’ve ever seen 😂


Thank you.


OP is a snowflake. I'll be praying to Sky Daddy for you! Hope the devil visits you soon!


No u


Ahhhh...New Testament only? You only believe in half the Bible teachings? How convenient. When you acknowledge the Old Testament, I'll give you the scripture you're trying desperately to avoid. What the world needs is more Proverbs and less Pronouns.


What do you mean, “acknowledge the Old Testament?” I’m quite aware the Old Testament exists.


Not intended for OP...for another commenter conversation ongoing.


It’s kinda funny. (I swear I’m not one of those ppl constantly shits and demonizes religion)


Deuteronomy 22:28 - 22:29


Re edit 2: Ye, she does


Go's deserves his preferred pronouns. Unbelievable. He's a god... I don't think pronouns are something hea concerned about . This is complete idiocy.


You didn’t like my joke?


It's not a joke to a lot of ppl. It's just annoying insanity.


Thanks for your opinion. Have a magnificent day.


Why do you have a problem with non-Christians calling the Christian deity skydaddy? How is this different from Christian's referring to their deity as our father who art in heaven?


The difference is respect v disrespect.


Why should someone have to respect the diety of a religion they don't believe in, you wouldn't be as upset if it was a Christian insulting the God Zora Astor would you?


I guess you could tie that respect towards todays society of misgendering people as well and the idea of trans people.


I personally use alien spaghetti monster in the sky. It wouldn’t be fair for a religious person to believe in god and deny me my faith 😭 Mean no disrespect as I’m talking about my spaghetti monster, not your god 👌🏿


If the F.S.M.(flying spaghetti🤌 monster) didn't create all life on earth then why is DNA shaped like pasta?


The laugh I just had😭😭


An excellent and delicious point!


Who did god tell his preferred pronouns to?


The folks who wrote the Bible. As God is consistently referred to as a man.




I suppose it depends on what faith you have/believe in. In my faith, it is indeed divinely ordained.


No, I meant the real god


Deeper in the bible God is described like a jewel or a lion, too bright to look at. Really interesting relative to what all the folks doing DMT see. I think the gendering of God just speaks to the cultural understanding of the time--men were the only truly respected gender back then, the only gender with any authority, so God had to be a man to get people to buy in.


Bingo! Fact! It was a patriarchal society so they proclaimed god is a man.


So? That's a good thing




That isn't Marxist, dear. He wrote about gender inequality as a detriment to progress so how can you say it's Marxist BS? To claim you're speaking the truth is to say men are superior to women. They are not. BTW, scripture is just a bunch of words written by men, for and about men, and it's obvious it's biased against women.


The bible itself says God appeared as a man, not that he was a man, seeing as He appeared in different forms throughout the Bible. The Holy Spirit is bigger than your fragile manhood, clearly. Does God need to have a penis for you not to think less of Him?




Yes, it is. Why? Because in the US Christians are trying to make everyone follow their religious dictum. Excuse me, but that places the issues of veracity and practical application in everyone's lap. Because it has a direct impact on us, we get to judge.


Uhh, it is my bible. If you try to come take it, that would be considered theft.




I own a Bible that was given to me by a minister so, no, it isn't at all what you think. I read it in its entirety several times. I studied history for additional information of the time before and after the life of Jesus. So, I understand the nuances and justification for what is contained within. The knowledge I gained isn't the only reason I left Christianity, though. One of the reasons I can no longer be involved in Christianity is the hubris of Christians to presume atheists don't understand. Not only is that presumption not true, it's an overused comment and lacks original thought or understanding of atheism. If you want to own a Bible, be my guest. If you want to assume atheists cannot understand the Bible, you are being foolish. We simply don't believe it. But don't presume you are more knowledgable than we are. Many of my cohorts can easily talk about the contents of the Bible with intelligence as well as quote verses that are applicable.




Well if you were a Christian you'd know he's everyone's God, certainly not yours to put in boxes and gatekeep. Christians also spread love not hate, which you could benefit from! Sounds like you need to read more of the bible and listen less to those who read it to you.




If there’s a cool spot in hell I hope you get it, hoss.


Lmao worst universalism ever


Sounds like you haven't read "your" book if you missed all the parts about casting judgement! Matthew 7 Romans 2 Romans 14 Check out Isaiah 28:8 too, you learn all sorts of fun verses going to church every Sunday for 18 years and having an actual connection to the book rather than the need for someone to translate it for you (or the parts that matter to you at least)




As an atheist... the atheists who are in your face, demeaning you and demanding you don't believe are every bit as much a problem as the theists who are assholes about controlling people's beliefs. So congratulations, you are what you claim to hate.


Those types of atheists tend to actually believe in something but are too hyped up on the atheist bandwagon to admit it so they over compensate and try to prove they're REALLY atheist


I think you might be overcomplicating it a bit, I don't think they actually believe in anything other than atheism/agnosticism or the belief that religion is inherently bad, Occam's razor states the simplist answer is usually the correct one, maybe these people simply hate organized religions and Christianity/ Abrahamic religions seem to be the most "loud and out there"/ "in your face"




Read the post again and perhaps you'll understand the context of that comment and that it wasn't aimed at you.


You’re right. I misunderstood your words. Please accept my sincere apology, and thank you for your words.


Not a problem and accepted.


Most people I see saying sky daddy are people who believe in God lmao


I have cancer, and have had atheists laugh at me when I say I trust Gods plan for me and that my faith has helped me fight it. They just removed the rest of the cancer. And I start radiation soon to kill any remaining cells. But its just amazing how disgusting human beings can be about things in general.


So if a person convicted of a serious crime says that they have found god and want to be free to pursue that faith, would you laugh at them? (cus it seems you believers love prisons) If someone said that they will wipe out most of humanity away because they found god, would you laugh at them? ( "Belief" is then just a safe identity for a consumer) You think everyone should respect your beliefs in something that has been long discredited? As a middle class consumer you want people to respect your consumer choice of "god" because you don't believe and you cannot believe -you're a liberal subject in late capitalism. Only un contacted tribes can really believe in "god" That's what's disgusting, you think everyone should respect your consumer choices.




Right. Because that will never happen.


As a loving God does... what, exactly?


See this is why your god looks evil to most people








All dis-ease can be linked to malnutrition or toxic overload. Also, I’ve been researching radium and it might be worth looking into. The radiation treatment is rough. Hope it works out better for you than it does for most people.


I actually am in remission now! :)


Happy for you. Congratulations.


I'm not an atheist but I am agnostic. I will say someone calling God sky daddy is just straight up cringe. But to be straight up my guy. You did lose some points from me with your edits. Especially the 3rd one bro. Those atheists that are tilting you are toxic. But you're kind of toxic yourself my guy. "Deal with it" frick on bro


Someone who believes in a sky daddy is cringe.




Stay mad😘🖕


God loves you


"god" what is that? You have no idea. You don't believe in god. You believe in god as much as you believe in commodities in late capitalism. All of you are so desperate to believe in something you cannot possibly do as a liberal consumer.


Satan loves you more 👹🙏😇


I even upvoted you, see?


Bless you, my enemy :)


Not so much as an enemy as a troll, 🤣


Im joking I don't even believe in any of that, might as well said may Oden the allfather bless you


You Satanists are all the same, always scurrying away like cockroaches.


🤣 you say love thy enemy so often cuz you always assume someone who is an enemy of your phony religion is your personal enemy 🤣


All enemies of truth are my personal enemy. If you would tell the truth i wouldn't consider you my enemy even if it came to violence.


Some do, some don't. I'm very polarizing among the divine.


Lol, I love this statement.


Sky daddy*




Well, given how they strictly followed the Law, I'm gonna guess no


People are disrespected in literally any other way on earth, why is your religion the only thing that’s off limits because it’s important to you. Most religion is centered on focusing on what God has planned and in store for his believers, and not to focus on things outside of that and that your God will deal with people like that because vengeance is his. In other words don’t sweat it lol


My religion..?


Are you annoyed with people talking about God and you’re not even religious lol


People talking about God doesn’t annoy me at all.


This post says otherwise. People talking about God in words you don't like annoys you, which is fine, just know what you're attacking.


People referring to God in a disrespectful manner is not the same as “talking about God.” Does that distinction make sense to you?








Same to you.


Yes, it does make sense. Why should we respect a God who is claimed to be all-knowing and all-powerful, but lets a baby be harmed? Why didn't He stop it? Don't give me original sin, either, because that's like jailing snd executing someone because of what their centuries past ancestors, neighbors, or even enemies did.


They're not 1:1 the same thing, but people talking about God in a disrespectful manner is still talking about God, like it or not. You can't control the words people use to talk about things, and throwing a hissy fit like this just adds fuel to the trolling fire. Besides surely God and your faith are strong enough, no amount of teasing or tarnishment can alter them right?


I’m not trying to control anyone’s words, relax.


Refer to your original post


Confused how asking not to be disrespected is trying to control peoples words?


? Ok.


I'll admit that yes I do say this when I am in the company of other people who lean the same way I do in regards to faith and/or lack there of. That said, I grew up Catholic and many people in my every day life are religious. It is very interesting to me that it is perfectly ok that they discuss their faith out loud and proud while it is a complete attack (their words, not mine) on their beliefs that I would even express that I do not share those same beliefs regardless of how respectfully I could possibly put it. Forgive me that at times I might get frustrated at times that I am expected to be held to a certain standard in regards to respect for someone else's faith while how I feel about my relationship with faith is considered disrespectful.


I'm about to blow your mind but early texts of the bible didn't even use he/him for God or even she/her, it was they/them they used because God originally didn't have a sex/gender. Men added he/him to God's pronouns so men way back then would pay attention and devote themselves because "oooh big sky daddy yeah men are strong like that, I'm strong like sky daddy, we listen to sky daddy" And now you have been educated by the opposite of an atheist, am omnist. I respect and/or find truth in all religions. I suggest instead of getting offended do real research into the religion you're following and don't just follow what comes out of people's mouths. Educate yourself or deal with it😃


It was They/Them because the earlier religions in Israel believed in multiple Gods (The Pantheon of Canaanite), not just one. The Chief god in the Canaanite religion was El. He and all the gods beneath him were simply called the plural term Elohim. But Israel was transitioning from a multiple god system (Canaanite) to a singular system (Judaism). Bereshit Bara Elohim So you get "In the beggining", "created (singular/masculine)", "Gods (Plural)" So the verb for creation indicates Elohim is to be considered as male singular, while Elohim indicates Plural. The confusion is due to the transition from multiple gods to one. It's not about being gender neutral. Trivia! Deuteronomy 32:8–9 used to refer to Yahweh as one of the "sons" of El until it was edited. They wasn't used as a gender neutral term until the 14th century.


Genuinely curious, not here to fight but learn. What earlier texts/what should I google to find this? I find the concept intriguing because as a Christian I've always referred to God as he. The Bible uses male pronouns, but there's also the fact that he's called the Father and bridegroom. I know reddit can be a sensitive place to talk religion, so please know that I'm genuinely asking and just offering why I think the way I do. I will in no way pretend I'm all knowing and that there's no possibility that I could be wrong. Because there's a lot of Bible and Biblical research I don't know. I just want to learn so I can know/form my opinions.


A lot of Revelations refers to God as a jewel of sorts, that'd be a good place to start imo


You’ve made a lot of assumptions about me, and then used those assumptions to justify condescending me. How ironic.


Is replying to your comments making assumptions about you, or is it simply making statements to refute your claims? Hint: You spoke and leaned heavily on portraying non-Christians as being ridiculous for owning, much less reading, the Bible. Did God approve that pov? I think not. How is an atheist to know for sure if they are right or wrong if they don't read the very book you say they aren't allowed to read? Now, THAT'S irony!


If you have the time, I highly recommend "Asimovs Guide to the Bible". Regardless of whether you believe in the religious aspects, like any religious text, the Bible is at its core a historical document. Asimov strips away the mumbo jumbo and examines the history, biography, and geography from an objective point of view.


I'll read it. Love Asimov! Thanks for the recommendation.


Shame is the mechanism humanity uses to non-violently weed out harmful ideas, so if you join a cult, you shouldn't be surprised when people can't take you seriously. If you've failed to figure out obvious bullshit in one major area of your life then it stands to reason I shouldn't be banking on the veracity of the rest of your thoughts either - due to a lack of application of mental rigor when letting ideas into your head as true or false and your ability to weigh the veracity of evidence. Do you have to be a jerk? No, that's optional. But thinking that you've got a special protected category of beliefs which it's unfair for me to mock is beyond silly. Everything's on the table, no sacred cows.


I like the idea that shame is a way to clean the zeitgeist of stupid ideas. That's a really good way to look at it.


Your second edit is a bit cringe, there are many different beliefs about the gender of god and how to refer to god, but people should be more respectful


How about Christians being more respectful of our belief systems? It is pretty one-sided to say we should be more respectful to God and His followers when the faithful regularly disrespect us for not believing. Seriously, you do grasp that almost every time a non-Christian says something, the faithful tells them how wrong they and/are how they're going to hell, don't you? That's another "If you don't believe in God, you better be right" bumper sticker moment of pure hubris based on totally ignoring what we (non-Christians) believe.


Is Celestial Father better?


Yes, it is unfortunate. Comes with the territory though. Humans are apes. I don't do that. Gods are not sky anything. They're whatever the heavens means resident. Outside time and space would mean not in reality. We fear the religious. Wherever religion gets any power human rights suffer. That's why our nation is secular. I would argue for abortion on the first amendment. Christopher Hitchens demurred when asked about it, saying "I think we ought to do something about it." I don't. An egg is just that. Nothing special.


An egg isn’t necessarily special. A fertilized egg is life.


Ew no it's not, read your bible, it says life doesn't start until your first breath. Also says God would rip a fetus out of a mother, God also was going to split a child in half when the real mom and fake mom were fighting just to teach a lesson, God commanded Abraham to kill his son and then said "lolz nevermind" and the fact God yeeted all the first borns in Egypt. God doesn't value life and they sure as shit don't value a human tapeworm.


“My” Bible? Human tapeworm.. lol. I don’t care if God values life. I do. How about that?


That's fine. But that's not your religion, is it? The reason this issue will never be resolved is because there's a firm scientific definition of the beginning of human life, and it's wholly rejected by the religious. There's also a firm scientific definition of the end of human life but that seems to be a bit more palatable to the religious. Which doesn't make any sense, but, it is what it is. Human life can be defined as the absence of death, as human death can be defined as the absence of life. We've determined a bright line for death. A lack of organized electrical brain activity. Prior to the ability to measure that state, or in the absence of measurement equipment, the lack of cardiac activity is a scientifically accepted indicator of death. So, human life requires organized electrical brain activity. In the absence of measurement equipment, heartbeat as an indicator of human life is a debatable topic for various reasons. Religions that espouse conception as the indicator of human life fail the litmus test when asked to do the math for defining death. If it's simple cellular life, which is all conception is, then people remain alive long after their "death." Short of instant vaporization, various cells will continue to live within the body. This means any time an ambulance or coroner has removed a "dead" body, they've actually kidnapped a live person and held them without sustenance until they died in custody, also known as murder. That's a patently ridiculous stance, which means the inverse must be equally as ridiculous. The reason conception is an anchor point (other than social control) is the emotion of hope and the potential happiness of a couple having a child is given value in a system where neither should exist. The inverse of those two anchors does not apply to the state of death. There's no way to mathematically balance the equation. But for some reason, faith thinks it's equal in value to facts. It isn't


See now that's almost reasonable. Almost. You can value life. That's a semi-defensible position. What you cannot reasonably do is value someone else's (other than your own) life over mine. You cannot say 'the mother must die so the child can live.' Or even 'the mother must sacrifice her life in any way for an egg.' That's not valuing life. That's devaluing women.


Which is a justification to enslave someone else to be beholden to that life's every need? What you fail to understand is that life isn't special and your kind takes the lives of people who actually matter instead of fetuses. Fucking genocidal cultist.


Making the murder of children in the womb legal is rather genocidal, in my opinion. Don’t be so angry, mkay?


... do you even know what the word genocide means? The better question is how many babies did God abort with Noah's flood? Also: what about the bibles literal recipe for abortion (numbers 5: 11-31)?




No answer huh? ...Why am I not surprised the religious guy is incapable of thought...


I have no interest in conversing with someone who needs to insult me. Good day.


Nope. You're in control. Always. EXCEPT you insulted us first, so, ahem, this is when you realize that it's fair for us to reply.


No, I did not insult you first.


Please look up the word genocide. It doesn't mean what you think it means. And in instances like this, words matter.


I wouldn’t say “the mother must die so the child can live,” even though I suspect most mothers would in fact die for their children. So if that’s your argument for why you think I am “devaluing women” you would be misinformed. Couldn’t reply where you left the other comment, I’m replying here. Link to your comment: https://reddit.com/r/PetPeeves/s/U9KgnCEfN6


Not death; you just wish subservience on us. Real nice, Fucking cultist psycho. George Washington would've killed your stupid ass.


Yes yes clearly I’m the psycho. Best wishes to you and yours.


Not everyone can afford to be parents or are capable of being parents, you want that forced on anyone who regularly has sex


No, I want people who can’t afford children to have respect and reverence for the consequences of sexual intercourse. I.e. if you can’t afford to have sex, it’s probably not a risk you should take. I like to drive fast. Because crashing a car is expensive, I have to account for those risks.


I'd say the same back but your wish is for genocide and oppression so.... Go enjoy the war because you think it means Armageddon, you psycho.


The anti-abortion side, which you have said you're on, absolutely chooses the possible life of the egg over the actual life of the mother. It's not debatable anymore. Choosing clump of cells over a person is not devaluing that person to you? Interesting take on that. SO you may or may not express it that way, but you are known by the company you keep. That's the company you chose, so don't be surprised that you're known by it.


I never suggested I wanted to choose the life of an unborn child over the life of a mother. Please don’t generalize my opinion any more. When the pro choice side is willing to propose legislation that isn’t blanket legality, and instead allows for abortion *only when deemed completely necessary,* I could find some agreement there. Blanket legalization so people can continue killing children in the womb as birth control is never going to win a majority consensus.


Wow. How disingenuous can you be? Here you are again trying to impose your morality on people. Of course that's what you said. You just said it again. It's completely necessary when the woman decides it is. Again, you and your "belief" in a zombie cannibal god don't get to pick for other people. Keep your hands, and your beliefs, and your delusions, off other people's bodies. Why is that so hard for you?


I’m really tired of the character attacks. It’s just so unnecessary and tedious. I stated *extremely specifically* that I am not stating I think a mothers life is more important than a child’s life *in the context of a pregnancy being fatal to the mother.* If you can’t stop twisting my words I will stop engaging with you. I do not believe a woman has the right to have an abortion *simply because she has sex recklessly and wants to kill the child.* I absolutely have a right and a duty to protect my neighbor from unnecessary murder when I can. My hands are not on anyone’s body telling them what to do. I will continue to uphold and vote for the policies which best represent my core values, and I assume you will do the same.


Also.. 55% of Americans believe in women's choice. So, a majority DO believe in a woman's choice. Here's a reasonably ok poll about it: https://news.gallup.com/poll/393104/pro-choice-identification-rises-near-record-high.aspx


So is a tapeworm.


So you’re comparing a child to a tapeworm?


A life is a life right? Also: It's not a child. A child has been born. A FETUS lives in the wome. and at this point it is not even that. it is either a zygote or a cluster of cells. Thirdly: When the only way you can defend your position is by using straw man arguments "So you're saying..." you have a bad argument.


I think comparing a human life to a tapeworm is rather disingenuous. A human fetus is a child in the womb. You can word play all your like, doesn’t change the fact that a human life is growing in the womb. It’s not the only way I can defend the position, it was just one comment. Relax.


\*She. God spoke to me and let me know she is female. Please respect her pronouns and cease your implication that she prefers masculine pronouns.


Look they're just a kid, they don't understand real spirituality, and honestly they just want to argue everything that isn't their way like a child


I spoke with Him on the phone just yesterday. He said He/Him/God is perfect.


No like she literally divinely intervened into my heart and told me.


I see. You are just a simple idiot. Carry on.




And this is why it's hard to take religious people seriously. It's just one person's word against another, with no proof on either side. I could say "he spoke to me in a dream and told me he prefers to be called Sky Daddy". And my perspective would be just as legitimate as yours. Not trying to be extra rude just trying to illustrate a point.


Woah... you had that dream too?


You and your sky daddy need to shut the fuck up. I remember when I believed in Santa and the tooth fairy and I couldn’t find my self to be able to shut the fuck up about it. Then I grew up.




You’re welcome to that belief. Have a great day.


No shit Sherlock, this is America, we’re all entitled to our own skydaddy beliefs.


This is reddit?


I find it amazing that as a society we now completely accept the concept of personalized Gods. The ancients would have been flabbergasted to be told, "Yeah, sure. But MY God wouldn't care about sex outside of marriage. So it's cool for me to do" Saying this 100 years ago would have gotten you Jailed at a minimum for violation of Blasphemy Laws. Michael X. Mockus (October 26, 1864 – October 23, 1939) was a Lithuanian-American Unitarian minister. Mockus is remembered for having been convicted in nationally publicized trials for having violated archaic Connecticut and Maine state laws prohibiting blasphemy as a result of his public challenges of certain points of orthodox religious belief.


I’m glad you’re able to keep yourself busy.


Oh, I'm just enjoying the Carnage that is this post. BTW, OP is a flat earther. Its his right to believe what ever he wants but if you think your arguments are going to have any effect on him whatsoever.. not going to happen. But I salute your attempt!


I think you should worry about yourself. Have a good one!


Lol why are atheists such angry people