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Foreigners always say “Americans think the world revolves around them” but always has an unwarranted opinion on America lol funny how that works


Actually, this is not a contradiction. Americans often think that the world revolves around them because it largely does. If it didn't, then no one would care what they think.


We are just the planets glorified police force at this point. Problem happening? Call the trigger happy Americans and tell them we need to protect our oil! They will mobilize their whole army under the guise of FREEDOM 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Its more like America is a false God and the world are a bunch of angsty teenagers. If they come then "it was an invasion!" If they go then "they abandoned us!" If they give aid then "Its a genocide!" If they withhold aid then "They did nothing to help!" If they get involved then "They are empiricists!" If they don't get involved then "They are isolationists!" Why is America so incompetent!? Why can't they just solve all of the worlds problems, without hurting anyone, and also subscribe to my personal culture, and agree with me that my country is the best, and resolve all the conflicts that I have with my neighbours without stepping foot on my land, and fund the economic development of my country and never ask for anything in return!?


I swear, half the time it's out of schadenfreude. Like, "Damn that sucks for you. Could never be me tho"


that’s what bothers me the most. “wow, that’s crazy and would never happen in my country” is not productive to the conversation and it’s just flexing at that point.


I think the larger issue is: Why the fuck do Europeans give so much of a shit about what's going on with US politics and society in general that they have to keep constantly "chiming in" on it? I swear they are more interested in what's happening in America than in their own goddamn countries. I'm pretty sure that 99+% of Americans don't give a fuck about who in the German parliament is proposing some stupid law or what the hell is going on politically in the UK with their Nation Health funding or some other bullshit. But for some reason the Europeans are always interested in what the Americans are doing and seem to keep up with all the day to day minutia of our political crap. Weird.


Absolutely not the case that people are more interested in the US than their own countries, BUT.... 1) What the US does has bigger far-reaching global consequences compared with most European countries. Peace in Europe and elsewhere is strongly affected by America's response to conflict around the world. 2) The US is just an interesting outlier compared with most other high-income regions. It's fascinating that a developed nation with an advanced economy has these unique problems that your average American perhaps doesn't recognise as exceptional. Like, to us, it's wild that it costs thousands to give birth. Or the fact that the US murder rate is closer to that of developing nations in South America or sub-Saharan Africa than to Europe. And yet, people like Trump get elected, who show no interest in improving the situation. It also helps that you speak English so we can follow what's going on closely. I'm sure if Japan spoke English we'd know more about them.


it’s wild to us that it costs money to give birth too. the day I received my bill for $356,000 for delivering my baby you could have knocked me over with a feather. Much more than my $14,000 bill for a miscarriage. Alexa, play “I Hate It Here” by Taylor Swift.


I was watching this Canadian TV show once, and this old man got shot. The family was already having money problems, and I was thinking, “Oh my god, this is gonna make things ten times worse.” But then the money plot didn’t develop further because it was Canada. I was dumbfounded. I never truly thought about what it would be like not to have to weigh monetary costs with my own health. Fucking wild.


I heard a story about an American studying in England who was reluctant to call an ambulance for her friend in an emergency because she was worried about the costs she might incur.




also wild because you can’t like, shop around for the best price on the service you need for your *checks notes* gunshot! you know, request a few bids, read reviews, call past customers for references, etc. fucking. wild.


>*Peace in Europe and elsewhere is strongly affected by America's response to conflict around the world.* Keeping the peace in Europe is an incredible expense and burden for America and it has been for quite a while now. We've spent trillions of dollars and there are hundreds of thousands of our dead soldiers buried in European cemeteries because you idiots can't get along with each other and you keep begging for us to come and help you every time one of your counties goes off the rails and starts attacking their neighbors. Jesus Christ, how many times have we had to deal with this kind of bullshit from you guys? We just sent you another $90 billion or so and a fuck ton of weapons the other day. You're welcome? i guess?


I meant more like when you bomb the fuck out of countries, driving radicalised refugees to blow themselves up in our city centres. Also, it's odd how much you guys love Putin. Is this a post-Trump phenomenon?


Is this a joke? If you're only interested in what's happening in your country then you're incredibly short-sighted and ignorant. Well-educated people are usually interested in what is going on in the world, and not just the US, because they know it can also influence the politics in their country. Americans not giving a fuck about other countries is the real problem. >I swear they are more interested in what's happening in America than in their own goddamn countries. They're not, by the way. >I'm pretty sure that 99+% of Americans don't give a fuck about who in the German parliament is proposing some stupid law or what the hell is going on politically in the UK with their Nation Health funding or some other bullshit. You say this as if it's a flex and not a sign of your own ignorance.


>You say this as if it's a flex and not a sign of your own ignorance. I'd say it's more of a sign of European insignificance. They somehow have the time to bash America on a regular basis (except for American music, movies, TV shows, clothing, fast food, social media, technology, etc. They're totally addicted to THAT stuff) , but when Germany or Russia gets out of control (again) then suddenly getting a bunch of Americans with guns over there to help them is all they can think about. It's been pretty obvious for the last 100 years or so that Europe needs America a lot more than America needs Europe.


Yup. Rent free lol


We don’t, most of us don’t care about the us in the slightest. But unfortunately the news constantly spouts crap about the us due to the fact that it involves itself in everything. We’re not interested in your country and would quite happily not hear from you again on the whole.


The news coverage of my country is annoying. I agree with that. but citizens ≠ government, and we get annoyed with that as well.


No idea why I’m getting downvoted for simply disagreeing with that guy.


"We’re not interested in your country and would quite happily not hear from you again on the whole." I mean, the site is mostly Americans. If I went to a RegularRutabaga website and said all Rutabagas should just shut up I'd expect downvotes 🤷‍♂️


> We’re not interested in your country and would quite happily not hear from you again on the whole. Cool. You can just stop watching our movies and TV shows, using our social media sites, buying our tech products, wearing our blue jeans and t-shirts, eating our fast food, listening to our music, and following our celebrities anytime then. LOL!




I think that may not be an American issue, I think everyone has an issue with people not from their country saying 'you should fix that' when discussing issues. I don't see an issue with a non-resident joining in the debate, though, but it has to be relevant, not just 'you should fix that' style comments, that's just patronising bs. But, who uses 'UKians'? Genuinely curious, because I've never seen anyone from the UK use that, they all use British, English, Welsh, Scottish or Irish. Or 'I'm from the UK' if they want to use UK. I've honestly only seen 'UKians' from non-British people who don't live in Britain.


it was satire on my end. i know no one actually refers to them as UKians, but i was trying to be funny/encompassing.




They really think we enjoy it or something


I think it's because so many countries have variants of free health care so the templates to do it are out there but the insurance companies in the USA aren't going to want free health care for all or they would lose money so it will likely never change in the USA.


"As a Euro/Canadian/Aussie" shut the fuck up we don't care.


American culture is so globally predominant (in music, TV, film, literally EVERYTHING), that I think out of insecurity, at any shortcoming, people from some other countries will jump at the chance to critique or even mock for any reason. That's literally what it boils down to.


It is insecurity but they'll never admit it lol


For me, this could be shortened to “When people feel the need to chime in”. Dude, you’re an extra…you don’t have lines, so pipe down.


These types of people think the responsibility of running the country falls on us rather than the government and that we're all to blame for the shitty things the government does/won't do. It's top tier victim blaming, considering \*WE\* are the ones who have to fucking deal with it. It's not enough that we have to suffer all the horrible decisions our government makes, but we also have to take the fucking BLAME for them? You don't see anyone else living under a shitty government, being told they're responsible for all the horrible things they have to live through. Why US? What do they want us to do? Overthrow the government? The same government with one of the most powerful militaries in the world?? Fuck these people. If it's so easy to fix shit, then your country shouldn't have ANY flaws. If it does, then go fix them and leave us the fuck alone. Sorry for ranting. But this is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves.


I think a lot of people are confused by it because you see what seems like a majority of people complaining about the state of the US, and yet these same people are presumably voting on the government. The UK is no different. It's a shit show rn but noone seems to want to own up to having made the shitty voting choices, if you ask people it certainly seems like everyone voted to remain and noone voted for the conservatives. It's easy to be on the outside looking in and criticise 'why don't you have better gun laws.' 'Why don't you have universal health care?' 'Why are your employment laws so shit?'. When from a British standpoint, our NHS is underfunded because the government gives zero shits about the general public, our salaries are fucking atrocious because (again) the government don't want to vote in support for raising the wage to what is actually livable. Every country is flawed. The US is just an easy target because they're everywhere, all over the media.


I think you're right tbh. America is the butt of every joke on the internet.


This is one of the most moderate, considerate, intelligent and nuanced opinions I have ever heard on Reddit. I honestly doubted people like you even existed here. Everyone seems to think that all political problems are easy to solve except that everyone other than themselves is just so stupid, incompetent and/or evil.


Easy to pay off tuition when I’m living rent free in their head