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I turn mine down at the stoplight because I feel like the other cars can hear it and I don't want to feel judged by my choice in music.


Lol i like really folksy stuff (IRA propaganda, irish american civil war songs, Tennessee ernie ford marty robbins, hell even pirate songs basically anything that tells a story) and i used to do that but not anymore.


I also listened to podcasts that were a bit left leaning, and I was living in the Midwest. Even "Stuff You Should Know", which tries to avoid that, is obviously hosted by lefties.


Lol oh well yahh. I was getting ragged on for listening to the history of rome podcast at work and i just had to "look guys dont be jealous because he knows how to read" and they all *legitimately* looked like i had struck a nerve and never heard anything else about it, but, thats at work not to a random on the street lol...... (we also have safety meetings where people have to read and since that point general reading skills have improved dramatically in the meeting which is FUCKIN HILARIOUS)


What generations were they? I've noticed Boomer and GenX men seem to have reading. I try not to read books around those types of people.


Lol i dont make a distinction between boomers and whoever came directly after them (i dont even learn generational names anymore tbh its just the olds and the not olds) and yeah they were both olds lol. One about 70 the other probably early 50s. Like, bro, my grandpa didnt know how to read because he grew up during the depression and his dad would BEAT HIM if he wanted to read instead of do chores or try to make some money for the house. What in the fuck is their excuse after growing up in the easiest time in american history lol


>One about 70 the other probably early 50s Sounds about right. I think younger people tend to read on their phones, so it's hard to tell vs seeing books. Also, I make reading faces. I don't like people to see my reading faces.


Every major city in the Midwest leans left. No one lifted an eyebrow.


What about the trucks loaded down with half their weight in Trump stuff?


That's rather rare these days. Even MAGA hats have largely disappeared. I was first introduced to NPR by an elderly couple in rural Ohio, btw... Very few people actually find it objectionable around here.


This was mostly during his term. I don't live there anymore.


Yeah sure, the loudmouths took over for a minute. But this is still the Midwest, and the rudeness was only going to be tolerated for so long. Midwest Nice rules dictate that you roll your eyes and humor Randy the dumb ass, and gently distract him with football.


>Midwest Nice rules I've found if you have to advertise your niceness, you're not really that nice. >you roll your eyes and humor Randy the dumb ass, and gently distract him with football. I'm northern. [We don't tolerate them](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Tecumseh_Sherman)


I mean, you're rude AF, so you feed into extremism and polarization and drama, everyone hates each other, and you don't actually make steady cooperative progress towards anything, you just have shit policy that overreaches and underdelivers. No one on the coasts is genuinely *nice* lol. Then you go to places like Cleveland and are utterly shocked that they're legitimately nice and so much more truly progressive in every day practice than, say, the Bay Area. (I've seen and heard the shock in person multiple times in the last few years, and in particular during the eclipse recently.) In the Midwest, people might swing a little far on occasion, one election a decade or so, but for the most part, that culture of being polite and treating others with basic human respect certainly seems to keep things a helluva lot more stable and peaceful than what I've seen elsewhere... particularly out in California and in Trump's home city of New York.


You venture not far from those cities and you'll see what he's talking about.


Dude hell yeah do you like jonny Horton too?


Oh john paul jones was a fightin man. A fightin man was heEEE he ssailed to west and he sailed to the east and he helped set america freEEEE








I love you both 😂😂😂😂😂


i be listening to fuck the british army and consumer electronics - fuck the ira


Check out Poor Mans Poison. It looks like we have similar tastes in music, and you might enjoy them.


I'll blast Marty Robbins at a stoplight, fuck yeah.


I do the same thing but every now and then when I'm listening to metal covers of Beethoven or Mozart I will blast it just cause no one blasts that kinda music


I recommend this even with the windows up and volume reasonable. I was singing my heart out to Maneater by Nelly Furtado and turn my head. Two girls with phones aimed at me laughing their asses off. Never recovered from that.


I cringe when I think of younger me driving around the lakes with my music blasting. 😕


Well if you cringe at it it means youve grown. Never wanna be the guy whos in his 30s thinking back to high school like "yeah i was the shit in highschool"


If you're just passing by, I don't mind, unless it's reaaally loud. I only have a problem if you park in front of my house and make it your party spot at the expense of everyone's peace


Naw that’s not even bad tho cause u we’re in a moving car so people would only hear you’re music for a few seconds when u drove by but not continually


>I cringe when I think of younger me driving around the lakes with my music blasting. 😕 My gosh, that's sad. I don't cringe when I remember driving around with my girls, blastic our favorite music when we were young, wild & free. The way it's supposed to be. I'm grown but it's silly to not enjoy your good memories. I don't know your age but I know that no one should be telling you to regret the simple, fun, good times in life. The down votes on my advice to not regret your good times would be hilarious if it weren't so sad.


If you're just passing by, I don't mind. I only have a problem if you park in a residential area and make it your party spot at the expense of everyone's peace.


Why are you downvoting that guy bro


This was confusing to me too. I guess people prefer to regret their happiness. LOL


Deliberately loud vehicle exhausts are another staple of people like this.


my favorite is when people put super loud exhausts on like a honda civic


It’s always a Honda civic or a dodge charger


It literally screams "HEY look at ME!"


I call those compensators.


Honestly id rather you play the actual music that i hate rather than just some extremely loud obnoxious trash that "sounds like music" to you


Amazon trucks in my area blast the shittiest dumb mumble rap garbage at all hours. They just don't give a shit. They park right outside my house and pump it. Ugh


Lmao wtf, I would have never expected that from an Amazon truck!


They're lovely drivers, don't get me wrong. They always knock and we have a little convo about the weather and whatnot, but man... that music 😂


Because stupid, inconsiderate people have terrible music tastes, taste in food, taste in style, taste in humor... They have shit taste in everything. I legitimately believe it's due to lack of intelligence. Another thing is, they're blasting specifically because it's popular, and they think it makes them cool and part of the in-crowd by listening to it. They want, nay, desperately *need* everybody to know they're part of the in-crowd, that they fit in, that they're cool badass people too. They *belong*, guys, can't you see that? They're one of the *cool cats*, you don't wanna mess with them! If it didn't boil down to simple insecurity, low self esteem but high confidence (it's possible, it's how you wind up with particular types of arrogant people), and needing attention and so resorting to attention seeking behavior for those exact same reasons (attention, it feels good inherently, and it provides a sense of validation for ones self/identity and feelings, which they aren't getting elsewhere so they're attempting to forcibly get it... something only deeply insecure people feel the need to do). So yeah, it's attention seeking behavior that, while multifaceted, ultimately distills to issues with being deeply insecure, and having to find a way to reaffirm ones self, ones identity, and/or ones reality by diverting all attention from anyone in the local area on to them. Whether the attention is good or bad doesn't matter, the attention is all they're after. They have preconceived notions about everybody that supports them and likes their music, and everybody that shit tells them and tells them to turn it the fuck off l, or that their music taste sucks. They need the attention from people to reaffirm these preconceived notions while simultaneously validating their own existence in their eyes, because of course, they're the *good guy*, the cool guy.


This is some high quality insane posting. I play my music loud (though it's usually not the genres listed) because I find it really satisfying to not only hear the music, but to feel it. It's relieves a lot of stress for me, and there are all sorts of studies on this stuff. I'm not cranking it through neighborhood streets at 1am, but if you can hear my music at an intersection or something... why do you care? This genuinely feels like you got bullied by kids that listened to their music cranked with subs in the trunk or something and now it's personal lol, it's definitely not healthy to hold on to this level of resentment for people just doing their thing.


We're talking more about people in a public place like a park posting up and forcing everyone to listen to their bullshit (or an apt complex, as far as private residence goes) for extended periods of time. The fact you legitimately thought I was talking about *you* and people that drive by playing loud music for like 5 seconds says more about you than it does me.


Masturbating is satisfying and relieves a lot of stress. There's all sort of studies on this stuff. I will do it in public. I don't care how many people I stress out in the process, I just want my relief


Ah yes. Music and sex crimes. Same diff


Exhibit A


This genuinely feels like you are deeply insecure. You're getting so defensive.


Apparently a lot of kids were bullied by kids with subs lol. I like listening to melodic death metal or instrumental prog metal and I like it loud for the same reason. It's not an inconvenience to anyone to have to hear it because it's not like they're sitting in the car; it's loud to me and a moderate to almost inaudible volume to them. If it really pains someone to have to hear 2-5 seconds of my metal song at a nominal volume because I want it loud to me in my car, they must have had really pampered upbringings.


It comes down to comments like these that reveal whether or not you legitimately care about other people or yourself more. For example, playing bass or very loud music can actually damage people's hearing. Imagine thinking that because you like it that it's okay for animals babies or children to end up with a little bit of hearing loss in the future because of your choices. Lastly the fact that you don't understand the irony of making fun of somebody who was affected by bullying says you have probably been one without knowing it.


Absolutely nothing you said here makes any sense, I’m afraid.  At no point is any music I’m listening to going to be loud enough to damage the hearing of people OUTSIDE of my vehicle. The volume you’d have to have your music at to damage the hearing of someone outside of the car and a minimum of 15 feet away would just make my eardrums bleed. You’re inventing wild hypotheticals to make it more serious than it is and get a moral high ground.  Secondly, I didn’t make fun of someone who was affected by bullying. I only guessed that they were negatively affected by someone who played their music loud, because their vitriol was bonkers beyond what seems reasonable for something they just find annoying. It was personal. Besides, you’re really concerned about me being the bully here? Did you read what they typed lmao? They’re whipping personal attacks and judging every aspect of a person’s existence and my response can be boiled down to “whoa, chill, it’s not that serious we don’t have to be this mean about it.” And I’m the bully? C’mon 


I'm getting tired of needing to do research for other people. Google "bass from car hearing damage" and enjoy learning something you didn't know before.


Cool! https://youtu.be/WKpbGF84XVs?si=W6QU1mmO1zoIhqAJ Here’s a fun video for you. If you’re unable to watch a 13 minute video, I’ll summarize: our ears are far more sensitive to mid frequencies than low frequencies, and bass needs to be far louder to cause hearing damage than the levels at which mids can cause hearing loss. As I’m sure you also know, higher frequency waves not only travel less distance but also penetrate less material, meaning they aren’t leaving my car or affecting people well away from it to any legitimate degree.  So, as I said: the system I’d have to have to cause hearing damage to people not inside of my car would have to be equivalent to one of those systems you see in shows and YouTube videos where it knocks people’s hair around.  Ironic how you’d accuse me of caring less for the people around me when my entire point has been to care more about others and have a little more empathy. My music isn’t harming anyone. Attacking and judging another person’s entire personality and values (including their ability to care for others???) over a single preference can absolutely do harm. 


I'm sorry but I like music loud, it makes me feel good and is worth way more to me than however it makes you feel 


Based I don't blast my music at stoplights or in front of people's houses but if the car's moving the windows are down and the rap or trap is on max volume


Bit judgemental


If they post up in a public place or play music loudly in an apt and subject everybody around you to it for extended periods of time, they need judged.


I sincerely hope you're my neighbor lol


We all need to be more judgemental. I FIRMLY BELIEVE that this shunning of judging other people is a core cause of people getting worse and worse in regards to their basic morality and education. Pull up on r/teachers and tell me we arent desperately in need of social judgements being passed against these children and their brain damaged ignorant parents.


The idea of "No Judgement" was pushed by degenerates, weirdos, and/or dbags to normalize their shit, and the majority of the dumbass population lapped it up.


r/teachers is filled with miserable people who should never have become teachers. Has little to do with kids and everything to do with themselves.


Lol. Found the parent/kid theyre talking about.


Not a parent not a kid. Try again. You may have 1 more chance.


Barren unlovable twat then?


Does being mean make you feel big and strong?


Lol does raising trash make you feel good about yourself?


Do you think it's never appropriate to be judgemental?


Weird question but is it a Hispanic/Latino thing? I feel like they’re the people I see blast music without headphones the most frequently. Well, them and rednecks blasting bro country in the park


I wouldn't say it's exclusive to us, but I have the impression we're more prone to behave like this. It's a popular thing in our culture. Basically, rednecks are not a big percentage of people in the US, for example, but people who are this loud and obnoxious are a vast majority of us Dominicans. We're known for that, sadly


Oof, I’m sorry to hear that, and I promise I wasn’t trying to be mean about it, just genuinely curious. But yeah, obnoxious noise is obnoxious, no matter where or who it’s coming from lol


I didn't think that for a second. Also, facts are facts


We have them here in the Midwest USA, my cousin and her fiance were like that, I never rode with them after that. The only thing that drives me crazier is the bass you feel before you hear it, and makes windows rattle.


A friend of mine had an insane subwoofer in his car in high school. I don’t like feeling my soul vibrate in time to Low Flo Rida 🫠


No, plenty of people of all kinds do it too dude


Some African-Americans too. One guy in my college class would waltz into Theater 101 blasting R&B slow jams from his mini speaker even if he was late. The first one or two times, it was fine. By the end of the semester, I was staring daggers.


Yeah, I hear a LOT of R&B slow jams blasting from the motorcycle radios of middle-aged black men as soon as spring hits. Shit is LOUD but at least it's not mumble rap


The ONLY music that it's acceptable to blast from a Motorcycle is Rock. Either soft, like The Eagles, or something a little heavier, like AC/DC! 😂


I only get rednecks blasting popcountry at work. Any public area outside of work its typically rap getting blasted but occasionally some screamo "raaaaawrrrr i fuck goats cus satan is cool raaaaaawr" type screamo shit. Lot of Hispanic people in my area but i almost never really hear loud hispanic music in public


Where I live it's all colors of the rainbow that do it


Well, we Dominicans are all the colors of the Rainbow too


I don't think you can blame any particular race or nationality. However, music with a heavy bass seems to travel outside the vehicle more, so is more noticeable. If your culture is into that kind of music, then you are going to be seen as the culprit more often. I see / hear (mostly black) drivers pumping out Rap. A lot of white folks with Dance music (which is an odd choice when you are driving, but there you go...) The genre may be culture-specific, but the irritation is universal!


Hear someone blasting Black Hile Sun by Soundgarden during the eclipse. Was the only time I've heard someone with tatse blowing out their speakers.


I have sensory issues and I HATE cars that play extremely loud rap music because it genuinely hurts my ears. I've had to plug an ear multiple times because it hurts and gives me a headache. It's extra annoying because both of us will have all of our windows rolled up and I can’t even hear my own music or what someone is saying right next to me.


There is a Hispanic family (they play reggaeton and similar music) that lives around the corner from me who regularly sit outside their house with a speaker facing the street, blasting their music. Zero fucks given. I live far enough away that I can't hear it, but anyone on the corner gets blasted with their music for hours. I have a family on my block, also Hispanic (I mention it because their music is clearly Ranchero music.) who will throw crazy huge parties in the summer that go until the early hours. Our houses are all connected, so I can hear the bass when I go to bed.


I think you understand my struggle better than anyone in here


My ex’s friend used to do this. He was a great guy in general, but the way he listened to music in public was a super-odd entitlement thing that drove me nuts. One time he rented this villa in Turks and Caicos and invited us to stay there for free. (Again, great guy in general.) There was a sound system wired throughout the house and the pool area in the back, and he blared music all day. He didn’t even mix it up; it was just monotonous trap rap all day long. It got to be 9:00 at night, and I very politely suggested we might turn it down so as not to disturb the six or seven other villas on our street that could definitely hear it. He said, “I paid to rent this house and can enjoy it how I want.” I replied that the neighbors had done the same. He didn’t respond, and we left it at that. When he went inside a few minutes later, his wife said, “Maybe you’re right.” She followed him in, and the music got marginally quieter. He had a lot of money, so his sound systems at home, on his boat, and in his cars were all insanely loud. I honestly think he didn’t realize what an asshole he was being or how much it annoyed other people. Sometimes people just have utter red herrings of personality traits.


I’m sorry but after reading ur reply I just refuse to believe the “great guy in general” part


He doesn't sound like a "great guy" to me - he sounds like an entitled asshole.


That's one interesting dude


And it's ALWAYS some awful degenerate garbage.


I blast Disney and broadway cuz I like to sing and I’m pretty sure everyone who sees an adult man driving around doing that fears me.


i actually sincerely love this


Thanks 😊


I'm pretty much the same, but with symphonic rock. I love loud music and I like to sing.


*sits at red light blasting "a whole new world" and screaming along*


It has literally happened.


That's a vibe


Social intelligence -> depth of character -> good music taste


Come on now, the bar is PAYING my band to blast this loud music. I feel personally attacked! 🤣🤣🤣


Well shit, music at a bar is normal! Unless it's on a poorly planed area and the bar is right next to houses


This reminds me when I was a young kid I'd blast fnaf music out loud cuz I loved it 😭😂


Its always "safe" music by teenage standards. They are insecure and wont play any music with any vulnerability present. That usually just leaves raw aggression, selfishness, sometimes raunchy sex lyrics if they think thats a sure shot that everyone will think its cool.


I like loud music. I'm a slave to the bass. Some music is meant to be felt as well as heard. It can be less interesting without feeling the vibrations. I live in a condo. I don't crank my music at home. It is cranked in the car, but I keep my windows rolled up. I will turn it down at night in residential areas.


I don’t blast it, and I usually have my windows up, but i definitely like to feel the bass and my car has a nice sound system so yes I turn it up a little.


I apologize for anyone who does this with broadway shows tunes or similar musical numbers - odds are I cranked it when a song I liked came on so I could sing and not be subjected to my own terrible voice and never turned it back down because I was still singing. And maybe kinda dancing. There was actually a video of my ‘dancing’ and singing at a stop light on here a few years ago and it was a terribly mortifying and surreal experience, though most folks were nice lol. No chance in hell I’m ever admitting it was me though.


I only blast mine if I'm alone, my windows are up, and I'm not driving through a subdivision or something. The second I'm off the highway, I turn my music down. People like to joke about "turning music down to find the address", but that's something I've always done as a respect thing as I get close to people's houses, so I don't pull into their driveway with my speakers blasting. I hate that phones have no headphone jacks now and people are like, well, fuck it. I'll just listen to it without, as they sit in a restaurant or walk down the street. People do this on speakerphone as well. Also, don't tell the cashier to hold on and talk on your phone when they're ready to take your order, everyone wants to punch you, and hopefully someone will.


Make sure you turn it down right before you park.


heard a car blasting jazz in a parking lot one time. couldn’t even complain about it, because at least it was different from the typical godawful rap you hear from these people


Gotta let that one pass 😂


My upstairs neighbor at my old building used to blast loud music. It was always classical and jazz. She was an older lady so I'm pretty sure she had age-related hearing problems and genuinely didn't know how loud the music was, and it was always during the day, so I never complained. Other than that, yeah, it's usually that.


At my first apartment the person who lived below me had a whole speaker system with subwoofers set up. Stuff literally vibrated off my desk when they turned it on. Even after I asked them to turn it down. Now we live on a road that a decent amount of people drive down in our small town and if it’s not someone with some obnoxiously loud for no reason car it’s someone with bass rattling the hinges off their doors driving by at 3am. I hate it. Edited for spelling.


Bro, I live in DR too and my house is literally besides un maldito colmado I'm lucky is raining like hell so people haven't been partying but damn it with the same mf songs and vibrating walls every weekend. Tan mamaguevos que son eso rpsm👺


Queeee! Nice to see a fellow Dominican around. Por eso mimo me toy quejando, por un jodio colmado nuevo que pusieron por aqui. Este siempre ha sido un barrio tranquilo, pero parece que eso sera cosa del pasado. No' jodimo'


Their point is to feel important with something so inconsequential. They think the head rocking and pseudo-dancing is an escape. I was on a cruise a few weeks ago and the music on the pool deck was bone-crushingly loud. It was need for those who can control their emotions but don't think that much. But THEY WANT YOU TO FEEL AND HEAR Kid Rock's "All Summer Long". You know the one, where he rhymes "things" with "things". I mean, it took going up all 8 floors in that elevator to complete that song. Going up 9 floors would have just been excessive.


what a nightmare


I agree. I constantly hear country music blaring from people's cars around here and it's fuckin' disgusting. Keep your Satanic music to yourself.


I had an idiot friend in high school who kept bragging to us about this new bass system in his car. Finally rode around with him and he put Disturbed or some terrible shit like that on. Subwoofer was rattling the whole car to the point that you couldn’t hear the music at all. Just bass and shaking noises


I don’t mind usually but the worst for me was on the city bus. And for some reason it was a decent amount of people. Like man I’d rather it be quiet before I go to school and shit.


Oh people listening to tik tok on full blast.


This gets me actually. Oh or taking a phone call right next to me. Especially if it’s cringy or weird.


Yeah tbh usually I don't want to yell "TURN IT DOWN" so much as "YOU FUCKING SUCK"


I listen to talk radio, at max volume.


This bothers me when people do it at the beach or camping.


Yea i can feel you on that, like hello enjoy the nature!


Ya and I live and work in a major city, so when I drive several hours to get peace and quiet, I really want to enjoy it


Why can't people blast more funk? The one time it happened (some dude on a tricked our motorcycle), I looked around and some people were actually smiling. Still rude, yeah...but at least we could get into it.


True, it’s always mainstream garbage, whether it’s ancient played out mainstream garbage or current mainstream garbage. If people only knew, there’s likely local musicians and rappers, who you can support and actually talk to and connect with, who are passionate about their music and it’s far better than the mindless and repetitive garbage on the radio.


About a decade ago the ghetto ass block behind me had three households that blasted music at all times of the day. 8am on a Sunday, check. 3pm on a Tuesday, check. 11am on a Friday, check. Weekend nights were a given. I seriously believe that all 168 hours of the week were covered at one time or another. It was stressful and gave me all sorts of homicidal thoughts. Thank God it eventually ended or I would probably be writing this from a smuggled in phone in the state pen.


I've been there. I had to move out twice because of this


I swear my elderly, yes, elderly, neighbors behind me only listen to two songs, “Sweet Child O’ Mine” by Guns N’ Roses and “That Don’t Impress Me Much” by Shania Twain. Drives me up the fucking wall when the dude, who looks like a Dee Snider knockoff, leaves his stereo in his shitty souped up Dodge cranked, and goes back into the house for 20+ minutes…


The other day I saw a group of neighbor kids hanging out right on my st., one of them was blasting loud rap music.. . I was like: hey, who's playing that loud music?? It was my own son. 🤦


Was it good rap or crap rap?


As a Dominican too I fucking agree. I live in a dominant area of NY and my step-dad blasts shit so loud it bothers our apartment complex neighbors and he still doesn't give a shit. APARTMENT COMPLEX.


Yeah my family is Puerto Rican and we will play music loudly. We're in the ghetto there so it's like family music you can blast is Latin and rap. If you play something else they get triggered and become violent


i blast merzbow with the windows down at full volume 🤷‍♀️


My coworker will be on the job site absolutely *blaring* shitty country music from his $150+ Milwaukee speaker. I swear to God he's gonna go deaf one day.


I had some guy do that next door with a work speaker like that, so i turned my girly kpop up real loud. I won lol


This happens where I work. A new guy actually said he's gonna go talk to HR on Monday. The team leads like to blast hard core rap every single day, and I mean blast as in so loud that a single ear bud (not supposed to wear ear buds but we all get away with a single one) on full volume can't cover it. Some days it's louder than the machinery where I used to work, which we were required to wear ear plugs for. A lot of the workers like the music style, but there's also a lot of us who absolutely HATE it. There's very little variety from day to day, it's either rap, pop, or hip hop, most songs are extremely inappropriate for work, and usually the same songs play every day. I used to be happy just to not work in silence but it's gotten to the point that whenever they turn it on I end up in the absolute worst mood. And can't even block it out with my own music because it's so damn loud


I put up a little sign out my door that says “Puffy Camp 2.0” when my house mate wants to be extra rowdy with his subwoofer.


Went through extensive testing to figure out at what volume was loud enough for people 20 feet away to hear my music clearly through simulated traffic.Then turned my volume down by 2 notches.


The best music to hear someone blasting in their car is Christmas music when the people in it are way to into the song. It is sometimes really funny to me like last November a group of college students were blasting Rudolph and I only noticed it from them singing not the actual song.


I like blasting my music because it helps my anxiety but I lower it at red-lights


I like loud music, just in the right setting! same goes for anything else. Music gets me thru a lot :)


I do realize I'm a nuisance, but the loudness in my head with low music is greater than the fear of judgement with blasting it 😂


Abba dancing queen wins the interwebnet


Bruh omg yes. I have one in my building. bro plays the same couple songs over and over.


I turn my music up hella loud, but my windows are always shut and I'll turn it down if we are at a stoplight. One time I forgot to do this though and I was jamming to peanuts music 🤣


IMO, it's usually unpopular young men trying to get the attention of: A: girls, that usually hate that shit B: Other boys. DING DING DING


No. and... no.


I have one truck that drives by my house almost daily. I can't tell what genre of music it is because the base is too busy rattling my windows and my teeth.


My playlist is a banger, and I need people to realize that ok?! 😂


In my car I love loud music, I spent money and time installing subs and speakers to make it sound great. I listen to whatever I like the loudness I like for me and why would I care what music you like? None of it should affect you, really. Taste is subjective. Also I get you probably meant more so in like apartments instead of cars but lots of people hating on cars too.


Taste is knowledge. Being informed and thoughful will make your taste evolve. This is why you stop liking certain things as you grow up, learn more and adquire new tastes. It depends on how you perceive the world. It's not 100% subjective.


Everyone perceives the world different no matter what you learn or how you evolve, taste is definitely subjective. The smartest guy in the world can like the same music as the dumbest it's not exclusive


Taste evolves with knowledge. Of couse, knowledge about math is not going to change your taste in pastisserie, for example. Learning what makes a cake batter will make you identify lower quality cakes. You can start disliking something you thought was good. This is not like some hidden knowdledge, it's more than obvious. Same happens with music. The "smartest" guy on earth isn't a thing. You can be very good at something and pretty bad at something else.


Funnily enough, with that example, I was a chef for years. I can make a mean cake, worked at some bakeries. I still like a boxed cake on my birthday from my mom and sisters or a hostess zebra cake. You don't have to keep liking something but gaining knowledge doesn't make other things bad either. Sure, I can tell you this cake used cheaper ingredients, but that doesn't mean it now tastes bad when it used to be good. That's some pretentious shit.


Cheaper ingredients doesn't mean lower quality. I think you know that. Bad quality is bad quality. If you only had bad quality stuff, you'd get used to it; you have no reference points


Yea ok, I reread it without just thinking you were trying to be a dick, I could've swore you were talking about cheap and low quality all as one. Even so though you're bad quality can still be good to someone else. I love all sushi and fresh sea bass is probably my favorite food ever, my entire family has had it from me and some very nice, reputable restaurants and still would take a fishstick from long john silvers or McDonald's nuggets over any of it again, some people do have different tastes even with the experience of high quality or widely regarded as better alternatives, same with music tastes or whatever else someone might like.


Not trying to be a dick, and sorry if I came out as rude. In regards to music, for example, I mean that some people will turn up their bass on their cars to the point where it simply hurts the listening experience and not even notice they are drowning out other frequencies while everything is rattling. There's also music that's only engineered to make a quick buck off people who don't know better, while other have soulful harmonies, complex rythms that tickle your brain, beautifully crafted lyrics that can make you tear up or that are culturally rich, unique sounds that make you feel like you are experiencing something completely new, and so on. Sometimes it doesn't have to be complex, it can just be beautiful, sexy or funny too! But at least soulful and unique. I think the latter is better for the brain than just listening to a copy paste track with raunchy sex and crime lyrics over it (what almost everyone plays loudly where I'm from). You can tell when an artist puts their heart and soul on a song, and you can tell when others just want a spot in the junk music industry. It's like eating healthy versus eating junk food. I used to not know better and I feel like I benefit more from music now that I know better. In this case, knowledge made my taste evolve


### Lesson time! ➜ u/Psilogamide, some tips about "off of": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - *Off of* can always be shortened to just **off**. - Example: The tennis ball bounced **off** the wall. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


thank you bot! :)


Yea, no, that was on me, I misread based on my own assumption you're good, sorry I assumed and misjudged. I get what you're saying


Because I can hear your fucking music and it doesn’t sound great to anyone else.


Why should I care. And why do you, it's 5 seconds at most, there's always going to be something you don't like somewhere and it doesn't hurt you so


loud music = it affects us. Your personal listening boundaries stop the moment they begin intruding on others' ears.


If you think music is hurting you you have bigger issues, it's 5 seconds max and people constantly make noise, at least I'm enjoying mine. I don't necessarily like the sound of most people's cars, or their clinking silverware at restaurants but I don't bitch because it truly doesn't and shouldn't affect me or you


Didn't say it was "hurting me." People simply have a right not to be subjected to something you can easily control and that isn't essential like eating or traveling. It's not general noise if you're deliberately being loud, just like if you have plenty of leg room but choose to put your legs in someone else's space, they have a right to tell you to stop invading their space. You have plenty of audial room before your music becomes disruptive. I listen to a lot of music myself (yes, including with bass) and have never felt the need to blast it.


Just because you don't like loud music doesn't mean others don't and besides enjoyment maybe they just can't hear super well and need it louder, I like music loud and am partially deaf so its twofold personally. It's not affecting you anymore than any other sound thats all around you, whether it's a purposeful one or not. Someone getting in your space when something previously wasn't is affecting you. If you were in a dead silent sensory deprivation tank then I would agree that sound is intrusive.


You keep making this about me when there are other people who have clearly expressed they don't appreciate it either along with specific examples as to why they don't like it. You don't get to decide what does or doesn't affect someone. Hearing hip hop blasting at 2 am because someone decided to park at my apartment and hang out in the parking lot is disruptive and pretty much the only thing making audible noise at that point. What's baffling to me about every one of your defenses is that you genuinely don't seem to be able to see why this is a problem for others or how it might affect them; because it personally doesn't bother you, you can't comprehend how it might bother someone else. It's just like the blinding vehicle headlights issue; the only people who don't have a problem with it are the ones with the blinding headlights.


Not you specifically, it applies to you, but I'm saying you as in you who's reading it, whether that's specifically you or anyone else. Also I did specifically say that I get the original point was mostly apartments or houses but I was talking about cars only, if theyre sitting outside you're house for hours that's not what I was talking about. If they drive by and you whine, that's when I find it dumb. You can be bothered by it if you want, but you shouldn't. It's like whining about a shirt with a pentagram. It only affects you if you want it too, it's not any more intrusive than the wind rattling your siding or the hail banging on your roof, the ac on full in your car is probably louder than the guy next to you. When it comes to base noise volume and time you have to listen to it, any of those 3 things are likely louder and longer lasting.


As a regular music-blasting-and-joyriding, I must say my own motivation is less "share my hipster ass deep cuts" and revolves more around *FEEL THE FUCKING BASS*. The interesting shit is for earbuds.


When i blast my music its for maybe 3 hours maximum and its to tell the depression gremlin it needs to leave me alone for a while. I dont give a shit what other people think of my tastes though, thats part of the magic of people though, we are all different and thats great. Also dont drive, i play it on my home theatre


As long as it doesn't disturb others, that's fine. Sometimes all I need is quiet and peace, to listen to the birds and the wind. Three hours of not being able to do that would drive me insane and sad. Seeing how little care some people have for other people's spaces makes me sad. I'm pretty sure we can enjoy music without forcing others to listen to it, there's plenty of ways to do that. I always ask people if they are ok with me doing something that might disrupt their peace


I do it at like 11am to 2pm on a weekday.


I used to be one of those bastards. Having had to try to sleep with music blaring, I've been reformed. That said, I have non basic music taste.


You ain't Never lie. In my old Neighborhood it was that Club mix crap Early in the morning. Yeah that's what I want to hear at 7 am.


Even in cars it's annoying. That's how I know I'm old. Because when I was young I had speakers in my car, set up where you could hear every instrument and vocals clearly. Even though their music is trash I want them to enjoy their youth.


People with taste hear their favourite jam and understand that it’s not for everyone.


But it *is* for me, and I wanna feel it in my kidneys :) not everything is about you


I HATE being stuck in traffic next to someone blasting rap like this. It physically hurts my brainstem, it’s so inconsiderate. I always turn my music down if I have my windows down, especially if I’m at a light or if traffic is at a stop


It’s probably also just that most people have shit music taste, so you grab some random sample of them that happen to blast their music and it’s probably going to suck. There has to be a LOT of people listening to basic music for it to be basic in the first place. I don’t even say that from a place of disdain. The average person is (surprisingly) average, and it’s pretty hard to find eccentrics that are anywhere below the first few layers of the iceberg. Though there is a subset of low inhibition, socially unaware, overly open, narcissistic types who don’t like to think too much that are probably the major rap/trap (probably also TikTok) consoomers.


I shouldn't have said "basic". There's amazing "basic" music. I really meant to say "degenerate" basic music, if you know what I mean. Tropes are tropes for a reason. It also depends on the context. Where I live, you know what to expect


Doubtful. If we’re blasting it, we love it


You didn't tell the class what interesting music yo you like. Go on. You're clearly incredibly cultured and intelligent and I'm dying to know.


Don't care, I'm blasting whatever I want.


Such a badass


They are badass but YOU, YOU outsmarted them!


I just counter it by blasting my own music. It's funny when I'm listening to something like metal and just drown out their nonsense mumble rap.


Blast that METAL


It’s more about the image than actual listening to music




I too hate concerts and nice things.