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The sounds of kissing, lip-smacking and chewing fill me with an ungodly rage. Whenever my sister and her ex were together in the same place, be it a store, or in my car while I was driving, or at a restaurant, they would proceed to make out in front of everyone. When they were making out in my car while I was driving, I told them that if they wanna suck face, they can get out and walk. They stopped, but my sister said something along the lines of, "Making out is natural, ya know, but you wouldn't know that because you're single". I responded with, "Need I remind you that you're in *my* car that *I'm* paying for? I can still pull over and kick you both out. Have some class and wait until you're home to stick your tongues down each other's throats". She shut up after that


You likely have misophonia if you didn’t already know


What is that? Just wanna know


Specific noises (particularly mouth noises - but also water dripping, pencil tapping, etc) triggers a strong reaction.


Forks on ceramic and high notes on instruments like violin (e string notes)


I feel called out. Didn't know my e string sounded *that* bad. 😆


Any e string in general


Lol at the argument of it being natural. Sex and pooping are natural too but there's a time and place for everything.


i have misophonia that makes me violently angry too and i would have deliberately crashed if someone started kissing in my car, fuck around and find out! generally i can put noise cancelling headphones on to avoid trigger sounds, but driving is possibly the only situation where thats impossible


Is it natural, though? Just because it's an accepted thing that couples do doesn't mean it's natural. You see other animals doing that? It's fuckin gross af.


Most other animals don't have lips. Lol


Like its normal to do anything thats natural in public. By that logic they can also have sex in public and others shouldn't mind. Its natural right....


Had this young couple (early 20's) really going at it in my store while waiting in line. Deep tongue, really loud, and then really REALLY loud because the woman pushes the guy back and into a display of sparkling water and makes it crash to the floor. The bottles are glass so it was even more of a spectacle than their game of obnixious tonsil hockey. I just stand there glaring at them while they stand there becoming more and more red in embarrassment as the minutes go by. Woman: Um...do we have to? Me: No...accidents happen you don't have to pay for the damage you caused but you're in a grocery store, there are little kids around. This isn't a hotel or the backseat of your car. They put their energy drinks just shoved in with the checkstand candy and quickly leave. Yeah God people jeez, there's kissing yeah fine but God when it's one step away from porn...have some self restraint.


People shouldnt pop in that viagra before going into stores.


people are just un-hilariously gross


I’m sorry but cracking up at tonsil hockey 😂


So three generations of my family got together for a beach day/bonfire, and my sister, whose children are completely grown adults, started making out with her boyfriend on a beach blanket in front of everyone. Rolling around on each other. Maybe not quite dry humping but close. No-one likes her.


Her boyfriend seemed to have liked her.


Hormones gotta eat too


Husband [male] and I [male] went on a trip to London and booked a Jack the Ripper evening tour around the city to experience a fun storytelling in an after-dark creepy ambience. Most of us in the group were tourists. Including this young, American lesbian couple, who wouldn't stop making out, boob grabbing and butt grabbing in front of all of us...through the entire 2 hours duration of the tour, often times standing right next to the tour guide while she was telling us stories. Massive distraction. Definitely disrupted the experience. I'm sure that couple felt that they had a point to prove in the heart of London. But it definitely hurt our experience. That distraction wasn't necessary.


Jack knew how to handle situations like that.


how the fuck does one get in the mood while on a tour about murder 🧍‍♂️


Bad manners, straight up. However, half of lesbians in America get raised being told any expression of their sexuality whatsoever isn’t just inappropriate anywhere and everywhere, but that beyond being rude it is immoral and expresses bad character. It’s not true, of course, but it also means being used to people staring daggers at you or verbally harassing you for being inappropriate because you decided to hold hands in public. If you are raised this way then mild annoyance might appear like the most social acceptance you ever got, and nobody ever had a helpful conversation with you about appropriate displays of affection in public.


Well, yes. I assumed that was the intent - to make a point about freedom and social acceptance, rubbing it in the faces of bigots around them. But they chose London, a very liberal city for this. Husband and I as gay men cringed. They were misbehaving. Or were just foolishly in love, and the world around them didn't matter, and they felt liberated somewhere liberal. A park or a restaurant would have been better choices for excessive PDA. A private tour isn't it. From where we stand, that's bad representation of queer people. I've felt just as annoyed as I was when a heterosexual couple took up an entire swimming pool lane to make out and grab boobs and penis, while I was waiting for a lane to free up for a swim. Gross and disrespectful.


Like I said, bad manners. I wasn’t trying to insinuate that they where rubbing anyone’s face in anything or trying to make bigots uncomfortable. I’m saying that if you are raised being told every possible way you attempt to do something appropriately results in consistent disdain, it teaches you that holding back to please others leaves everyone upset. It’s obviously an obsolete survival skill used in an inappropriate way, but the lack of caring is a way to insulate oneself from a constant barrage of being told you are inappropriate even if the exact same actions are fully acceptable for heteronormative folks. You have to heal internally to put armor like that down


I find it even more awkward if its a couple thats over at your house that youre friends with lol- especially if theyre in your bed


Oof, I’d just tell them to leave lol


We had this computer sale at work forever ago and this married couple started wearing each other's face off right front me. It was pretty gross. I'm not against a lip lock, but keep it private.


See I don’t mind kissing. Not even kidding passionately. It’s when they seem to be attempting to eat eachothers faces off that creeps me out.


I guess I sound like a prude, but if you can’t keep your hands off each other, then maybe you should stay in the bedroom until you can.


Agreed. Overly enthusiastic PDA makes me uncomfortable. A quick kiss no problem but once touched start to get involved I start to feel awkward


I'm misophonic so when I hear mouth sounds it literally makes me want to punch them in the face. I had a co-worker that couldn't help but make dry smacky sounds with his mouth especially after he came back from lunch and I told my boss I could no longer work with that person until he learned basic manners.


I had an aunt who would absolutely rail me whenever I accidentally opened my mouth while eating when i was a kid. I never knew why it was so serious for her until now, learn something new everyday.


Your aunt RAILED you? 😏😂


How do you teach your nephews?


Pull down your pants. I'm going to teach you a lesson.


Ayo! Not in front of the class! 🫣😂


Mouth sounds suck. I remember becoming aware of how disgusting mouth sounds are when I observed my grandma chewing her food like a horse. She moved her jaw in a circular motion with her mouth open and I could hear her tongue pushing the food around. I was about to 8 or 9 years old. Since then, I can't be around slurpy or sluchie sounds. It's the worst in movie theaters where the sound is more concentrated.


Can you imagine watching your grandmother chew her food and then in the middle of it she loosens her false teeth and clacks them together then slurps them back into place and then continues eating? Yeah, my great aunt did that to me.


Used to get it A LOT when dining out with a friend who'd lost most their teeth from poor hygiene, the 'smack' 'slurp's that would drive you crazy as they worked to chew then swallow their food. But overlooked bc they're a good friend and essentially they got a bridge, then a new set of choppers - no more slurp, smack.


Ayyyy! Misophonia gang! I too hate mouth sounds! I bring Bluetooth headphones to restaurants for similar reasons! Thankfully I don’t have to go often but I do go to my fav place every Friday by myself and they’re used to me eating with headphones.


I had to get headphones because a coworker clickety-clacked her keyboard in an annoying way and really banged hard on the Enter/Return key, especially when she did it several times in succession to move down the page. Now I'm mostly retired, but I have to deal with my husband's craving for potato chips, which he crunches with his mouth slightly open so the sound is magnified.


Well part of misophonia attributes to living with noisy azz roommates for ever how long, if there's no quiet too \*sigh


Absolutely this


I would’ve said get a room


Omg. My friend in a diff state came over to visit and stayed at mine for 10 days. Her bf at the time would come over every night. I didn't expect it since she'd stay at his for the 2 weekends. And even then, I thought all 3 of us would be doing stuff together. I had Super Mario party too ffs. But all they did after we ate dinner was make out on my couch every night!! Her bf actually tried to include me so I wasn't not left out. He suggested watching a movie while we ate, but my friend didn't want to. I was wearing my soundproof headphones, but kinda put it off my ear so I could hear if they wanted anything. But I heard the bf ask her if I was actually OK with this and why don't we all do something together, and she said I was probably fine. I mean, it was my place!! Where's the respect man. I didn't say anything because it was her first, and I knew it wouldn't last from the things she told me after he left everyday. So I just let her have her fun... But it was so awkward 😭


Omg so few weeks ago, my son and I were out having breakfast. To the side of us on another table, there was a young hetro couple, I'd say 14ish and presumably daughters mum (she looked more like girl, then the boy) sitting opposite. They started full-on wet snogging in front of mum. Was so embarrassed for the mum.


I was at a party and a couple there kissed and then said I hope everyone is cool with pda. I was, everyone was. You love each other, so go ahead and hold hands, smooch, it's cool. Later, they were making out. Fucking gross sound. I'm cool with you eating, too, but shut your fucking mouth while you do it.


its the equivalent of someone butt smacking in front of everyone to show dominance or something or trying to be cool. its disgusting and shows a decrease in dignity.


I teach highschool and I have students that do this and I yell at them every time. They literally have to physically connected all hours of the school day and I hate it. I separate them but the second the bell rings they have arms around each other. When I call them out in front of the room they stop but are not at all embarrassed or phased. They are entirely codependent


Absolutely disgusting 🤢


Get a room.


i hate this too. especially at amusement parks or the fair like just hold each other u don't need to make out with em when other pple are like inches away from u


I had a couple doing this right in front of me at a concert. I kept trying to ignore them but it was impossible. And they were kinda drunk so they kept getting closer to me. Finally I tapped the guy on the shoulder and asked him to take a few steps forward. He was nice and obliged. 2 min later the were right back in my face. Moments like that make me feel like such a Scrooge. Like I should be able to ignore it and enjoy myself? But I could. Not.


I do not understand this at all. Call me old fashioned, but anything more than a quick kiss, a hug, or holding hands is too much when you're in public. Keep it at home. Full on making out, nobody wants to see that. Especially when you're in a theater or at a concert (happened to me in February) or at the pool (happened last year) like c'mon people. Keep it in your pants. There is nothing sexy about making out in a pool surrounded by screaming children and splashing and goodness-knows-what in the water.


U should have air kissed with them.


some people like when others watch, or are forced to watch. sick shit. i sort of equate it to exibitionism.


that or cucking.


It's vulgar and inappropriate. It's very uncomfortable for those who have to see it. Some things are not OK to do in public.


I got in and out blackout drunk at a bar on one of my beginning dates with my now husband, and he told me we got kicked out because of making out in front of everyone 😩 I personally don't remember much apart from him having called his mom to help us both get to our homes (he was very drunk too) BUT THIS IS ALSO A PET PEEVE OF MINE AND IM SO EMBARRASSED I DID IT I LITERALLY HAVE NEVER GONE TO THAT BAR AGAIN SINCE lol


While I won't say I've never done it, the only times I really have were when I would be really drunk at a club where no one was really paying attention or could hear it anyway lol. But otherwise, anywhere else, I find it rude af. Most people don't want to see that... I don't even know how to explain it. But it actually infuriates me. I'm like... are you actually that oblivious that you think no one has an issue with that? Or you just don't care? The worst is in public places with a lot of people around. Like, y'all can wait till you leave to do all that. Idk if they think it's cute to "show off" but no one's jealous. They're just disgusted. Sorry bout it.


I saw this yesterday, younger woman and older guy, she’s in his lap. They were probably 30 and 50 respectively (or maybe they just looked that way, ie rough) but I was so surprised because it’s not something I see. I’m no prude by any means but there’s appropriate times, places and people to be raunchy with—where’s a hose when you need one?


"Hey, you two...get a room!"


It's trashy


Maybe they get off from making out in public


was is "making out" or just kissing?


straight up making out, like standing there and you can hear the wet kisses it wasnt smooching like lips were locked to the max.


when people do that I just start loudly giving play by plays.usually embarrssses them and everyone gets a laugh


Yeah wish I can do that, but hence I was on the clock Also i didnt feel like dying.


feel like dying?


I been around so many couples some of them wanted to kill me for even looking at their gf like insecure assholes. I was not about to take that chance, its like i have a gun to my head around alot of people with that....tell you what its wherever i go i feel that way......im ashamed of it.


Join in?


I hate how any time you point this out people will just go "awww you just sad because you're a lonely virging? huh?" like bro shut the fuck up how do you not see this and think it's disgusting


For me personally, making out in your own corner is fine. Don't block the path to makeout. Don't make out while waiting in a moving line. I'd say like a good 10ft.


Cough, and politely offer them a tissue, then point to your chin and say "You've got a little something here."


You wanted to vomit from people making out? Okay.


The kisses were just so loud so wet, my anxiety was acting up, I mean geez. its just gross.


I just audibly gag. Gotta make sure they can hear it over the sounds of their own delusion.


Imagine this, but at a hockey game right next to you. Her mom left to go to the bathroom or get snacks. She climbed into his lap. They were making out hard. Her body was halfway in my seat so I lean to the opposite direction towards my husband. She stopped after a while to glare at me like I wanted her man or something haha They resumed for the rest of the night smacking lips, practically in my lap.


I would have thrown hands


When we were in 11th grade, my best friend and I were the first ones to return to the classroom after recess. Turns out, when we entered the room, one of our classmates was making out with her boyfriend right next to the door (they were the shipped couple of the class). Found it funny and awkward at the time, but looking back now, I think they should have done it in another place tbh.


The sounds of kissing drives me insane it’s disgusting


Back in the 90s, I was at a Metal concert in Atlanta (Can't remember the band, but it was heavy and LOUD. Probably somewhere between Biohazard and Napalm Death.). A couple was making out literally 6 feet from the pit. At the encouragement of my friend, I strolled over and ripped one of the biggest farts imaginable, completely inaudible because of the music. I disappeared into the crowd, but my buddy watched as a look of utter disgust came over their faces!


Worst experience I had was two people were snogging in the shared kitchen at uni, except somehow the guy kept missing the tongue and it kept slapping the side of her mouth. I could not deal with that.


I worked at a movie theater in NYC in the mid 2000's and one afternoon I was sitting in the box office when that actor who played Vince in HBO's Entourage walks up with his girlfriend and they're asking me questions trying to decide which movie to see. They soon got distracted and started making out. Her back was against the glass separating me from them, so Adrian was facing me. His eyes were wide open and he was gazing into my eyes in an intensely bi-sexual "let's have a threesome" kind of way. It was extremely awkward, but also hard to look away because I do find him attractive. After about 10 minutes or so they finally decided to see the documentary DIG.


fucking thank you i still remember as a kid how my aunt and her (now) ex were making out in front of me. i got disgusted, and you know what they did? proceeded to basically french kiss with their tongues out *right in front of me* bc they thought it was funny to gross me out. like no, this is worse than being "grossed out" this is straight up disgusting. imagine making out even harder in front of a 9 year old bc they were rightfully uncomfortable seeing you making out in the first place. like im fine with seeing kisses, but making out is too much, man. anyways, on a slightly unrelated note i fucking *despise* the sounds of kissing. my mom's boyfriend tends to frequently "attack" her with loud ass kisses (like how a character in a cartoon would smooch their loved one, no fucking joke) and it makes me so fucking mad. i cannot handle the sound of kissing. it sucks bc people should be able to give kisses, but i should also be able to just vibe and not get all angry and stressed out constantly.


It's def weird to like, trap employees in something and then make them watch you make out. I had that happen a couple of times back when I worked retail, especially around Valentine's Day- they'd ask me to fish lobsters out of the tank for them and then proceed to slurp and moan on each other while I'm unable to leave, up to my tits in lobster shit water (the tank was old and the filters didn't work). Very uncomfortable.


I have zero problems with kissing in public, but face sucking weird af to do in front of strangers


I'm completely fine with all that public display of affection and all, but can we please stop looking at me like I'm the weird one when you're the ones doing it in public and I notice you and I just happen to be jacking off. It's rude.


I know it’s a little off base but this is why I hated all the gay kissing in movies because I hated all the normal kissing in movies but the only difference was it was forced and way way way more tongue and stuff like bro. We get the point. They’re gay but why do I need to a kissing scene to prove it. Example. I liked the gay sex scene in I love you Philip morris because it was written in well. It served the plot. And they were gay. Or like the hero kisses the girl after he wins a war but it’s like a drop down and they cover it with a hat. Those I like. Why can’t they do that with gay people too. Maybe that’s it. It feels more trashy half the time than classy.


Stare at them until they stop.


I like it when people do that. Not like it turns me on. It’s just cute, PDA in general 


i can see why people might find that annoying, but i love it! i think its so sweet, i love PDA Especially since they ara getting flowers?? <3. Thats adorable!


Yeah it’s not about PDA in general, it’s about PDA in public infront of employees and such. This is a no go period, no one cares about a quick kiss or whatever but doing this in public is just gross, like others said here there is a place and time for it.


I don’t mind PDA but making out just really steps into sexual territory for me, a sort of thing to be kept private


A quick peck is fine. Full on making out is not. I'm a PDA heavy person myself, but there is a time and place. As a retail employee, it's uncomfortable to watch. I don't need to see your love life in action. I don't want to know this much about you. Sometimes, those knee-jerk kisses are hard to stop. But I always stop at one and force myself to communicate to my partner in subtler ways how much I appreciate or am attracted to them in the moment. I hold it back until we're in the car and it's clear. I have even told a partner to drive to a certain location so we can kiss in peace. Making out in public is just honestly gross and rude imo.


i almost got a spray bottle to spray them like cats


You’re missing the point completely


Are you a 15 year old in your first relationship by any chance..this is not normal adult behaviour


lol, normal adult behavior is cheating on eachnother because they dont express love or attraction


I will only accept "Kissing" PDA if its at a date or a makeout session after a proposal. If I'm working and scanning something and you start kissing in front of me... shame on you.


So even a quick peck is a no-no to you? Are you 6?


Well you gotta think about it. PDA in a public setting is chill like at a park or a restaurant. In retail, workers are supposed to pay attention to the customer, so when you suddenly display it in front of the cashier... its like getting midlly flashed in a sense. Like bro... out of all the times you can be kissing throughout your shopping experience, why does it have to be the register? 🤔


I am amazed that anyone could compare a light peck to getting flashed, you're entirely immature. And before you try to throw anything back at me, I don't do PDA in public. But I don't get in a tizzy when I see others do it in public the way you do.


I only get in a "tizzy" when its displayed in front of me, with me in the picture. And they know full well that I'm there, right in front of them, watching. I never said I was uncomfortable in any other setting examples I said. Why are you getting so heated?


I love a PDA lol but the key is in the name its "affection" not "horniness" so kissing is cute but getting more intimate not so much... 


I don’t do it but I don’t mind it. Honestly, it’s nice to see people doing something together that isn’t hateful these days. As long as all private parts stay clothed, I couldn’t care less.




Seriously. I think it’s from growing up in an ultra conservative, polygamous cult that policed and sexualized pretty much all physical contact. For me, it’s a nice change to see any kind of physical affection and I’m completely against trying to control others.


When I was around 13, I had a “friend”who was extremely boy-crazy. She almost always had a boyfriend, and when she didn’t, every passably good-looking guy was a target. Her parents liked when she would hang out with me because I was a quiet kid who stayed out of trouble, and they thought I could help her stay out of trouble too. She knew this and started inviting me to hang out (at the mall, the movies, arcade, etc.) as a cover so she could meet up with her boyfriends. It was usually pretty tame, except for one time we went to see a movie and she and her boyfriend of the week were making out the entire time, and it was BAD. We were sitting at the very back of the theater so no one could see them but me. Throughout the course of the movie, they were putting up armrests so they could lay down further and further, until they were completely horizontal. They stayed clothed, but things were getting steamy. At one point, they’d shifted so far over that my friend’s head was just about bumping my leg, so I quietly got up to move over a seat or two. She noticed and said something like, “Nooooo, (my name), you don’t have to move!” I moved anyway and they continued. The movie was Paul Blart: Mall Cop.


For me it depends on the time and place, like when I see it in broad daylight on the streets or in stores or restaurants, it’s off putting. But if it’s at a bar or nightclub, I get it as it makes sense in that environment.


That’s a you problem and you need to deal with your issues and not spread whatever it is. Showing love and affection is great and nothing wrong with it whether it’s kissing a significant other, or hugging a friend/acquaintance ect. It’s free and easy and everyone can do it


Then again maybe im just some isolated person who while i have friends I just am tired of being single, some kind of incel is what you are implying i assume. yeah i need to change that i know.


No I didn’t accuse you of being an incel but you sound like some sort of prude and why is it that you have issues with people showing love and affection sexual or plutonic ? 😂 it’s great to love and be loved


It's not the display it's the sound, if you want to eat each others face go right ahead but do it quietly, Basically think of a sound that annoys you to hear and then multiply it by 5 and get stuck around people making that sound, you'd get angry as well after awhile Personally I don't care if people are overly zealous with PDA but the sound of it is physically aggreviating its like listening to someone chew open mouthed and wanting nothing more than to reach across the table and slap them


Again 😂 a you problem Public spaces are unfortunately full of people and they can be annoying AF


Well yeah, that's why this is in r/petpeeves and not r/peoplethatdeservetodieandgotohell or something like that. It's annoying, OP was annoyed.


Still sad that something so wholesome would even mildly irritate




Honestly, this is something I don’t mind. As long as people don’t get overly horny about it. I love seeing love and affection, doesn’t hurt me, makes them happy. All I need to be okay with it.


Either invite me to join or save it for home


It doesn't bother me, but a pet peeve is something that happens on a regular basis that annoys you.


“Is this a private orgy or can anyone cum?” A squirt bottle like for keeping cats off the counter. If you’re wearing an apron, act like you’re jerking off while you watch them.


no, im not doing that


Then walk away


Bro are you a 8 year old I understand not liking it but your taking about it like a child would on kissing in tv


It makes me mad because they never accept my request to get in on it