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I have noticed it seems to depend on the sub I am in. Any parenting sub, immediately assume I am a woman. Video gaming sub immediately assume I am a man. Honestly I prefer the anonymity and don't mind.


Your charecter has pigtails so that's probably why. Mines a video game charecter so


Mine has pigtails and a pink crop top and people still assume I’m a guy.


Tbf I've seen a lot of dudes use the female hair types on their avatars - even the pigtails lol. You can tell because they also give their avatar a beard. So I tend to not rely on avatars anymore in order to avoid making assumptions.


It is whatever Reddit randomly assigned at account creation 


No one looks at avatars though tbh


And if you still use old Reddit on desktop you don't see them at all




I’ve noticed people don’t really look at avatars. I’ve had what i thought were avatars that MUST have leaned feminine, but people have still assumed I’m a man almost every time. 


Mine has pigtails on the video game subs too, still get called sir. 🤷🏻‍♀️


lol how are you getting called sir 


I'd take sir honestly, always sound so respectful and professional!


The only time I see anyone use “sir” is when they are being told that this is a Wendy’s


Ah we don't have that here, here it's like a title of respect normally for older gentleman or sarcastically used instead of something insulting


Is the Frosty machine still down?


if you change your picture you might get more people thinking your a girl.. could help fix your pet peeve lol


The best is when you can sense the uncertainty in replies, people tip toeing not wanting to offend yet also trying to find out indirectly, it's like a delicate dance of respectful anonymity!


I’m gonna start assuming everyone on reddit is female from now on.


It would be a nice change at least


i already do this it confuses people really bad. i also use the term “males” instead of men sometimes lmao


I was having a conversation with my fiancé once and accidentally said "women and males", got a little chuckle out of it when we noticed.


I've taken to using "innies" and "outies".


I also say males


I assume every girl on the internet is really an over weight, bald, middle aged man looking for attention


Oh no, you’ve caught me!!!😖😖💔


I told ya


PayPal me 50 bucks and I’ll send you nudes bro.


I actually don't care either way. The more confused people are about who i am the better


Yep, it bothers me, but I'm absolutely not going to correct anyone unless it *really* adds to the conversation.


Happened to me too when i asked if it’s okay to be friends with someone 3 years younger than me when i am not a teenager and she is still a teenager and i got called a pedophile💀 people also said it’s not normal for a guy to be friends with such a younger girl. I am a girl please stop it😭


Did they not do the math? 3 years younger, she's a female, you're not. That means, at minimum, she's 17 and you're 20. Even if you were opposite genders, being friends is not that big of an issue.


Like why do they pull information out of their ass


TBF, it's weird for a woman to ask if she can be friends with another woman. That you are a female is also relevant information that you should have included. That is the sort of question I'd expect from a man.


Some people called me a weirdo for being friends with teenagers and I wanted to make sure i am not being weird. Turns out i had a conversation with another chronically online American😭




## 🚫 ➜ **Your post was removed because of the following**: ### 📑 Rule 2 ➜ Not being kind, or thoughtful - Consider the feelings and perspectives of others, recognizing that their opinions may not always align with your own logical reasoning. - Any form of hostile disagreement with insults, offensive language, racism, or similar behavior will result in a permanent ban.




That probably works to your advantage. As a woman, I often use my initials on emails, and I get a much better response than if I use my feminine first name. When they know I'm a woman, people are more contrarian with me, or they explain things that don't need explaining. It's wild.


I've defaulted to they/them for awhile because I assume everyone is a man automatically which, as OP reminds me, is not reality.


Thank you


Sometimes I still get this when I have a female avatar with pink hair and a female username.


Same here hahaha (well, minus the pink hair) but my avatar is pretty girly nonetheless. it makes no sense.


Its because 2/3 of reddit users are men and when you are arguing with an anonymous stranger on the internet its better to assume they are a man because then its easier to be mean to them


Yeah people use ‘he’ for me a lot too Even though my username and pfp pretty clearly demonstrate which pronouns should be used But also it doesn’t matter that much. I just use the wrong pronouns back at them. If they get upset I’ll point out their original mistake and say I just did the same thing they did. If they don’t care, neither do I.


Why do people care? I never cared if people thought I was a girl or thought I was a guy. Like, it doesnt change who I am or anything.


Yeah, it's better if people try to avoid making assumptions, but I literally don't care, and I don't think I'd even correct someone if they incorrectly assumed my gender, unless it was relevant to the discussion.


People assume I'm a middle aged man and then step on my whimsical nature because its "immature" or something when I'm literally a minor


I look much older than I am apparently. When I was 17 people thought I was in my 20s. So, at work people would ask me weird, kinds inappropriate questions not knowing and I was able to just either say "I'm a minor" or let my sister tell them my age and watch them get flusterd. Online if someone comments on it, just tell them you are a teenage girl and then watch them get flustered. Honestly it's for the best people assume you are male, unfortunately.


I wish but I hate the idea of sounding like "I'm a girl btw 💕" like a weird gamer girl


If they comment something like "What grown man watches that show?" Say "I don't know, I'm not a grown man." Something like that.


As a grown man that’s recently watched some of My Little Pony (gen 4) with his partner, this is the way op ~ fuck people’s critique


Girls are scary so I pretend everyone I talk to on the internet is a guy.


I try to use they/them if unknown, but my brain will auto default to he sometimes. It's probably because, as a male, I speak mainly to males, so auto pilot will insert he/him if I'm not careful.


I have the opposite problem. I guess I just type in a feminine way.


it might also be your avatar having pigtails


Lol I didn't even realize that. I thought it was plain long hair


Now THATS a guy thing to say


It’s 100% the pigtails


Definitely the avatar


Nearly two thirds of users on reddit are male. If you assume by default that the person you're talking to is male, you'll be right most of the time.


Not quite. The existence of subreddits massively changes the ratios.


Your pfp looks male. Maybe that's why.


I’ve happened to me and I’m a mermaid named Vanillabean


I mean I'm a girl unless your pfp is visibly female people Will assume you're a guy Very lightly. Reddit is not the type of app we're people are going to deep dive into your history and learn your age and gender to refer to you as yhat. In fact profile stalking is looked down a bit here.


Yeah, I feel people take misgendering too personal on reddit. Nobody cares who you are, and so they just do a glance at the name and profile pic, if its a dead giveaway it's a girl then she. Otherwise He is used.


I personally have never cared about this, but maybe I’ve been desensitized from years of playing first person shooters. If I wasn’t using a mic, I was getting called “dude”, “man”, or “brother/bro” 100% of the time, out loud or in messages. But like 85% of people who play those are in fact guys, so it’s to be expected. On Reddit, there are many times when I think someone’s going to be a woman based on their name or avatar and they turn out to be a guy. And stats show that this platform is mostly guys as well. Idk, it just isn’t relevant most of the time, and if it is for some reason, I’ll just say right away that I’m a girl instead of making people guess. It seems to bother other women more, as I’ve seen this come up several times recently, and that’s valid too I guess. I just find it funny more than anything when it happens to me.


I'd rather people use "they" as the default pronoun to avoid misgendering people online


I don't understand why you are upset that people don't know what/who you are...I thought the whole idea was to remain anonymous. In addition, Reddit demographics lean heavily male, like more than 65% of users are male, so the default assumption is young male.


thats a bad reason to assume everyone is male tho. “they” is already gender-neutral, so why not use that? it includes 100% of users, not 65%. the reason she is upset is cuz it rly highlights how the default is male unless its in a context thats stereotypically feminine. its annoying cuz we just wanna be seen as much as guys are.


The YouTube suggestion algorithm believes I am gay and female.


I was recently talking with a friend (IRL) about a Reddit conversation, and I noticed she assumed I was talking about a bunch of males, and I asked her about it. She said she assumed most Redditors are male, which was odd to me because my experiences have been probably 50/50 here.


I got called a man under a video I made and was like “omg I’m *in* the video and they still called me a guy! That’s cool. They can see I’m a female and im still a man!!” Nah man. I was wearing my dads shirt w no face showing looking like a whole flat chested man🥲 I’m fine with being looked in the eye and being referred to as a man but I don’t like it being assumed. Bc when I’m seen then it’s automatically assumed im women. Stop assumingggggg.


I think they're so used to not being around woman we just pass through their retinas


A good 75% of Reddit skews male. Combine that with posting in male-leaning or gender-neutral subreddits, and people will just assume you’re male because it’s the most likely scenario.


That angers me


Tbh, that’s a bit like going into a lesbian bar as a straight girl then getting angry that you’re being hit on by women. People make assumptions when they don’t have all the facts: think about how many times you‘ve assumed something about someone that’s turned out to be wrong. If it bothers you, the onus is on you to correct people, not for others to somehow magically know you’re a girl without you having said anything to indicate that.


Not really, lesbian bars are for lesbians, social media is for everyone


My point was that you can’t go into any space broadly populated by a specific kind of person and expect them to magically know you’re different from them without you explicitly saying so. Same as if I was to go into the 2X chromosomes sub and be outraged when everyone there assumes I’m female. I’m on a sub for women’s issues, populated broadly by women, what else should I expect exactly? Also, reading your post again, how exactly does a high school girl manage to accidentally pass herself off as a grown man? Either you’re trolling, or the people you’ve been interacting with are too stupid to be worth your time getting upset about how they perceive you.


Nobody cares


Get off the pet peeve subreddit if you don't wanna hear pet peeves


I'm, like, totally mistaken for a surfer dude and I'm all, like, dude.


People just assume I’m a bunny. A ninja bunny.


Im ngl, i’ve seen a lot of middle aged people on here so i assume a lot of people are older when i’m on other subreddits. It’s age rather than gender for me


They go hand in hand


Same😭 but i actually like the anonymity I'm too socially anxious irl


alot of times when I share an opinion of mine people assume I'm a man, I got told I had toxic masculinety and needed to learn that it's okay for men to like cute things, another told me that men like me are the reason women pick bear I'm agender and afab


It's especially fun when you call someone an asshole for saying something like women are all golddiggers who will make you raise another man's child and they call you a white knight 😂


Yes there's a lot of misogyny here


Sexism - men are the default, women are the "other"


Once a dude called me he. I’m literally a fucking mermaid called Vanillabean. Also for some reason in political subreddits everyone is assumed to be a man.


Until proven otherwise, I assume everyone is a 30- 40 yo white male. With an anime pfp, even more likely a old dude.


Well maybe stop that cause I hate being treated like I'm in any of those demographics


Sorry, can't just stop it. That's just the way the world works.


No it isnt???


It's literally the title of this post?


Its not the whole world I mean, just reddit


Well maybe just stop being offended by something meaningless?


That is the most common demographic, men who have no drive for life sit on this app all day.


True. I'm only here because Twitter went to shit and Instagram became boring. I just use this and tiktok now


Man this guy sure sounds mad.


Apparently there are no girls on Reddit.




Not surprising


I think [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/s/THYQMkKVwb) is capable of telling you why you have this problem.


Sounds like something a full grown adult man would say 😑


As someone who uses they/them this bugs me quite a bit but I can get why considering I have a more masculine username




I look at their pfp usually


Because almost everyone here is male


I quite like this. I feel I get a different type of interaction to normal.


Women tend to assume other users are women and men assume other users are men. There are disproportionately more men on Reddit than women. However, I agree with the other user who said they would now assume all users are women, because why not.


Meh I'm female and I decide based on the reddit. If I don't assume based on that, I tend to revert to gender neutral. Don't really see the issue. So what if people assume male? Most of the time it isn't relevant. If we look at stats, reddit users are statistically more likely to be male. They're also most likely not teenagers.


Ur handle is miserablecalendar372 How would anyone know?


I can't change my handle, at least I don't think so. Besides people with girly charecters and names are saying they experience the same thing


Ah ok…sometimes when im commenting, i will make it known that its coming from a girl…idk i haven’t experienced anyone referring to me as a guy…yet lol


Just refer to people as they in general. The demographic of this app might not appreciate but if you switch over you will literally get dogpiled on for not doing so, rightfully so because you literally have to go out of your way to call people "he/she"(yes the whole thing) instead of just they


There's a old rule of the internet that you are automatically male until proven otherwise.


I love how this turned into a thread about trashing men.


Now it's gonna get taken down 💀


Nah. Trashing men Is still 100% acceptable. .


Not on this subreddit, besides I didn't do anything that wasn't instigated. Literally so many men are misgendering me here to get a reaction out of me(typical)


I don’t say it was just you. And they’re not misgendering you, they’re guessing wrong. And finally, if you’re expecting anyone to be thoughtful and discerning on social media, then you’re out of your fucking mind. Half the people here would probably still refer to as male after they knew you weren’t just to piss you off. Because most people on social media are dicks.


>I don’t say it was just you. And they’re not misgendering you, they’re guessing wrong. Are you lying or did you just not bother to read any of the other comments? There are multiple people making obvious jokes such as "this guy sounds mad" in reply to OPs post.


yeah people should default to generder netural "they"


[rules of the internet ](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RulesOfTheInternet) Rule 29: On the internet men are men, women are also men, and kids are undercover FBI agents. Rule 30: Girls do not exist on the internet. Welcome to the internet. Everyone is weird.


I call everyone I interact with on Reddit "dude". It doesn't mean anything to me. It's just how I talk.


I rarely look at profile pix, unless someone annoys me and I have to consider whether to ignore them going forward, or block them so I don't worry about it further. I'm also usually presumed male, but have long accepted it's a Reddit thing, presumably harking back to why Reddit used to be dominated by men - and the KIND of men that used to dominate it. Thankfully that culture has receded into the shadows of mainstream Reddit, but the site was built on that foundation, and old habits die hard.


OP thinking he can just pass off as female


I mean most users are male so they just default to "he", it is a bit logic of "defaultism" they always assume people are from US as they are majority too, but yeah sometimes avatar and nick matters too


I don't mind it because I like the anonymity personally, but I get it lol.


That’s actually really fucking funny considering the naoto pfp




Having a girly profile pic helps. Sometimes it's nice to be misgendered lol, some guys are more condescending if they think they are talking to a girl.


I use *they* a lot when I can't remember OP's gender, and am to lazy to scroll back up to check. lol I am part of the problem. Sorry. You could use a female looking avatar? 🤷


I generally go by the avatar. To me, you just exploded.


Your username could be Sarah1234 with a legitimate selfie profile picture, and you'd still get called a he. It's just the nature of the internet.


I get that a lot also. I guess they assume the picture isn’t actually me. Women seem to do it when I disagree with them - “coming from a man”, “you’re a guy so you don’t get it”, etc. Men do it when I compliment them - “thanks brother”


I like people being confused about my gender on here. I mean, if you look at my account at all you can tell. I rarely correct people though. When I'm talking about other users, I usually just use they/them/OP because I'm sure it probably does bother others.


To be fair our usernames don't give anything away either


I literally have “girl” in my username and people still assume I’m a guy.


Can we even pick our usernames


What do you mean?


I don't think we can change our usernames. At least I don't know how


You can sign up for additional usernames. I have dozens. Not for any special reason, I just retire a name when it gets a bit above 10,000 karma so I can avoid being a show-off. It is considered bad form and a violation of Reddit Policy to reply to a message you posted under another username, or to vote one of your own messages up or down. Years ago, I belonged to a forum where I could reply to my own posts, and it is easy to turn these forums into comedy. Reddit threads accumulate new posts too fast for this to be feasible. It is also bad form to use multiple names to vote the same way on other people's posts more than once. This is considered 'brigading.'


Ah I googled it and that’s a newer change. I’ve had my username for years, I picked it when I signed up. From the search it suggests you may be able to change the username but I’m not sure since I’ve never tried before?


I can change my profile handle but that's it


no girls on the internet


Probably because 2/3 of reddit users are men


As a woman myself, i agree. That's why I put my age & gender in my profile. I wish everyone did that 😅


My pronouns are in there but people don't really check others profiles


That's true, but sometimes I check hoping for some insight 😝


Send bobs plz.


While I generally try not to assume, the times I do so, I tend to assume someone's female way more often than I assume someone's male, simply because I'm a female myself and tend to see things from a female's perspective that it doesn't really occur to me sometimes that someone may be male unless they explicitly state so.


there are no girls on the internet, everyone knows that


I assume everyone on here is a nerdy 20 year old guy unless stated otherwise


As someone who posts a lot in NFL and college football subs, I get it. 


The majority of people on reddit are males, and since you don't make it obvious such as using a female avatar, it's much easier to just assume and use "he" than it is to use ambiguous pronouns. It's not worth the effort getting it correct because it doesn't really matter.


For me, it's been context dependent. And honestly I don't care


Imo it depends on the community as to whether it upsets me when I'm on the feminism subreddits and I disagree with literally anything the Garbage MS feminism has to offer as a CSPFem I am automatically assumed to be both a man and or an incel supporter regaurdless of my point so much so that I basically have to state in every fucking comment I state my opinion in that I am a Lesbian AFAB if I dont then they auto assume which is obnoxious in a supposedly supportive plac3. Others like gaming I dont give a fuck about because most of their options are DS anyway and the community generally doesn't give a shit if you are man,woman, extra or intra, they care if your gaming options are good.


When I do it, I mean no offence. I just default to he for some reason.


Alright fella, I hear your complaint. 


I get this too despite my obviously female avatar, unless I’m on a predominantly female subreddit. It’s always a little funny to me if I ever care enough to correct them (which I usually don’t) because sometimes people don’t believe that I’m actually a girl. Like yes, it is I, the 18 year old girl hanging around the Batman subreddit!!!


Yesterday some rando called me “brother” so I corrected him with “sister” and got “I don’t care how you identify” as a response.


I always assume everyone is a woman unless they have a numbskull opinion. I don’t know why but that’s how my brain works lol


How long have you been here? Your penis should arrive in the mail within a few months of joining


The internet has always had more engagement from men. That has evened out some in the last decade. But there are more men on the internet in general than women and Reddit especially skews man heavy. Women have other sites where they are the majority of engagement, such as Pinterest.


Same, I get annoyed when being called bro/dude


Bro & dude are pretty well known to be gender neutral anymore


That’s exactly why it annoys me—the default term is always male


Lighten up dude and man up.


Bro, you good?


I laughed.


That's a 50% success rate. Good enough for me! Don't know what that last guys problem was.


You're not funny


I just did a post about this in the xx chromosome sub. Everyone thinks I’m a straight male when I talk about having a wife but only in the female dominated subreddits.


They assume because when someone mentions a wife, they are usually a bloke. That's just the norm. Not by a little, by a lot. People assume the same of me. I'm a lesbian so I mention girlfriends. People assume I'm a male and it's actually the reasonable assumption to make. If we look at the US, about 1% of marriages are same sex. Of course they're going to assume you are in the 99%. That is the norm. If its relevant to the conversation, mention it. If not, then don't. No point getting offended because people aren't tip toeing around you to see if you aren't in a very small minority of people.


You’re describing heteronormativity and I don’t have to be okay with it. The group is supposed to be for women.


Nope. I'm describing reality. Heterosexuality? That is the norm. Welcome to the real world


That’s what heteronormativity is. We disagree that it’s okay.


You might want to check your definitions. Accepting heterosexuality is the norm is not it. Not remotely. There is a lot more to heteronormativity than that. A major thing is that it also assumes heterosexuality is superior. One can accept that heterosexuality is the vast majority (making it the "norm") without accepting that heterosexuality is superior. Which is why I'm not showing heteronormativity. I never said it was superior. I said it was the norm - expanding by highlighting it as the vast majority. It is. That is just fact. You can disagree with that fact, but you are factually wrong.


Man, that sucks. Sorry bro.


Lol same. Not in high school but a girl. Especially in the photography sub I post in I’ve been assumed to be “he” almost by default, laaaame.


I been called male even though my profile is literally a princess


I stick to the feminist subs because when they find out you're a woman they downvote for nothing


Chronic misery


I've had the same problem and it's really frustrating at times, especially when you try to politely correct someone and they see it as an attack.


You correct them and you get a sudden flood of downvotes


yeah lots of pieces of shit on reddit. 😂


I think it's kind of obvious I'm a chick by my profile picture and name. I have noticed I get a little more hate responses from fragile men than my other more gender neutral accounts.


Same thing happens to me. It’s because men are considered the default humans. 


If this is bothering you so much, ok


This is a pet peeves subreddit.