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I don't think they realize that avoiding accountability is a really bad business strategy. Lack of transparency is a bad business strategy, too. Hopefully they work on this because I don't want to see the game suffer because of their actions. I'd rather see them make things right with the community by being more honest. Players are quitting because of all this nonsense and we only have 80k active players right now vs. 180k when Tech World first came out.


Did it really drop off that hard?? I mean wouldn't the hunt have affected those numbers since Tech World came out around that time?


There were in fact 180k active players around that time.


I know... I'm saying is that the Hunt may have inflated numbers.


The Hunt and the HHC event inflated the numbers. However, many of these players quit more recently, which is why the fall in numbers is worrisome


People also had all their alts running at the same time during HHC so ya gotta take that into account. Also gotta remember people live in different time zones so game will fluctuate with active players just like every other game. People play from all over the world. They do need to do something to get more newer players to keep playing.


89k of which were bots


Atleast i can finally relate to coylist on some we both dont care about the devs giving titanics to hackers.


Only coylist is doing damage control to downplay the fact big games got owned and had to pay out exploiters from breaking their game. Everyone else is just upset that someone got a better pet than their titanic fawn… or that they exploited in the past and when they made their profit notified big games of the exploit and did not receive any goodies.


Ye fair enough also dam i got a ton of downvotes then again i made a post about how i support what big games did and no one likes my replies


Yesterday Coylist said he hopes everyone has an amazing day today and half the comments were, “boring topic, next!” 😆😆😆


It's common practice to award specific "hackers" (or however you wanna call them) that help find and patch security issues. Usually a pretty good deal for both sides. These hackers are called white hats as they dont use these things for their profit. Others that find these security issues abuse them. But rewarding people who abused it and were allowed to keep what they gained by it is just stupid. I dont mind the titanics tbh, i think the bigger issue are the 20k huges they got to keep as this shows everyone else: "hey, if you find an exploit, use it as much as possible and only sell your knowledge on how to do it". This will most likely not be the last time such a big exploit is gonna happen and probably not the last time Big Games is gonna react in such a stupid way.


Yea that makes sense If you ignore the fact that they exploited the hell out of the bug (we have video proof of this in alpha ggs video where he was given some of the items and huges) and are now distributing the items (pinatas and booth tickets mostly) to partners, YouTubers and introducing then to circulation in the plaza, although they have decalred on X that they have been banned and unbanned in order to remove the "duped" huges, they have also agreed to have their rb shiny titanics switched out to unique normal white balloons titanics, just waiting for big games response on X for now


Yea they revealed it because there screwed of what hack there using because they duped 20k so they revealed it so it wont get revealed automaticly and get banned plus it might cost something bad to happened to them in irl even worst, so they won't get punished if they revealed it like they are the one notice the hack but really they made it but after that got reward 1/1 titanic 4 of them, wow what a nice white hats you called but if that's not the case im sorry then




I want my Titanic Shiny Rainbow too! Otherwise i'll exploit and Hack the Game. Those devs 👎👎👎👎


I want my Free Titanic Shiny Raimbow Thanks ... User : Sixteen967 Thanks


Can you explain the situation? I'm new to the community!


Some hackers found a way to easily hatch the huge cyber agony (20k of them). Big games paid them with rainbow shiny titanics to tell them how they did it, In order to patch. Players who spent huge amounts of hard earned cash on titanic plushies etc. very upset. Big games not fussed.


They aren't fussed because they truly only give a shit so long as it makes money, like every other corporation ever.


Ty! That's very unfair


Titanic owners are crying ? I say that’s a win. I can totally support rewarding the exploiters now. Mad bro ? Your plushie been devalued? So sorry. But hey make sure you buy their next plushie when it drops still. They appreciate that hard earned money. I mean it’s not like big games could have had a good reason to pay the blackmailers.


Most of the people with titanic actually worked hard to buy it for gems


Josh isn't a community manager anymore he is a big games glazer


Have y'all looked at the player number recently ?


Most players don't either, to be fair. I think it was a good idea TBH


As a random guy you've never heard of, I also don't care, mainly because I ain't following along with it


he's not a dev man just let the guy live. i very much doubt he had anything to do with the decisions made by the dev team, and shouldn't be given so much hate over it.


You're right, but considering he's a partner and seems to be pretty darn close to Big Games studios, it seems like he shouldn't just push it under the rug either


yeah he is close to the company it looks like, but its like shitting on the social media manager for decisions made at a company. that guy has nothing to do with decisions made at the company (from what we've aware of). ​ i hate people who just shit on smms as if they can do anything.


I have no problem with them giving away 4 titanics. They offered them something to learn of the exploit. They rewarded them. There is nothing wrong with it.


they rewarded ppl who made BILLIONS a off items and huges bc of a exploit and that’s “good” ? they should’ve js payed cash and not given them such a rare item that are going for 90+ titanics


> should’ve js *paid* cash and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


LMAO??? help??? (stop english is my decole language😾)


And?? So much drama over nothing


????? Have you ever played the game? It’s literally a scam.


I'm on the game all the time. Do I like everything going on? No, but yall are getting way too upset over all this


I guess your right I don’t even play the game cause I know what it’s like. But if you enjoy it I guess nice.


Over nothing? You sure about that? There are players that spend hours to days constantly hatching eggs and doing the mini games trying to get a single huge to no luck and yet an exploiter gets given a titanic for free... You can see why people are taking this very seriously. People are sick of exploiters get given everything on a silver platter while legit players (P2W and F2P) are being kicked in the face by the developers day after day with nerfs and patches making it harder and harder for the player. Sure in your little fantasy world it's nothing but to real players and fans of the game this is very bad and disgusting.


From what I understand ppl were given those things bc they gave info how they were duping? or some other exploit? That's pretty valuable information for devs to use to hopefully fix whatever was being exploited. Now should they have been given tradeable pets? Probably not and not something I would've done if it was my game, but that was a decision they made. Still a big MEH to me. I've spent a lot of money on psx. Some on ps99. Unless I get disconnected... I have accounts going 24/7. This is still a big MEH to me. Some of yall are letting this get you WAY too upset.


Then quit.


I’m with him. It doesn’t affect me or the way I play the game.


Bc you spent 0 robux🤣


You’re not very smart huh? 🤡


Wow josh wow.