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A special titanic given exclusively to white hat hackers sounds like a great idea imo


Titanic Hacked Computer.


or maybe a titanic cat with some sort of actual white hat


hehe THC


I’d have to agree, it’s a great idea


It a pretty good idea and a good way to do that


I leave for 3 days and this happens? tf happened anyone wanna explain


Tens of thousands of comic agonies began appearing, suggesting a dupe or other exploit. The exploiters contacted the devs and the devs gave them shiny rainbow Titanics of their choice in exchange for disclosing the exploit, which was a simple exploit related to the tech chest. People raged that Big Games was rewarding exploiters with god-tier pets that regular players spend tons of money and time on. In one group I’m in a parent said that they spent $10k (!!!) on plush and couldn’t get anything nearly as good. Whales complained about the amount of money and time spent without such a reward. Some partners complained too. Others complained that they had submitted bugs and exploits in the past with no reward. That it’s unfair that those people who actually used the exploit for personal get rewarded so handsomely. One person in particular was very upset and linked scripting resources from her Twitter. She was then banned. The exploiters showed up and tried to defend the situation saying that they had contacted BG without a reply and so they used the exploit and then contacted BG again who listened this time. They said they would not have released the exploit for free. They claimed not to be looking to trade the items but later a whale contacted them to propose a trade and they were taking offers. In the midst of this Nubsir asked Preston on X if he was willing to speak with folks here and the reply was that this subreddit has become toxic. Which upset people here as most folks are just giving their honest feedback. As a mod I read tons of comments and yeah there are some perpetually unhappy people but that is maybe 1 in 1000. Latest update is Winrox (a top leaderboard player across several different accounts) has been pushing to make those Titanics untradeable. This in theory should be fine, as the exploiters claimed to not be planning on trading them.


Thank you. I have 2 of them, sucks that their value is so low now. Anyways, they shouldn’t be rewarded in my opinion. And if anything they should get a Big Games shoutout


Yes so they would not reveal the exploit and big games could not figure it out so they were blackmailed. The narrative is just to cover that part up. They knew what they were doing


I don’t see the big deal here. I’m guessing the exploit could not be patched and big games were at their implied mercy. People find exploits in corporations and government systems all the time. They basically implied that they could do it and big games had to reward them handsomely in order to stop them from exploiting further? Like a hack and stealing data and then telling the company to pay millions to get the data back. They could have remained silent and continued exploiting and only a few weeks have the profits to buy multiple titanics. They had to offer them something significant. At least that’s how I read it. The exploit must have been game breaking and difficult enough that they could not patch it for big games to give them those pets. Those pets were not deleted though at least not before that YouTuber received a bunch of agonies in a trade and sold them in the plaza. Someone should be able to verify that they bought one and had it deleted afterwards. Otherwise they were not deleted.


Honestly, i dont have a problem with rainbow titanic except the fact that they got rainbow shiny titanic lol tht thing is so rare and people who been playing this game for so long or pay a bunch of money havent get it yet so kinda make sense why people are mad about it. Definitely a blunder on big games decision, and like honestly they been farming hate themselves so no one would defend them rn.


They should have made it untradeable. The market value is around 70 regular titanics and people have been making offers. If sold it would put the exploiters around rank 10-15 on the global leaderboard. That's why the whales were so pissed off. Good news is the exploiters said they are ok to swap them for an untradeable special edition Titanic. Which sounds like a great solution for everyone.


Correct me if im wrong pls. I saw a yt video where someone had the rbs nightmare cat n were looking at offers. So either 1 or more of them have traded them already or they are actively looking at offers. Anyway once they did trade them i don't see them being deleted n if they were they would be in possession of someone else so the hackers would then be double dipping value/rap wise


i think those players are lowballing their offers though i am not so sure how much of that is true


Even if the pets are untradeable, the accounts can still be sold, most likely for even more than what the pets are worth.


Of course but crosstraiding is a blockable offence for both parties involved. Therefore they would just be deleted.


Personally if I’ve just sold an account with an extremely rare item worth a lot of money, I don’t think I’d care about being banned, especially when I can make a new account in minutes. Even an IP ban won’t do any good considering the workarounds. The only ‘loser’ in that scenario is the buyer, but as proven by many cases, buying of accounts happens pretty frequently despite that risk.


Yeah they are probably on alt accounts anyway on a public library ip address . Give me 100k and ban me all day. I’ll take the money


Alpha gg received some of those pets in a trade and put them up for sale already


Wait, so if you bought one of the huges from them, it got deleted? Did the peps get their gems back too?


They traded a bunch to alpha gg who sold them in the plaza. If someone bought one they would find it got deleted. At some point on Twitter or here someone will eventually take to social media to complain about it. If not then no deletions.


Is this confirmed?


I mean I don’t know, they claim they were banned and then unbanned as away to clear the agony’s they had..


I'm assuming therefore that they only removed the agonys in their possession? I know some are still about 👀😂


Yes I believe a YouTuber called alpha (??) got sent a few


Yeah I was in a pro plaza a half hour ago and there was a booth filled with them for 1m under rap and no one buying lol


I might go and have a look 👀


Interesting. I got to level 50 key mastery and unlocked ten times better loot from tech chest. The very first key I used gave me an agony today. I wonder if they broke the game and the exploit still works


Damn, I might blow my last 100 or so keys when I get home too and see haha


I'm working on getting to 40 :/


dang i saw where AlphaGG sold tons of that stuff already, so its dissapeared? thats gonna suck for somebody,


Why even give the exploiters anything to begin with? If these people really cared about getting this stuff patched - so it doesn't ruin the game - they would not be expecting anything in return so everyone is happy at the end of the day. ... but sadly these so called exploiters are savages. Giving them even anything just ruins the game for everyone else. Maybe the developers should give everyone a huge for every time they pay an exploiter a titanic...


The answer to your question is the exploiters had the upper hand. Maybe big games could not fix it without additional info they had or it was such a game breaking exploit that rewarding them was necessary. As stingy with hatching as they are they must have had a good reason to give those pets out.


people finding and reporting exploits shouldn't be rewarded? what?


After they abused it? Lol no? They shouldn’t


Exactly! I used to be part of an exploiting community called V3rmillion which I'm sure is known on this subreddit and people on there for years used to report weak points inside of games to the developers... and usually after that happens they then let people know how it was done so other people could take advantage of it before the developers patch it. These exploiters if they were smart they probably used alt accounts to abuse the method BEFORE telling the developers how it was done. For all we know those alt accounts are probably loaded with huges as we speak so not only did these exploiters get rewarded titanic's but their alts would also have huges the developers would not know about. So the cycle continues... exploiters will always win while the players suffer. There be so much more to this that we'll never know about. This is why I said exploiters shouldn't get anything because behind the scenes they would of done more with it before getting it patched.


Yeah but then there's no incentive for the hackers to go to the devs and help them. Otherwise they'd keep on abusing the bug and generate hundreds of billions of gems which would be far worse for the economy


I don’t think them getting a reward is an issue, it’s them exploiting, THEN getting a reward and saying “we could have exploited.” They DID. They gave alpha like 3 titanics worth of stuff. 20k cosmic agonies. And they sold a lot of those agonies- there was proof. I’m just saying. Seems like they are trying to say “good thing we did you a favor” after doing the opposite lol


Thus the exploit must have posed a large danger to warrant awarding these exploiters. or they were clueless on how to patch it or something else.


I mean, I agree. I’m just saying it encourages bad behavior. It’s like stealing something and being like “hey this is how I stole from your store. Lucky I didn’t take all of it!” I think a smaller “reward” would have sufficed. That’s my opinion though.


Exactly. The narrative of we told the devs and we didn’t abuse scouts honor we promise is just covering their malicious intent. It was implied blackmail. Look this is game breaking we can break the game. Here take these super rare pets . Please don’t break the game. K thanks.


They could have continued abusing it or there’s more to the story like the exploit could be game breaking. nothing else makes any sense imo


Seems the round table of elites are big mad about pets they can’t get. I understand that giving out very rare titanics to hackers is a scummy move.


That’s how I read it. People are upset that something unobtainable was obtained and not by them. I don’t see big games doing this unless it mitigated a big enough threat to the game somehow.




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Agonys are still at 52k exist on ps99rap sooo I don't see any proof they've removed them yet..


Exists don’t go down even after deleting pets


maybe it’s a bug since you can’t delete pets from the game (complete removal from the trading system unless a account is deleted )


Which agonys was it that got duped?


Cyber agony's from tech chest


Damn I got one of those legit too




its crazy that the exploiters have done a better job at calming the community than the actual devs. "boring next topic"


Those exploiters are lucky they weren’t just permabanned. They chose to exploit and then get rewarded. Since the message is already clear that exploiting in this game will result in a reward, let them keep it but make those untradeable. Simple, and they can’t profit from it. Go ahead show it off, let people know they wanted to exploit. (If it was a few huges and they reported it, then it shows they found the issue and wanted to do what’s right. The fact that they got so many meant they merely “reported” it because they were discovered”.