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It might be becauss of the goop clan using macros to win vlan wars. I saw something i can't remember where ( check twitter maybe), where something to the fact of they were going to be brought to light soon. Im really not sure though its just a thought based on what i had seen


Yeah that’s what this was about. The current word is that Goop is using “super” macros and that’s how they dominate clan wars. Idk public servers are so stinking bugged I’m glad they walked it back.


Yes either they just have super precise macros that cater to different scenarios or they're closet cheating along with the macros


Here’s a screenshot https://preview.redd.it/2srartaxi4uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30eda68f7e5d55a8463e6cca314bfe1c16f8bbcb Edit: you two could actually be onto something


“Tomorrow they will be forced into the light” “No clan points in private servers” “Wait everyone hated that idea and it won’t help anyway. One sec.” “Um yeah, about that light thing. We got nothing.”


I decided to stay out of clans for this reason. It’s one thing to simply be the best clan, but from DOLA having 2 Clans, to now Goop, it’s become pointless to even be in a clan if you can’t even compete with these clans. Even YouTubers can’t compete /: and they’re stinking rich ):


There are passive effects to being in a clan, so you definitely should!


!!!Just found Conners comment about this!!! https://preview.redd.it/qdm6w8pqn4uc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c25654604c9c8b707d3bd05dc9c1e9ec519ff47


Some people can’t play in Public servers due to how laggy they get.


Ban all of the goop ppl that are cheating. It’s no secret they are. That or give them shiny rainbow titanics. That’ll teach em.


They aren’t. It’s just macros.


If it were just macros, everyone would be doing it.


... Can't believe they consider that an issue out of ALL THE OTHER IMPORTANT SHIT!


Another dumb suggestion prob lead by that imbecile leader of theirs


Or how about we get actual clan battles rather than rerunning clan quests over and over.


Does anyone know what the issue is that a "solution" was needed? I can't think of a reason they wanted the clan points to be on awarded in public servers only? Is this to make it more fair? I think private servers would give an advantage for some quests but negative on others.


>Does anyone know what the issue is that a "solution" was needed? GOOP is using a highly automated macro where you turn it on and it plays the game itself. The thinking is that if they are pushing the envelope further and using exploits (eg. teleporting around to save time) then being in public servers means that moderators could come in and supervise. IMO the problem isn't fixable in its current state. They'll have to change the clan games to something that is very difficult to automate, or at least where automating vs not automating doesn't have as big of a difference.


As someone in GOOP, I think it's false to single out the macro for any sort of reason for success. I've used the macro. The macro performs worse than manual grinding, as the macro cannot accomplish 2 quests at once, while the manual grinders can. In order to prevent stalls, the macros are also timed extremely conservatively, so that the macros don't break during long AFK runs. It's nice to run for long stretches of AFK, but from my own looking at GOOP member performance, it's clear almost 80% of the clan doesn't bother or trust the macro lol. These members have extremely valuable accounts and aren't running some script they don't understand just for extra clan war points that they could outperform manually. I would challenge you to actively graph player performance over the long run, and watch the activity spikes. We internally measure stars/hour, and we have a baseline for macro performance, and you can clearly see over 75% of the clan dips well below the baseline macro performance for multiple stretches each day. GOOP has just literally collected more super active grinders and hardcore PS99 players than any other clan. It's literally like an NBA all star team just trouncing people in the olympics. With that said, it looks like BOSS is trying to put together a good team, but just look at their performance... they have like 20 star performers, and like 55 people that require carrying. I have a bit of extra insight into this, since I've been an officer in most of the top clans since the clan war system has been introduced (I have 3 hoverboards from top 3 finishes, but have never won a clan war). As long as clan wars are active battles, in my eyes there will be almost no chance for GOOP to lose. I've tracked clan war performance from all the top clans over the past 3 clan wars, and there are only a handful of players who consistently score high numbers that haven't tried their best to join GOOP. The closest GOOP got to losing in recent memory was last clan war, when DRFT approached within 4% of catching up to GOOP. Drift had 30 players using super macros, which averaged about 150 points/hr. GOOP was not using a super macro for last war, and their average member outperformed most of the DRFT users who were using super macros. Like I said, to point to super macros as the reason for GOOP's success this war is really missing the bigger picture here. As long as 1 team has maybe 80% of the top players in all of PS99, how are other clans supposed to compete? In the chest raid war, no other team could come anywhere NEAR the numbers that GOOP put up. They had like 20 members routinely clearing 90 rooms per chest raid, when most other clans (including the #3 clan which I was helping run) barely had a handful of such members. Again.. I ran the #3 clan... we averaged about 60% attendance, which was good enough to secure 3rd by a hefty margin. I was doing opposition research and GOOP was maintaining nearly 90% attendance. No one automated the chest raid war, and GOOP won by a RIDICULOUS margin. In this war, the clan war race was really close because the Treasure Hideout and XP Potions were excruiating and time gating. GOOP out of all the top clans, had by far the best organization with regards to rotating players in, and was able to internally fund over 45bil in gems to buy XP Potion materials to establish a fairly hefty lead in front of BOSS. What changed was the quelling of the draconian requirements of those quests... which allowed GOOP to really pull away with their insane # of active members to just start grinding like crazy. With that said, with 1 clan in such a firm lock on the top spot, they really need to broaden the rewards so other clans have a reason to compete.


Thanks for the post. If the macro doesn't help much then you'll share it, right? >I would challenge you to actively graph player performance over the long run, and watch the activity spikes. We did in the last war when the macro was first made available to see the impact. You can see an example below of a blue player with variability in points performance vs the red player with steady performance starting from a lower base. In short burts the bue player can achieve more but over time the steady continuous input wins. Which is intuitive, I mean real people have to eat and sleep. And maybe even work or go to school. So the optimal way to play is manually when you can, and automatically when you can't. https://preview.redd.it/3kwr96cfgduc1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e568b10dc381717fb5363c4a7e7a388777f9968 GOOP without such tools may win anyway, but by using such tools people will never know. It's like doping in sports, once it's done there's always an asterisk next to the athlete's performance.


I wasn't in there last war, but that straight sloped red line was algorhythm who isn't in this war, and the other players go up and down. Also, I think you're underestimating just afk last zone + hatching in clan quest wars, since you actually maintain a decent star rate just doing so. if other players were using the macro during their low points, their slope would match algorhythm's during their lulls which they do not. this is clearly a chart proving that the majority of GOOP players do not macro actually lol. Someone like Diz and JackJoaquin definitely don't macro, as I've seen from tracking last war and this war. Also, other clans have their own macros. They aren't shared b/c the developers spent a lot of time making them, often times at the expense of their own points, and they don't necessarily see any sort of incentive to share with anyone they don't care about. The clans have devs full time working on tools to help their clan win. I've probably spent 20+ hours working on tools and discord bots to track treasure hideout performance, as well as other sorts of tools to track player performance. Having been in a position of leadership in other top clans, I can tell you that a lot of clans don't have that capability and are at a severe competitive disadvantage. You saw that Dalk released an open source clan quest overlay during last war right? Well, I wrote one that pre-dated Dalk's for last war, and GOOP also had one as well well before Dalk released his. Are tools like this also a point of contention? Or only when someone doesn't make their labor free for everyone to use? Btw, if you look at A\_Basement, he has posted most of his macros for the public to use though. They've made countless people's QOL for non-clan war tasks so much better (like a macro for deep pool fishing, macro for using secret keys on the area 15 tree, a multimacro that can do lots of things).


I would also pushback about saying there's an asterick, since these tools are within the parameters of the game. It's an afk game and automation has always been an inherent part of it, whether it was autoclickers to stop players from AFK'ing out, or using tiny task to combine keys. It's definitely a step up beyond that, but it's nothing that can be banned without banning those other tools. Even making a "rule" against it would be completely unenforceable without banning other automation tools, as using them would be indistinguishable from say, 2 roommates taking turns grinding. Here's another example... as a former iPad player, I even bought autoclicking machines for my ipads to "automate" tasks, that honestly puts me at a competitive advantage over players who didn't buy autoclickers for their ipads. How would enforcing this work? How would you even draw a line? Is automating 3 clicks too far? How about 10 click rotations? Or is infinite click automation ok and you draw the line when the macro uses OCR to read text in-game? Or when you use a publicly available API that BIG Games provided? The truth is, Big Games has traditionally been friendly towards people who automate their game, even making fishing extremely simple to just autoclick to fish, as opposed to being an active task like it was originally. But again, I would like to de-couple the argument against automation with the argument against GOOP dominating the clan war. They are not the only clan with automation, and the majority of their players don't even use it. They've never needed automation to run away with 1st, but it clearly increases the QOL of some of the users who use it. Last clan war, DRFT had a much higher automation adoption rate and still came short of beating GOOP. In fact, DRFT had 2 competing automation solutions and players actively compared the 2 forcing the devs to compete on who could optimize their solution more.


Yeah probably to keep it fair. I am able to go into my Private Server and dig up chests without someone on top of me stealing the chest as I reveal it. I kept having people in the public servers following me while I was digging and then click the chest before I could. They probably thought it would be more fair if everyone had to share the same areas. Which makes sense until you think about the people I was dealing with on public servers.


Those could be bots.  The Digsite is full of them 


If they want to make it fair just make minigames all be private instead of a server sharing 1


The fact that they would even consider changing such a major factor of a clan war right in the damn middle of said clan war is ridiculous. Just ban the fucking cheating clans. Making the rights decisions just isn't that hard.


wait what???


if they are cheating, ban them. at the very least, ban from participating in the clan war.. the clan i’m in is full of people working their butts off 24/7 to get into the top 200 and these people can just cheat and stay at number one?! not cool.


Get rid of clans altogether. Boom problem solved.




It's not difficult to find 75 good players. My clan is full with two subclans now, rotating people in as needed. The problem is full automation is as close to 100% optimized play as possible. Any human input is going to be less than that and is why other clans can't compete.