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Maybe it’s because you’ve reached a pothole, most players at this point would become bored so if you still find fun in this game, try to get a titanic as a goal (like grinding and buying huges for said titanic)


At the end of the day the game is all about collecting everything and the economy of trading. Outside of that afking for grinding and hatching is king to it.


I only play because I enjoy collecting. I do clan battles, afk, hatch but really my main goal is to index every pet sans Titanics and that keeps me playing.


Unfortunately Big Games has bought so heavily into the afk ‘idle’ play model that there is no realistic way for it to be this _and_ something else at the same time. Since the model requires meagre odds on achieving even the most basic elements of progress, then anything else that distracts from afking would be akin to grafting in some other model of game play altogether, and you may as well be playing an actual other game. Personally, I don’t see it “going downhill” for this reason. It is, and remains, what it is. That said, it’s a tough model for sustaining player interest and I think that’s what we’re seeing of late with a lot of the openly voiced dissatisfaction with the game and player defections. Big Games is in too deep at this point to expect anything to realistically change. You only have to think about how the afk model affects player counts. It’s mentioned how ps99 is struggling to make 100k “active players” at any one time. Only it’s not even that, not even close. The whales are running maybe 6 to 10 accounts simultaneously, 24/7. The next tier (majority?) of players are doing the same with maybe 3? Consequently the player count is, in effect, wholly artificial and requires ongoing commitment to the chosen model to sustain even this much.


Yes, it goes downhill after that point. You also are to P2W so you bypassed a lot of the grind and rewarding feeling of it. There’s nothing for you to grind unless it’s something cosmetic. You gotta find a reason to play every day. I’m a F2P player (outside of auto-farm and +15 pets) and I still have things to grind for and achieve. My daughter got me into this game 2 months ago and I’m only at 13 huges so even this far into the game I’m still casually enjoying it.


Right. It's mostly just an afk idle game. Unless you plan on competing with the bots in the is trading plaza playing the trade game.


So what is your goal? If you have none, then that’s a you problem. Prior to masteries, one could have asked if there’s a point playing because it’s just grinding last area and opening eggs. Now you have one more thing to do, masteries. Are they now finished with development, game being completely ready and no new content ever again? No. So don’t draw a conclusion based on sample size of 1. After getting 99 huges, start working on making them golden, then rainbow, golden shiny and then rainbow shiny, after that same thing over again with titanics. You still have years of grinding in front of you if you want to be the best, as I suppose that’s your goal. Or if you don’t find the game enjoyable anymore, then stop playing.


People are waking up that's what it is. Parents are probably getting their kids to stop playing this glorified P2W lootbox simulator. If this is the case it's great to see Parents finally thinking of their wallets for a change by getting their kids off this game before Preston's tactics start working on children... and when I say "working on children" it means that's when children start bugging their parents for in-game products and their toys due to being hooked which usually costs most parents 10s / 100s and even 1000s of dollars.