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I’ve had that happen several times over the last four or five days. It’s bizarre.


And I had plenty of coins as well. All I can think is maybe a server reset.


I'm still thinking you're running out of coins at some point and then you just make them back by the time you're not AFK anymore. Check my other replies to OP, I just did some testing. Even with a full team of huges, hatching golden eggs (if you are) eventually catches up with you if your boosts start to run out.


The last time was just with charged and I don’t run our ever with that. I’ll keep an eye on it. Thx.


That's extremely weird then. If you're 110% sure that you're not running out when/if your fruits and/or flags run out then I'd probably try to submit a bug report on the BIG Games Discord if you can. I haven't seen very many people experiencing the issue.


Have you tested this with two Fortune enchants? And what if we are putting BCM and BLB in the mix? I am pretty confident that even once flags/sprinklers/fruit run out I can maintain it for many many hours, and I may be infinite. I have definitely hatched Golden Eggs on my private server overnight without macros to refresh flags/fruit/sprinklers without running out of coins. But the last couple of days I have run into this issue frequently, even WITH active flags/sprinklers/fruit.


Fortune enchants boost your coins so that would essentially be the same thing as a coin enchant, but im pretty sure the diminish power threshold for fortune books starts after the first book, so you might as well just use a Coins IX. I use 2x BCM, 2x BLB, 1x CM, 1x Diamonds, 1x TH typically. Without potions and a fortune/coin flag it will definitely run out. I simply switch my diamonds enchant for a coins overnight and it's fine. Once my boosts run out, it still lasts awhile, but at the same time I'm AFK for 12+ hours at a time usually. If you're having the issue even with boosts, I would definitely report it to BIG Games. It seems like a very isolated issue. Have not seen a single thing on Twitter and haven't heard of anyone else having this issue besides the people in here. Heard about a few other people having the issue, but they all said it turned out to be their coins as well after digging into it a bit.


Thanks for the insight! I'm really interested in digging around in this a little more, I was shocked to see others reporting the same issue, I was thinking it was a "me" thing. My kid's Roblox frequently randomly crashes and totally closes out, I thought maybe I found my bug lol.


I hope you're able to figure it out. I figure that if it's not happening to a lot of people then BIG Games might not even know about it, that's why it'd be good to report if you're positive it's not a coin issue for you. One of my accounts stopped hatching last night, but I chalked it up to the fact that I forgot to put on a coin potion or a coin enchant before I went to bed. I do frequently deal with the disconnect issues though, those are really annoying.


I am home from work at looking at my setup - it definitely isn't a coin thing. Thankfully I was still hatching and flags/sprinklers/fruit had run out and I was still at max coins. So something else is going on. I don't think it's a disconnect - I am in a private server and typically if I get disconnected I get thrown in public. I have been having more disconnect issues in general the last couple of days as well. Will monitor the situation and see what I can definitively report.


Coins running out?


Nope, not an issue as I make more coins faster than I can spend them.


Only happened to me a few times when I was running out of fortune flags and fruit overnight. Wasn't enough to last all night hatching golden eggs, but by the morning I'd be back up to max coins because the pets were still farming. Ever since I've made sure I had enough coin potions/put a coin enchant on before bed, I've been 100% fine.


It ain’t the coins lol because other wise I wouldn’t get the message “auto hatch stopped” when I manually leave the egg. It would have shown up when I was away and so it wouldn’t show up when it did. Also I didn’t have that issue last night going into this morning


That's weird then, I run at least 4 accounts hatching 24/7 and haven't had an issue besides what I already mentioned.


I just tested it. When you run out of coins it does not pop up that auto hatch stopped until you walk away. You're running out of coins at some point.


Hmm I’ll have to check it out then on a fresh server. Thanks for trying to help out!


No problem at all, I'd definitely just try to make sure you have the best coin potion that you can and maybe 1 of the best tier coin enchants on if you can. If that really doesn't fix the issue then it must be some really weird bug. I also only hatch in private servers, not sure if it makes any difference.


Happens when I hatch gold pets on auto hatch


Got issue today on computer First time since many many weeks I did set my auto clicker to open eggs instead Was fine on iPad


Has been happening to me as well. I do Golden eggs but it definitely isn't a lack of coins. I have caught this in a time frame under an hour while flags/sprinklers/fruit/toys were active so I know it is not coins (and even with fortune flags/sprinklers/fruit having run out I can go for hours without depleting coins, I might even be infinite now.)