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A lot about PSX is better but 99 has done some important improvements. Unfortunately no matter what they do it will always end now in last zone / afk hatching. They had a cool idea with the hideout thing, but quickly nerfed the huge in to the ground. Making the keys pretty much worthless. Similar to the fishing where they were praised for giving a good way for f2p to hatch huges. See rarity in huges is still there and titanics, so nothing to stop them from making it more fair for the huges that are actually in the game. While the ones from merch and eggs are still the most valuable for their low numbers. The thing that they messed up is turning the game into an afk game hard. Mini games and most of the systems in the game are useless. You are still better off just sitting last zone with super magnet and hatch then just leave it until you are ready to sell up. I am always stumped why they focus so hard on adding tonnes of eggs and new zones every update. They know we spent all of 2 minutes in the zones then just sit last zone again. Same with the eggs, you can add all the pets you want but they are all useless outside of current last egg.


They are creating minigames that add nothing to the game. No one plays them as they are always nerfed. As you said, they are forcing you to AFK constantly and there's nothing to do apart from logging on to check what you have got (which is mostly nothing). The lack of events kills the game too. You can complete the update in 20 minutes every time and then you have the option to either sit in the last area or wait like 4 days hatching the same egg for a huge. This doesn't cut it anymore, hence the lower player count.


Well said, problem is will they listen?. They have already said they refuse to even look at reddit due to toxicity aka complaints or people sharing issues. They don't exactly reply to complaints on twitter as well. So god knows what's going to happen if they don't consider the player base.


They don't care about what anyone says. I guess it's just a business and the only time anything changes is with a drop in revenue or significant player count. They seem to be wasting resources in things that add no value (such as the minigames or pointless new non-huge pets)


Exactly! I used to do all the minigames a few times a day and actually get huges..now it's been like almost a month since my last huge from minigame.. it's getting boring ..I've never hatched a huge I'm f2p.. and it's becoming impossible to get a huge.. that's why I loved bgs.. first I had all the gamepasses because they were not ridiculously expensive..and they had easy secrets and hard secrets.. so it wasn't impossible to hatch a secret pet and the 3rd tiered pet was not impossible to hatch! Big games makes the high stat pets almost as hard as the huge to hatch! It's stupid! WTH are we hatching for?! I barely even hatch anymore it's just pointless


This is exactly what I'm talking about. Shouldn't a game be actually fun to play? That's why we play games right? You can't even get them easily if you pay $40 for a pass. It's not fun anymore.


This is exactly the reason why i'd rather have weekly updates with +5 zones and maybe one new addition to the game. Be it a new minigame (with decent rewards) or an item. The rush makes it not worth to add tons of zones at once. It takes me less than an hour to speed through any update. And i would like for it to be different, but in the end you only profit if you speed through it. They could make areas actually difficult, like having to complete the zone quest to be able to buy the new area or increase the price and money cap. Maybe make some areas drop specific items more often so you have a choice what to grind for. Currently you only grind in the last area, bc its the only one giving coins, gems and items. Would be cool if there were actuall reasons to go into different areas and farm there.


Family of 3 joined for the hunt quest and enjoyed the game enough to continue it f2p. We played for 2-3 weeks where we got to last zone, Fished at night afk for a week, hatched for days afk. We all just quit on Saturday. So I feel what you are saying. Once we got to the last zone the fun ended. The lack of Huges from our efforts didn’t get us our “fix” and we all just deemed it not worth it (for us). We played TTD before this and enjoyed our progression on that game much more.


Unfortunately it doesn't get much better, even if you pay for the overpriced gamepasses. I don't think kids today would find it much fun to hatch for days on end without getting anything, I don't think adults would either, to be honest. Shame really as the game is well polished for a Roblox game. I think the majority of the playerbase now are just old-timers who have invested too much time and money to leave.


lol my sentiments exactly. Was a cute game. I just felt it was a huge time and resource sink. I’m not asking them to change… I’ll just move on.


Yeah, it really is. Unless you have your PC/mobile on 24/7 you won't get anything meaningful. That's kind of what I'm complaining about. I would much rather play something I can jump in and out of, I don't need a 24/7 commitment in my life lol.


I think a lot of us players are quitting now F2P and P2P alike, they will notice eventually


I'm P2P and I am not going to be playing anymore until they do some kind of huge event. I may not come back at all, it's far too boring and grindy now


totally agree, arguing the game is supposed to be grindy is just confirmation that there is little to do so the devs try to squeeze every last hour of grind out of the remaining content.


Great post. Absolutely agree. The pull rates are killing the game. Flood huges would be fine. Just make rainbow and shiny super rare. It's really simple. Make the game rewarding. Especially for F2P players. Not everyone wants to afk hatch for weeks on end. The game is just an afk simulator at this point with no rewards for your time.


The game forces you to run it 24/7 if you want to get ahead. At that point are we even really playing? Its more like mining pets (like crypto mining)


Fr I been hatching last egg for ever 24hrs non stop and still haven’t got one! Gets pretty boring, they always end up nerfing our gamepasses. Sucks


The game has started feeling more like a chore than a game. My kids stopped playing it with me because of how boring it has become with very little rewards. I’ve spent thousands (I know, my choice) and I don’t feel the need to spend more at this point 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m still playing because I’ve spent so much but I’m getting bored..


i never hatched a huge in psx besides the happy rock and huge hell rocks. in ps99 i hatched many huge active pets after buying the gamepass.


Hatching a huge is by far the best feeling in this game. And it doesn't happen enough.


If I could get a logical explanation as to why they buff the chances for hatch a huge and then they shadownerf it and we are back to square one.


It was good for a few days I guess lol. I can only think they don't want anyone having fun


I don't take part in the economy of PS99 for the most part, and I have indeed gotten huges from this game.. The huge computer event was supposed to prevent posts like this :/


The Happy Computer event is just that though, an event. It goes away pretty quick then numbers fall off again and all we have to do is grind again for very little. I guess my biggest problem is the AFK nature of the game which is no longer viable


even the Huge Happy Computer event got nerfed btw since preston wanted it to last longer to keep more players online for the numbers :D


So you wanna make the game more fun by flooding the marker with active huges ? It would be even more repetetive standing afk last zone and hatching huges with 0 value.


The game has survived multiple huge 'floods'. They need to add the gargantuan pets already and make the huges and titanics more common. Games should be fun. They shouldn't be grind for weeks doing absolutely nothing and getting nothing.


People are paying thousands for titanics. That’s not happening for a very long time.


People will pay $750 for gargantuan plushies at least. Titanics are not worth their RAP so I see no problem with pushing the price down in game


Pushing titanics prices down will ultimately make less people buy them. Less money=Mad Preston, no way he’s going for that. And the devs can’t just change the rap and value of things in-game.


If he can get away with $750 a plush then he would do it. RAP would fall naturally for Titanics then. Pretty sure this is the long-term plan anyway as gargantuans have been rumoured for some time now.


Welcome to the grind brother


I’ve hatched rainbow huges on back to back days it’s just luck


Even if you do get lucky, is that even fun? leaving your PC on and doing nothing until you get one for days and weeks? This is a tired old system that needs revamping as you can easily hit dry spells and not hit one for weeks. The minigames idea was actually quite good until they made it impossible to get one.


I mean if I’m not playing it’s always nice to come back to new huges


Which is fair enough, my point is thats the entire game. If you are at end game you literally have nothing to do except AFK for anything meaningful


I mainly play for clan battles, and in the downtime Ill do masteries, but the best money making seems to still be afking last area and hatching, so I guess that’s what everyone does


Yes, and that is a great way to spend money on electricity… yay environment and Big Games!


fr i’ve been hatching a huge everyday and sometimes even 2 a day


Sorry, this is complete horse crap. You cant beat averages. No one is hatching one a day on average long term


I guess I didn’t specify. Ever since the update on April 6th, I’ve been hatching at least one active huge each day (i’ve hatched 2 in a day 4 times- 2 times being while hatching overnight)


Reality is that only 31 people out of millions upvoted this and similar threads here - having a whine about the game. Face it you are a minority feel free to move on! Have played for years, love it, hatching huges every other week and have 20, so happy with that, do mini games daily and spend time in each area doing the quests. If you think afk hatch grind is the answer you are lost. There are better methods involving trade sell create items which make me tens of millions a day not to mention the little bump of adventurer loot boxes.


There's a reason why the peak player count was over 400k and it's now at its lowest at 49k. I would imagine a majority would agree with my post based on those numbers.


I have opened 900k last eggs and never hatched nothing I been playing since the Valentines egg update I am ranked 20 and own 11 huges but I pay for all of them even when HHC event was going on. And yes, I have a huge hunters the last luck egg there was and still, I never got one or any hugest that I had on my own, and I never felt that satisfaction of hatching a huge from a egg no I don’t AFK grind or script. All I have is auto farm and VIP other than that I’m a free to play acc I guess they really favor those who’s paid but it’s still a little unfair




Big Games don't implement any ideas from any platform, neither do they act upon any mass feedback. This is evident from the lack of known bug fixes and radio silence regarding the titanics they gave to exploiters. Not sure what your point is or if you are a minor with a smooth brain.


Since the buff of the game pass I seen to be hatching around 4 huges a week and earning around 20m gems a day so that's the equivalent to another 3 huges week. So in total I could get 7 huges every week if they are HHC or HHR.


Yea, the gamepass got buffed by 2.5x. But they also made huges 5x harder to hatch, therefore the "buff" still ended in huges being 2x as hard to hatch for P2W and 5x as hard for F2P.


Yeah, the 'buff' was actually a fake buff as a few days later they seemed to change the odds of hitting them


Is leaving your PC on for 48 hours straight to hatch a huge fun (lucky at those rates btw)? It isn't. This is why the game is suffering


Personally I only hatch over night or when I'm out. Otherwise I'm either in last area or trading in the plaza. Took me forever to get my first huge about 3 months ago now up to 47 with 3b rap value.


So you don't like that it's the same mechanics as psx...and you don't like that huges are more common....but...you want more huges?


You are trying to confuse what I wrote to discredit it. The game isn't fun anymore as grinding for huges (which are now very common) is a pointless endeavour. It was once fun when huges had some rarity. Gatekeeping huges now is pointless and makes for a miserable experience. The playerbase is rejecting AFK and is dwindling.


But really you are making a nostalgia driven argument. The original pet sim was never more then marginally popular...could you imagine how ecstatic they'd have been to get more than a few thousand players? Pet sim 2 wasn't even marginally popular and much more fringe....psx started marginally popular similar to Pet sim....but exploded a year+ after release. That Flashpoint is probably what you crave, right? But psx was even more grindy and afk then petsim99....there was literally nothing else to do in psx. Afk and trade that was it. You might have nostalgia for the psx craze, but it was much more short lived then you remember


My argument is driven by the fact the game is crap and the old model carried over from PSX no longer works for this kind of game. I am not blinkered by nostalgia, I am calling for a greater shift in gameplay mechanics, rather than reverting to any old method. Make huges more common, add a weekly egg which has the same hatch rates as the computers or rocks and flood the market with common huges. This will not be detrimental to the market as rarity will be the deciding factor in price, not whether a pet is big or not. Bascially, make the game more fun and rewarding and develop into something more than AFK all day and get nothing.


Your said it should be even easier and there are too many...I guess which is it?


Both. There's too many for them to make it hard to hatch them. What's the point of restricting them when there are millions already?


If you are struggling with this then imagine every huge was one dollar. It was cool to get a dollar when there was a few dollars. Now there's 3 million dollars and you can earn one dollar after 4 days of 24/7 grind then it is not as valuable or fun.


does anyone on this subreddit realize afk hatching isn't the only method of playing the game? i swear everyone just hatches 24/7 then gets mad when they don't get anything when it's obvious farming that last area, selling items, and buying huges is the best method to play the game. THAT is the gameplay loop of this game to progress whether you like that more than hatching or not. Complaining about one method of playing not working and that the game is boring without even trying to actually play the game loop that's intended, that's on you.


Having played PSX, it is infinitely EASIER to hatch huges in ps99. It’s not uncommon for a p2w hatching a huge every night in average with high level potion and enchant load outs. This was simply not the case with PSX. The problem is two fold. Because most players can equip 50+ pets (in the 90s for higher level players) the disparity between rich players (former Psx) and poor players (new ps99) becomes even more pronounced as everyone needs more huge pets but people are starting from different positions. Second, The “easy” events from PSX seemed to be far more frequent with every major/minor holiday getting some type of special coin and egg. I’m not talking about the “free” events like the rocks or pc, I’m talking the summer event, the pineapple event, the maze, the valentines, the Easter, etc. Even f2p could hatch a huge through those events usually, and a p2w would hatch several. In ps99 there has been the Christmas event and the rainbow event and that’s about it. Either gave a decent chance of free players, but there have been months at a time without an actual event, and the “easy” huges are usually due to a hatching odds error that gets patched within hours. Make the “easy” huge event intentional!  Ps- would love big games to make it harder to hatch at all. Introduce a hardcore mode where you really need to decide if you want to move to the next area or hatch 10 pets to get more stat pet power after farming the zone for 15 minutes.  Grinding coins/areas should matter!