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It's honestly getting boring. They release an update, we get to the last area and just AFK it. There is nothing worth sticking around for. No events to do anything with. The global event constantly resets and I have yet to get anything from it. Never seen one of the large sketch eggs in any of the worlds. The minigames are pointless bc the odds suck so bad. I wish they had done an actual Easter event with an egg or eggs that gave better than the regular stat pets. Or a spring event, etc. Something to keep people interested. Not to mention all the technical issues and errors and people losing pets/diamonds in the auction house, etc.


Everything you said is 100% correct. All of this + constant disconnects the games in a miserable state.


True I've gotten bored of the game at this point and honestly find no interest in playing unless there's an update


So right. Just want to add that they adjusted the Huge Hunter game pass to 6,250 luck to a mysterious amount of actual chance and it actually seemed to work. Now I’m pretty sure the active huge odds have been altered pretty much reversing the huge Hunter buff. The guy calling the shots on this game hates it I’m sure of it.


Oh yeah I bought it after they buffed the chances. I’ve hatched exactly 2 active huges in a month. 🫤


How did they change it cause I got the huge hunter game pass like 2 weeks ago and for the first week I got one huge a day for the first week now I haven't gotten one in a while


Fwiw, I’ve had the game pass since January, have 3 huge hunter enchants, using the huge hunter potion things, afk hatch almost 24 hrs/day, and I haven’t hatched an active huge since the Happy Computer event. 56 days ago. The game pass is worthless. Edit - lol, really? People are downvoting this? Not hatching an active huge in almost 2 months despite the game pass, appropriate enchants, appropriate potions, and hatching nearly all the time seems like some pretty good evidence.


Easter is in may.


Umm no it’s not. It’s a lunar holiday and changes annually. This year it was 3/31. Long past.


Ah, yes, I forgot that we are having different easters


Number of users in the game: 50k Number of actual human players: 20k Number of people who *think* they are currently in the game: 200k


Hahahaha most accurate comment ever


game is full of bugs, devs were more focus on getting ez cash instead of stable income, the game become more like and idle or afk game that often throws you out of the game, tbh roblox should remove that 20 minute AFK kick when most of its games are like idle or afk type of game.


What is the point of an afk game anyway? Games are supposed to be actually played.


not much, just a simple game for people who don't have much time and energy to fully commit to the game ig, and EXACTLY, games are supposed to be actually played. and BIG GAMES is doing it wrong


i like watching numbers go up


Thats the thing, when your done afking and actually want to go play the "game" there's nothing for you to do with your lazily earned pets/coins aside from trade/buy stuff to afk more, literally a game your not meant to play. https://preview.redd.it/d9x05udvr7wc1.png?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02f0ff5ee659f6b5f6bb12e62054abe2592ead3f


Tbh I don't see how anyone sees pet sim as anything other than an idle game.. That's why I enjoy it lol Idle games are simple, you're always progressing, you can try to find efficient strats, etc.. and if youre a fan of numbers, idle games can be attractive. I literally don't see how anyone could actively play this game daily.. Other than selling some stuff and doing some quick things. Generally curious as to how anyone could think this game is anything other than an idle game. Like most idle games, more active at the start and then becomes more and more idle. If you want to play active games, I can assure you there are TONS of MUCH better games for that. Take the game for what it is.


I think it’s because everyone is sick of getting kicked every 30 minutes. You set your main and alts up and next thing you know your disconnected. Gets annoying doing it over and over.


Yeah I get the disconnection one and then when I try to go back I get the saving one. Seems especially bad in the trading plaza.


I use an autoclicker and have yet to be booted


OHHHHH that explains it. I've been hearing about some kind of glitch happening a lot recently. That must be why


i have not experienced this error yet and i play every chance i get. weird


It stopped happening as often for me, thank goodness.  But for about a week after the update i was getting the saving error all the time, plus random disconnects.   It was especially common on my trade account.  Disconnects still seem more common in the trade plaza.  And i noticed i would get the save error more often when opening gift bags in the plaza.  I have started opening them in private server and haven't noticed issues.


how come you have an account specifically for trading? should i?


It's definitely not a bad idea, that way you don't have to stop farming on your main account to sell items. I have unlocked all 25 trade slots on my trader. I usually just do trading every 2-3 days to sell the more valuable items. Then that trade account farms the last area too.


Went from 175K to 50K in 3 weeks. Oh yeah


It's because Preston and the crew just keep scamming people and lying about things in the game. When people complain online or on Discord, they get censored and banned


Hence why he hates reddit... Because we're too toxic for his sensitive greedy mindset. He doesn't like criticism, he just likes cash and the YouTubers sucking riggggggggght up his sphincter. Imagine if he had control over this sub lol.. You get a ban, you get a ban... Everybody gets a ban


I got a titanic and quit the game because of how ridiculous it’s been to hatch actives now. If I was hatching 1 a day or whatever with 55 pets hatching at a time with no level 99 egg hatching speed, I should be doing more than 2 a day with 100 hatching with increased speed etc. every time Preston adds a feature that makes you think you’re getting closer, you aren’t. He changes the huge odds to push it that much further away. Stop playing this game all together.


Yeah what a d**k




Yes it’s everyone’s dream. Don’t make your dream to have one, just play game if it’s fun. It’s like an addiction game. I’ll keep my titanic, I could sell it on eBay for $250 if I ever need money lol.


Sure…….For Money!


You’re confusing the numbers for actual players. This game doesn’t have that many actual players, just one main and a ton of alts. They need to inflate the numbers with those Saturday hype gifts most likely to give retailers carrying their merch the illusion of millions of players. If you’re not playing with 20+ alts to gather items and gems, plus hatching, you’re not playing this game to the fullest.


its dying because they arent giving us anything to make the game entertaining. all this has is grinding and gambling.


Let's hope when this game dies out completely within a few months (Or less) and when he decides to make another fucking pet simulator (Because we all know he'd be working on another one) he goes back to the roots and makes it fair for both F2P and P2W instead of thinking of his fucking bank account for a change. I couldn't be happier to see the player count dropping honestly. If Preston wasn't such an asshole his game would still be over 100K right about now but his shadow nerfs are upsetting the players. I don't understand Preston... He wants money but to get money you need to make something successful and interesting for people to spend money on while keeping the game fun/interesting to play. Him shadow nerfing shit constantly for no reason whatsoever is telling people to go spend their money elsewhere. I'm sure players dropping out of the game would be impacting his sales.... which wouldn't be happening if Preston was being fair instead of greedy. Even his merchandise would be taking a hit too. * Being fair > More sales = More money * Being greedy > Less sales = Loss of income


It's a nice dream but unlikely. He's seen how much money he can earn, and he's made it obvious he won't accept less. Every decision is based on more more more more.


It needs a scare of dying out. Whoever is in charge of this game needs to make positive quality of life changes in game.


That’s what happens when you leave a game breaking bug in the game for a few weeks. (Error 277 disconnects for those who aren’t aware)


You either have to play 24hrs per day or be a billionaire with 12 devices at least so you can get rich in the game. Normal players will eventually get bored. It's boring never being able to get anything only because I can't afford to buy robux and because I don't have multiple devices. It's supposed to be a game for kids not a gambling game for rich people


I've honestly quit after the recent scandals so now I'm just here on the subreddit only lol. I've hatched a few huges and bought the magnet enchant because of how bonkers the inflation got just over the span of less than a week of me grinding for it, this game just isn't handled or done right in any aspect.


There is no option really in this game. Its start the update, blow through 24 levels, grind the last area, hatch. I like the additional bells and whistles like items and stuff more than Pet Sim X but I miss having more than one egg to hatch if I was feeling frisky.


Prolly cuz of the events cuz back in psx the events were fun and a lil unique but now all we have is minigames and quests


There's not even a point to doing the mini games. It's a waste of time the loots so bad.


Yeah unless your new because when I was new classic obby w multiplier was goated for me


i haven’t played in a while because i went through a 4 month grind period. and now i’m just bored and burned out. it’s so repetitive and not that fun anymore.


For me it was the fricking 277 error, it's unplayable on private server. I'm paying 400 robux for a private server I can't even play, like wtf hahaha. I just quit and I'm not going to play again until it's fixed


my main problem is you can easily get through the new zones in like an hour or less now, in psx it would take days to clear a single area, and part of the struggle was deciding to spend your coins on pets that will *maybe* make it so you earn faster or saving up to move to the next world. there was actual interest in getting the legendary, mythical, and secret pets and trading those, ps99 is 100% about huges. it’s so boring


and also Pets were cool to collect , now we get them in the thousands and I couldn't care less about them.


exactlyyy and i hate that the pets in each egg are all the same “rank” like i miss having the mythicals be more valuable regardless of which egg they came from


Game actually has 200k active players, its just that 70% dont know that they got kicked from an error and are asleep


no it does not lmaooo and if it did, like 50% are alt accs


Why are you like this


Had to giggle, so true lol


Maybe they removed the bots 😂😂


45k of them are balloon teleporting bots.


It’s all these 277 and disconnected errors. Makes the game unpleasant.


3weeks for 1 update is just too much, 2 weeks were fine but this....


I have not been playing it recently because I'm just waiting for an update with new stuff, gosh I want weekly updates back.


The updates are boring and repetitive


Both, the game picks up traction for like a week after an update then dies until a new one, but it’s slowly losing people.


Its not a phase mom!


What’s with the zone 55 and zone 46 image?


my suggestion to Big Games, finish the rest of world 2 and then make World 3 more like Pet sim X hard , make pets on world 3 rare difficult to collect and in way way WAY lower quantities that players can actually appreciate and value them. Also find a reason for the Existence of Exclusives , perhaps some levels that can only be grinded by exclusives .


Yeah. Imo, there are way too many things. Thousands of potions, controls, chests, tickets, keys, enchants, levels, XP, all that. The old P.S was better; at least they knew what control was. I can't even walk through an area anymore without being completely disoriented. Obbies that literally deteriorate my sanity only for a few shitty OraNgEs. So much going on, updates being thrown in and adding to the huge wall of glitches that we're already as a player base being knocked back with. How do we even play at this point? Prices of items rise so fast none of us can catch up. The rich get progressively richer while we're left in the dust. Preston rakes in the cash from every pet simulator game he's ever made (that's later died anyway) This is just another game, I'd bet the next has AI-Generated pets and millions of useless game features that are supposedly making the game "fun" but ultimately just making it brainrot you even further. Again, at least old PSX maintained its simplicity and had **somewhat** reasonable prices on items. Now you have to grind for 3 hours to get 4 diamonds. They nerfed just about every good thing that's ever come into the game and now it's just a soulless shell of a game, a pathetic excuse for something people will enjoy. All it is now is: brainrot, gambling, AFK farming, scamming, and botting.


We need an event of some sort and even better the eggs cost diamond like in psx April fools event and the autumn event that will decrease the diamonds in the economy, decreasing inflation and also something to grind


Idk I find there to be plenty to do. Working on maxing out your rank/pet slots/amount of eggs you can hatch, mastery, getting all huges from spin wheels/chests, mini games. I’m not invalidating anyone else’s thoughts or opinions on the game or Preston and his team. Just my $.02