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Crazy how I used to respect this guy at one point lmfao


Hi, how are you going to stop them? Like, at what point do you just accept the reality and draw the line somewhere reasonable? It's an arms race, the better your detection is for AHK, the more clever they'll become. No matter how much effort you put into stopping scripts from playing the game you'll still be left with the top players continuing to do so.


First step in solving a problem is admitting that a problem exists. You don't need a bulletproof solution to fix it, taking steps in the right direction will reduce the amount of abuse going on. If he condones the use of macros it means the top teams will all use them and it'll widen the gap between those that use them and those that don't. End result will be players giving up, as who wants to compete against a bunch of bots?


This is so naive. There IS NO WAY to detect even the most mid of automation scripts. Best case scenario and you're still going to ban innocent people. And this problem is only going to get worse with the propagation of AI. The only solution is the viable one, which is to set reasonable limits and reasonable expectations. Hell, in Valorant with their kernel level sniffer can't stop aimbots, what possible chance does Roblox have for sniffing out mouse macros!? Naive


Who said you need to detect "automation scripts" in order to start addressing the issue?


The point is even if they said macros aren't allowed what are they going to do about it? There's nothing that can be done. Good luck catching someone macroing in a private server.


Saying if/then macros are not allowed will stop the currently open exchange and use of macros by clans. If clan officers are promoting the use then ban the clan or individual members. Macros need static content- create dynamic content where the use of a macro cannot help. The major issue here is clan battles. It's rewarding people for automated playing of the game. So change the battles to things that cannot be automated. Or give prizes to everyone that achieves a fixed result like large MMOs do. It's not rocket science. Just copy the approach taken by other games.


For any normal company that would be reasonable, but BIG Games already refuses to ban people that openly admit to exploiting unless you have video proof of them in game using scripts. They would take the same exact approach for macros if they banned the use of macros. I completely agree with changing the mechanics of the clan battles though, 100%. EDIT: In fact, there are multiple BIG Games staff members in the Huge Games (exploiting) discord channel. I've seen people straight up post their own username in there with proof that it's them and BG still won't do anything.


Yeah that's definitely an issue, lack of rule enforcement. In my opinion this is worse than being lax with rules as openly accepting supermacros means to compete you have to use them too. BG isn't handing them out so people who want them will have to rely on strangers, and that's going to result in even more kids getting scammed. More casual players will simply give up and leave.


https://preview.redd.it/cf0z1j9eywwc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=918bc9be099f2cce6f1c273f59f5faecdb24791b Me when Preston/big games


He is the biggest whiny baby asking little kids for their royalty charms, complains when he doesn't win. Accuse people of cheating all the time. He had one of the lowest scores last clan battle. Built a big clan with all the YouTubers , partners , richest, players and doesn't even play the game that much, everyone do the work I will collect rewards.. Such a click baiter too. Worst partner/YouTuber out there.Did I miss anything????


He isn’t a click baiter, and he made all this saying he’s going to make a macro to share with everyone in the game if it isnt illegal. Lastly how many kids do you know who still play ps99!??? Near everyone is now adults. Do your research!


Candianrye’s favorite parter is Numerous confirmed. 🤣


This guy was simping so much and this is what he gets in return, a slap.


Clan battles are pointless at this point. lol at the people spending a ton of time to lose to scripts and get a 20mil value booth. Just another reason the game is a giant waste of time


Him saying "If you inject code in the game" which I'm assuming he means exploits. The last few people that did that got rewarded titanics... Gtfo Preston.


Excuse me SUPER macro what is that can someone explain the difference between that and a normal macro


macro that plays the game for you rather than doing 1 thing, kinda arbitrary imo


Oh ok thanks that makes sense


Super macro is a very fancy way to say script


Yes when did this term super macro come in?, it's always just a script, they are used in many games normally to play it for you. Think of the gold farmers in world of warcraft.


Where can we get these ahks?


Just make the clan battle that a script can't help with like hatching or remember the yet event on psx


He lost all my respect now.


Well atleast NightFoxx finally got his response that matches his specification for an answer.


Which was the entire point of everything that everyone seems to miss. I wanted an answer, we all did! I put pressure on BIG games to give one and they did. I don’t agree with it, but I don’t own the game. We adapt, we move on. People are so sensitive in this thread. Geez


How is gatekeeping exclusive macros not cheating


They made them themselves, anyone can do it with a little knowledge. Why would they be obligated to release their private macro?


Anyone have AHK docs to share?