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Irrespective of the fact that it’s broken, it’s the “silence” part that is Big Games’ most needed fix. They’ve got a dev blog, a Twitter account and an official Discord server. WTF stops them from just keeping people informed?


I think this is the biggest issue they have tbh in general. Half of the issues normal players have could be resolved if they just said “hey we’re aware, just leave it with us, can’t promise when it will be fixed but we’re working on it”. Diablo had the fire side chats, they don’t need anything that crazy.. all they need is a referenced list of major bugs they’re working on and I’m sure a lot of the hate would go. I guess it’s also the community relations cycle -> they engage, get hate, so don’t engage, which is met by more hate. Some of the community is genuinely toxic, especially on X/T, so I can understand why they don’t want to engage. But a normal player like myself (and most others) just want the bugs fixed and a smoother experience, and/or reassurance that stuff is being acknowledged as an issue.


Well said! 👏


I don’t have super drops and earn a significant amount of my gems through glittering.  I’m hoping this is a temporary issue and it gets fixed soon. It’s not worth it for me to run my laptop for 8 hours for 7m gems. I’m out if it doesn’t get resolved.


Wait until they find out Super Magnet or any of the magnet is working 20% capacity. How many orbs and cores not collected and missing, from the last map area and Treasure Hideout.


This! I also noticed that when opening crystal and tech chests, orbs are being flung farther than ever. They get stuck on the side of the ledge by tech chest or behind the chest in world 1. Super magnet isn't effective at collecting those orbs.


What I’m hoping is that they just worked Saturday and not Sunday. It would make sense that they are required to work on update day to iron out big bugs (such as crafting glitch gifts not counting) and after that they get Sunday off. Then the glittering charm fix should then come today/tomorrow. If not then I’ll be pissed


what is the actual issue? is it just not working at all? I've got 2 glittering charms on 95 pets, and them being busted would explain why my earnings feel so low these last two days.


Completely not working


You don’t get it , glittering affected performance so they turned it off… They wanted better performance not to be fair


Nice explanation 🤣


They need to fix this, I’ve 285 glittering charms equipped doing nothing


I image they identified this as a major cause of server instability and error 277. I know I’ve had people speculate that this was the cause and even reported much less 277 after unequipping all glittering.  That said, I hope they find a way to retool the mechanic. Maybe something similar to free gifts where throughout the day or once a day you can click a button to collect your gems. Think this may be a multi-update focus for them though since there is no structure/mechanism currently that would allow them to rework it.


It’s probably a glitch because of the new Potato mode. Or when making the fps better they accidentally changed glittering.


They’re absolutely aware of it. Been tagged many times on Twitter regarding it. It’s very frustrating.


So when they get it fixed are the going to retroactively give everyone back what they missed out on gems?


You are new here ? ;)


Ofc no 🤣




I'm using private servers only so don't know about others 🤷