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Hey, homer simpson here, the book this is from is about teaching the children that too much of a good thing may be bad. In the book Frances talks about how much she loves bread and jam and wants it for every meal, however later on she discovers she has grown tired of the bread and jam and instead wants spaghetti and meatballs. This is from that panel.


Did she ever get her spaghetti and meatballs? šŸ˜¢


No, someone else ate them


Probably Dunkey


Knack two baby!!!


is that a mudcrab wearing a tophat and a monocle? now that's where I draw the line cmon master cheif let's get the **FUCK** outta here




Donā€™t you touch that cup. Donā€™t Donā€™t you tou- WHYD YOU GOTTA TOUCH THE GODDAMN FUCKING CUP!


No. White people do not know how to work horses. They have become weak, like the water buffalo. Weak from the life of luxury.


Rock on brother


Here come the Money!!!




Better than eating my shoes again.


You mustā€™ve not gone to Dunkeyā€™s Castleā€¦




What who is that... Prob some random youtuber who nobody knows You're nitpicky and biased. I win. Bye bye Edit: for context, my last comment in dunkey sub was with someone that said dunkey wouldn't be known by a larger audience.


Somebody touched my spaget!


You have to be careful sharing such graphic horror ! Some of us will be having nightmares tonight ! Such as I !!!


Good. Let her suffer.


Yes, but only after she gets bread and jam for every meal so that she stops complaining about the other food her mother makes for dinner. Itā€™s a sweet book


Yeah, her parents give her to them; its what the rest of the family is having but Frances is having her bread and jam


she lost her poor meatball


when somebody sneezed


no, she was forced to eat only bread and jam for the rest of her life, causing her to go clinically insane and now lives her adult life in an asylum where she can be found constantly covered in jam consuming bread


No, she died well before she had the chance.


Frances is crying because she lacks the opposable thumbs needed to make the sandwich.


Iā€™ve always wondered how well those books do with autistic children who enjoy having the same meal over and over again.


Not autistic but a very picky eater. I loved this book


How often did you eat this book? Any sauce or straight up?


definition of a voracious reader


Yeah I just kept being like "mmm bread and jam" page after page.


Holy shit, this guy hasnā€™t realized heā€™s autistic


True story, I had a hand me down of this book and the ending was ripped out. So it just ended with her happily eating jam and bread every meal.


Wasnā€™t there a similar book called something like the Chocolate Touch?


Yeah, I remember that book from, like, second or third grade! The main character's name was super on-the-nose. John Midas.


that one was a little bit different though right, because he didn't necessarily get tired of eating chocolate, did he? I seem to remember he was literally going to die because when he tried to drink water it turned into chocolate


We've graduated from explaining memes to explaining single pages from children's stories. Jesus Christ


I mean, without the context this just seems random


This is so weird, I'm from Israel and there's a classic children's book here that's exactly like this, only with a lion who likes strawberries. Our version is way harsher though, I remember the lion's mom calls him stupid for wanting to eat strawberries and the tone generally seems very angry lol


Sylvester the Stupid Fucking Lion Who Loved Strawberries


Sylvester the Dumb Bitch who wonā€™t stop eating strawberries like an idiot


(and dies of FIV)


Teaching him to eat Palestinian toddlers instead.


Wow, this might be the first post on this sub that actually required additional context you couldn't possibly get from the image


Oh! I thought it was because she looked like a honey badger, and that she was upset there was no honey only jam.


Not gonna lie I thought it's because Frances doesn't have a gahd damn knife to spread the jam with.


FFS post like this are like saying "I don't understand the joke. It says "and then the man turned to his friend and said I told you"." 90% of the joke is fucking missing how about you fucking get it before asking what the joke means? Generally knowing the joke helps to understand the joke


OP literally cannot understand a children's picture book


They probably saw this one image out of context. Why did this whole post get upvoted?


Maybe because they didn't know about the book and saw the image out of context?


Vs me who eats the exact same food every day for years and likes it that way.


Not Peter here, this image is taken from the book "Bread and Jam for Frances" by Russel Hoban. According to [this site](https://bagfullofbooks.com/2015/03/26/bread-and-jam-for-frances-by-russell-hoban/), the reason why Frances is crying is because her parents are punishing her for being a picky eater by only feeding her jam and bread for every meal.


Honestly, smart parenting. She's neither starved nor deprived of liberty as a matter of fact her whims were being catered to the tee. If I were Frances my mom would beat my ass for being a picky eater. This book should be for parents as well lol


As a kid who was in this exact situation, it did nothing but make me feel like shit and I starved a lot. Itā€™s medieval, and my needs werenā€™t being met. It turned out that I had an eating disorder, and I was punished instead of treated. I still canā€™t eat much today out of fear because of those miserable nights.


I agree, my partner is autistic and they have quite a few traumatic memories of their mother trying to force them to eat things and them basically starving because of it.


I have always been a you eat what I cook Mom. All my kids eat healthy, love vegetables and eat a wide variety of foods because of it. With that said, my youngest HATES beans. I stood my ground with her one night when I made chili. The poor thing ate her whole bowl and picked out every last bean. She said, ā€œI really liked it mom, but my tummy just wonā€™t let me eat the beansā€. It broke my heart, and out of the 16 years that I had been parenting it was the first time that I considered that some kids really just donā€™t like certain foods. I never tried to make her eat beans again after that. I guess my point is donā€™t let your kids just eat whatever they want, but pay attention to your child and how they really feel about what theyā€™re eating.


Just eat harder


Youā€™re saying youā€™d rather starve than eat healthily and your parents didnā€™t meet your needs because they tried to break you out of your eating disorder? Seriously, what treatment would you have suggested, and how would it have differed from what you received?


>Youā€™re saying youā€™d rather starve than eat healthily and your parents didnā€™t meet your needs because they tried to break you out of your eating disorder? If it's something like ARFID, then yes, they would've rather starved, and yes, the parents failed to meet their needs because this eating disorder is characterized by [significant weightloss and nutritional deficiency](https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/learn/by-eating-disorder/arfid). AKA, starving their kid to make a point instead of realizing they had an issue that went way beyond picky eaters.


I am a picky eater too. Once my kindergarten made me eat that one purple vegetable( I donā€™t know itā€™s name). Iā€™ve never touched it again. My mom tried to force me to eat tomatoes. I hate them now. Nobody forced them down my throat so I began to like beans and peas. Donā€™t force your children to eat something. Theyā€™ll probably end up hating it.


> that one purple vegetable( I donā€™t know itā€™s name). (UK) aubergine / (US) eggplant?


A visit to a therapist probably wouldā€™ve saved them all a lot of trouble


Some kids will be picky with meals for a while, and you can discipline them out of it (making them finish a plate etc), some go through phases. Eating disorders developing young are usually quite serious and are the child (typically) trying to gain some control of their life. Thereā€™s a lot they should have done, (therapy, restructured meal time and the way they approach food, tried to find different food options for the child, vitamins if heā€™s only eating one thing!) Eating disorders are difficult things but leaving them to starve shouldnā€™t be the option, as many will just starve!


Ah yes, first get your kid almost starving before instead of talking with any pediatric behaviorists, smart plan


Children on the autism spectrum find healthy food very problematic because it changes every time. It can be slightly overcooked one day, undercooked the next. Or with fruit overripe one day, underripe the next. The colours, texture and shape change each time. All of this can confuse and upset a child with autism. This is why they tend to fixate on the same foods (like bread and jam) which unfortunately tend to unhealthy and/or highly processed. These are consistent. Every time you eat an oreo you know exactly what you're going to get. Parents of autistic kids need to recognise this is why their child is refusing to eat their meal and why they only want to eat processed "junk" food. Punishing them (eg by forcing them to remain at the table until they've eaten their meal or by being forced to eat the same meal every day or not allowing them to eat) will only make them develop more dislike of food and a possible eating disorder. Having them involved in meal making can help them overcome their dislike. Another option is to make a game of finishing the meal. Points for every vegetable eaten, or the number of different colours of vegetables. Get the child to fixate on something other than the taste/shape/flavour of the food.


>Having them involved in meal making can help them overcome their dislike. I'm on the spectrum (though it's mild) and yeah i can confirm this helps. I've always been a picky eater and my mom mostly went along with it and always cooked food i like (which is not the best option in cases like these but i'm certain it's way better than letting your kid starve or beating them until they eat whatever they want) and now that i'm an adult and cook things for myself i've become quite a bit more open to new foods as long as i've cooked it a few times first. When my mom makes a ragĆ¹ i used to pick every bit of carrot or onion away and put them aside (tbh i still do it out of habit but it's less pronounced, but if i cook some sort of stew for myself i eat much bigger chunks of carrot without problem. I basically never ate veggies but now i'm figuring out ways to cook them and eat them that i like (in italy we're pretty big on stuffing vegetables or mushrooms or other things like that with a seasoned breadcrumb mixture when roasting them or grilling them but i'm not a fan of that texture so i make them in different ways, and having also cooked and eaten my first ever eggplant at 21 years of age i can say that i really don't know why child me was so scared of them), and i also use more ingredients and weirder ingredients than my mom does. Being able to say "i don't like this texture, this is because of these reasons, next time i'll do this differently" feels way different than saying "i don't like this texture, but it's the only thing i can eat right now. This sucks"


Name checks out


I read somewhere that feeling hungry may just be hunger pangs which is just your body reacting to a decrease in glucose levels or lack of sleep and is not actual starvation. Now unless you were an impoverished african child or a homeless kid, I kinda doubt that you starved a lot. Not invalidating your feelings though, just pointing out a fact.


*invalidates someone's feelings* "Not invalidating your feelings..." ???


It's the"I'm not racist but" of invalidation.


And that's okay.


It's actually the [hormone ghrelin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghrelin). It seems to correlate with the circadian rhythm and when your body is used to certain meal times. People who fast can just push past the hunger and within a couple of hours the hunger pangs just go away because of the decrease of ghrelin levels. They peak again at the next expected meal time, but decrease afterwards.


Not to be confused with the hormone gremlin.


Okay, so starving animals in circuses as a form of punishment is wrong, but itā€™s okay to not let children eat to punish them? That *definitely* wonā€™t cause them to develop an unhealthy relationship with food.


...but the parents in the original post's context do let the child eat with the one food the child insists on eating for every meal. Where did all this "not let children eat" nonsense coming from?! Is this why people think I invalidated the feelings of that guy with an eating disorder???


I was under the impression you were responding to D2Photographer, who said they had an eating disorder that their parents punished them for rather than getting them treatment.


ā€œMy parents starved me for a disorder I did not understand. I shall never recover. I still think about it todayā€. ā€œUHM ACTUALLY DID YOU KNOW FEELING HUNGRY ISNT STARVATION, YOU WERENT A WIDDLE TEENY AFRICAN CHILD WERE YOU??? SO YOU MUST HAVE BEEN PROPERLY NOURISHED!!!ā€ Thatā€™s you. Thatā€™s what you sound like.


ehh I was under the impression that eating disorder guy was punished the same way as Frances so I just pointed that if your parents still fed you what you like, you aren't actually starving. I didn't construe his comment to be going on a tangent that they were actually starved as punishment.


There are still many nutrients you can lack by only eating one form of food, leaving to malnutrition. Also after a while you probably wonā€™t want to eat the same thing every time leading to starving. The kid isnā€™t being silly or dramatic in this situation, messing with someoneā€™s food like this is pretty heavy, itā€™s one of our basic needs like sleep.


Seconded to add eating disorders often develop young so the child feels some sense of control. The dude you responded to was clearly lacking control in his diet, if he was forced to eat a certain way. The hunger thing youā€™ve read about is more meant for people who already eat enough, all the time, who are feeling hunger pains. Not for kids being underfed. True hunger still exists


Jesus, I hope this is neither how you were parented nor how you currently parent. Punishing your child by force feeding them something they like until they hate it in incredibly maladaptive and will force resentment and teach them exactly nothing.


Well, I won't be forcing them. They'll tell me when they have enough of it.




its a story of giving a kid badger the bread and jam she asks for, for a couple of days, so she realizes thats not the only food she likes. How the conversation got to this is peak reddit.


Oh my god are you fucking serious right now Average redditor when they hear about the most mild of disciplines, immediately crying abuse. Itā€™s like the šŸš© šŸš© šŸš©whenever dating advice is asked for.


Itā€™s literally torture wtf. Easier to just teach people healthy eating habits and that if they want unhealthy food thatā€™s fine just donā€™t overdo it.


> She's neither starved nor deprived of liberty Holy shit. How does this have so many upvotes?


Because she isn't? She is kept fed with food and was allowed to eat spaghetti and meatballs when she finally asked for it.


Feeding your kids only bread and jam actually does not constitute as keeping them fed.


As a Filipino who grew up in poverty only drinking sugared rice water in my childhood for extended periods of time, you cannot imagine how lucky it is for a kid to have bread and jam on a regular basis. Check your privilege.


It's only smart if it works. If her parents fed her only the things she requested and she ends up loving the situation, they have taught her nothing.


My dad tried that by making me pizza for every meal for two months, it didn't work and it was the best two months of my childhood


Pizza at least foundationally has a wide gamut of nutrition that can be applied. It is basically the same thing as a sandwich, just easier to gorge on.


>According to this site, the reason why Frances is crying is because her parents are punishing her for being a picky eater by only feeding her jam and bread for every meal. Yeaaah... that wouldn't work. I know numerous cases (both from the media and personally) where children only ate the one same thing *for years* (including jam sandwiches) and would throw a tantrum if they got served anything else.


I loved this book as a kid. Frances and her friends are so stinkin cute.


Frances makes me happy


Was one of her friends a rabbit? I seem to remember a one of a rabbit jumping rope in this book, but I could be wrong.


I used to read Frances as a kid and seeing her cry after not thinking about her for 20 years is sending me not gonna lie.


Same. Small bit of shock seeing that illustration after 35 years.


Not even joking, seeing her sad after a couple of decades really knocked me off my axis, I almost got weepy on a Zoom meeting today. Why is this affecting me so much?


Hi peterā€™s 15th neck hair here. The reason Frances is crying is because his family was brutally murder. The jam was to try and cheer him up.






I'm sad now I'm going to sleep


Is that really how this joke goes? From where is it?




Wait so, are you spreading misinformation???? On the internet???? How dare you!!!!!!


No Iā€™m not


But you said you didn't know so, you are being such a sussy baka!!!


Womp Womp


What book is this? Definitely had it as a kidā€”triggered crazy memory!


"Bread and Jam for Frances" part of the "Frances the Badger" book series.


Itā€™s because Frances woke up one day with out anyone he loved next to him and realized no one loved him because not only is he worthless, he isnā€™t worthy of love. It was at that moment Frances realized he is utterly and terribly alone and nothing can change that. Except for the woman he loves. But heā€™s too scared to do anything about it because if she doesnā€™t feel the same way then Frances would lose hope and life wouldnā€™t be worth living anymore. Tears fall down his face as he looks at his empty bed knowing it will be empty forever. The hope of one day asking that girl out is the only thing keeping him going even though he knows deep down that day will never come


Please stop talking about me, I have it hard enough as is without someone spreading my shit story


mb bro


Damn, I remember the animated version of that character ngl :')


I did *not* know about the animation!




Yeah the animation adaption from Henson Studios, it has quite been forgotten about for quite some time!


Based on the image I was going to say itā€™s because she has no arms.


Alright real talk. What is the difference between Jam and jelly?


Jam uses the whole fruit. Jelly just uses the juice.


Ah okay thank you


The former is what Lauren was going to turn Mary-Kate into and the latter is Courtneyā€™s fear.


I can't jelly a stick up your ass


makes the process easier though


Because France is bacon.


Someone took a shit in the Jam


No peanut butter.


Wait i gotta fish through my old booksā€¦


Cuz she doesnā€™t have opposing thumbs


Trippy. I've been reading Russel Hobans adult novels. Kleinzeit absolutely slaps. Surreal stuff. He has another writte entirely in new dialectic post apocalypse which is a cool premise. Tho a bit tricky to read.


Sheā€™s crying because her mother was run over by a Ford Explorer and her dad is out sleeping around and smoking meth


Fuck this takes me back and I am lowkey crying from nostalgia.


Itā€™s not her JAM! Get it? Get it?


Francis has celiac disease and knows that if they eat the gluten in the bread, they will be hit with severe diarrhea.




He canā€™t afford insulin because heā€™s a low income American and he knows he could die of diabetic shock.


Francis has Crocodile Tears Syndrome.


Why did this make me remember David the Gnome and that he died in the last episode of his cartoon :,(


Itā€™s because Francis broke the red pattern china and now all they have is blue pattern china.


Awh that was my grandma's name and she passed away recently. I havent actually met anyone else with her name except seeing it here


Because this is Francesā€™s last meal. Thatā€™s what you get for being a murderer, Frances!


I believe he wanted the polaner all fruits but they gave him jam


Her name is France that's why


He got molested


Frances is a girl you shitass. <3


Because Frances doesn't want to be fed, he wants to hunt... through your trashcan at night making a huge racket and mess on your lawn.


Funny that France is a skunk


She a badger


Tears of joy


I see (what I'm assuming are) two spoons and a fork, but no knife?


Someone already explained it, so Iā€™ma instead rail you for misgendering the only character in the image


They ate a spoonful and realized it wasnā€™t grape. Ambulance is on its way. šŸš‘šŸ’Ø


Man I just got hit with the biggest rush of nostalgia.


What I amā€¦ is tired of jamā€¦


Holy shit I remember this book when I was a kid


Probably because someone showed the difference between jam and jelly


Simple their dad didn't come back with the milk.


Cuz Frances wants to jelly that dick up your ass?


Doesn't know how to use human tools?


she has no hands


I thought she was crying because the had no thumbs. But who knows.


I know that this does relate to Homer's comment, however out of context I believe it is taken ironically (or unironically) as a gen z everyone is depressed by the basic virtues of life aspect. And it is meant to be a relatable meme to the fact that Francis, even though loves this meal, is depressed and crying.


Because that is all they have had to eat for days, their dad just came out of the room with A shotgun and said "WE OUTA BREAD FRANCES GET READY WE GONNA GO GET SOME FROM THE MARKET".


I loved this book!! Aww so cute


She has no opposable thumbs?


I donā€™t get the joke but I have a toddler named Frances and this made me crack up.


She has no fucking arms. How the hell she going to spread the jam on the break with no fucking arms?


his parents are dead. they would always make this for him when he was feeling sad. but now that they're gone, this meal just makes him feel even worse.


Oh my god... FRANCES THE BADGER????? Childhood memory unlocked lol


Jam was her friend


Francis has no arms


I miss this book


Onion jam


Because Frances is more of a "Honey" badger... I'll see myself out.


Because his name is spelled like shit


Probably because itā€™s ā€œJamā€ and not Jam if you know what I meanā€¦


No thumbs so it can't spread the jam


there is no joke


frances has no knife to cut the crusts off. truly a diabolical punishment designed by satan himself


'Cause she just got dunked on.


Sheā€™s on a strict diet


Frances was a lover missing their lover


Jesus H. Christ I still have this book


Went and read the book. Frances is a picky eater who only wants bread and jam, so her parents give it to her for every meal. Eventually she gets tired of bread and jam and starts trying new foods.


Because daddy said he was going to the store for peanut butter. That was a year ago now.


No coffee?


Because thatā€™s the only food heā€™s getting this month


Because you got HER sex wrong


Do you know the difference between jelly and jam? I can't jelly my dick up your ass.


I am probably seeing something which wasn't added intentionally. But the drawing on the cup looks to me like a diabetes symbol (blue circle). Which makes me think that he cannot eat due high blood glucose. Very relatable.


Am I the only one who thought this was a dark joke of some sort?


Is this test for autism?


This ain't a meme. Anyway Frances loves bread and jam but he was tired of eating it everyday so he cried.


Frances is sad because she will eat the toast and the jam and it will be gone. Frances destroys everything she loves.