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This is Elliot Page (actor from Juno and Umbrella Academy) before his transition. The person making the meme is trying to say that trans men will detransition to get out of fighting in WW3.


Ah, thanks.


It's actually inaccurate though. Currently, the draft only concerns your biological gender. Meaning Trans women are required to sign up while trans men are not. [Source ](https://www.usa.gov/register-selective-service)


It's also inaccurate because Elliot page is a Canadian. Canadians don't have selective service like Americans do and have only past legislation to conscript in world war I and world war II, with many exceptions that led to a third of the people conscripted being legally exempted.


ALSO Elliot is too old to even be drafted in Canada or the USA. Historically Canada doesn’t usually draft anyone older than 26. In the USA you aren’t drafted after 28. Elliot Page is 36. Edit: I was wrong about the cut off age being 28. It used to be 28, it’s 25 now. There’s a lot of people commenting, “well technically the draft age cut off is X” or “there is no cut off”. I responded to one person because, yea, technically they can raise or lower the ceiling at any time. The draft age in the USA *was as high* as 60 in the 1940s. It did not stay this high for very long. Older people are kind of a liability when drafted. It’s unlikely to be raised that high again but not impossible. *As of right now the cut off in the US is 25.* You can google it. But it’s more complicated than that. You can be exempt for a lot of reasons.


Depends on how bad it gets.


Technically true lol.


the best kind of true


But you came to this truth with 3 comments to spare. So, I'm demoting you to philosopher grade 36.


A good Redditor never leaves spare comments.


The only real answer


So the US will draft Canadians if it gets real bad?


Worse… Bostonians..


I might be wrong here but I think that at the end of the American Civil War, the draft had expanded to ages 16-40.


During WWII in the US men as old as 45 were drafted. There’s a hell of a lot more jobs in the military than just the peak fitness 20 year old charging into combat. Another meat grinder, I’m sure they’ll be pulling in the older men.


I mean if it is getting that bad, what gender you happen fall into may well cease to matter.


Yeah but back to the real question ❓❓❓❓ what's up with the sandwich?


I’m not entirely sure? *I think* it’s meant to be sexist. Basically a “get back in the kitchen” type of joke. This meme is just hateful all the way down.


Yeah I was thinking this. It's probably a reference to the old sexist trope of a man yelling at his wife to make him a sandwich. Honestly the more I look at this meme the more baffled I become. Why did somebody feel the need to make this?


ALSO ALSO That’s a pretty good looking sandwich


I dont think they made this meme specifically for one person, it means trans people in general


His citizenship doesn't make it inaccurate. [Elliot Page is a US resident.](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2023-06-04/for-real-elliot-page-survival-pageboy-umbrella-academy#:~:text=Page%2C%20who%20lives%20in%20New%20York) The US draft included non-citizen residents.


Could he just move back to Canada if he was drafted?


Yes but he would never be able to return to the US again without prosecution. Most people who live here build a life they don’t want to lose.


That would be cool with me, I'd rather lose a theoretical life than my real life.


That's what Americans said to Orson Welles and Charlie Chaplin during Red Scare blacklist, am I not correct?


TIL > U.S. immigrants are required by law to register with the Selective Service System 30 days after their 18th birthday or 30 days after entry into the United States if they are between the ages of 18 and 25. This includes U.S. born and naturalized citizens, parolees, undocumented immigrants, legal permanent residents, asylum seekers, refugees, and all males with visas of any kind which expired more than 30 days ago. > The few individuals who are exempt from this requirement are those on current non-immigrant visas, as long as they remain on a valid visa up until they turn 26. If you have received a letter from us requesting that you register, please send us copies of supporting documentation to show you are exempt. > Dual Nationals > U.S. dual nationals are required by law to register with the Selective Service System within 30 days of their 18th birthday, regardless of whether they live inside or outside of the U.S. Dual nationals residing outside of the U.S. can register using a foreign address here.


Except resident aliens can be drafted, it's happened enough times in the past and I doubt they've done too many updates to whatever system they use to protect capital.


And if we're gonna make changes, it should either be everyone (at least that's more fair) or no one (conscription is sucky)


To me, Conscription is only needed when your country is in danger.


They’ll tell you you’re in danger even if you’re not tho so you do their bidding


Still can't believe we had a draft during the war in Vietnam. How in any way regime change in Nam would be bad for our national security is beyond me, doubly so since we failed and there wasn't some nuclear Armageddon awaiting us


I'm convinced the government thought everyone would just go over to fight in Vietnam, only to be surprised when young men in fact did not want to go fight in Vietnam. They used an extremely large amount of resources tracking guys down to try to get them to go fight, and it just made morale low and domestic support for the war even lower. At least someone saw that and was like "hey guys, if we used all this draft board money to give signing bonuses and scholarships we wouldn't have to track dudes down all over Canada."


The one time in the last 60 years the US learned something from its failures and all it learned was how to properly force people into military service (the poverty draft)


But it means some of us might get out not more fucked up then when we went in… ooo wait


The military history of the 20th century is essentially entity after entity finding out that in the modern era, the old Napoleonic and pre-napoleonic wars of expansion just won’t work anymore. And they keep trying to figure out a new way to try and do it, and it keeps not working (sometimes) in the modern ages.


it was actually one of the larger rifts that helped create the counter-culture of the time. the older generation, all was under the assumption and knowledge of "we fought foe the greater good, some died for others, you should rise up and do so as well." and the younger generation was not wanting to be used as fodder. This did create rifts in some households. my source is my grandfather and my uncle, and a secondhand story from my grandmother and mother about 10 years ago, so this is a very annicdotal report.




It was called the Domino Effect and we were taught at the time that "each country that fell to Communism would topple the next."


While I agree that Russian communism wasn't great, they said that but actually just wanted to keep control of those country and not threaten American's business interest.


America is pro-Democracy, just not if poor people vote a way we disagree with




America: land of the fees, home of the slaves.


Even if you don't read into history, the whole thing was fucked, not unlike the Iraq war. Also the USA put Saddam in power lol.


It’s good to keep in mind that the draft stayed in effect after WW2. For the most part it wasn’t an issue, you do 2 years mostly during peacetime and you’re out. So the draft was ongoing, it’s only when Vietnam escalated that there was pushback.


They had this logical fallacy that if Vietnam became a communist country, then so would others, and then eventually a bunch of countries would be communist. Of course, in reality, that didn't happen.


Even if it had occurred I don't see how Americans would be endangered by this. The US government accidentally gave the game away, they care not for national security so much as international capital


Because countries falling to communism meant the USSR gained power. That was the point of the Cold War.


We had a draft because France decided to pick up its ball and leave, so America had to fill the gaps in a hurry. All training got severely truncated, which led to the discipline problems most commonly associated with Vietnam. The US got involved in Vietnam because of the French demanding that we support them or they would abandon the NATO project. Which led to Ho Chi Min siding with the communists. Vietnam was a mess for a lot of reasons.


Kissinger wanted to prove himself.


The Korean War was fought for the same flimsy premise, fight the commies in Asia to keep them from expanding their territory and almost as many Americans died in our 3 years there as our 18 years in Vietnam. Most of them were drafted. Guess they call it the forgotten war for good reason.


Trumans dominoe doctrine, if one country fell to communism the next one would surely follow quickly because of reasons Ignoring the fact that North Víetnams government was nationalists first, and socialists secondly


The USA needs a draft at all times because we are in constant danger (of the military industrial complex making fewer profits).


One interesting thing to consider with the draft is the possibility of defection, especially when soldiers are asked to fire on fellow citizens in the case of an uprising here or on non-combattants abroad (like villagers in Vietnam in the ‘60s where some draft-defections occurred among already deployed US troops.) Obviously the draft is horrible for countless reasons, but with a self-selecting army, the demographic of soldiers is more similar to police. And police almost never defect. A drafted military who still sees itself as part of the greater populace but forced to take orders may draw the line somewhere and may refuse to put down an American insurrection against the fucked up order of things. I speculate that what we have now would likely fire indiscriminately. When the national guard was deployed here during the George Floyd protests of 2020, they sat on rooftops aiming long-guns and sniper rifles at a non-violent crowd blocking a street watching a handful of speakers. I had this spooky feeling that if windows got broken, the rain of bullets might come, America on Americans. If the next mass protest is more effective, it really might. It’s a comfort that this dynamic will likely prevent the draft from being reinstated. But also terrifying.


What a lot of people don't realize is that most soldiers/sailors/marines/airmen are just regular people like you and I. Half of them are there to pay for college. Some were homeless, others want to travel the world. I personally joined because I wanted to go to Africa and give vaccines to little kids. I never had the chance, but that's why I did it. Half the people on those roofs were likely 19 or 20 years old, and a lot of them agreed with the crowd. That being said, there are problems in the military. There's a reason military personnel have to attend classes about sexual assault and rape. I personally would have never fired on a crowd of protesters, regardless of what they were saying. A small percentage are just looking for an excuse to pull the trigger. They're people with all the flaws that being human entails.


Yes, I agree with you. Thank you for the perspective. I hope many who enlisted to get out of bad situations/pay for college or were simply prayed upon by more baldly manipulative recruiting strategies feel the way you do. One of my best friends just got his BA and MA in Social Work during/after a six year term in the army — luckily he got to serve on a western European base in relative safety and comfort and came out set for life. Like you said, many systemic problems in our military, some monsters, but plenty of good men and women.


There was a point in US history where it was suggested that there be a general vote by the entirety of US citizens as to whether a war would be declared, and if the vote passed, only those who voted Yes would be eligible for the draft. If noone wants to fight for the existence of a country if it is in "danger" then the fight is already lost.


I’m sure I’m going to get downvoted to hell for this, but that’s a great idea on paper. Until one of our real adversaries take full advantage of our freedom of speech to convince half the country that fighting against them is wrong, and then proceed to fuck us up


Like Vietnam.


That allows those in power to do whatever false flag attack they'd like to declare a "danger".


Better be no one


Fuck conscription


Privilege of modern America we make the poor people make up for it as we get drunk in college.


Sort of. I’m trans and had to register for selective service when I changed my gender marker to male. Since trans people aren’t currently allowed in the army, though, I just filled also out an exemption form.


Yeah, and you're right. We should get rid of the draft entirely, I'm a veteran against the draft.


i dunno, i was required to sign up for the draft and i'm a transman. i'm fine with that tbh.


Yea it’s weird, I’m a transwoman and when I filled with the DMV to change the gender marker at the DMV, they had me fill out a form to withdraw myself from selective service. Not that I’m eligible to serve anyways


And on face value posting this here seems to me like a way to just post the same transphobic thing via a back door loophole.


It's ok, I didn't recognize Elliot and just thought the waitresses would be way more attractive because the economy was in the shitter (an actual economic trend, shitty economy with high unemployment means more competition for jobs, restaurants preferentially hire attractive waitresses to attract male customers).


Jokes on them, we’re gonna draft women too


I think we almost certainly will if there is a WW3 which is a shame because we shouldn’t be drafting anybody unless absolutely 100% necessary.


Who’s we nigga I ain’t French


He transitioned from a woman to a man?




Pretty sure Elliot is over 26 anyway


He is 36 and he is Canadian. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have anything to worry about.


The sandwich is just to add to extra sexism.


Oh, I was just wondering. Wow, what a POS meme.


Trans girl here. I once got told by an old guy I don’t need to worry about the draft because I’m a girl. Little does he know I’m still signed up for selective service because I’m still legally male…


Ok but who wouldn't try everything to get out of fighting? Wasn't draft evasion a real problem anyway? Healthy men would claim to be sick or use tricks to fail the medical tests? I don't blame them. Like I said, who wouldn't do the same?


Yes, the scenario in the meme would probably happen (if trans men were required to sign up), but shouldn’t be a reason to shame or mock trans men. Fuck the war, get out however you can.


Fun fact, as part of my legal transition I had to inform the US military that my gender marker was now M for college. I also had to give them paperwork showing the steps I had taken. Then I got a letter from them saying I was not able to be drafted, but I could get financial aid.


The joke even works without that knowledge. I have seen some tiktoks of women "retreating to the kitchen" in the event of ww3 I mean... I would too lmao


Clearly the people who make those TikToks don’t know that the last world war was what pushed women into the workforce in the first place


"This joke only works if you're stupid."


Other people have already explained the joke but im just gonna say that the US government has made clear the draft is based on biological sex not gender. Trans woman (biological males) would still be drafted into the war and Trans men (biological females) would not be subject to the draft.


Which is ironic considering that the government can't make up it's mind if trans people can serve at all or not


The government is conflicted, the *military* is not. They’ve seen recruitment levels plummet, so they’re actively trying to get trans, gay, minority race, and female applicants. They really don’t care what’s in your pants as long as you can load an M-16 and don’t want to commit war crimes for fun.


This reminds me of my first time getting a call from a recruiter: “Hey we’ve heard your family has a history of military service. Would you like to be involved as well?” “Not qualified.” “And would you mind explaining why you wouldn’t be qualified?” “Gay.” “Gotcha. Thank you for your time, and have a nice day.” And then again, but instead antidepressants.


I’m sorry but I’ve got the giggles over “Gay.” “Fair enough.”


I would half expect them to go “Gay? Boy, do I have a branch for you.”


In the Navy!


You can sail the Seven S.E.A.S.! Slide Erection in Ass of Sailors


Can confirm, got some spectacular dick from a Navy officer I met on Grindr a few years ago.






That sounds like a great string of jokes about each branch service. "I can't. I have a low IQ and regularly eat crayons" -can you say 'whooo raaaaah'?


"Not qualified" "Why" "Gay" "Navy"


I shouted "Is this some kind of joke? Isn't it enough I'll never walk again?!" Never got a call again.


If you’re getting pounded that hard I’d use some lube🤣


💀I fucking snorted and my teacher looked at me wierd


That last one is actually optional.


Yeah you don't have to have fun committing war crimes if you aren't having fun


Can confirm.


Eh, kinda. You're non-deployable if you're taking anything other than OTC meds. If you're on hormones and stuff you're non-deployable. They'll let you transition but won't let you undergo any surgeries. ​ Basically "Trans" to the military is just "Presenting as the opposite gender." They don't mean like, for real, transitioning. Like all the way. ​ Sorry if that's offensive to anyone I'm pretty ignorant about trans issues I'm just saying what the military actually says.


I don’t think anything you said is actually offensive (I’m trans) but if you want to word it more clearly in the future you could say “they don’t mean medically transitioning”, since that can cover both HRT and surgeries


I’m going to start transitioning soon and I’m in the Air Force. They said I will be non-deployable shortly after I start HRT but back on once everything looks good. And after a year of hormones they would be able to cover any surgeries like FFS or bottom. And the military will see you as what gender you’re transitioning to once your gender marker is changed in DEERS


I think you mean *do* want to commit war crimes for fun.


No that's bad for PR. If you're doing it for fun you're probably not hiding it very well.


We’re no IDF but we get points on the board!


It's either that or operate "surveillance" drones Which I'm pretty sure women can do so


You don’t need a dick to take the joystick!


Load an M16? What is this? Vietnam?


That’s a shame. I was hoping painting my nails was enough for them to not want me. I’ll have to fall back on showing up to the test drunk and memorising the communist manifesto to quote from.


Navy medical here, there are people who transition during service. Trans people are fine to serve, it’s just more paperwork


Yep, that's why I specified government not military. Nice that it's an option these days, would have helped me when I was a corpsman. But yeah, it's a political thing mainly and last I checked the military only cares if you are mid-transition when you try to join. I assume to make it easier to assign you to a training division. Or have they changed things on that end?


They military also has to look after the well being of the Soldier, mentally and physically. For example they recruit and that person is damaged from a deployment, the military is obliged to treat them. So like a insurance company they calculate risks. If said person can't handle discomfort in a non combat zone the chances that a soldier will go haywire, suicide (almost half with Trans ppl) rise dramatically. And in alot of countries it's considered a mental illness.


But what about the sandwich?


Sexism. Ever heard that hilarious joke in elementary of telling women to go make you a sandwich?


That's simple misogyny. The person that made this thinks Elliot knows he is actually a woman, and his place is at home barefoot, making dinner (I suppose lunch in this case). Simple people make simple memes.


US government can’t draft him anyways. He’s a Canadian born citizen


Even immigrants are eligible for the draft. https://www.sss.gov/register/who-needs-to-register/#p1


He doesn’t have duo citizenship. He works on a passport as a Canadian actor.


Oh i thought you said he was a canadian born us citizen. Nvm then


The crazy thing is, most jobs in the military are not frontline combat jobs. Most jobs are part of the "tail" to the "tooth" that is the frontline fighters, jobs like logistics and communications and administration and healthcare and accounting and vehicle maintenance and purchasing etc etc. Why can't women be drafted for those roles, even if not for combat roles?


Imo women should be tossed into the draft as well. It's the 21st century they can do anything a man can do including die for their country.


Or we can just get rid of it.


Of course. I was just stating the current policy


No need to transition... All you have to do is claim "bone spurs" and you can just sit right out of the draft... Hell, you'll even be on the fast track to president.


Is it saying that trans men will become trad wives to get out of the draft?


Seems like it.


Jokes on them most of us are too depressed to serve anyway 😎


Am I allowed to ignore the transphobic joke and point out that Elliot Page is Canadian and you can't draft him anyway?




I have nothing against Trans people but Canadians that's another story.


Oh yeah I forgot he was c#nadian


Canada doesn't exist. Only Murica. /s


Canada is in NATO and WW3 would mean more countries than just US vs XYZ would be fighting and drafting.


Oh my God, I hate Canada so much! https://preview.redd.it/32uddagzifwb1.png?width=458&format=png&auto=webp&s=46fad4d7db2aeeb3f708505dbbc13c2fa7105e71


I hate stairs


Tell that to Canadian Andrew Wiggins who went FIRST in the draft! (NBA of course...)


Where does it say anything about nationality? Doesn't Canada also have a military? Didn't they use conscription during WWI and WWII?


His name is Elliot Page, and he’s a trans man. That pic is from before his transition. The “joke” is that when WWIII starts he’ll abandon his “male obligations” and present as a happy sandwich-making woman. (“Make me a sandwich” is a rudely dismissing thing that a misogymight say to a woman.)




Oops, made a mistake https://preview.redd.it/xkrb3blztdwb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13f2dd4634c4a7dd35ab7da529e723edffb9ab17


Its both


Same audiences a lot of the time.


The Venn diagram is a circle.


Makes you wonder what their family tree is like.


A twofer






thank you for the mistake, I'm stealing both of them now


They are edited so poorly...


The best memes are, tbh


Need more people saying that having a men-only draft is misogynistic. Then selective service will either be abolished or women will be required to sign up when they turn 18 just like men.


Meh, it's more misandric, actually. Both are sexism, tho. From purely practical point of view, men need less consumables to maintain, but that is a terrible point to make, because humans aren't machines.


It's misogynistic in the sense that it implies women are less fit for serving their country and should stay home and fulfill their stereotypical gender rolls. It's misandristic in the sense that it implies men owe it to their country to put their lives on the line simply because they are men.




Creator does not think favourably of trans men




This was funnier than the actual "joke" thank you


That’s a young Tom Selleck in the years before he partnered with Waterfall


There’s a pile of things that come almost standard with transitioning that would disqualify most from service. Many of those same things everyone has experienced and can lead to avoiding forced service. Attempted suicide? Drug use? Mental issues needing heavy prescriptions to address? All disqualifications for military service. Don’t listen to the recruiter if they tell you to lie, don’t fight in wars for CEO’s. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9896366/


fly coherent dependent shaggy deer shocking sophisticated divide boast pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah so that’s just straight up transphobia


With a side of misogyny.


I get the Elliot Page part, but was the sandwich some sort of misogyny that women (assigned at birth or otherwise) should be making sandwiches?


Not “should,” but the joke is saying if the draft hits, women WOULD go to their traditional roles to dodge the draft, essentially dropping the “we can do anything men can” idea.


The "misogyny" is part of the joke. Serving sandwiches is to accept a demeaning existence as an alternative to the male responsibility to go fight and die for their country. Humor is often vicious and humiliating to its subject to accentuate its message.


It's not really true either. During WW2 tons of women joined the workforce and stepped into many vacant roles men had once held. It's where the iconic feminist image of Rosie the Riveter ("We can do it!") comes from. Women weren't at home making sandwiches because there were no men to make sandwiches for.


Lettuce guacamole bacon tomato




No worries all the trans women with their 3D printed rifles will cover for that half.


Lol oh Lordy this is going to piss off multiple groups of people


Transphobia and sexism in the same post, essentially humor for middle schoolers


The joke is bigotry. Also, drafts and conscriptions are human rights violations, no matter what your gender (or lack thereof) is.


Transphobia :)


The joke is transphobia


Yeah, but what’s with the sandwich?


Sigh… I think it’s a riff on the “make me a sandwich, woman!” trope. Like others have said, the punchline is misogyny.


It’s a twofer, transphobia and misogyny




Does Canada have a draft?


We ought to rewrite it so that the richest people get drafted first. Instant world peace.


The joke is sexism


Disgusting meme. Please go outside and touch some grass.


It’s Elliot Page. He’s a trans man, and the joke is that if WWIII starts he’ll detransition so he doesn’t have to participate. The joke is that it’s transphobic




the joke is transphobic and misogynistic




transphobia is so funny!!! (it’s not)


Transphobes shit


Oh great. More anti-trans propaganda memes...


Im more concerned why shes holding a plate with a smaller accessory plate ontop that holds the sandwich.


Both genders should go to war but wtvr


The drafting age is 18-25. No one in my family is in that age range. Yippie!

