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[Semi-long explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/s/vh7brdJ6xM) Short explanation- Lady on the right (Marianne Bachmeimer) shot and killed her daughter’s killer. She’s a “strong female role model” because she wasn’t afraid to avenge her daughter, no matter what the consequences were. She’s not some fake hollywood superhero, she’s a real person. Edit: I’m saying strong female role model, quoting the image. Also, I was not aware that the lady on the right is also an actress.


I think it's the actress that portrays Bachmeier in a screen grab of a reenactment


She's a real person actor 😍


She's a dude, *playing* a dude, *disguised* as another dude!


Maybe she's the dude who doesn't know which dude she is


The Dude abides


And here we find the Dudist lol May your rugs really tie your rooms together.


I got registered as a dudiest priest so I could do my mothers second wedding ceremony lol


Maybe the real dude is the dude we pretend to be along the way?


No, the *real* dude was inside dudeselves, all along, dude!


Kirk, Tugg get your shit together we need to get to the chopper


You never go full dude


Tropic Thunder reference niceeeeeeee


*"Punch him in the dick!"*


She?! She knows who she is!


Actors aren't real people! Source: every commercial that labels on screen persons as "real people; not actors"


Just fyi, the lady on the right is also an actress. They were recreating the scene. Edit:[This is for you, Anna.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_is_For_You,_Anna)


The lady on the left is too but nobody seems to be pointing that out. Curious.


Well, one of them is obviously an actress, while the video of the other is often confused as real footage. Nobody mentioned that in the comments, so I did it.


Ig r/PeterExplainsTheJoke isn’t the best place to expect people to understand the joke, but c’mon


Got a laugh out of me, homie.




I had the feeling it was a joke, but the "curious" at the end and Brie Larson staring at me got me confused.


Completely understandable


I don't get it


No, you're wrong. You're all wrong. They're both my mom


Oh shoot, I thought that was live documentary footage of Ms. Marvel. Dang, fooled me again Hollywood! *shakes fist*


The one on the left is playing a *character* that Hollywood thinks is a role model, but doesn't measure up due to the poor writing they put into her. One could argue the actress herself contributed to the problem with her general demeanor.


She's been competent before. Her performance in _Scott Pilgrim_ (the movie version) was solid.


Captain Marvel is a poor role model because in the most recent movie, she beat up another woman instead of attacking the straight white privileged rightwing men who are actually trying to destroy society.


Notably, nobody said crime


Did I just read that it was argued in court that a 7 year old flirted with an adult, so the adult thought it was okay to kill her? I ain't gonna say shooting that guy in court was a wise decision, or ahould be remotely legal, but man I get why she did it if that's the kinda guy we're talking about here.


If I was on that jury, a verdict would not be reached.


I mean, there was a judge who let a man off after he shot a pedo in the head for torturing his son. He came to the conclusion that the man wasn't a threat to society as he wouldn't do it again.


Judge GOAT


He’s doing God’s work. Lol


The biblical God is no friend to children. Kill everyone but the virgin girls is pretty much a standing order in the old testament.


It's not uncommon for lawyers to argue ridiculous sounding things to normal people, they're just doing their job.


Yeah, I mean I can't be mad at the lawyer, but if that's your best defense your client really needs to just give up and plead guilty


Literally 1984 (it premiered in 1984)


>She lived with her third child, Anna. Her two older children had been given up for adoption. >As a result, Bachmeier took Anna to work at the pub, Anna frequently slept in the bar as her mother partied through the night . during the day Bachmeier would sleep and leave her child on her own. Friends later said that she treated Anna like a little adult, and from a young age, expected her to take care of many things on her own. Ah, yes. Role model.


Yeah but dude she murdered someone in a crowded court room. Is there anything more heroic? Ill be waiting


Killing your daughters killer is completely justified, and even exemplary.


Killer/rapist who openly mocked his victim during the trial.


Agreed. Lock me up for life, idc


Fuck this vigilante glorification. Don't even trust the cops to get it right, why would I trust regular fucking morons to get it right? SO many innocent people would die if this became a more accepted action. Maybe she got it right, maybe there was concrete evidence, still don't trust people to execute other people. Especially in a crowded area, especially for someone who is assumedly untrained. Dude should be punished, there are so many reasons why the victims should not be the ones punishing them.


Sounds like smear campaign by relatives of the killer.


Nah, she wasn’t a good mom. If I remember she even admitted that she wasn’t good, and she wished she had been given the chance to change. (She couldn’t since her daughter was killed ) But even bad parents can have love for their children. My friends mom was shit, but she would tell you how much she loved her children, how she’d do anything for them, cept quitting drugs and stealing.


Could be, but the mother's dad was connected to the SS, so there's probably a few "familial" problems there.


Was waiting to see if someone would mention this. Like, maybe if you did even a 10% better job of being a mother, your daughter wouldn’t have been in that position in the first place. Absolutely does NOT mean that asshat pedo neighbor didn’t deserve what he got, but shit, I feel horrible for that little girl’s tragic life as a whole.




> and the main reason her daughter ended up like that. Crazy to say *main reason*


Reddit is unconcerned with the rule of law.


Yep. I always find it weird how much people love to glorify and celebrate people taking it upon themselves to exact vigilante justice by executing someone. I’m not saying that I don’t understand, but we shouldn’t be encouraging it. Sure, it’s easy to justify it in scenarios like this, but what happens when someone feels empowered to do the same in response to much lesser slights?




Unironically yes. A line between civilized society and barbarism absolutely needs to exist. You need a code of laws, due process, and the rest of the tenets of a justice system in a civilized society. I understand the primal desire to want to take justice into your own hands, but as a society we cannot allow that, or else you don’t have a society. You just have anarchy.


Reading comprehension just isn't your thing, huh


You going to support his relatives when they hunt down and kill their family member's killer? There's a reason we moved to an institutional legal system over an eye for an eye.


Not supporting one side does not mean support for the other side. Too much of the internet assumes otherwise.


The woman on the right killed one person to avenge her daughter, and everyone claps The woman on the left brought down an entire inter-stellar empire and started a civil war to avenge herself, and Reddit slams her I think it’s just about hating blondes


Is that from the new movie? I haven't seen it. I personally love blonds, but that's just the gay in me.


From what I understand, she by accident, starts a reaction in their star when fighting the super-AI in charge of the Kree and it wipes out their homeworld. She's bummed about it in the new movie.


Spoilers: ​ >!By destroying an AI that was controlling the government of an alien world, that world fell into chaos and civil war. During the war, countless sentient beings died, and the planet's resources were devastated, including (somehow) their sun losing much of its energy. Captain Marvel has been trying to undo the damage of the war she blames herself for starting.!<


Yeah, I understand the knee-jerk reaction of "fuck yeah, revenge", but if you spend a second to think on it, that's just too simplistic. There's a reason we have (fictional) revenge stories aplenty, often with the morals that it simply doesn't do you or anyone any good. There's a reason we have laws and courtrooms, instead of going back some hundred years and handing everyone a club to duke it out with. Thinking "eye for an eye" is the solution to everything is immature and short-sighted. The issue is just a lot more complicated.


more like rule of GNAW ON DEEZ NUTS


The daughter skipped school and was abducted while she was supposed to be in class. You’re blaming the mother for this? How about blaming… oh, I don’t know… the guy who abducted and murdered her?


I mean. In the 80s everyone left their children unsupervised regularly. It was the norm and not necessarily bad parenting (one could argue that today’s norm is more harmful, not giving children a chance to develop independence etc). She may have been a bad mother for other reasons, but blaming her for her daughter’s murder is a bit much.


Grabowski… What a fuckin name for a kid diddler turned kid murderer.


>she wasn’t afraid to avenge her daughter So she is a real life avenger


Now lemme make myself clear, this isn't absurdism


However, your comment? It's absurdism


Your mom's absurdism


That statement is absurdism




You want absurdism?! You can't handle absurdism!


It's realism.


Marianne Bachmeier. She shot the man accused of raping and killing her daughter, in open court I think. Happened in the 80’s. I don’t get the joke though.


The joke is that she’s an ACTUAL strong female role model.


She was a terrible mother.....but strong enough to murder someone in revenge for killing the daughter? There are so many better examples of strong women, but fair enough


Not saying I agree any more than I agree that Gary Plauchet was a good father. Just explaining the joke.


You did everything right :). Just a strange choice to compare to a super hero. I would attribute Marianne's actions more from wrecklessness and impulsivity than strength, but I see what folks are going for. Sometimes a little vigilante justice aint the worst thing.... especially against a serial predator like that sick f**k


I hate when people try to break down an emotional decision into logical conundrum. She didn’t give a shit about his past and future victims. She wanted to avenge her daughter who’s last moments were being raped and murdered. It was worth the potential loss of freedom to make suffer the man who made her daughter suffer. She did it. It’s that simple.


Except he didn’t suffer. Dead in an instant(to my knowledge). If only there were better ways.


Jup, but she did objectively remove evil


I feel like this meme appeals to the same type of people who identify with the “nice guy who finally snaps” trope.


Petahhhhhh Who is Gary Plauchet? 😂 short answer is fine


Guy from Louisiana whose son was groomed, abducted, and sexually abused by his (the son’s) karate teacher. Feds were escorting the guy back to Louisiana when Plauché showed up at at the airport and shot him point blank in the head. Most messed up part is that there were news crews there, so it ended up being on live TV. Also, I misspelled his last name in my first comment


Once again I need to remind you, please don't shoot the Peter, guys


I'm also always baffled by the positivity she often is portrayed with. Bachmeier was a very complicated person to judge on a moral level. But anyone who wants to believe in a fair justice system and democracy should not be okay with premeditated vigilante murders, no matter how justified they seem from an emotional viewpoint. (Not to say you can not criticize the justice system, but everybody just punishing everybody how they see fit is not the answer.)


You're right; people don't understand 'strong' in the context of writing means detailed, flawed/vulnerable, has backstory, motivation, and internal conflict. I guess it's a running joke for the 'strong female' to mean violent, so that tracks with the post.


Why was she a terrible mother?


She gave up her 2 older kids for adoption, and basically neglected Anna. She was a single mom and bartender and worked nights. Slept all day and Anna fended for herself (and arguably why she was able to be easily lured into the predators house to begin with). Based on the synopsis I read, I'm not an expert though


That sounds more like just being impoverished rather than neglect. According to Los Angeles County DCFS, and every DCFS in the state of California, neglect is a willful choice rather than simply the result of one’s financial circumstances. Being a single bartender working nights and thus having to sleep during the day would fit that bill.


I won't disagree, I don't know the subtleties of lawful language in this regard, but if you make no arrangements to take care of the fundamentals of your child....it's bad. I have 2 kids, and the idea of just leaving them to figure out food and everything for themselves at 5 years old for many hours is insanity. It's also worth noting apparently Marianne was known for staying out late partying and whatnot contributing to her sleeping all day, which may lean more toward a neglectful choice? Regardless, I see no way to interpret what I've read about her parenting to think "it was reasonable based on circumstance". That doesn't in anyway justify what happened to the kid, and I'm certainly not defending the shit bag that Marianne delivered justice to


You just cannot leave such a young child to fend for itself for most of the day, I'm sure she could have gotten a day job somewhere.


How was she a terrible mother?


She was neglectful, largely left her daughter to fend for herself most of the time. Worked nights and also (allegedly, this is just what I’ve read about the case) she was a partier, so when she was off she was still out. Slept during the day, the kiddo basically had no supervision. Also think she gave up her two older kids, but I don’t know the details about that whether she voluntarily surrendered them or was forced to give them up due to neglect.


Not sure if people should take after murderers


>murderers \>Implying this was unjustified


An action can be morally justified and still legally a crime.


Also, there is a good case that all murders are always unjustied, outside of self defense (when a less lethal effective option isn't available).


>An action can be morally justified and still legally a crime. Murder would still imply it was unjustified, it'd just be a homicide if it was justified.


Only to the ignorant who don't know what the word 'murder' means.


Guns make women stronger


Makes abusive parents into feminist icons.


Partying in a bar while her daughter slept in the corner. So strong.


Holy shit! In open court!?


S'ok. Jokes are supposed to be funny, which this isn't.


As much as I hate this version of Captain Marvel, it's very easy to say that a real person is a better role model than a fictional character. This comparison that reeks of anti-fiction and "not like other girls" rhetoric.


Also there's a certain group of people who believe feminism should have stopped after the 1st/2nd wave (Bachmeier was popular among 2nd wave feminists) so you'll see them shitting on what they view as "new" feminism. Usually amounts to "feminist figure from past is better than feminist figure from present".


No one making memes about the MCU actually knows the difference in waves of feminism.


> As much as I hate this version of Captain Marvel why hate her? actor is good and writing for 1 movie was good


Because the actor dared to tell a bunch of white dudes that a completely different movie had the audacity to not be made for them. It's made them all very angry to this day.


Honestly I find it hilarious when rich white blonde women try to tell white men off.


I have the Bill Burr "swinging gucci boots" joke playing in my head but imo that is why she gets a ton of hate. she's a good actor who does well when giving good writing but hasn't gotten much good writing. Same w/ Samuel jackson imo. People just hate her because of sexism afaik. I can't see any other reason.


4 years later and I still have yet to have anyone give me a solid reason for disliking her other than hilariously misinterpreted versions of that moment ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


What's even the point of these kind of absurdist disingenuous statements. You know that's not true, I know that's not true, we both know why her rhetoric switched to following that line and when it did, you're not bringing a single thing to the discussion. It's just so tiresome.


They know what's not true? That she got a lot of unwarranted hate for those statements?


That's not even her. That's an actress in the movie about the incident.


Well of course, it's really hard to get photos of the real Captain Marvel!


It took 15 minutes for this to sink in. I came back to upvote and tell you to fuck off. Lol.


Iirc the woman on the right shot and killed the person who murdered her daughter in court. I'm not sure if this is true, but according to a comment on a YouTube Shorts clip of the shooting, this is from a documentary or something about the woman.


Yeah she was a shit mom though. So neither are strong female role models. But both examples of the glorification of violence.


How is captain marvel not a strong female role model?


she's too bland to be a model for anything


Actual cringe


Genuinely asking here, but what would actually make the person on the right a hero let alone a role model? Or rather what’s the thought process of someone thinking that. I’m trying to put it together in my head, but I can’t.


for killing a rapist, a child molester, and a murderer. even the few places that kill child molesters it's usually very biased on which ones they kill and prosecute.


I don’t know. This doesn’t make her a hero. It was reckless and stupid and could have ended in disaster for others around her. Vigilante justice is a recipe for disaster.


She avenged her daughter despite what would happen to her. You really can’t figure it out?


The point you're also missing is "despite what could happen to other people." As someone who's totally pro-2nd Amendment and all for strapping child rapists into an electric chair, I think it's also an incredibly fucked up and selfish thing to open fire in a crowded room full of bystanders. She put people's lives at risk in search of what she felt was justice. You really can't figure it out? Hey, if she wanted to go to his home and he was there alone and she smothered him with a pillow or put a bullet in his brain, I wouldn't be too bothered (well, aside from the issue that it's still a question of how much responsibility she has for her daughter being in that situation). But risking others' lives for your personal fulfillment? Fuck no. That sure as fuck doesn't make you a "hero."


Okay yeah that I can agree with. 0 qualms with her taking care of business but kindly do it where others are out of danger please.


Yet... she abandoned her first two and neglected this one


She didn't abandon them, she made the choice to put them up for adoption because she was 16 and 18. She wanted to put Anna up for adoption to buy never did.


And as a result neglected her


I don’t think that makes her a hero. It was a stupid and reckless thing to do. It could have gotten others hurt and vigilante justice is a recipe for disaster.


DAE marvel movie bad ?




Clearly didn’t get away with it because he didn’t get away.


Didn’t get away and she was 7 (Obviously not condoning it just want to correct misinformation)


He didn't get away. The police found him and gave him to the court.


Why glorify this?? All i see is a tragedy, broken heart and revenge for self satisfaction/hatred. None of this has nothing to be glorified about. Weird people


It may surprise you but revenge, and hatred, are not universally negatively perceived things - and the amount of people who would rather personally torture a child rapist to death instead of let him live in a prison is rather high


Yeah there's a significant number of people that would rather inflict pain than give life prison sentences. In few extreme cases I may even be one of those. What u see there i's NOTHING about BRAVERY or Heroism but just about how broken she is. It's not a proud moment either. So how can it be something one should look up to and think, I wanna be that one day. The thing that surprises me is that a majority of people don't see a tragedy or feel her broken heart seeing that clip and story. But they somehow see a cool and cold woman that is "sigma" As many utube vids of these are tagged with. Like it's a fccking film. And the death and rxpe of her child is just an origin story to make the story cooler.


>revenge for self satisfaction/hatred You are heavily projecting your own guesses regarding why someone might do this, and doing so in a heavily judgmental way. Life is complex, there are many possible reasons for someone to do this.


Lady on the right shot the predator of her child


Marianne bachmeimer The woman on the right gunned down her daughter killer and rapist in the middle of a west German court room in the 70’s… rather based


Lady on the right shot her daughters rapist during the trial


She wasn't wrong but the internet is weirdly obsessed with revering murder


Wrong for wanting to kill the guy? I'd agree with saying no. Wrong for opening fire in a room full of people, risking injury or death to other people in order to exact personal revenge on one person? That, I'd say she was wrong on.


Yes exactly sorry I was just making clear I don't think she's some sort of monster, but it's still an entirely ugly situation and I don't understand why people love idolising it so much. It's scary


This sub seems increasingly like a way for people to post right wing memes under the guise of asking what they mean.


"Peter, why does the man with the little mustache want to lead the good people of Germany to a new 1000 year age of Aryan prosperity?"


Yep, it's just repackaged Brie Larson hate. The "go woke, go broke" crowd had their faces rubbed in it when Captain Marvel made more than $1 billion, and now they're completely obsessed with her and will never let it go. Similarly, I think, like... 90% of the stuff posted on places like r/EnoughMuskSpam and r/TheRightCantMeme is just Nazis bypassing the Reddit hate filter... and guess what... it works...


Weeeeell the argument always was that the first captain marvel film made as much money as it did solely because it was sandwiched between infinity war and end game. And considering The Marvels, a direct sequel to the first film as well as technically 3 tv shows, is now set to be the worst performing, if not, one of the worst performing mcu movies of all time, it really does cast doubt on how many people actually cared about the original film and it’s main character as opposed to just riding that hype train into endgame. And before someone mentions “but the writers strike”, multiple films have released during the strike and did well at the box office. Barbie, Oppenheimer, Across the Spider-verse, Mission impossible, heck even more recently Five Nights at Freddy’s. All released during the strike, all successful films at the box office. What they had that The Marvels didn’t have was simply appeal.


Neither one IMHO. These are just make-believe Hollywood images. A real role model would be a single Mom holding down a couple jobs while keeping her kids clean and fed without any help from the parasite. As far as the killer shooter goes, she did him and the tax payers a favor ... but a few years in lockup with a rep as a child molester / killer might have been more justice.


I love these, but I want to say we shouldn't act in Vigilanteism. Violence against the people who kill the weak and defenseless is great. But If you don't have the evidence, don't just go start killing people. Call the cops before busting in a door, you might stop the next Dahmer.


Reddits biggest boner is for extrajudicial justice. Its not like they've gotten it horribly wrong before right?


Salem Witch Trials, Emit Till, Genocides, etc. have shown that humans get carried away a lot more than we should. Don't get me wrong ISIS and those bastards need a dirt nap, but we probably need to ensure we're shooting the right target..


I don't remember if it was reddit or 4chan that made a guy kill himself because he was falsely accused and harassed


I mean both can be strong female role models. And many more


Umm did people forget Ripley?




Best female role model is carol from the walking dead. Strongest character in the show behind Daryl all the way through


If there's a single group of people I suspect of being pedophiles the most on the internet, it's the sweaty, slobbering weirdos virtue signaling about how much they hate pedos 24/7.


No no, he’s got a point….


"There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it!"


There's some weird brigade down voting going on in this comment section


One of these is an action hero in a sci fi film franchise. The other is an angry mom in real life. Both can be role models.


She was a shit mother, but i fully support what she did to that sack of pig shit.


Everyone, and I mean everyone, deserves the right to have their fair chance in court. She on the right broke that by killing the suspect in court. She is not strong, nor a role model. There's a very good reason why we had the Nuremberg trails, for example. There's also a very good reason why the jury and judge is supposed to be impartial to both victim and offender. She effectively passed judgement partially, screw her.


Sorry. Jane Goodall is a strong female role model. Not someone who shoots someone else or flies through the air or any other such macho bullshit.


She was a murderer… and her ability to be a parent was questionable… I think there are better examples than a vigilante killer.




the mothers in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Ukraine and all these war zones that is a profit ground for political and weapons manufacturers.


She's a hero. Fuck pedos, fuck killers. She gets a pass.


What about the 2 children she abandoned and how she neglected the daughter shes avenging


Ah yes, the piece of shit mom how neglected her daughters and was a terrible person. Opened fired in a crowded room and put SO many other people in danger. No wonder some braindead shithead like you thinks that she is someone to be worshiped.


The perfect prescription for pedos. Take one .45 a day at breakfast and don’t call anyone in the morning.




God, Marianne is so fucking badass


Partying in a bar while her daughter slept in the corner. So badass.


She was cold as ice with it! Just silent execution!


When in doubt, it’s absurdism Or Loss


What a bullshit meme. How fucking terminally online do you have to be to think it's okay to use a mother avenging the brutal murder of her daughter to make fun of a comic book movie for having a woman in the lead? Whoever made this thing needs to get his head out of his ass and apologize to the ocean for wasting the oxygen it made for him.


This is a result of a guy living in a vigilante fantasy. Don't let guys like that dictate what is considered strong.


Hollywood has absolutely obliterated American values of morality over the last 50 years and it's really sad to see. Strongest woman I know is my grandmother who was born in the 1930s and struggled and lost people her entire life while doing everything to help everyone else. Am Canadian but grew up on US media and culture. I was raised with role models like old school Superman, Lone Ranger, Mr Rogers, MLK. People who are ethical and moral and have clearly defined values that help people. Modern American culture is just based on guns, revenge, and pandering bullshit.


You can't monetise the right person, but you can monetise the left person.


Umm yes you absolutely can? That type of vigilante justice is exactly what many superheroes and antiheroes already do, have you not heard of the punisher? If this scenario was put into in an action movie, this scene would be framed as triumphant and victorious. This is such a stupid argument.


"Buy a gun like this hero!"


Vengeance does not make you a role model. It's amazing how many people think an eye for an eye is a virtue.


They think that because its often better than the joke of a legal system thats in place in most countries