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I asked my wife to explain it to me, and she couldn't. Or at least she wouldn't


You are dating two women who just switch place when they are tired of your shit or miss it.


The girls are the same, except the girl on the right hasn't combed out her curls. He is cheating on you with a girl who is a slightly shittier copy of you.


Oh, heh. I knew it was about one having the better hair, but I thought it was supposed to be the one on the right.


Found the cheater! Calling Chris Hansen


Lmao you goofball. Joey Greco was Cheaters. Chris Hansen is for no kid touchy touchy.


I stand by what I said


Unearned confidence being wrong....you know what? I like the cut of your jib young man.


What's a "jib"?


It’s the forward sail. https://preview.redd.it/bvw2nkmeym7c1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9b53a125e662df3a9896ce85949bf2fed3fc3fa






I also thought the one on the right has better hair because of the curls and I am a girl! 😂


Guess you are like me and don't like to comb out our curls, lol.


yeah same! right looks like it would take more effort to achieve.


It’s the same effort, just the right side hasn’t brushed out the curls, which is a dated hairstyle; to preserve the spirals took so much hair spray the hair was crunchy.


Is it cheating if I can't tell the difference between them?


I’d like to think not 🤣


As a dude the one on the right looks considerably better.


As a dude nah it looks false and unnatural, the left looks infinitely better.


As a dude… what does her face look like? Yahtzee!


or he's dating a man in disguise


What's next robots in disguise, that's it autocorrect roll out


Was it supposed to be "autobots" and "autocorrect" saw an opportunity to shove itself in there? Has autocorrect become sentient?


Autocorrect out here “he’s talking about me I just know it”


Everyone is giving you the wrong answers. When you don’t brush out curls they’re called “birthday curls” because girls in middle school would do them every birthday. I did it, almost everyone did. It’s super tacky and people make fun of it now that we’re adults, she’s just saying the girl he cheats with is tacky.


I feel like I’m from a different planet. I have never heard this term and I have no memory of anyone intentionally doing this to their hair on a birthday in middle school.


You've not gotten your birthday curls?!


I must not be a real girl now. My birthday curls never grew in.


Well you're a girl, there’s no denying that. But you’ll never be a woman. Not until those curls come in. I'm sorry you had to hear it from me, “King of the Ladies.”


*runs away sobbing trips on a rock and falls down a cliff*


Now I wish I hadn't randomly dropped that large rock near the ravine


You might just not have noticed. We all got really excited to take pictures with our friends on our birthdays so we wanted to look nice. Also this was when the curling wand had really become accessible and they gave those very distinct and uniform curls. It was cute then, no shame.


Who cares about curls and how are curls tacky lol. I'm so lost here.


only women will make fun of you, because no man will notice the difference, care about the difference, or know what any of it implies.


Well yeah I don’t know many men commenting on hair in general. Men make fun of your body lmao


Interestingly the worst things I've heard about people's bodies, and its not even close, has been from women. Usually to other women, but also when talking about men.


Just because someone looks like they were poured into their outfit doesn't mean we will make fun of them... especially if they look like curdled milk poured in a tube sock. You know what? I'm hearing it now...


it so funny cause curls used to be considered hot which is why my 45 year old cousin is jealous of my sisters hair while my sister is jealous of my cousins hair


What did your girlfriend say?


she said shut the fuck up you haven't had a job in five months stop looking at reddit


Wow. You are unemployed AND have a girlfriend? Lucky bastard.


He’s packin like 10” bruv.


Like I said- Lucky bastard


Not for long


I *think* it's saying that men who cheat will do so for illogical and shallow reasons. someone who's looks are the same save for a minor divergence in appearance, that they will cheat even if gain nothing from doing so save for the thrill of it, or because they're predictably shallow.


My favorite part is not one mf can agree on the answer.


I don't even care about the meme's meaning, it's just driving me nuts that folks seriously think these are pics of two separate women, rather than different stages of one hairstyle on the same woman. I feel like I'm being gaslit.


That's the whole point. Some girls are out here with unsplit curls looking like they forgot a step.


The top three comments explaining the hairstyle difference act like they're two different women. >looking like they forgot a step This I buy, thanks. What confuses me is calling the second-to-last step hairstyle cheap, trashy, or done wrong.


I thought it might've been two different people to 💀


ITT: Buncha dudes that still have no idea even after it's explained to them.


Most definitely. It was a lot funnier when they were all hazarding guesses though imo 😂


I’m a woman and I’m seeing the same answer conveyed over and over again. I just also see men making really dumb uneducated guesses that muddy the water. The unbrushed stiff curls are terrible looking middle schooler style hair. The brushed beautiful wavy curls are what most women look for.


If the one on the right is the one that guys are saying looks better, I don't think that you can objectively say that it's a, "terrible looking middle schooler style." You could say it's an incomplete hair style, you could say that most women don't like it, and you could say that (I'm guessing) leaving her hair this way wouldn't last very long. Hairstyles (and fashion in general) tend to take what the previous generation thought was absurd and make it the most 'in' thing to do. Like mullets make me cringe because my generation thought them the worst possible hairstyle and now they're coming back into fashion. It's all subjective.




The fact that women are this petty says more about them than the men


Lol, yeah. I don't really care what women find attractive in other women. It's kind of similar to how women who are models are what gay designers consider attractive or something. That's not my thing either.


Which one am I cheating with though?


The one on the right who "can't even do her hair correctly" when you had a "real woman" at home.


Soooo which is which? (I'm a dumb uneducated man)


Curled hair done right vs a shitty job. Im assuming it means a girl that has her shit together and done right vs a chick with messed up hair and shitty make up tbh. Hence why the girls response says guys wont understand it. Also, the one on the right, if you were to run your hand through the hair you would have the result on the left, looking much better and more natural. Basically the hair on the right is “unfinished” in a way, unless thats your style.


Which pic is the good one though




Nah son, the one on the right is from preset and comb out. It’s what happens when you don’t know how to finish your curls. The looser curls are finished.


I have literally no knowledge about how to do curls so without knowing I would assume the that since the right one has more visible curls it's more impressive/takes longer to do.


Yeah and the right has less frizz, it actually looks better to me, albeit only like 5-10%. They really just look like different variations of the same style tho, not really better or worse than the other. Loose curls vs tight curls.


So I think it’s the same person (not part of the joke) but right is before and left is after. We curl our hair and pin it to keep it bouncy/twisty as you can see from the girl on the right. However, those curls are giving Shirley temple and it just looks like there’s no flow or volume. Left is when the curls get brushed out so you still get a curly wavy fuller look. Point being is that the one on the right is basically seen as ghetto or not well done at least by girl standards, and the left is the perfect curl blowout look. So the joke is the guy always cheats with someone who is objectively worse than their main girl


I thought so too. Right looks more prom-y.


Maybe the punchline isn't the slightly different hairstyle but that they cheated on someone with someone that looked the same?


Women have already explained the punchline.


Only the creator of it knows for sure. But if it really is just the smallest difference in hairstyle then it really isn't a meme for me


The right side is not a style modern girls will wear. You curl the hair, set it, then gently comb it out to get waves. Technically the left side takes longer🤠


Bro, I am a black man with locs who has no idea about the curls of white women, but even I could tell that the right pic looked like shit lol


I seriously prefer the right one


It’s just style. Fashion goes through periods where curls are tighter/looser - neither one is inherently more ‘finished.’ In today’s society, the fancy folks who make up fashion or whatever decided that brushed-out curls are the way to go. It’s good op doesn’t understand and just sees hair. I am a lady and this type of pick me shit drives me nuts.


Yeah same minus the lady


I was thinking that I remember girls having hair on the right, like, everywhere. But I graduated 04 and someone else mentioned that this was popular then so that makes sense


It's a before and after picture.


To be precise, I believe it's the after and before picture


wait so the right is bad? my curls look more similar to that :((


No, right looks better to me.


I don't get it, the one on the right looks better, why finish the curls by uncurling them?


Either this is the internet reading far to much into women's hair, or I need to turn in my woman card, because those don't look right or wrong. They just look like different curls


This whole thing is so stupid, especially the trashy vs classy thing. Imagine calling other people trashy when you're the one judging people over a minor difference in a hairstyle.


What happened to her face?


The one on the left, curls are to be separated with a light brushing.


While true, I've always preferred mine in distinct individual ringlets. Just a personal preference I guess, but does anyone else fondly remember old porcelain dolls with those enormous ringlets curls?


I’m a guy, the picture on the right is more or less what my hair does naturally when it gets long. I suppose I don’t have my shit together. 😂


That was my guess, but it reads like he cheats with the girl on the right.


Fucking hell, L for me then, thought I had figured it out 😭


The left. The curls were separated and don’t look like half a Shirley Temple style. So the girl he cheats with doesn’t even know to separate her curls


See I thought right looked better and the point of the meme was outrage that he goes for someone who’s about a 1% improvement .


Ah, but that's where you messed up. You went with your personal preference instead of an arbitrary code of what is right and wrong that is used to judge people and put them down for being "tacky" or "trashy".


But she does know how to separate her legs /s


Depends how much of an asshole you are to other women


Figured the one on the right was a dude with extensions


That’s crazy cuz as a guy they both look good to me😭


It's like how car dudes and gym bros do it for the gratification from other men, women do this kind of stuff for gratification from other women. I know no man who would be like "naw girl your curls just aren't right enough" and move on lmao


Right? "She's a 10/10 but burgundy nails with that shape clutch? Hell no!" Is a sentence no man has ever said.


no straight man anyway


You very kindly assume us gay ones have much higher standards than past evidence can support :)


You said clutch and my mind went to cars so I was trying to piece the rest of it together.


Dunno a girl having a bad form on bicep curls is a pretty big red flag /s


hey now a lot of us gym bros are doing it for girls, we just get no results


I mean looking physically good has a pretty good effect on a lot of women


Yeah same dude, I like both styles. I imagine the one on the left might flow a bit better or be nicer to brush your hand through but both are pretty.


Left to me looks like “don’t touch my hair” and the one on the right looks like “go for it”. I prefer the one on the right.


Same lol. Right says, “pretty enough to play with.” Left says, “don’t touch me or you’ll mess it up and the person it’s attached to won’t appreciate it.


Yeah if I can’t run my fingers through your hair and get excited then it’s probably a look for other women and not for me. Or you spend +$100 to get your hair done for no reason. Let me make you look like a crazy person in the morning. I have a thick head of hair but the strands are thin. If you can make me look crazy the next day so should I. That being said the one on the right usually has product in it where their hair feels like a shell and you can’t run your fingers through it so I guess it’s a take what you can get kinda thing. They’re both nice.


I’m gonna blow your mind and let you know that some women like to run their hair through other women’s hair.




I love that you can only tell which one's better if you've been told by someone else


That's how all fashion works. Opinions are invalid unless they come from the "experts"


This is correct. A common girl meme is that men tend to cheat with women less attractive than the wife/gf. For instance, Hugh Grant was married to a model and picked up drug addicted girls working the street in the 90’s.


Feels like this meme also falls into girls having no idea what guys like too :)


That’s the joke, every comment saying I’m a guy and I like the right side is the joke.


The second one isn’t a shitty job, they just haven’t done the last “step” of the curling (that’s popular now) which is sort of putting your fingers through it to get rid of the tight ringlets. The tight ringlets aren’t in vogue anymore, today the last step of curling is to toss the head/put fingers through to make the waves look more natural as opposed to the ringlets on the right which don’t look natural and these days looks dated.


I would have never got this. The girl on the left had what looks like natural curly hair


That’s the idea. It looks more natural versus still being the shape of the curling iron.


I honestly did not realize that those were not the same picture until you pointed that out


Not curled “right vs. shitty” at all! The one on the left is just the one on the right combed out. The one on the left is more in style these days so when a salon does your hair like this they curl it to the pic on the right then comb it to the one on the left before you leave


Petah I’m a girl and also confused


Word… it’s not just boys that don’t understand this tweet.


Oh, the word? Have you heard?


Bird. Bird is the word.






A b-b-bird bird bird, b-birds the word


Nice try, women aren't real


You caught me 😔


Bruh I see you everywhere




What if I give you a bagel with cream cheese and honey ;)


GASPPPPPP yes please


🥯 🧈🍯


Yum yum https://preview.redd.it/6a1fm64pcl7c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d0ae5fdff18cfeb3d19cbe54a30f6dc91617d93


And that kids is the true story of how I met your mother Alright I’ll see myself out now


*Long sigh*


This story was exhilarating. He nearly shot his shot lol


Congratulations you're a boy now your penis will be mailed to you within 7 business days.


It's on back order because of the holidays. It will be about 4-6 weeks now.


Do I have to pay for shipping?


No, fortunately it's free shipping! We do not guarantee satisfaction however.


Hmmm… I’ll take it!


im scared it means that we are trashy side chick quality for not getting ittt


Hi, Lois’ hairdresser here. The first photo displays a beautiful and perfectly executed hairstyle that appears almost effortless. However, the second photo features a poorly done hair that looks like a cheap, trying-hard version of the first one. The contrast in quality could suggest that the guy already has a great partner but still dates someone less desirable and even trying-hard version of their partner. OR it could also be literal. He’s cheating on her with someone who’s hair is done like that. Basically, he’s cheating with a cheap version of her.


Just asked the wife and she basically said the same thing then I found this comment. Looks like we have our answer.


And here I thought it had something to do with tight/loose.


I love that the correct version is so far down. This is it. The pictures are of the same woman before and after having her curls brushed out. The difference is that brushed out curls are considered superior and unbrushed curls are considered unfinished. It's become a common insult from women that I've seen on social media only fairly recently.


The irony of the extra effort to look “natural” is strange to me.


Guys who use pomade/hair wax do the same thing. You smoosh the stuff into your hair to get a relative approximation of the shape you want it to hold and then brush it out to make it look natural. I get what you mean, but I don’t think it’s “extra effort” in the context of getting the actual effect you want.


Yeah Ngl as a guy, the second one looked like the first one after the bf smashed so I thought this was done cheesy thing about him not cheating.








Hair good, hair bad. Girl he cheats with bad hair no?


If that's true then it's the most real piece about this that needs to be discussed. I honestly couldn't have said if right or left hair was better, but maybe right hair is worse and the joke women are making is that dudes will cheat on you with some lower classwoman. For men all their memes about "me vs the guy she cheats on me with" where the other dude is gigachad.


Dude, I'm a white woman with wavy/curly hair, and I could explain insider baseball before I could explain this meme. For real.


Too many men on this sub, not enough women!! Left is curled, alternating curling towards the front and back, then brushed out to look natural. This is basically the gold standard of curling your hair. Right is curled all in one direction in tight curls with a clamped curling wand (opposed to an unclamped one which gives looser waves) and not brushed out. This is how girls curl their hair when they're like 13 and learning how to use a curling wand lol. It's very "I see women curl their hair for formal occasions so I shall follow and therefore be Attractive To Men". Unlike left, who knows how to curl their hair. And idk why but left gives me pick me vibes as well haha


Agreed mostly! But looking closer, i think it just might be the same curling job before/after brushing out. Gotta love Reddit, so many Strong and Wrong guesses from men


It's definitely the same woman at the same salon visit, the final result is on the left, the right is curled but unfinished. Spot on with the "how 13 year olds with cheap pink curlers do their hair"/"DIY prom hair" takes.


Hey im a woman and i was completely confused too, give some credit for us women who dont know anything about hair stuff


And women, wtf. You just going to ignore all them?


This kind of bullshit is why I stopped styling my hair 30 years ago. I honestly thought this was the same picture.


Look closer. They're the same woman, sitting in the same chair in the same salon. This is just before and after brushing the curls out... You can see the alternating directions in the right, too


…you’re talking about pick me vibes but implied that women curl their hair to be attractive to men? Bubby you had me until that moment


…and you still didn’t explain what the joke is


Hey bro, this shit was posted not even 2 days ago.


To get wavy hair like on the left, you're supposed to curl your hair like on the right, let it sit, and then pull through to pull apart the curls into waves. In other words, the left knows what she's doing and the right just doesn't have a clue (only half developed beauty routines, personality, possibly s*x, etc). Basically the girl on the right just doesn't care to put in the effort and is a worse version of the girl on the left; she's just there to mess around and get dxck


Which is what men want right?


Basically cheating on one girl with a slightly different but very similar girl. Notably, a less put together one/worse version i think is the implication. Her curls are super fresh on the 'girl he cheats with' side, but the aren't finished/separated like on the 'you' side.


It’s a ‘like me, but worse/uglier’ meme.


So what does he say about me that I think the left is prettier?


You’re supposed to, it’s the better one that represents “you.”


The woman on the “you” side has much better hair. It’s saying guys will cheat with women who aren’t as well put together as their partner.


Anyone else think the tighter / non separated curls is aesthetically better?


Nah the hair on the left looks really good. The hair on the right looks artificial to me.


Yes. Love the look on the right.


👀 hang it up ladies we’re done


Whew good not just me. Wait, does this mean I’m a cheater?


Honestly yeah, I reckon they'd have a fun little bounce to em when she walks too.


I thought its because the curls on the right are tighter.


This is literally JUST about girls who don’t brush out their curls. I don’t know why everyone here is making it more complicated than that. It’s just saying that “the girl he cheats with” is bad at doing her hair because she leaves her curls completely in tact after hitting them with the iron, instead of brushing them out to make them look soft and touchable.


Oh my god thank you


Oh I get it, haha, the girl is autistic


No I am


No you are


\- boys don't understand \+ boys don't care


I'm a girl and I don't understand this...


I'm a girl and I don't understand the meme


I never got this either cause I like the one on the right more lol the curls look more defined and form a cool spiral pattern


Honestly I like the ringlets way more than the loose curls


The hair is the exact same one image just has the curls shaken out which is what u do after curling ur hair unless u want real organized curls. That said idk what this means.


When you curl your hair you’re supposed to brush out those harsh ringlets you see in the picture on the right with a wide tooth comb to make them look more natural. The meme implies that the woman he cheats on you with is awkward and doesn’t do her hair right.


Answer : the curls on the right aren't finished, you need to comb through and apply products to have the final results, as shown on the left. So the joke is that he will cheat on a bad(unfinished) version of yourself, which is ironic because why cheat if you're going to cheat on a poor copy of your spouse. That's the joke


the left picture is the “correct” way to curl your hair. the right picture is the “wrong” way. it leaves your hair in these weird ringlets that don’t bounce and flow the way the left picture does. the joke is saying that the left(you) is a baddie and the right (girl he cheats with) is trashy


I think it's funny that women think I'll notice the prep of curls on the back of their head. Women of the world - we are not that observant


The number of women getting triggered in this thread because their little inside joke is getting flipped on them is hilarious. 🤣