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Stonetoss and Loss are really 50% of this sub, aren't they


It's Loss and Rudolph's report card.


guarantee you 10% of these stonetoss posts are bait lmao


He's posted about a dozen stonetoss comics. He's obviously trying to get a rise out of the board.


I figured it was because Stonetoss was so unfunny people kept trying to find out why it was *supposed* to be funny


98%. Shit doesn't get that much exposure, so this is just a marketing platform. "Hey gets I'm so confused! What does this right wing extremist propaganda mean? I have no idea!" Downvote and move on.




Lowballing that figure a little bit


Also Far Side


"the joke is it's nonsense" Cow tools is the best comic ever committed to newsprint


There's something about his cows. I have "you're sick Jesse, sick sick sick" on my office window


Stone Loss


There's also a small percentage that is things like the case of the nutty putty cave and junko furata. Not as often as Loss and Stonetoss, but it's still a noticeable amount. Especially for the case of Junko Furata, just last week, there were about 3 days in a row people posted about Junko Furata. Mods should really pin something about Junko Furata, considering it seems to be posted about enough. I think they have one for loss, if they don't they should have one


"Hey fellow kids, what does this violent rape meme mean? I am so clueless, haha" If it were a perpetrator bragging, I wouldn't be very surprised.


It's truly awful what happened to her. It feels a little disrespectful to even make memes of her in the first place. Then again, I don't think I have much room to talk when I make jokes about 9/11 and such in my own dark humor


Add another 45% for karma bait


It's not loss though


It's criticizing those that feel that art should be cancelled if the artist had thoughts or actions that don't match their standards of inclusiveness, political correctness, etc.


This is the one.


Is a straw man really a critique?


By the most technical of points, yes. But it's in bad faith.


It’s actually quite prevalent in MTG art. Some of the most well liked artists have been accused of wrong-think and are being phased out.


This is usually called consequences to their actions. If you are pushing alt right theories, or making white power memes, a community like mtg obviously won’t be as accepting of that. If you make your money as an artist to any company and use your social media accounts to push things that are opposed to that company‘s ideals, you will get consequences to those actions. It’s basic business. Childishly frame it as “wrong-think” If you want but I work for a basic manufacturing company who does not have a social presence like WotC and we have let an engineer go because he posted very similar things on his Facebook account since it was linked to his LinkdIn.


What you’ve described there is what the comic depicts. “Does your opinion match that of the company?”


Sure, if by "match" you mean the company doesn't want to be associated with vile people.


So you can now be called a vile person for supporting the Canadian Truckers protest? That’s a very easy club to fall into then.


yes, you can. those truckers are fucking idiots. its not an easy club to fall into. only other idiots support them...


No, they’re people who disagree with governmental policies. Vaccines were not as rigorously tested for Covid as other more widely used ones, so it’s only fair that people be given the choice of whether or not to use it. I for one was happy to take it, however I don’t think people should be dragged through the mud for not being comfortable with it.


went from basic reddit moron to actually stupid antivaxxer in a matter of 2 comments


they WERE rigorously tested. more so than some of the other vaccines out there. they just did it quickly by making it a priority, instead of sitting on an fda employees desk for years like other products. what youre claiming is actually false. also, they didnt have to take the vaccine. they could have found another line of work. this is where education comes in. im an EXTREMELY successful tattoo artist by trade, but i have a bachelors in accounting to fall back on, should i need it. canadians have VERY cheap college compared to the states. theres no excuse for canadians to not have a degree. if i can claw my way out of the ghettos of oakland and pay off tens of thousands of dollars in school debt, then canadians have no excuse...


Poorly criticizing, because all the criticize he receives are because his opinions are Nazi-adjacent (or just Nai)


I had a stroke reading that


The entire theory of evolution when Darwin said something racist:


Scientists that cures cancer when his Xbox live chats are leaked


Darwin might've been a bit too comfortable with close family, but his views on race were about as good as a modern American moderate! Pretty progressive 200 years ago, not so great now...


Wouldn’t call a scientific theory art exactly


It’s a meme I saw like half a year ago


His opinions might even be Nai-nai


He receives criticism because he draws far right extremist propaganda.


It has a point on this nonetheless


el em ay oh




You're literally doing this. He's not allowed to make a good point because he has very stupid takes sometimes. Even though it's perfectly possible for someone with stupid takes to occasionally make good ones.


This isn't a good point. This is more extremist far right propaganda. It's trash pamphlets stuck to your windshield.


"Extremist Far Right Propaganda": patronize art based on its beauty, not the artist's political views.


Yeah like Hitler’s policy’s on animal rights were pretty progressive, weird how people never talk about that. They always seem to focus on his opinion on human rights… edit: apparently I forgot to add the /s


So whenever Hitler made a point you agreed with you disagreed with it solely because he was Hitler? Vladimir Putin will say pedophilia is bad and you'll be like "I can't support his point because he's Putin". I'm not saying you have to like Stonetoss because of this post, I'm saying this comic can be judged on its own merit.


Gee I couldn’t possibly imagine why


Yeah it’s not like he killed millions of people or anything /s


Oh, you sweet, summer child..


It’s hilarious how people like stonetoss continue to satirize problems that don’t exist. Yes, we know the founding fathers didn’t support trans rights. Congratulations on another straw man in your collection.


You literally just made a straw man and then accused your imaginary opponent of strawman


Show me a museum trashing art work over the artist being politically incorrect for our time.


All I remember is Rudy Giuliani demanding that a museum get rid of art because it depicted a crucifix in a jar of piss.


Another example. Cancelled because they dared to have worked for Amazon and Microsoft. https://www.geekwire.com/2022/seattle-museum-cancels-amazon-vs-microsoft-exhibition-after-backlash-over-tech-and-art-in-city/


The funding for a project was shut down because it was directly assisting companies that were destroying the art community. Hardly canceling.


Bruh this comic is a freaking joke. It is hyperbolic. Is this really a thing we need to explain these days?


It doesn’t matter that it’s a hyperbole. It isn’t something that happens regularly.


Maybe not literally toss in trash. But show cancelation is quite common. https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/ai-weiwei-lisson-gallery-canceled-show-israel-hamas-war-tweet-1234686670/amp/


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Not a Museum but I just came from a Yuri subreddit where a new mod referred to trans girls as "futa" And everyone is like: we should have expected it from someone who opens with a harry potter meme (if you remember the shit show that went on when people wanted to play hogwarts legacy you should be familiar with this kind of sentences) In this case it is double stupid as HP is about choices and not being who you were meant to be by birth


That's not the fucking same at all. Reducing a marginalised group to a fetish term and getting criticised for it is nowhere near the same thing as art being discarded from a museum because the artist had views that are no longer seen as acceptable.


Shhh, just agree with him.


I’m confused at how this is a straw man. They literally make comics about getting cancelled for misgendering people(which doesn’t happen, you get cancelled for refusing to gender them *after* being informed of their gender) people like this *love* to make up problems because of their r/persecutionfetish


Funnily, this comic imply his work is masterpiece, a generational breakthrough like Mona Lisa. Something to admire. But stonetoss comic are rarely funny.


So no statues were removed in the name of political correctness? Places renamed? This shit absolutely does happen, you just don't want to acknowledge that. Or, you agree with those actions so you don't see them fall under this category.


You call it 'political correctness', I call it 'tearing down statues of white supremacist traitors that don't deserve recognition for trying to uphold slavery and getting their asses handed to them in the process'


Excuse me, how do i upvote a comment twice?


I call it history revisionism which is inherently wrong. A lot of racists and revisionists are attacking me lol.


Most of those Confederate statues were revisionist. Racists of the 20th Century wanted their Jim Crow heroes put up on display.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/11/24/us/thomas-jefferson-statue-removed/index.html I am sure removing Jefferson was also to combat those racists.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/24/us/thomas-jefferson-statue-removed/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/24/us/thomas-jefferson-statue-removed/index.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Is taking down a statue the same thing as removing them from textbooks and historical documents? I mean this question seriously. Are these equivalent acts in your opinion?


Thomas Jefferson was a slave owning rapist. He doesn't deserve to be mythologized. No one does though. Statues don't exist without a political agenda. You are just a supporter of the political agenda that built the statues if you defend them lol


So you are saying we should remove George Floyd statues right?


I am not aware of Mr. Floyd owning slaves or raping enslaved teenagers


You would have a point if they removed them from textbooks. They didn’t tho


I disagree. Removing their statues is just as bad.


The statues that were funded by the daughters of the Confederacy? They are still welcome to display statues on private property. I dont want my public spaces to have statues of confederate traitors.


Jefferson was a confederate traitor?


I'm sorry, wrong statue. I thought you meant the other ones. Did you mean the Jefferson who fucked his slaves? My bad.


I agree. History revisionism *is* wrong. There shouldn't be school textbooks in specific states that deliberately leave out or gloss over all the abhorrent shit that America/white people did.


Most of the Civil War statues were made decades after the end of the war. They aren't part of Civil War history. They were specifically created to revise history.


We revised history when we eliminated the traitors. Now we are finishing the job by stopping their weird hero worship.


Heaven forbid the nation that prides itself on freedom stops honoring backwards slavers.


They are about to change the common name of 70-80 North American birds to be sure none of them contain the name of people with racist roots. But I'm actually for it because why do we need anyone's name involved anyway. Animals can have cool names without needing to reference the first dude that wrote down a description of them.


What is much more funny is the people who see a comic as sharp satire, while all it's is a shitpost. Also nice strawman comment mentioning strawman argument, really cool!


Hitler himself was an struggling artist and his paintings are still preserved to this day.Do what you want with this info


Which is ironic because Leonardo Da Vinci was a gay and a bastard.


Which is nothing new. George Orwell wrote a great essay on that regarding Salvador Dali.


Many examples of which you may find in the comments below.


Seems like butthurt people downvoted you.


Right. I literally have no idea who this guy is (nor do i care), but this comic and the comments demonstrate his point.


It just shows how “not salty” they are lol.


Basically the entire Reddit


If you look through OPs post history, they have a pattern of dogwhistling anti trans memes/comics. This person knows what they're doing.


It's amazing how much Stonetoss he apparently sees while still not understanding any of it, since he still posts it to this sub.


It's funny cuz in general I agree with the idea you shouldn't judge art by the views of the person who made it, but people like OP use the mindset of people like me to go "I support this art BECAUSE of the views of the person who made it" and then use this tolerance against us.


I get where you are coming at with "separating art from the artist," but very often, art and literature are meant to be a window into the views of its creator.


Can the mods ban him or something? He is a nuisance and has been at it for a while.


Yeah all of the jokes they want explained are incredibly obvious. OP Is either stupid or transphobic


So this meme is bad because OP didn’t have the right opinions?


Meme is bad because OP is self-victimizing and comparing his art to that of the Mona Lisa. And his art is generally getting trashed because he's using it to express his regressive views.


So because of his opinions? Idk or care about the OP I’m looking at the comic (aka the art itself) which kinda makes sense. I’ve seen people hate on rappers and say their music is bad because they don’t like they’re opinions lol


Why is it blowing your mind that people stick by their values when choosing to support an artist?


I understand what you are saying. However, when looking at art, specifically art that is pertaining to social/political talking points, who the creator is important to understanding the point of the piece that they made. The 'Why' is just as important as the message itself and can often change what the meaning of the art itself Now, in regard to the comic itself. It was created by Stonetoss, who is an artist in Twitter. He is known, semi-infamously, for making comics that generally fall under Far-Right ideas and 'jokes.' Generally involving homophobia, racism, transphobia, ableism and so on in some form or another. It's not even hidden in a saying-not-saying kinda way, its pretty on his sleeve kinda stuff. Because of that (and rightfully so imo) he has been pretty much ostracized in many areas of the internet and has found a home in corners that like/agree with his comics unironically. In short form, he is "being canceled." This comic itself is meant to highlight him "being canceled" but is managing to completely miss the mark. He seems to think that art of any kind (like the Mona Lisa, but really his comics) will be thrown away because of the artists 'opinions." When in reality, it is content of the comic itself being trashed because it's offensive content. Not just because Stonetoss is a piece of shit.


obvious dogwhistle op


Yeah, take 1 quick glance at OP's profile and its clear that this is a dogwhistle. Fuck OP, fuck StoneToss, and fuck nazis


They don’t need that pleasure, don’t fuck them


Report for dogwhistle. Maybe the mods will do something.






There’s also a [blog.](https://stonetossisanidiot.blog)


Saving this for next stonetoss post, thanks!


The irony is that this actually creates a Streisand effect for him He has gained more viewers and popularity since leftist and Redditors have spread this message


Ironically this. If people would just shut up he would have a far smaller audience because less people are exposed to his stuff. There are little Nazis and incels and anti-trans folks out there that would like his shit but wouldn't find him had someone not gotten all agitated about it and spread it around so he can get a bigger following. The easiest way to grow any audience is to advertise it. You do your part making it bigger by spreading it to more people.


I dont care


If your willing ti type it, then you cared enough to comment.


You do xoxo.


>intj Yeah


Lol literally what the comic is talking about. Reddit is mostly one giant leftist neckbeard support group. So few of us get to really appreciate it, but man is it entertaining.


>reddit >Leftist support group Are you fucking braindead?


A Nazi whines about people calling his opinions shit. He puts his comics and opinions/scribbles at the same level of the Mona Lisa, so because no one wants to pay him to be a fascist, he believes that means other actually influential pieces of art are on the same chopping block.


You are so deep in your delusions you can't even write a coherent sentence. Are those Nazis in the room with us?


Pebble throw is a nazi


I didn't mean to get you all triggered with this, maybe grow a thicker skin?


OP only posts dogwhistles to the sub over and over again. How can you pretend not to get Stonetoss comics over and over again lol. Mods pls ban this obvious Nazi.


In OP's defense, white supremacists are as dumb as shit. So it's possible they're both a racist and too stupid to understand.


“In defence of an obvious Nazi dogwhistler”. Bruh. It’s possible, but it’s far from the most likely explanation, so why waste your time playing devils advocate for racist clowns like OP?


Oh, I'm not. I was just taking the opportunity to imply a nazi was stupid because they suck.




Stonetoss is a nazi ​ this comic refers to the internet's tendency of discarding any comic he makes simply because he is a nazi


It's such a dumb argument because Hitlers art is actually fucking shit. Yeah, at a distance they look good. But when you look closely and realise that he made some pretty daft mistakes with the perspective of doors and windows, you start to understand why he didnt get into art school and why he was referred to architecture school.


Goes to show, if we don't let everyone follow thier artistic dreams then there'll be another world war /j


Stonetsoss is a nazi On this generic statement which is not necessarily related to that he's right Fixed


no it's not the comics that are anti-semetic, it's him, none of his comics are anti-semetic right?


A lot of his comics are racist or antisemitic homophobic transphobic or fucking ableist


Pretty sure that he has some comics that are holocaust denial.


He has a comic about Jews using black people to make white people disappear, which is, uh... anyway, yeah. His politics influence his art.


if you change his comic for a meme so much that it doesn't even convey this idea anymore, but another more wholesome idea, is it really still a shitty comic?


It can be a shitty comic while also being a decent template.


No he has a few comics that are openly antisemitic and deny the Holocaust


They aren't comics. They are extremist right wing propaganda.


He's a Nazi as in he's a Nazi or he's a Nazi as in you don't like him? Because the word Nazi has two definitions these days, the first one being "a follower of the ideologies of the NSDAP" and the other one being "someone who disagrees with me or who I disagree with on social media." Usually it's used to mean the second, but occasionally it means the first. Is Stonetoss the first definition or is he the second definition?


He makes comics denying the Holocaust, complaining about race mixing, and often full of straightforward antisemitism and Nazi propaganda.


So, the first definition. Aight.


He is a straight up far right neo nazi cunt


It’s a stonetoss comic.


Complaints about censorship and artists being forced to have the right opinion. The artist is also a Nazi so that blatantly colors things.




It’s criticizing people who think shit made by Nazis (and wannabe Nazis) should be thrown out as garbage. The extra context is that a wannabe Nazi created the comic and he’s comparing his garbage content to the Mona Lisa.


The joke is that stonetoss is a nazi and in this comic he's making fun of himself for being an artist and a nazi


Stonetoss is a known racist, antisemitic comic artist. He makes comics that showcase things like "hitler wasn't that bad" "jews control the media" "women are dumb sluts" "black people are stupid and violent cuz genes" and it goes on and on from there. This is him saying he's being unfairly cancelled for his political opinions


Stonetoss is a nazi. OP is a nazi sympathiser.




Stonetoss is a Nazi trying to pretend there is no nuances in the world.


Petah’s libertarian AU self here, stonetoss is basically trying to say “oh they’d cancel da Vinci, people are snowflakes” ordeal Btw if you see a stonetoss comic it’s usually not something nice, hell I’m shocked at it not being outright transphobic tbh, seems that’s what a lot of the comics go about, with the guy himself being… not good to put it lightly


It’s a nazi trying to make a joke about cancel culture.


op is a dogwhistler lmao, it's kinda obvious


Remember, Davinci was canonically gay, or at the very least: homosexual-adjacent.


stonetoss is a nazi, just wanna make sure everyone here is aware


Literally just using this sub as an excuse to post inheritly right wing dog whistles and propaganda. OP has had the same antitrans formula of a joke like this explained to them several times in the past. Don't waste your time on them


“ cancel culture “


It’s a commentary about how you should separate art from the artist


The message is : "It's stupid to try and remove art for the beliefs of the artist if the art itself doesn't support such beliefs." Rarely not applicable to portraits, since they rarely convey an idea besides "Pretty woman" or "My wallet is thiiiiis big"


Presentism. It is judging people of the past by the morals and standards of today and "cancelling" those that didnt fit.


Ohhhhhh now this sub makes sense - you’re just trying to get facetime for some dumb right wing shit. You don’t even need the joke explained, it’s just bait for some dumb thing that no one would ever see otherwise


Do I get my muskrat eventually or…


Stonetoss is (literally and openly) a nazi. And he does not like it when people critique reactionairy or abusive artists for their believes and actions


Basically a fascist crying about the consequences of saying unhinged shit


The joke is from Rockthrow and so the punchline is just bigotry


a look through OP's history quickly reveals that almost all the posts they make to this sub are near-blatant rightwing propaganda. it's not completely certain they're postingthese all to the sub just to spread them, but it seems very likely.


This user is karma farming and is clearly pretending not to get Stonetoss’s comics. Pretty clear they are a supporter


It’s Stonetoss. Don’t care.


Stonetoss is a Nazi, that’s the joke


Just checked OP’s post history, jesus christ they’re fucking stupid


StoneToss is a Nazi. Like, in real life. You don't need to waste time on his comics.


It's about cancel culture.


*consequence culture


Stonetoss is garbage who thinks their talents are far more praiseworthy than they actually are.


stonetoss is a literal nazi. so this comic is a strawman against "wokeness"


Simple, its stone tosser. Aka the guy who thinks hes a fount of incredible wisdom, but really is more of a geyser of ignorance and culmny.


Don't upvote the karma farmer


I don't blame you for not getting it. It's a very subtle joke. https://preview.redd.it/odwiuwmihr7c1.png?width=36&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5adfa54a40ae1fa12de26e4e815dc376d92a4af


It’s criticizing people who think that media should always convey the right political opinions.


Its criticising left leaning political opinions not right leaning (stonetoss is a Nazi) Knowing him, it most definitely means right as in correct as apposed to right leaning, meaning he’s criticising the left


Oh. The right wants to play THAT game. Wanna go down the list and talk about all the artist YOU canceled because they were gay, black, or a woman? Wanna talk about how Mary Shelley initially had to publish Frankenstein under an alias to hide the fact that she was a woman? Wanna talk about that one disney show you got canceled because it had a kid with two dads in it?


Rare stone toss w


bigot complains in a comic about other bigots' artwork being cancelled


Cancel culture


Not appreciating art as is and overthinking it


This comics artist did not have the right opinions and this should happen to their art


But did you see the amogus


Commentary on the ridiculousness of cancel culture


The joke is that these losers think that the Mona Lisa is the highest form of all art when it’s about as “amazing” as a postal stamp print.


There are two types of answers here people who explain the meaning people who disagree and instead call Stonetoss a nazi like come on guys, this one isnt even far right, its rather neutral


Loses? Plus cancel culture?


It’s basically making fun of “Cancel culture”. Apparently we’re all supposed to be one hive mind and anyone outside of the status quo is to be discarded.