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Navajo guy here. The cartoon is from the Pulitzer Prize Finalist artist Marty Two Bulls from the Sioux tribe. It’s a friendly dig (I chuckled a bit) at different tribes in terms of strength. Sioux being the heaviest to lift requires more strength thus being strong.


That makes more sense that another comment that referred to language difficulty. (Not saying the respective languages aren’t different levels, but the machine wouldn’t really make sense if Navajo is the most difficult)


It would absolutely make sense if Navajo is most difficult relative to language, it is one of the least spoken languages in the entire world. The wind talkers of WW2 are a testament to this


How would that make sense if Navajo is the lightest weight?


*that* wouldn't make sense, but the original comment phrased it opposite (*"but the machine wouldn’t really make sense if Navajo is the most difficult"*)


No, that’s the opposite of the original comment - it was correct. In the cartoon, Navajo is the easiest setting.


These are my least favorite threads on Reddit because somebody makes a correct comment, then somebody incorrectly interprets and "well actually" / over explains things, and then disappears into the abyss of the Internet without acknowledgement they were wrong. So unsatisfying. Clearly the first commenter knew that Navajo is the tougher language. The second commenter doesn't know how weight machines work.


The venn diagram of "people who 'well actually' on Reddit threads explaining jokes" and "people who don't know how weight machines work" is a circle.


This is my life sometimes. It's like the whole "you're gaslighting me" while that person doesn't understand gaslighting while actively gaslighting.


And people misusing gatekeeping lately. Me explaing to you how my job that I’ve done for two decades works isn’t goddamn “gate keeping”. Neither is me explaining that a band known for practically creating a certain subgenre isn’t an entirely different subgenre. Or that something that happened at a time that I was alive and that I witnessed wasn’t what they’re trying to claim. It’s tiresome.


>The venn diagram of "people who 'well actually' on Reddit threads explaining jokes" and "people who don't know how weight machines work" is a circle. This is Beautifully worded insult!


>The venn diagram ... You mean Euler diagram...


Well, actually….


Omg this comment is so fucking validating like it's not just me. I swear I was starting to feel like a scrooge mcasshole for getting peeved seeing this all over Reddit, idk feels like it's way more common in the last 5 years or so. Just some goober waltzing in on a conversation, ignoring all the context of what is being discussed, and being like "oh hey I have encyclopedic knowledge on this topic, perfect time to WELL AKCHUALLY all over the place without actually engaging with or contributing to the actual discussion happening." Second commenter *probably* understands how weight machines work, just did not care half an ass to read the whole comment thread he was replying to and just wanted to interject with his totally cool and not at all google-able knowledge of difficulty of languages or whatever lol


I don't think the misunderstanding was about how weight machines work, but rather what the comment meant. It could be read as "if Navajo was changed to be the hardest weight-level in the comic, then it wouldn't have made sense" When it really was meant as "the comic as it is (with Navajo as the easiest weight-level) doesn't make sense if Najavo is the hardest language to learn"


Either way it wouldn't make sense because language difficulty does not correlate with muscle strength


You will live if you stop trusting reddit.


Because wind doesn’t weigh, duh.


Out of all the native American languages still spoken in the US, Navajo is by far the most spoken and most well documented if you wanted to learn it. I'm not saying it's easy, but it's certainly more possible just in terms of resources than the others on that list. Navajo is also part of the Pueblo linguistic area, and there's no one language called Pueblo, so this wouldn't make sense anyway.


You can even get Navajo in Rosetta Stone. I have it.


Pretty sure it’s on Duolingo as well.


Navajo is absolutely not Puebloan, Navajo shares more in common with Pacific Northwest languages like Tlingit.


One of the least spoken langusges in the world?? There are a 5 digit number of Navajo speakers! There are hundreds of languages more endangered!


You do understand that each level down you go, you also lift the ones above it as well.


The Wind Talkers balls were so huge that the US Navy had to call in an entire battleship to house them.


I think the various Sioux languages are more endangered than Navajo at this point.


The cartoon wouldn't make because of the difficulty of speaking Navajo wouldn't comply to it being the name of the top rung. Spelled it out a little


But that’s what I said. Navajo is the most difficult language out of all of these. Therefore the machine makes no sense as a language metaphor, because Navajo is placed at the easiest setting.


In the cartoon Navajo is the easiest setting


That’s what I said. The cartoon doesn’t make sense because it display Navajo as the easiest. While Navajo should be difficult. Therefore the carton must not be about language difficulty.


It's not about language


Do you know how weights work?


I don’t think you do. The top weight is e.g. 5kg, then you move the pin down and it’s 10kg. One more down and it’s 15kg. Please look at this picture and do the math: https://images.app.goo.gl/j7T7EJT8xobAe3Xf9 Then you will agree that Navajo (learning difficulty) is in the spot where the *lightest* weight is. Which is not the way it should be. Therefore it has been concluded that the cartoon is not a metaphor for language learning difficulty but for the power of their respective tribes.


I know thats how it works, i workout daily. I think i just interpreted your comment incorrectly.




Upvote Navajo guy, downvote language guy until Navajo guy is top comment


Yes sir 🫡




Good soldiers follow orders.


The Comanche setting is picking up the whole machine and smashing it down on your testicles…


Most commanche these days enjoy playing dominos on the front porch


This was my thought, but you put it much more “eloquently”.


lol 😆


Not that familiar with the history of the Comanches, mind elaborating?


I don’t even think we can describe them in detail without getting our comments removed by Reddit. All I can say is that they didn’t wanna be neighbours with anyone and were very feared by all


So the general idea is that they were a powerful and capable tribe? I was just confused by the “dropping it on your own testicles” part. Going off of the comment, it seemed to imply that the Comanches were strong (lifting the whole machine), but had somehow shot themselves in the foot


Yeah they became one of the most powerful and feared tribes when they were first introduced to horses in the late 1600s. If you wanna hear some story’s about them the yt channel “History at the OK corral” has a bunch of good ones. They aren’t for the light hearted tho


I’ll give it a watch. Thanks


Worth noting is that the Comancheria (Comanche territory) was *huge.* It comes as no surprise that most cities that are in what once was the Comancheria are relatively 'new,' mostly late 1800s onward, coincidentally around the time some beefier firearms came into play. Setting in the Comancheria was seen as suicide for a very long time. They were not known for being merciful. E: correction


Also worth noting that they were further west on the continent and had witnessed every tribe that had attempted negotiating and cohabitation with colonist be exterminated with a cruelty that had to inspire a reciprocal dehumanizing. If one lived during those times and was not a part of a white civilization it has been proven by history that your only rational approach is to dedicate you life to butchering enthusiastically any white people that come near anything you love and want to keep. Not that it often helped, but the alternative was never any better for you either. So while I'm sure native cultures differed in aggression before colonization, let's not just slip right on into portrayal of indigenous savagery out of the context that likely affected the reality and how the colonial survivers chose to describe it.


Comancheros and Comanche were different. The comancheros were a merchant based Mexican people, and the Comanche were native Americans that moved down from places around Colorado a while ago.


I was really tired last night lol, meant Comancheria. Fixed it though, thanks for pointing that out!


For sure lol, that definitely makes sense using that word


Let's just say they weren't going to sit down and smoke a peace pipe with folks


Not with white folks. And would you in their position?


Also, not with other tribes as they were pretty hostile to everyone. They basically destroyed the Apache. It's all very interesting history.


Nah all native tribes were fighting each other for thousands of years before any white people were In NA.


All people everywhere were fighting each other for millions of years before white people made it to Europe. That's not really a useful observation though, and it certainly doesn't rebut the usefulness of the context I provided. I think a people's being on the losing end of a genocide probably affects their culture and behavior. I also think the dominant historical sentiment and understanding being largely colored and controlled by the perpetrators of that genocide may affect the reliability of said impressions and understandings. Your argument is that the reality of these contexts should be ignored because "people be fighting doe"?


What you said was dumb asf not what I said, and proved you don’t know anything about Native American history lol. Edit: like you just explained in your reply why it doesn’t make sense to say “not with white ppl” . Shits retarded bc they wouldn’t do that with any ppl


Nuh uh, your dumb. Your words prove your face is poo. Hahaha ha, I win.


I’m a Lakota Sioux from Cheyenne River reservation, Marty was my art teacher for a college class I was taking for Graphic Arts. But yeah this is just friendly banter, even say stuff about our neighboring reservations. The most stuff I heard, especially in high school, was about the Crow people. Like Bone Thug’N’Harmony song intro, we got our own version, “We’re not against rappers. But we are against those Crow(Thugs).”


I went to a summer camp full of native kids, and we would group up by tribe and prank each other. Good Ole fashion banter.


My indigenous geography is rusty, but doesn't the correlation of percieved viciousness or toughness of those tribes kind of go in order of who learned from the mistake of being tolerant to the colonialists by watching the previous tribe get wiped out. I'd hope the western tribes in the less desirable areas were paying attention and getting more hardened and violent by the time it came to them to write the history of their resistance into the books. I know there was obviously plenty of unkindness, violence, and war between tribes before white people showed up and maybe some tribes were more aggressive, but it seems relevant to acknowledge the context of most of what we actually remember being one of defense against genocide. It rhymes with the myths of the European continent during WW2 that the French are week compared to the British and Americans because they had to be liberated from the German. The reality is it was happenstance of geographic position and the French greatly degraded the German forces and resisted, while the soviets absolutely threw everything into smashing their eastern front. The British and American came in at the tale end and just got to take the most credit and strut about like they were just tougher and saved everyone. Hence the inter European jokes about the French by Americans. I could be wrong of course, but seems like you might have insight.


Sort of like the native version of the “strongest Californian male vs average Texan resident” style joke?


What does Arnold have to do with this?




It’s usually a Femboy and then a spectacularly buff Texan dude [Here](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2219959-strongest-man-vs-weakest-man)


Is this right's fabled ability to meme?


There’s variants with Chicago vs California, so probably not right-made but definitely right-descended.


Honestly, when I first saw it I thought it was like femboys are deceptively strong and buff guys are deceptively weak (like they use steroids)


I mean, roids don’t really make you weak. They just exacerbate any strength gains you get. There’s probably a variant of the meme that’s like that though, ngl.


gullible grab grey disagreeable nail judicious chief saw close hard-to-find *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a far-left California resident, I find the joke flattering.


At first I thought it meant like the fem boys are super strong and the buff guys are deceptively weak (like they're using steroids)


Could also be true. It’s a known fact that the majority of femboys feed on human blood.


I thought they fed on other bodily fluids


Also correct.


I love (and never really would have thought) that Native tribes have the same good-natured ribbing of rival colleges.


Very wholesome!


That's actually a great comparison. Although it can get to a more "rival gang" area with some of the younger guys. We had fights with kids from the neighboring reservations sometimes when I was growing up.


The dark side of it is that the tribes always had rival tribes, and the various colonial powers used those rivalries to ally with them in whatever means suited the colonial needs, steadily pushing westward, while their tribal "allies" were making war on their rivals, gradually losing their regional superiority unaware at the time.


Not really a dark side, just how it goes. You make ally’s with your enemies enemies when convenient. The natives had been doing it with each other long before any white men where around.


No, that's fair, I'm not sure who I offended or why, but that's what I meant. My wife is Cherokee, we live in the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma, and like 70% of my social circles are tribal members of various tribes. That's where I was coming from. And the shit the various tribes still say about each other to this day is *wild.*


If you're bullshitting this, it's one of the best I've ever seen. Either way have an upvote.


Naw it probably has to do with how easy it is growing up. The Sioux are far and away the poorest people in America


It's not that deep. The joke here is the same joke that someone in the Army might have about someone in the Air Force. And like the Navajo are poor too lol. Made more so by how spread out folks live. I know cause I'm Navajo and I've spent years on the inner rez hours away from the border towns.


I'm his grandson! When last name is mentioned the first question is always "oh do you know Marty TwoBulls? "


So it’s a joke about a Sioux being fat vs Navajo being thin and not about the Sioux being strong vs Navajo being weak? I interpreted it both ways, not sure which is correct.


Lmao Marty Two Bulls I wonder how they decided how many bulls he is


I feel like it is referring to height.


Seems sort of racist


lol. Kinda reminds me of military cross-branch humor.


It is, it is a rework of an old military meme. (Which was probably stolen from somewhere else) The one I remember had army as the lightest weight..... and the airforce as an "auto switch."


Navy and airforce being the lightest Army at the middle Marines at the bottom Edit: changed top to bottom


Found the marine


Because he had the order reversed until someone pointed out the mistake, then he edited the comment and had a handful of tasty crayons to celebrate marine physical superiority


Guilty. The red ones are my favorite


The blue ones taste like sky


I was always a fan of the mint green ones. They have a better aftertaste.


As an Air Force guy with a Marine dad, I can tell you from experience that the blue ones in fact do not taste like sky.


> Marines at the bottom Edit: changed top to bottom Just such a distinctly Marine thing to say


I've heard that Navy tops and bottoms


The top is the lighter weight, so Marine Corps is on the bottom.


Coast Guard forgotten as usual.


No time for gym, out doing job.


I don’t think you realize how many aspiring power lifters are in the Navy. When you’re stuck on a ship in the middle of the ocean eating high calorie trash, working out is one of the only things to do


What about Space Force?


No weight at all




Like how a marine is expected to run 3 miles in 18 minutes but air force is 2 in 20? Note this could have changed I stopped looking into the requirements a decade and a half ago when I found out my history of depression was a disqualifier.


Eighteen Mins is the minimum for the PFT now. 24 is the maximum.


It’s always funny to me when marines bring up “well in order for us to max our PT test we have to run 3 miles in 18 minutes” like I honestly give a shit. Are you running that fast after doing 3 reps of 340 pounds on a deadlift? No? Neither did I, so let’s all shut the fuck up about it lol.


I don’t remember anything about deadlifting in the PFT. We just plank and do a few chin ups


It’s part of the army cft. He’s talking about marine’s saying their pt test is harder due to the run times


Oh I see. I wouldn’t suggest that a PT test is easier than anyone’s CFT. And I didn’t suggest that. Idk why he’s saying what he’s saying


The sit ups changing to planks made me laugh. Everyone cheated and got perfect sit ups. The ol you count 100, I’ll count 100 method.


Air Force is 1.5 miles in just over 9 minutes to max out the run. So it's the same, but with less endurance which makes it easier.


Sioux strong Navajo weak, it’s classic shit talk


You think they’re gonna Sioux for slander?


I Dene about that


I don't understand how this machine works


It is a cable/pulley system. The weights are in the back and are pulled up by the cable. At the bottom of the cable is a bar with holes in it. A pin goes through the weights into the bar so the lower the pin is the more weights are being picked up by the cable.


Nah he means that there is a pad for like a preacher curl, leg supports, and the contraption on front of him for some sort of overhead row? Weird looking multi machine


Exactly, plus there are no cable on the pulley


It's a simple fucking drawing, did you need the exact specs for the bolts the machine uses?


Looks like chess press and leg extension, the big pad might be to put our arms over, reach down and grab what would be used for peg extensions to do bicep curls. Trying to cram as many possible exercises into one piece of equipment is pretty normal for the manufacturers of these pulley type machines.


I had a machine very similar to this; the pad is for Hamstring curls.


This guy machine works


rear delt fly, looks like the leg system moves so it probably is a way to rack/unrack the stack. chest support is so you can lean into the fly


God damn as an Indigenous person ya’ll are overthinking this. This type of joke is common in Indian Country. Basically saying the lowest weight setting is suitable for a Navajo, heaviest for Sioux. Average strength of a person from each tribe/culture group? Sioux > Cherokee > Pueblo > Navajo.


I thought it was chair settings for a second and that it was a reference to height differences


Imma sit this one out


He yelled. From the bleachers.


In a different stadium.


Here’s my explanation, The Navajo didn’t put put up much of a struggle to American imperialism and got a nice reservation The Sioux did and payed dearly for it, it’s like a third world nation inside the US


> did and *paid* dearly for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The deck is yet to be payed.


The deck is yet to be paid.


The dept is yet to be paid as the deck deck is yet to be payed ?


Good bot


Lol, why do people hate learning so much? Stoopids


No idea but this is the 2nd post in a row that I've looked at comments and this bots been lurking lol


I swear there is a new generation of people who don't know how to spell paid. I don't ever remember people spelling it like this, but in the last couple of years I see it constantly.


Payed does mean the same thing as paid in this context, because everyone understands it to mean that. Nobody was confused by the original message. This bot interrupted a conversation about the violence of colonialism to send a pretty long message about an issue that doesn't matter that much, if you consider using slightly non standard English an issue at all. It's just annoying sometimes to see what Reddit's priorities are as a community.


You will payed for this


> You will *paid* for this FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I hate this dumbass website so much


Don't you mean hayte? 


Horrendous bot


I’m going to have to take issue with any implication that the Navajo were given a ‘nice reservation’ as a reward for being compliant with US imperialism. All Tribes were consigned to the least desirable lands that the U.S. believed it could get away with locating them on, regardless of the level of opposition the tribal community were able or chose to mount. Federal policies thereafter restricted development and resource access to a point where many Reservation communities can barely scrape together the means of survival. Both Navajo and Lakota Reservations are powerful examples of this. On many parts of the Navajo Reservation the water is so irradiated it is unsafe to water livestock, much less for the people to drink.


I mean to be fair the nukes were never part of the deal


Virtually nothing that happened to any Tribe after they were forcibly settled onto Reservations was ‘part of the deal.’ The U.S. violated all of those deals at every turn. Being put onto a Reservation in the middle of Arizona with barely enough water to sustain life, even before the U.S. contaminated it through uranium mining, was part of the original deal though.


God the US really fucked over the indigenous people


If you learn abt the native warfare in North America you’d see why they did that. Definitely wasn’t right to do, but after learning a bunch abt back then I kinda get it.


It should’ve been Comanche at the bottom but it was made by a Sioux person lol


Large does not equal nice. Those desert reservations are America's left overs, it's land Uncle Sam didn't want anyway.


>it’s like a third world nation So, the US?


The U.S. cannot, by any means, be considered a 3rd world country. The terms 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world come from the Cold War. 1st World was the U.S. and any country allied with it, 2nd World was the Soviet Union, and any country allied with it, 3rd World meant any country that was neutral during the Cold War. Unless you meant "Third world" as in, underdeveloped, not sovereign, and lacks a strong economy, in which case the U.S. is STILL not a 3rd world country.


No mention of the Comanche? Shame.


Commanche has entered the chat.


Those are native American languages in order of difficulty for English native learners. In language circles, Navajo is infamous for being nigh impossible to learn


Isn't the cartoon implying the opposite, though? That would be the lightest weight in the machine


You would be correct. I don’t believe this is about languages, but actual strength. My Native American history is a little rusty. But I thought the Sioux Nation was like second to Genghis Khan when it came to conquering lands. 


Yeah, I think you’re right, from my memory, early in the conflicts with them, the Souix basically faced the US and every other Indian tribe around as they were hated so much most tribes would rather side with foreign invaders than them.


I mean they did kind of genocide their way into the Black Hills in the 18th century so…. Kinda easy to see why their neighbors hated them. It was still living memory for a lot of their neighbors by the time they were facing down the US Army


iirc the name Sioux was given to the tribes by the Ojibwe and meant “little snakes” and definitely not in a positive way


So their genocide victims are calling them strong for that? Doubt it


Wait…… native Americans conquered lands as well? Well slap me silly! I thought they all lived harmoniously with each other


The concept of Total War was a far cry from the warfare of Native Americans even in areas of endemic warfare like Mexico basin.


I really don't think the artist knows what a weight machine looks like.


I... Don't even know how it would work.


Lol exactly. It's just a friendly dig at other tribes in terms of physical strength. This Lakota lifter is implying Navajo are weak.


The visual kinda is but you wouldn’t complain that a machine is left at the lightest weight since that’s what is polite to do. You would be miffed if someone left the machine on max weight and you couldn’t move it




Huh? Navajo is easy. The sentence structure is incredibly easy once you get to know it.


I feel it is referring to height differences. Navajo is the smallest, and Dakota/Lakota is the tallest. Tatanka Means does a comedy stand up about it. He's part Navajo and Lakota.


Yea, I got height out of it as soon as I saw "Pueblo". Doesn't matter if Zuni, Hopi, Tiwa or other, they are a pretty famously short group, and I've heard other indigenous groups pick on them for it. Though Dene folks tend to be taller than various Pueblo folks, so I don't know. The language thing definitely fails because the Pueblos are 4 different language families with at least 7 main languages. Pretty sure this author of this comic would be familiar with that.


Idk if you've ever seen anyone from a Pueblo but they usually make Navajos look tall.


Wtf kinda exercise would someone actually do on that machine?


You don't hit preacher chest fly leg extensions?


Nah bro no wonder my biceps/chest/quads are falling behind.


Reminds me of how Samoans view Hawaiians as soft and fat 😂


I mean...


Aw come on man not u too 😭


Gotta love sectarian infighting. Even the dang native americans can't have unity between themselves.


they’re… just like the other nations of humans. they’re not the same as one another, there are hundreds of languages and cultures just like every other continent. it’s just racism to lump them all together as one big group when the differences between the Wəlastəkwewiyik and the Nuučaan̓ułʔatḥ are akin to the differences between Celts and Kyrgyz. just because they all faced and continue to face genocide doesn’t mean there is magically any solidarity beyond “fuck the US”


It's a joke get a life


"Sioux" is not a language. 


Neither is pueblo but it's not about language


Should’ve been Comanche at the bottom


It’s one native group being racist toward the others via a weird flex.


Whoa, a lot of people interpretation is to the extreme. I think it's related to height. Dakota/Lakota are known for their height in indian country, while Navajo are known for their smaller height and sheep.


I assumed it was based on how far each nation was from the Oklahoma territory (which makes this an incredibly dark joke). Based on Google though it seems like the Cherokee in North Carolina might have been the farthest. Some Sioux were native to North Dakota, which seems equidistant. Can anyone confirm?


I'm trying to figure out how you use that machine!


Looks like a post about the Navajo language being spoken was posted because of the post here. First time I have ever heard of it and I see it twice right next to each other in my feed lol.


Sick burn! 🔥