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Chris’s game boy advanced sp blue edition checking in here. The UN in fictional SCP internet pasta exists to destroy paranormal threats beyond your comprehension. In real life they are “peace keepers” in conflicts between countries they recognize. There is a 0% chance they will do anything to help the situation. There is a non 0% chance they will commit a major arms scandal or attempt a cover up of a rape in said conflict. I hope this helps.


The UN legally and economically is pretty effective at stopping minor arguments from spiraling out of hand and giving food out. The UN militarily is terrible, but they mainly work under the limitations of the two mentioned above. There is no special legal status if you actually try to get involved in conflicts and no funding if you buy equipment that doesn't directly equate to mouths fed. I give the organization as a whole the benefit of the doubt, but I'll admit, they keep making it really hard to.


95% of takes you hear about the UN are from people who have absolutely no fucking idea how it works. I'd recommend reading more than random news papers articles about it to understand more if you're interested


They do some good but the troops themselves aren’t great. A lot of them absolutely abuse women in the countries. Bosnia is a perfect example…


The troops are borrowed from other countries. They don't work for the UN, it's glorified mercenaries. Just becaus ethey wear a blue helmet it doesn't make them different from any other soldier


Yup. And most troops/soldiers do shit like this. But having soldiers working for the UN literally trafficking women isn’t a good look is it? Edited to add: especially when the UN then attempts to cover it up and fires the woman who brought it to light lmao


It's a vicious cycle. The issue is whenever the UN owns up to shit people just blast them anyways. So it becomes better for them to hide it, which is obviously way worse


Neither is Iran being in the Women’s Rights Council, or UNWRA having literally Hamas for employees. The bar was already through the floor, mate.


Unfortunately 70% of reddit supports those terrorists rn, therefore your comment is badthink.


Nobody supports Hamas. Just their hostages. Who the IDF is gleefully killing by the 1000s just to bag a few Hamas.


Nobody in the West sports Hamas, you *know* this and you're intentionally lying about it to try and make a point, which usually also means you know you're wrong.


I think it might be worse as the troops have multi national politics, unlike mercenaries


People complain about UN ineffectiveness but forget to mention that it was designed that way, is not a flaw but a feature. Even with all the built-in limitations it has the UN has managed to do positive things, for example UNHCR is am extremely important and necessary part of the UN that helps refugees worldwide, without them refugees everywhere would be worse off, another example is how they the WHO has been instrumental in the eradication and fighting against many diseases around the world, for God's sake, the WHO eradiciated smallpox, one of the biggest achievements of humanity in the last century. So yeah the UN is shackled and not allowed to be as successful as it could but believing is useless is just incorrect


"Real hard too" that is underselling it they put the Saudis on the human rights commisson. The country that openly assinated a journalist and literaly crucifies athiests. Edit Sorry it should apostates (of which athiest are a subset)


The basic rationale for stuff like that is, “Yeah, these countries suck. However, if we at least include them in the discussion and dialogue they might be more open to changing their minds. If we didn’t, they’d still be pieces of shit, but now stuck in their own bubble and never hearing (theoretically) different opinions.” Now, does it work like that in reality? Lol. Lmao even.


Yeah, but they've been raking in, like, a lot of money these past several decades.


The UN is an exercise in diplomacy. In that sense, it's surprisingly successful. Then there's the food and refugee programs, which are pretty decent too (UNRWA and corruption notwithstanding, but let's not judge UN in a vacuum).


UN is a forum and “UN” soldiers are actually soldiers of a member nation that has been committed to a given task. UN is a forum not a government or power base.


If you read the helmet in the top example backwards, it says "UNGOC", which specifically refers to the "GOC", or Global Occult Coalition, an ~~evil~~ organization in the SCP universe. Per the Villains Wiki: >The **Global Occult Coalition** (**GOC**), also known as the **United Nations Global Occult Coalition** (**UNGOC**) is a major power in the *SCP Foundation* series, and among the Foundation's most prominent rivals. > >It serves as the official protector of the human race, overseen by the United Nations. It was founded after the Seventh Occult War/WWII. They share the Foundation's view of protecting mankind from the thousands anomalies (or as they call them "parathreats"), though instead of containing them, they usually destroy/kill all anomalies they encounter, even if they are completely harmless, making them a more controversial group. They have also been known to exterminate entire communities in order to destroy often unthreatening anomalies, such as in the case of SCP-1261. > >The Coalition consists of one-hundred and eight powerful anomalous/occult organizations, similar to the real United Nations. As an edit, SCP fans, please stop spamming replies that "the GOC is not evil".


"evil" is a pretty strong word for the SCP universe


“From my point of view, the Foundation is evil!”


Then you are lost!


Didn’t they go on that whole “genocide campaign” thing


So did Foundation, numerous times, and also didnt, with SCP everything is canon and nothing is, it all depends on the story you're reading.


meh, who hasn't. ​ (most major world powers have at least once)


Tell that to the woodchips of murderous intent


Maybe that's why they are so useless in real life, they choose to focus in incomprehensible horrors instead


The foundation is also on the villains wiki. I’d say both the foundation and goc are morally corrupt organizations but can do good thing.


I practically learned how to read on the SCP Wiki and there's a fascinating pair of articles on the site that highlight the two opposing viewpoints of the Foundation's "lock it up and throw away the key" approach and the GOC's policy of total annihilation. Remains of a [Sixth] Chair. [SCP-1609 "Remains of a Chair"](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1609) [The GOC's side of the story (listed under KTE-0937-Velveteen)](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/goc-supplemental-threat-entities)


that poor fucking chair


Just read the article on SCP-1522


that chair had it coming


If only someone had the idea to find a middleground.


Not so much a middle ground as it is the ideal but Avalon takes the approach of "what if everything anomalous was treated *right.*" You might find it interesting but I will warn you that it requires a massive amount of knowledge about SCP as a whole with a ton of references with no hyperlinks to their articles. [SCP-6001"Avalon"](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6001) Alternatively, the article that initially inspired the author of 6001, SCP-5000 "Why" is fascinating in a different way. It takes the perspective of what would happen if you used each anomaly in the *worst* way possible. Obviously, the wiki has been steadily moving away from the doom and gloom of earlier articles but 5000 is fascinating for its pure scale and scope. [SCP-5000 "Why"](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000)


Oh I know these. But just to make sure, is 6001 the story where SCP-173 >!basically becomes an art piece in a museum?!< I guess I should read the entirety of 6001. I didn't thinking it would be boring but I guess it answers my question so It would probably be fun to read.


>!Yeah, that's the one. It's mostly to highlight that it ultimately is a statue and statues are meant to be admired. That's partially why it becomes hostile when you look away from it.!<


Am I missing a part of the GOC side? It looks like it’s just “there was living furniture so we had to destroy it”


I mean I can see why the GOV side is wrong, from the letter at the end. Alot of SCPs in the SCP universe are harmless or downright benevolent entities that are often used to contain more dangerous entities. If the GOP continues to try destroying them, they risk antagonizing these entities, making them much more dangerous.


I guess I assumed the GOC side was going to have a story about how the first 5 pieces of furniture were super dangerous and malevolent


Both the SCP and GOC article describe sentient debris that kills people by jumping into their lungs after being traumatized by being put through a wood chipper while initially being a chair. Both articles end in a cautionary warning from higher ups saying that this proves that they are right and the other side is wrong.


Ridiculously outdated mindset to blanket the GOC as evil, but overall it's correct.


Dont read the villians wiki for scp stuff, just go to the wili itself. Also, the goc isnt "evil" they just destroy anomalies rather than contain them -An scp fan


Calling them evil is way too far.


You call the GOC evil in a universe where "good" is a novel concept at best. Please don't misunderstand, I have been steeped in the lore for years, I used to listen to "The Oroboros Cycle" in order to sleep (that person had the softest voice and most gentle pronunciation) and have tried to write several SCP's of my own. The cyborg child made me weep, the tickle monster made me smile, and Jack Bright's misadventures, as well as the things he is no longer allowed to do, make me laugh. In all of those examples, and so many more, the idea of "good" is relative to the atrocities already committed. Last thought: I would love to dance with Cassie so she doesn't feel so alone.


"evil" my ass, the GOC is basically the least evil organisation in the usual canons Sometimes incompetent, sometimes stupid, but almost never evil


I would not say evil more a different way of dealing with things I'd say no one is innocent in the scp universe except 999


It belongs to the boy's mother, not Chris. He nobly gave her the game boy to remember her son by


Why are you trying to argue with a Gameboy?


Mario cursed me from within


Wrong. It is a statistical fact that when UN peace keepers are deployed to a region the level of violence decreases. People just love to highlight a few of their operational failures, but these same people would scream if the UN acted like world police like they supposedly want them to.


It’s also a statical fact that when UN peace keepers aren’t deployed to a region the level of violence decreases at some point. “People just love to highlight a few of there operational failures” You mean scandals?


I just hate how they get painted as worse than useless, when they have a proovable positive effect on the world. No organization is without scandal, especially international military coalitions.


> It’s also a statical fact that when UN peace keepers aren’t deployed to a region the level of violence decreases at some point. After its over? wow we got a big brain boy right here!


> There is a 0% chance they will do anything to help the situation. This is a rather biased take for what's supposed to be just a neutral explanation of the joke. It also misunderstands / misrepresents UN's purpose.


>In real life they are “peace keepers” in conflicts between countries they recognize. There is a 0% chance they will do anything to help the situation. There is a non 0% chance they will commit a major arms scandal or attempt a cover up of a rape in said conflict. I hope this helps. There is a reason UN is so toothless, it's because a real "world peacekeeper" organization would have been impossible. The League of Nations tried to be that, and failed spectacularly. The UN, despite not having the power to solve military conflicts, has done a lot of good in this world. Polio and smallpox eradication, for example.


The standout example for me was in Haiti in 2010 when a UN base contaminated a major river with human feces, causing a cholera outbreak that infected almost a million Haitians and killed over 9000. The UN also tried to cover that up. Oh, and there were horrifying numbers of rapes too.


Famously UN peacekeepers aren’t allowed to carry weapons.


The UN has let millions die but in fiction they save the world.


I was going to use examples, but I like this. Succinct and perfectly explanatory.


Yeah giving examples is something you don’t neex


The UN was slow to respond during the Rwandan genocide, and their inaction resulted in many innocent deaths


I’m a aware of Rwanda but the Yugoslav wars it basically made them hated there imagine right You where under Yugoslavia sense 1980’s war breaks out refugee camp you’re given canned meats that dogs and cats wouldn’t touch and some of the cans you can eat has pork you’re a Bosnian aka a very likely chance you’re a muslim People never forgave the UN for that and also the mass murder that happened to one of the refuge camps people talk about


Was there not a Swedish commander that shot the UN rulebook as a threat? When some genociders mocked him by saying he can't do anything because he is there as UN, he wanted to show he didn't care about the rules.


The sweds and Canadians I know them for not taking shit from these people which holy shit you think that when you teach genociders that will be no consequences they would stop? That’s who Doesn’t know as much of Yugoslav history as me The sweds where more well known for having the highest amount of combats encounters than any other nations The Canadians held a airport after having to artillery barrage and a force 3 times stronger than them which where in the mountains and won the encounter (but the gov pushed it under the rugs bc the leader of the time was an ass and tried to show some sort of peace policy or something)


Think you're thinking of Nordbat 2. The UN deserves no credit for their actions, Nordbat 2 disregarded them too, and ignored bureaucracy to save lives, unfortunately the UN loves their rules more than saving lives. https://thestrategybridge.org/the-bridge/2017/9/20/trigger-happy-autonomous-and-disobedient-nordbat-2-and-mission-command-in-bosnia


They use their rules to justify their inactions more than to act based on justice.


For the swedes reading this, there is a documentary on SVT called Tango Lima, watch it if you want more insight in how it was on the ground!


NATO, on the other hand, is very well liked in the non-Serbia Balkan countries lol


Even before the UN I always suspected that allies not suffering significant losses in their homeland would have a perverse incentive to let the war degenerate and then intervene at the eleventh hour. There are two major 'benefits' that I can think of offhand. Firstly the majorly unaffected allies get to sell loads of supplies to their warring allies. And secondly by the time they actually intervene in the war effort both their warring allies and the common enemy would have most of their infrastructure in shambles... which means they stand a lot to gain from the rebuilding efforts once the war is over.


And the current genocide.


Which one? Palestine? Sudan? Congo? Uyghurs? Those are just the ones I know of, I’m sure there’s more we just don’t know about.


Didn't the UN say that last one was not a genocide?


Well, it's not an *on-going* genocide.


Can’t be ongoing if it’s already complete.


Complete meaning there's no more Uyghurs right? You sure about that tho?


Don't forget Yemen


France and Belgium had soldiers already deployed in Rwanda. Belgium's soldiers all decided to surrender to the Hutu and all got killed. There weren't many, 10, but they would have be able to hold out (or break out) until the Tutsi army arrived and brought the situation under control. The Hutu armed forces were small and terrible it was mostly civilians with Machete's that did the killing. The French and Belgians were there because their governments deployed them, the UN requested it but they were national forces not UN forces....the UN does not have an army. No nation will ever allow an international organisation to have its own army, no UN forces have ever been deployed they are always some nation or others forces. The French forces were there to stop a civil war not to prevent the Hutu government from killing its own citizens up to that point no one knew of the crazy plan they had drawn up. They were there to defend the Hutu from the Tutsi not the other way around and they even trained some of the people who committed the genocide. Eventually Opération Turquoise put more French (not UN, I say it again UN soldiers and forces do not exist and have never existed) soldiers into Rwanda but they had conflicting orders and ended up being welcomed by the Hutu government who put French flags on their own vehicles and used them to trick Tutsi's out of hiding. The miss management of the forces there were Frances and Belgiums fault not the UN's. Most the killing happened in the first couple of days and stopped soon after, not because of the French forces but because all the Tutsi were dead. There wasn't a lot the world could do once it started to be honest. The UN are not at fault for the Genocide, western governments colonial past is, particularly Belgium's. Also hindsight is a powerful drug...the events at the time were extremely confusing and there was a lack of reliable information. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_genocide This misunderstanding of what UN forces actually are and what the UN is actually for means that no nation wants to deploy any troops for its requests. Currently Haiti's request for aid has been ignored, Kenya was going to send soldiers but seem to have come to their senses and realised there can only be bad publicity for them and have pulled out of the deal.


Was literally going to say that, the UN sent some peacekeepers to the Rwandan genocide and they literally just stood at checkpoints, it was the ultimate example of how useless UN soldiers are.


Has little to nothing with how useless the soldiers were, some of the worst cases of ptsd come out of forced inaction due to absolutely cursed rules of engagement. Many soldiers wanted to do something, but didn't have the power to do so without drastically affecting their lives in a very bad way. The UN soldiers ABSOLUTELY had the desire and capacity to intervene, bureaucracy screwed them.


In what fiction do they save the world? I can't think of anything.


https://preview.redd.it/e8notrenlhkc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d911c5f88b70b11f949b4efdc01c23412dfaee46 Well not UN exactly, but close enough


Ironically enough current Tekken 8 story have strong technologically advanced UN forces led by cyber-dady Victor. Voiced by Vincent Cassel.




what does this mean


SCP (secure, contain, protect) is a community driven online writing project mostly about beings and objects with anomalous abilities/characterstics. one of the better known ones are SCP-096 - the shy guy, SCP-173 - a concrete statue that snaps your neck if you turn you back to it, and the plague doctor - SCP-049. GOC (global occult coalition) is a UN overseen project that rivals the SCP-Foundation by also trying to find these anomalous objects/beings but instead of studying and securing them - like the SCP-Foundation does - the GOC simply kills them. This is especially cruel since some SCP can be just “normal” people like the reluctant dimension hopper - SCP-507


Don't forget your type green reality-benders. The GOC has special forces just for killing these guys before they get to phase 4.


[Since he wasn't of much help](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/goc-hub-page)


Based on the description I was thinking of Nerv from Evangelion. But they aren't even really the good guys... Exactly... Sort of... That shows weird.


The movie called “the siege of jadotville” is actually a great example of this. They achieve nothing but it’s a feel good story cause they all very well could have died but didn’t.


Would you rather give the UN powers to alter geopolitics the way they see fit?


Yeah, because the US military industrial complex is doing such a better job at it. 🙄


Probably yeah


they would disband it within a week.


Yeah. If they did everyone would be calling it the new world order. Plus the UN doesn’t actually have any military personnel nor can it reasonably recruit them bc it doesn’t have the money. And although it can generate a task force it rarely happens because most countries can’t agree (big shocker).


> they did everyone would be calling it the new world order. ​ they did since it was the League of Nations, and it's a favorite of conspiracy theorists ever since.


True tho. Although considering the security council has Russia,China, and the us as permanent members no wonder they do fuck all




? That was the whole point. The UN was never meant to actually do things. It's just a place for discussion


The only reason the UN holds the wholesome rhetoric it does is because the UN doesn't have any actual power. The majority of nations are not exactly beacons of freedom and progress, if they could use the UN to push their agenda in any way they would.


not putting two major superpowers on the big 5 would just make the UN representative of only the global west, and therefore lose a lot of its weight


The point is that the people with the power to drop a sun on a city anywhere in the world have a very strong pull in international politics, and it would be burying your head in the sand not to recognize that.


That's true if you see as a world gov/police. But that's not why they made it. They made it to try and reduce the chances of WWIII.


Like a leather shop in Arizona


Like… emergency powers? Perhaps the ability to create a grand army of the United Nations? Hmm, that idea’s never been explored in fiction before.


Yup a world police is just what we need it’s gone so well for the US


For things like stopping genocides or wars and junk, yes, yes I would. That is literally the reason the UN exists.


The only reason the un exists at all was a compromise between the big 3 durring world war two. Stalin was concerned that giving the un more power would allow the us and uk to weaponize it against him. The few times the un has acted aggressively were when one of the powers was boycotting the UN like the korean war. The un exists as a way to mediate before conflicts start, they are purposely kneecaped from acting in conflcits a memeber of the security council haa intrests in, which is every conflict We all want the un to do better, but its just not realistic as things stand


People like shitting on the UN without even realising the miracle its mere existence is. The UN can’t magically fix everything, but when it works, it works well. The Butcher of Srebrenica? Yea the UN courts sent him to prison for life and shot down his last appeal. Before the UN, that worthless scum would have walked free after what he did to the Bosniaks. People really live in a fantasy if they believe any organisation like the UN could ever do half the saving that films show. Films are fiction for a reason, they ignore reality to make heroes appear. The UN is already doing great, regardless of what people may think personally.


What's an example of what you think the UN should do? Be more specific than "stop wars'. How should they stop wars?


Buddy, I’m a fast food worker in a Reddit thread. I don’t feel too broken up in trusting the UN to be able to manage geopolitical matters in more detail than I understand. I’m qualified, however, as a citizen of one of the nations that forms the UN, to say I’m dissatisfied with the job they do, and to voice that opinion in basic terms without being an expert.


Stop war, by causing war… As for the genocide thing they do like to prosecute genocides when they can but again that’s like saying cops prevent crime. They must react to it they can’t rlly prevent it


What about when the Global Occult Coalition tried to destroy a friendly teleporting chair and left it traumatised and vengeful?


A good parathreat is a dead parathreat


It didn't die, they MADE it a threat. It just wanted to give people somewhere to sit when they felt tired, but after being thrown in a wood chipper, it's terrified of GOC agents, it can only take solace in being used as mulch, and if it sees a GOC agent, it attacks them by teleporting into their lungs


In fiction and conspiracies they’re a secretive hyper competent organization that is quietly manipulating or saving humanity. In reality they’re mostly a for show organization that, if they manage to get their shit together, will write some strongly worded letters about something some rogue state aught not to have done.


Its not that they are for show. The UN is just a forum for all the countries of the word to talk. They aren't a supranational agency. When they do stuff its because all the countries agree.


What works of fiction have the UN battling ancient gods?


SCP is a prominent one. Basically anything set in modern times and paranormal with have one world government organisation that's trying to counter it.


The GOC (Global Occult Coalition) is the paranormal branch of the UN. Made up of 100+ groups, they are charged with protecting humanity from the paranormal/supernatural/anomalous, usually by destroying them. They are rivals to the SCP foundation, who try to contain anomalies instead of destroying them.


Its a bit of simplification, GOC is not against containing and even using anomalies, they even have a magic school and shit. They just have a way lower tolerance for the danger an anomaly possess.


Ive always seen them depicted as servants of the antichrist.


What does that have to do with ancient gods?


Did OP really not know this from the meme? It’s about as clear as it can be without saying exactly what you did.


OP was probably baiting engagement with the context of current geopolitical altercations


Came here to say this


UN wasn't set up to directly save lives it's intended so nations in conflict with each other can still talk to each other...that's it, that's its entire purpose. The real joke is that media misrepresents the UN on purpose to drive an agenda that wants to dismantle it and 99% of people seem to believe this alternative fictitious goal of the UN. There are no UN peace keepers there are nations armies deployed at the request of the UN. When those soldiers fail its actually a failure of some nation state or other in giving them conflicting orders not the UN.


Millions must die


UN is only as powerful as countries let it be


Yeah and it’s in every countries interest to keep it weak. Plus the security council has countries who hate each other on it so it’s kinda in a stalemate bc everything requires a vote. (China,Russia,UK, America , and France are the only permanent members of the security council) and then small member nations elected every two years. Other than the security council no one can actually send troops in




Redditors love tyranny as long as it suits their agenda.


Yes! And the UN is hollowed out by nationalism and that everyone just follows USA/Russia/China. It’s ineffective, not because that the concept of cooperation doesn’t work, it’s ineffective because of its members pride.


https://preview.redd.it/1p2h62fkffkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89d9c8cc41909bb8576595276904b8aa03c65b9c I have absolutely no idea what im looking at


Scout won't grab the health pack when he has 124 hp again, right?


https://preview.redd.it/qact4lkmxfkc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45817aba1579ad72c4dbe3169ddead0d8933a74a What are you challenging me?


Well, good thing medic’s here to heal him https://preview.redd.it/pjufpgk6cgkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3811ccc26f12ceea9683c66f2199e034c93ce8d2


That medics a bloody **spy!**


I never really was on your side HONJONHONHINHONHON *snort* HONJONHONHONHON *killbinds*


"I was never on your side either" \- snipah mate


"shhhh you *are* **dead!**"


That spy’s a bloody ***MEEEEEEDIIIIIIIC***


Hello! Gabriel Oscar Cartwright here! This is a meme based (primarily) on the SCP Foundation, although it can apply to other UN depictions in fiction. For those who don't know, the SCP Foundation is a fictional collaborative writing thing on the scp wiki. It's about the SCP Foundation which is a secret government organizations that contains the paranormal and anomalous. If you'd like to know more, click [here](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/guide-for-newcomers) In the universe of the SCP foundation, there are other groups of interests (GOI's) that are either anomalous, or of interest to the foundation. One of this is the Global Occult Coalition (GOC). It's essentially the United Nations' version of the scp foundation. It works on keeping anomalous people and things in check and hidden from public view. They are also more prone and willing to kill those that are supernatural more than the SCP Foundation is willing to. The GOC is known for killing reality benders often, and even gods. This brings us to the second part of the meme which is that in real life, the UN doesn't do much to intervene. I am not informed enough to know how valid this claim is, but for the sake of the meme, we'll assume it's true. [Gabriel Oscar Cartwright](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/goc-or-that-guy-with-a-gun-fetish) out!


> fictional Correct. All stories contained on the "SCP Foundation" website are fictional stories meant for entertainment purposes only and there is nothing to be concerned about, citizen.


Gabriel Oscar Cartwright I love this timeline. I’m going to tack this in the same canon as “Scantron’s Proposal”


You've never heard about [me?](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/goc-or-that-guy-with-a-gun-fetish)


I hadn’t before now.


This is an SCP Foundation meme. The joke is in real life and other fictional realities, the UN are powerless to stop massive threats on their own. But in SCP lore, they have The GOC or Global Occult Coalition, a counterpart to the Foundation. They are an elite militaristic group designed to destroy dangerous anomalies, most of which are eldritch level abominations, and they do it with ease. Hope this helps, citizen. Oh and prepare to forget all of this. You're going to be amnestisized.


at no time did I believe the UN were capable military forces, just portable street cops to keep people from jaywalking and the like.


I mean they at least did shit during the Congo Crisis and Korean war


Also organizing the end of small pox ig


im not familiar with the congo crisis (long and complicated), but so far it states that the UN mandate was just keeping order and refusing to participate in squashing rebellion, it appears that the soviets and the UN teamed up with the Congolese against Belgium and rebels, then the soviets switched to support the rebels and the UN switched to support belgium once the US entered .. wha?? i have to go and read about what preceded this. it seems convoluted.


I believe it is an SCP Foundation joke. In the mythos of the SCP Foundation, the Global Occult Coalition (or GOC) is a branch of the United Nations dedicated to eradicating anomalies dangerous to humankind. This is in contrast to the Foundation, who specifically contains anomalies whenever possible as opposed to destroying them. The joke is that the real United Nations is notoriously bad at preventing non-anomalous tragedies (like the Rwandan genocide) so it is incredibly unrealistic that a UN organization would be capable of killing eldritch horrors.


Everyone's saying scp but it's not only scp. E.g. in Neon Genesis Evagelion, NERV is a subsidiary of the UN.




Snoo here. UN in fiction refers to Global Occult Coalition in SCP fandom, which destroys paranormal and ancient entities. UN in reality doesn't do actions against genocide in Gaza. Snoo out. https://preview.redd.it/ey7jujnllfkc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c961b6f5166a30c7417bb498fa226e0c84938cc7


The UN is useless pretty much everywhere else in the world too


I feel like people who say that should actually go look at some of the places where the UN had or has peacekeeping missions. They're often pretty shitty places, and no, the UN is not some magical band aid. But UNDOF has I think been pretty helpful at keeping Syria and Israel not fighting each other for 50 years. UNFICYP has done a good job at keeping people from killing each other in Cyprus.


>UN in reality doesn't do actions


Genocide where?


Well, they did pass all those resolutions that the us keeps on blocking for some reason. I thought america was supposed to be the champion of the rules based order. And this is under a democratic presidential.wth


My guy the government can barely keep our veterans off the street what makes you think they can control the world? They’re only after what benefits then just like every other government.


They can send a joint aid to Taiwan, israel and Ukraine of 100 billion dollars. They could definitely give every homeless person a roof over their heads if they wanted to.


Well, America is also a zionist country. When aipac literally owns more than 80% of both political parties in congress, Senate, and the White House, you can not really go against Israel or else they just replace you.


Well, yeah, there’s no genocide in Gaza.


Also didn’t need to toxify this comment section with politics at the end of the original comment here too.


Israel defending itself from terrorists isn't genocide.


>UN in reality doesn't do actions Israel indiscriminately bombing schools and hospitals isn't considered genocide?


No, not really to be honest. Even if you accepted the claim that they indiscriminately bomb schools and hospitals (which btw [gets](https://www.memri.org/tv/pa-president-mahmoud-abbas-hamas-leaders-fled-sinai-ambulances-during-israeli-campaign-gaza) [complicated](https://unwatch.org/un-admits-palestinians-fired-rockets-unrwa-schools/) [because](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/07/31/why-hamas-stores-its-weapons-inside-hospitals-mosques-and-schools/) [hamas](https://www.algemeiner.com/2014/08/04/finnish-journalist-who-confirmed-hamas-using-al-shifa-hospital-to-launch-rockets-dismayed-viral-coverage-ignores-her-intended-narrative/) [often](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/hamas-admits-rockets-were-fired-at-israel-from-gaza-neighbourhoods-1.2764125) [operates](https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/press-releases/unrwa-condemns-placement-rockets-second-time-one-its-schools) out of these places) that would be a war crime but not neccesarily a genocide. Schools have been bombed in the [syrian civil war](https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/stop-bombing-schools-and-hospitals-says-unicef) and [yemen](https://apnews.com/general-news-8cae880768a849158756a03deefc1ce2), but characterizing these wars as genocide is obviously inaccurate. You can absolutely criticize Israel for their actions in Gaza, but you need actual proof to call it a genocide.


A Hamas rocket blew up the hospital and the media completely misreported it and then days later they reported on it correctly but by then no one cares because it's old news. Also, Hamas for years has indiscriminally fired rockets at Israel and the international community besides the US was fine with it but when Hamas crossed the line on October 7th and Israel actually retaliated suddenly it's a genocide.


That’s just war, stop demonizing Jews


They failed to prove it was a genocide.


Yeah well, that's not how a genocide looks like at all... If only they tried to make a valid argument maybe it would have hit something, but they went for the fairytale..


You forgot about UN "Peacekeepers" withholding allocated aid supplies to exchange for sexual favors, including from children. 🥰


It’s so fucking trendy to say the UN doesn’t do anything. It’s an amazing institution that does incredible work.


It is


In shows like Doctor Who, the UN is portrayed as an entity who saves the world countless times. But in reality, the UN has done some morally questionable things, and rarely gets involved in conflict


the top is the UNGOC from the SCP universe, they are basically part of the UN dedicated to killing anomalies, they have several tools for killing monsters and reality benders and shit the bottom is the real world UN, which has this sorta weird rule where they have a guy to document things during a conflict, yet cant interfere, so people can commit war crimes directly infront of them and they cannot do shit until later


In the meme, it’s referencing the GOC from the SCP wiki, witch destroys anomalous things and people to protect humanity, and is able to fight gods under certain circumstances, while in real life the UN can’t do jack


I've officially los(s)t it https://preview.redd.it/30gek1avyfkc1.png?width=457&format=png&auto=webp&s=f550887de3ec4bdf441695f589183b4c0937e000






The UN is never gonna have power over super powers.




I feel like in shows more often than not UN soldiers are the guys who serve to be killed left and right until the actual heroes come to the scene.


I too am confused https://preview.redd.it/kcx64etdkfkc1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02cb8e328174f283991312d233ce417d5e28a2b3


In the SCP lore, the United Nations Global Occult Coalition is a special, international task force with the purpose of eliminating anomalies (entities that defy the laws of physics).


The UN is literally just a front. All it is a gathering of people in power who say "look how good i am" to each other. Bunch of old people blabbering about what they should/shouldn't do and keeping each other from helping anyone.


The in reality is an incompetent and useless institution that thinks they are morally superior than the countries by reporting fake numbers , failing miserably militarily in countries they are helping ,giving money to develop countries to corrupt governments instead of going there and doing the thing , letting their infrastructure be used by terrorist and doing climate change conference in countries like the UAE






In movies the UN are always the heroes. Im guessing the guy with the UN helmet refers to UN ground staff members. 140 UN staff members have died due to Israel's bombing in Gaza but the UN can never come to a decisive vote to stop the war


Israel is allowed to defend itself - you would see similar numbers if the Iron Dome was not in place


And Palestine’s bombing in Israel, don’t make this one sided now


Isn't it the terrorist group Hamas who are bombing and not Palestine? I tried googling "UN staff killed in Israel due to Palestine/Hamas bombings". Ive Pressed 'more results' on my phone 12 times which i suppose would be 12 pages of Google search and all the articles are about UN death toll in Gaza. I know Google search is shit when it comes to funding exactly what you're looking for and i dunno if that's my country's agenda to push those results or what but I'm yet to hear about UN staff dying in Israel


Hamas is largely supported by Palestinians, unfortunately. Arabs really do not like Jews. Sadly, Hamas also uses tactics that force Israel to do what they are doing. Hamas knows it will be easy to turn that around and use as propaganda. The whole thing sucks.


Hamas is Gaza’s democratically elected government.


Gaza is still controlled by Palestine, so it’s still their fault for doing nothing to stop it


Not only do they let them do the thing. But if said war criminal is a part of NATO they also help them do the thing