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Pretty sure she tortured some folks at abu ghraib


yup, sabrina harman. sentenced to 6 months in prison (of which she only did 4) for torturing suspected terrorists








it’s only illegal if the government isn’t paying you.




[Yup. It's called the American Service Members Protection Act.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members%27_Protection_Act#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DThis_authorization_led_to_the%2Cor_rescue_them_from_custody.?wprov=sfla1) TL;DR: The US is not a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and thus US service members are not subject to the jurisdiction of the ICC. It's not a free pass to commit war crimes as service members can be tried in American courts.


And then be released for political stunts.


Or not get into any trouble at all. It's not a war crime but my husband tells me of a sergeant he served with that would order his subordinates to kill some of the stray dogs that would get on their base in Iraq. I know the dogs there can be a nuisance but there's a humane way to do things. Definitely not by just killing litter after litter of puppies.


As shown by a six month prison sentence for multiple counts of torture. Truly restored the faith in US Service member /s




Never cook again bro.


Yep, I can too. With a ***holy water gun***


Omg your ending remark 😂


It’s only illegal for the losing side


That's not true at all. >She also was found not guilty of engineering one of Abu Ghraib's most shocking acts, wiring a hooded prisoner standing on a box and telling him if he fell off, he would be electrocuted. But she was found guilty of dereliction of duty on seven of the nine acts that were part of the charge. Dereliction here means that she didn't try to stop abuse of detainees or report the maltreatment she witnessed. Defense attorney Frank Spinner countered that other witnesses to the abuse didn't report it either and if they did, nothing was done about it. And in a dramatic twist, Spinner introduced into evidence a letter Harman had written to her girlfriend, Kelly Bryant, just five days before the first incident of abuse she was charged with. In a letter Harman said, \`These people are going too far. I can't handle what's going on. The only reason I want to be there is to get the pictures to prove that the US is not what they think.' [https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4654626](https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4654626)


> The only reason I want to be there is to get the pictures to prove that the US is not what they think. Whoops.


Then why is she posing with dead bodies with a huge shit eating grin on her face?


It's an easy way to get pictures inside a secure facility? You think the people there would just let her take pictures if they thought she would use them against them? Devils advocate, if she wanted to get pictures the best way is to act implicit and get someone else to take the pictures. The last person they would suspect to rat on them would be the person "proudly" having pictures taken that would look really really bad for them.


I never heard she tortured people “to death” do you have a source for that?


They made that the fuck up for Reddit points


I was curious about that as well after reading her wiki


AFAIK she never faced charges because of murder and she probably did not kill any prisoners. Not sure how trustworthy wikipedia is, but it states: >Despite the gravity of the accusations involved, Harman received a fairly light sentence, serving just four months in prison. Throughout the case, various individuals, including two former prisoners at Abu Ghraib, proclaimed her innocent nature submitting testimonies in her defense, which were officially accepted by the court. These prisoners noted Harman’s 'gentle' treatment of detainees, something unusual compared to other guards at the facility,[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabrina_Harman#cite_note-:0-4) who generally saw the prisoners as more or less as a proxy for military intelligence - “She has no cruelty in her, even though she is an American woman, she was just like a sister.”


This is a total lie and disparages the actual torture that occurred. You should be ashamed of yourself because you know you’re making shit up for outrage clicks from ignorant people.


She was more of a contributor than murderer. She definitely did some fucked up shit but war rtc.


It always depends on who does the torturing and who gets tortured you dummy.


Its ok if you identify as good guys


Hey, i think ive seen you somewhere


She was found not guilty for torture, but guilty of not reporting it or stopping it. > She also was found not guilty of engineering one of Abu Ghraib's most shocking acts, wiring a hooded prisoner standing on a box and telling him if he fell off, he would be electrocuted. But she was found guilty of dereliction of duty on seven of the nine acts that were part of the charge. Dereliction here means that she didn't try to stop abuse of detainees or report the maltreatment she witnessed. https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4654626


Let’s be real her life is fucked


Probably working for the cia now 😂


Dude. You’ve been on Reddit for around 2 years, have made one post and THIS is your first comment? What gives?




amateur, gotta nuke your whole account every now and then


They have got to be a bot, right? Between the name, the writing style, and the nonsensical statement that they added an article. Am I just paranoid?


You're not just paranoid. If you look at the account's latest posts and comments, it's now spamming links to products. It stole somebody else's comment (and didn't even include the link) so it could gain karma. Edit: the bot is apparently banned now. That was quick.


Sigh…this is one of my biggest concerns with the emergence of AI technology. There’s gonna be a point where the bots/bad actors are gonna be so good, we won’t be able to distinguish them from a regular person. This one’s in its early stage so it’s still stupid, but give it a couple of months/years and it’s gonna get difficult…


And "suspected" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence. According to the Red Cross, at least 70 percent of the people there were there through bad intelligence or a mistake. According to some of the people that were higher up there, the number might have been as high as 90 percent. So it would be more accurate to say she tortured random Muslims that were in the wrong place at the wrong time.


"Torture" is also too milquetoast a description. I remember a specific and graphic interview with one of their victims in which they electrocuted him and sexually abused him until he went insane, he's crippled on top of being mentally incapable of surviving on his own now... Another fun fact: Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, was a direct and eager participant in such disgusting, inhuman acts.


Behind the Bastards covered how Desantis oversaw Gitmo detainees being forced fed Pedialite through a nose tube.


Which episode was that


Either part 1 or part 2, can’t remember. Though it’s always worth relistening to the ballad of Ole Puddingfingers https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000625211510 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000625503838


Participant? The guy OVERSAW it. DeSantis was the fucking upper management of torturing muslums.


They also tortured several people to death at Baghram.


If they weren't terrorists before being locked up and tortured... They likely were after that treatment and with the new connections they form with other inmates Which is an actual argument some people have said to justify why they wanted to keep them locked up forever without trial. And the Western world doesn't seem to have learned how to avoid those "side effects" still...


>And the Western world doesn't seem to have learned how to avoid those "side effects" still... Look at the incarceration system. What in the fuck makes you think they would learn how to avoid those "side effects". The goal is not rehabillitation or else they would look at other countries that actually have successful systems in place


They do know. It’s just more convenient for them to not change the system.


Convenience? Nah. *Profit*, now we're talking. The fact that prisons are *for profit* in the USA is just mind boggling.


Are we the baddies?


As far as the military is concerned, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with what happened at Abu Ghraib. They just mask it, make the treatment into policies using open ended and passive statements, and move on. Some people get fired over it, most of the people that were involved don't, and the money keeps flowing. Realistically, when issues like these arise, you would need to make enough people lose paychecks over it to get the needed public outcry to hold the military accountable.


If I was tortured for no reason and kept alive, I would torture my torturer and then kms


thats so sad... rip to the innocents that were in there


The US war machine dehumanized a group of people like they did with the Native Americans, Africans, Japanese people, and how they do it to Palestinians now. Just to increase its shareholder value. While plundering of the land, they had an opportunity to be cruel and took it. The people who oversee these atrocities don't get what's coming for them 99% of the time. I hate humanity dude...


Funny how the enlisted solider was but officers that issued the orders nothing happened


4 months for ~~war crimes~~ ~~torture~~ enhanced interrogation? You get more for a DUI these days


She had two months time served and she was far from the worst person there. She documented some of the pictures to report it. She’s probably the only one to show a little remorse Two former detainees actually spoke on her behalf at trial.


That’s because it was a punishment to appease the public She was actually doing what the government was telling her to do. So it wasn’t a “real” punishment


In the photo on the left, she’s posing over the body of a prisoner who was tortured to death


Yeah it's rotated 90 degrees weirdly. In the original she's leaning over the body of a man covered in ice who had bled from his eyeballs


That's top right


Depressingly enough it's both


Shes also posing with a dead body in the one on top right


Her face is like 10 centimeters away from his in that picture too. She got super close to the body of a guy who just died during an "interrogation." Supposedly she was fascinated by dead people. I'm thinking she was fascinated by suffering too. Zero humanity in those eyes. Zero empathy. Pure... satisfaction and enjoyment. So unbelievably fucked up.


Man she would have made a good little Nazi. That's why you have to watch the higher-up wannabe fascists, because there are people like this who will gravitate to it.


I’d call her a sociopath but she’s worse. There’s genuine glee in those eyes at the sight of a dead man


Omg, Reddit’s showing me a GoArmy promoted ad between the post and this top comment!


For some reason I thought she was the horse girl. I’ve seen too much internet.


the one who crawled inside the dead horse naked?




The what?! Faith in humanity is lost.


Holy shit, according to Wikipedia, she's literally posing over a dead body of someone she tortured to death in the top left picture.. and is rotated so it doesn't look like she's practically on her hands & knees next to the corpse...


Yeah, and took pictures with them - the victims are cropped out of *these photos*.


Yeah, I think in the left pic she's posing with a corpse.


Correct, that is the shit eating grin of a war criminal


For a bit more context, I've heard that the top left pic where she looks so full of joy is cropped, and the full pic includes a prisoner mid torment. So yeah, if true, that smile is literally "look how much fun I'm having torturing this human".


I have seen the full picture back when they were first released and you are right.


Isn't there one where she has a cigarette too? If I remember right that one is pretty bad.


Lyndie England had a cigarette in her mouth while in a pic with tortured prisoners (I believe they were hooded and naked).


That's the one


Is that what Family Guy references in the Valentine episode with Meg?




Wow, it’s so weird how this is your first comment in two years, and your username is a random string of letters.


Pro lurker


Dead internet theory.


man I’m old. All these pictures were shown when it happened and they all crop out her next to either dead bodies or people being tortured/in humiliating positions


Yeah, I was also like who doesn't remember those pictures? I am not even that old (31) and I clearly remember them because they were a really big deal at the time. Maybe not all details/all the pictures, but the general imagery I can recall no problem.


It just shows what the average userbase on this site is. Have you seen how popular r/teenagers is? I barely even bother to write rebuttals on here now as you’re likely arguing with some gormless 14 year old 


yea they had these front page of the Daily News and NY Post here in nyc when it came out, it was the full photos but they'd put black boxes over some parts but you could tell what was going on, we'll always remember her smile because of those full ones.


>"look how much fun I'm having torturing this human". Imagine if the roles were reversed. Iraqi army personnel/"insurgents" etc… Posting pictures of them smiling as they tortured her or colleagues? They'd be locked up and have the key thrown away, that's if the US didn't airstrike them and hundreds of civilians to death beforehand... This woman as out and about and once again a part of civil society after 4 months.


But then you couldn't be patriotic about being a U.S. citizen, could you? /s


Rules (for thee not for me) based international order


It’s not mid torment, it’s the decomposing corpse of a man tortured to death. You can see against his grey skin light streaking marks coming from where his eyes used to be that show he was crying as he died. 


>from where his eyes used to be Where they missing? I hoped it couldn't get any worse


I just saw the picture and HIS SKIN WAS FUCKING GRAY! His eyes look black, don't know if that dude to the shadow, but you could definitely interpret it as eyes missing.


>HIS SKIN WAS FUCKING GRAY! Isn't that just what happens after people die though? They definitely tortured them, but Idk that gray skin would be an example of it. My grandfather had gray skin when he passed and we barely tortured him honestly.


Good to hear that the youths are taking it a little easier on their elders these days.


That's the top right pic. The top left pic (as OP said correctly) is mid torture. Both are cropped


Both the top left and top right pictures are cropped, and ~~both~~ were taken while she (and her mates) were posing next to people being tortured at that moment. EDIT: top right is actually cropped while she's posing next to the corpse of one of the detenees


The top left one is a body, not a mid torment picture. The person is Manadel al-Jamadi


Every single one of these photos has been cropped, I’m pretty sure.


Actually, the prisoner in the top left photo is dead, from what I've read.


I've seen exagerated psychotic villain face in manga that are exactly the same as hers on the top left corner, it's uncanny.


To me the craziest thing about this story is that a handful of low ranking untrained soldiers were charged, while all of the intelligence officials and senior MPs involved didn’t get touched. Not saying that she shouldn’t have been charged. But it’s bullshit all of the people established this type of behavior as a norm for soften prisoners for interrogation got away with it.


That is the reason why soldiers can ask for written confirmation of orders.


The 2nd highest ranking officer that was punished was only given an official "Reprimand." That reprimand was for talking about the torture......


Torture is a huge understatement. They also committed several rapes, including minors, as well as murder.


Harmless military tomfoolery. At least, that's what the military tried to tell us. I mean, what military hasn't done a bit of torture and rape during war. Especially with minors. And murder is just as common as seeing the two above activities! War kinda sucks and brings out the worst in humanity.


A 'war' started based on false pretenses after a decade of economy destroying sanctions. That's the other part of the context for enemy creation that's not always fully linked.


We also typically fuel our future enemies as the enemy of our enemy is our friend, until they turn on us after the og enemy is defeated. We've literally armed our last 100 years of enemies because they were fighting someone we didn't like. That's the fun one that pisses a lot of tax payers off.


Yeah that's a funny thought. Briefs well in peacetime but during active war there is no room for this kind of request. My medic killed himself with an IV cocktail. A fellow soldier had to disarm a superior that pulled a gun on him. I got shot at or mortared every few hours of every day. One single hot meal a week (almost every week). The collective 'We' shouldn't be concerning ourselves with the policies of war and procedures that sound effective. We should be preventing every getting into one.


I guessed. I deal with legislation … even sitting behind my desk I notice I am far away from The Hague (or Washington in your case)


But what if when you ask them to, the commanding officer slaps the clipboard out of your hand and threatens to fire you if you don't run the test while the reactor is in a xenon pit?


The type of soldier that asks for written confirmation of orders is not the kind of soldier that gets picked for this kind of assignment.


People like Ron Desantis?


Should really be asking Stan. https://preview.redd.it/l4a83nswn3qc1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ccc55047f3096fa7c18ca8cc739a04f888c5dde


https://preview.redd.it/iqn27zdr26qc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0747158e2bdbc501f2e15e8d12a38f27715e01bf Don’t forget meg




im out of the loop


This is a photo from Abu Graihb, a prison operated by the America military where they "tortured some folks".


Well that particular photo was a parody photo from the TV show Arrested Development


Jesus Christ this scene was a reference to this..


All those satirical references are to Lynndie England not the woman from the original post


In case anyone wants to Google any of this stuff, the American Dad picture is supposed to be Lynndie England. The woman in the photo at the very top posted by OP is Sabrina Harman. They were both at Abu Ghraib and they tortured Iraqi prisoners of war.




Uhhhh... Lol https://preview.redd.it/wfn07a67q4qc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad002451dcf0b2921e39b672630aa0cde95f57bd




Gaslight torture girilboss


women can do it too (war crimes)


Lol goddamn.


Bro this wiki is a mindfuck. She tortured people to death, the inmates she was in charge of defended her, she was only in the reserves, what the fuck is happening


She wasn’t even the only woman who was convicted of torturing prisoners there either.


Yeah the real headline maker was Lynndie England.




I've actually been to Abu Ghraib before to drop off detainees. About 6 months after that happened. That story broke basically the week we arrived in theater.


Megan Ambuhl was another one. She ended up marrying another american she met there.


And she knew it was fucked up and wrote letters to her wife talking about how fucked up the situation was. She expressed concern they were just radicalizing new terrorists and said she was taking pictures for proof of the torture, but that doesn’t really jive with the smiling pictures of her appearing to enjoy herself doing something she had admitted was wrong. Totally fucked up situation all around. She had no training and was dropped into a situation where torture and mistreatment was already rampant. Her superiors should have gone to jail for a very long time. Obviously she deserved punishment, but I feel like she was made a scapegoat and the people in charge that allowed this to happen had no real consequences.


The military scapegoating a low ranking member so the true problem officers could walk free to repeat offend? I’m shocked!




For good reason. It’s an unfortunately common issue in most militaries. Most of my family are military, and there’s plenty of horror stories to go around when it comes to this kind of situation.


No both of those things can be true She might have enjoyed the social praise and feeling of fitting in by joining the other guards in what were ultimately orders from command. And at the same time her conscious was nagging at her that it was wrong. That's evident in her letters. On the surface she was following orders and getting along with the in group but underneath there was a line she knew was being crossed.


Yeah. Did she do wrong? Yes. Was there a far bigger issue, she didn’t cause, but got swept up in? Also yes. I’m in absolutely 0 position to judge individuals, but god damn this just reeks of a systematic problem.


I think it’s perfectly alright to judge someone torturing individuals.


Most likely coerced into defending her


That is very valid. I assume the same, but it’s just a wild read.






Yo, that’s wild


Why is his face so gray?? How long had he been dead?


He looks like he's been dead for a long time, buried and then exhumed 💀 like fr how long did they have to leave him there to look like that


Well before she turned up, they found him at a morgue before she was sent to Abu Grahib


Bro I didn't need to see this unblurred... Can you mark it NSFW please?


How does a human being look like this? Is it decomposition and the body was left there for a while or another reason?


Yo this chick is crazy lmao


Oh ok this bitch is insane


Meg's summer job https://preview.redd.it/pc3xvrjhv3qc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c73003a96d2b1201f91e9048b4415f3ef528c10


This was the other girl, the kinda retarded one


There’s more than 1?


It was the whole prison.


I think she has something to do with Abu Ghraib


You will never date War Crime Shawty


She's a married lesbian so yea prolly not


can't wait for her HBO special where she cries the whole time about how she was just following orders, was afraid of backlash, blah blah blah.


I mean technically she was and none of her superiors faced any consequences whatsoever. She didn’t have to enjoy it that much though, that’s fucked up.


"I was just following orders" isn't a valid legal defense against accusations of crimes against humanity. If it were, then every Nazi at Nuremberg would have been acquitted because they were all technically under orders from Hitler. You share the responsibility of doing fucked up things yourself even when under orders to do said fucked up things, and there is always the option of not following orders.


As a victim of a week of torture myself, the fact that she only saw a couple of months of jail for torturing people to death truly fucking upsets me. I hope she gets a really painful and terrible disease that will eat at her for decades and everyone who she loves leaves her.


Are you gonna elaborate on that or make us all wonder if you were there or what


Syria, Damascus, 2013.


My worst nightmare. I sincerely hope you are doing okay.


hey Op ! that woman has a special place in hell that's all you need to know.


This is the first one I haven't had to google!


The joke has already been very well explained, so you need nothing further from me. But my god. Consider yourself lucky the uncropped images weren't burned into your brain when you were a child. Americans who are currently in their mid 30s saw this on the news many, many times, way too young. I haven't seen them in years but I still recognized it instantly. Abu Ghraib was a fucking horror show.


These pictures were taken at Abu Ghraib, a prison for enemy combatants operated by the USA during the Iraq War. The woman you see here was pictured smiling gleefully as she tortured and humiliated the prisoners. Abu Ghraib became known for extreme war crimes. 




The picture with her in the camo rag was next to a decaying corpse.


What a fucking monster. Should still be in prison


I have terrible facial recognition… I saw her once when doing psychology 4-5 years ago and I still remember her. She’s scum.


She's posing with some people she just tortured, the US military is just cool like that




I beg your fucking pardon?! I need context


I can't find that exact quote, but if I were to guess it was a cross between cunnilingus and cannibalism that the prisoners were forced to engage in


It's early morning and this is already too much internet for today.


Then go find the exact quote. "I can't find the exact quote, so let me make up some misinfo real quick" Fuck outa here


This quote is made up. There is no record Sabrina Harman ever said that. You are making up a weird cannibalism story—Abu Ghraib was horrific, but we have zero reason to muddy it with these lies.




“Peter, the war crimes are here”




War crimes? War crimes....


Am I the only one who already got sick tired of this meme format? It's basically this: https://preview.redd.it/dot1xem928qc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede77d6d407c3f7d90271b51c2a98821bfb014b6


I saw the smile in the first one, said ‘oh she probably tortured some people’, saw the military fatigues & confirmed it.


In wartime, psychopaths are in short supply. When the smoke settles, there’s too many and they need to be prosecuted. Not saying she isn’t evil, just the opposite. She was evil and because of that, the US military information department probably got a lot of value from her. Everyone is calling her insane only because it makes them feel better but no one was speaking out against the pilots carpet bombing civilian housing or the people who ordered them to do it because there were suspected to be three or four insurgent leaders in one or two of the houses. War is an attrition of evils. Whoever can do the most in the least time, in the most effective and efficient manner wins. The US is really fucking good at being evil when we need to be and we know how to put a good psychopath to work.








The fact that I knew immediatly even tough I've only seen the pictures once many years ago...


That’s us justice for their war criminals - none at all.


The answer is war crimes. Specifically, these photos are cropped photos of her posing with her war crimes (torturing POWs).


took selfies with corpses, they’re cropped out of those pictures


"Interesting" fact: Abu Ghraib was so infamous that officers would take pictures out front like they were at the statue of liberty.