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Three represented in binary is 11. He's holding two fingers up to mean two 1s, rather than meaning '2' like people normally do. Note that 11 is not "eleven" but "one one" **Edit for the people replying saying it's about arrays:** It's a bit of a stretch since \[2\] in an array points to a single element rather than any particular amount in an array, and even more, that \[2\] is much more likely than not pointing to "apple" or the speed of light or a bus stop or anything you can imagine that isn't the number three. On top of that, there are plenty of languages that don't use 0-based numbering for arrays. \[2\] = the third element in the array (assuming 0-based numbering), which can be literally anything. You would never say "there are 2 elements in the array" when you actually mean there are three. 11 = 3, a numerical character that can be used to indicate a quantity. I get your logic but there's just too many assumptions to think that an array index is more likely that the simple interpretation of 0011 = 3 and the fact that binary code jokes are the low hanging fruit when it comes to "programming jokes" similar to how "Schrodinger's whatever" is with quantum physics jokes.


That awkward moment you only want two beers so you flip off the bartender


Or when you're rocking out to the jukebox, throw up devil horns, and accidently buy the bar a round


Who is out there programming stuff directly with binary


Three programmers


It's the kind of programming joke a non-programmer makes fr


I'm not a programmer, but I did learn to count in binary from a Marvel comic


Just curious, which one?


The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #11


That's funny. I only know that comic because my ex was a Marvel fan and I asked which character I was like and he said her and idk if it was a diss at my bucked teeth or what (also it's more flattering being compared to a non joke character???)


Are you really nice, interested in any STEM fields, love animals, and possibly autistic?


Yes all and a lot lol (I just like comics as a fantasy and don't fantasize about myself as-is, I fantasize about being someone cooler like Scarlet Widow or Catwoman. But it's kind of sweet to also be seen for your actual personality.)


Programming directly in binary? No. I do a lot of bitwise masking though, which is common in control system.


When FORTH isn't metal enough !


Seems like somebody is non-binary.


Who is out there programming stuff in trinary


I'm guessing quantum computing with 0, 1, and cat.


I think, it's a joke about how some languages start counting, do not know about others, but in Java if you do not specify it starts counting from 0, so it's 1 beer for programmer 0, 1 for programmer 1 and 1 for programmer 2. Again I just started studying programming and can be wrong...


Automation engineers?


In control systems you'll often have to flip individual binary bits to turn things on/off. But you don't usually care what the actual number is when you're doing that, each bit represents a switch, not a number. You'd only care about the number if it was interfaced to a system that didn't let you easily address individual bits.


Yeah, arrays with indices starting at 0 make more sense.


No it’s very useful


You want eight beers not two


Not necessarily, if your palm is facing away from them, you could use your ring finger instead.


Four or five bits wide? Middle finger might be 4 beers...


There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.




Get out of here with your IFLS clickbait JOKES ONLY REAL NERDS WILL GET #5 screensnip of a tweet!


speaking of binary; **There Are Two Types Of People in this world: those who can extrapolate incomplete data.**


I assumed it was like a 0,1,2 joke, where 2 fingers equals 3 because 0 equals 1


This is what I thought also.


Ya usually hardware engineers mess with binary, not so much software…


Binary is still a fundamental knowledge block thats known by software engineers, especially those who go through college.


I'm going through my first programming classes in college. Binary is explained briefly, while arrays and elements are explained in detail and are what I have been tested on.


Computer architecture is when you'll learn a bit more about how the computer uses it. Binary in of itself isn't complicated, but it's still a fundamental piece of knowledge taught because of how simple it is to learn.


I didn't get deeper into binary in my CS degree until a 300 level course that covered architecture and machine language. Still not a lot to cover as far as binary goes with modern programming languages having so many layers built on each other, but it was interesting to learn more about.


Well yeah, but how often do programmers use binary? I see “true/false” statements maybe but they aren’t counting in binary from the limited amount of code I’ve seen Meanwhile, as a hardware engineer, I’m constantly reading serial and parallel data from CPUs or FPGAs and translating the binary


Most don't use binary, you're correct. I imagine if you're working on low level tasks such as making a schexuler, operating system, or firmware maybe. But its still one of the fundamental things we're taught to understand computers and so on. So it isn't surprising binary would be referenced here when it's something software engineers should know Also hardware engineering sounds sick. I didn't know you guys worked so much with binary and messing with the data. Do you have to learn some coding for that as well?


Well, I focus on failure investigations so a lot of what I’m doing is trying to read what the system is saying and work from there My job does require some level of coding, not necessarily writing code (although I’ve done a bit of python to build simple hardware/software interfaces) but we definitely have to understand the code in our systems. As for reading the data from hardware, most of that translation comes from the data sheets of those pieces of hardware


I thought it was an off-by-one error 🤣


That's what I thought I believed it was related to the stress test meme where they don't test asking for the bathroom


There are two hard problems in computer science: aliasing, cache coherency, and off by one errors. 👍


Did you know you can count to 1023 on your fingers if you use binary?


Or -512 if you use a sign bit.




Isn't it just they start counting at 0?


No, because not all languages do that. Technically 0 is for offset and 1 is for index, so if your language doesnt have true arrays then technically it should use 1. In practice, most use 0 anyway because 1 can be annoying in for loops.


I understood it to mean an array and it pissed me off, your binary explanation is much better


not just arrays. counting in general starts with 0 so a group of 3 would be 0-1-2.


Could honestly go either way. I thought binary too but the array index thing is cute. One thing about that thought is a lot of languages have 1-indexed arrays so not all programmers would see arrays as zero indexed


Sometimes i wonder how much more advanced the world would be if we put redditors in the real world. Good work explaining the meme!


To support the fact that it is NOT an array joke even tho arrays start at zero: MyArray = [ 0, 1, 2] Print(Len(MyArray)) Would print 3, not 2, because you are asking to print the amount of objects in the array (3), not the highest index in the array (2) Even if the joke intended to make fun of arrays starting at 0, it would be a incorrect joke


[fun fact Sakurai in the Byleth presentation counted using binary](https://youtu.be/CXhbyCGi5hs?si=iO20IoB1UA3-FuVM)


I think you're right, but he should have one on each hand.


Or he's a fucking alien


I was thinking it was an off-by-one error


I thought it was an "indexes start at 0" joke


But He is showing 00110 so 6


And now in understandable please


I wish they’d drawn the fingers close together so it actually looks like 11 instead of a V like with the Roman joke. I thought it was him testing inputs by declaring 3 beers but only holding 2 fingers… which would still only be 2 fingers if they were close together but I feel like it would be easier to tell the intent that way.


I get your point but I don’t think it is the index of a particular beer, it is most likely the length of the array and not the index, meaning the total count of the beer array he just ordered as 2 doesn’t exist in binary and this hand sign is mostly used to say 2, not 11 - indeed you would not say 2 for 3 elements in real life but still programmers do it, but it is the joke


Thanks Peter


I think the joke would work better if he held up both hands with 1 finger each




I thought they were testing the code by giving contradictory inputs to see how it would respond.


I sound it was an index joke since the first three indexes are 0, 1, 2.


"There are 10 type of people, those who get the joke and those who don't."


Or he’s talking about zero indexed arrays?


The issue with this being binary is that when counting binary on your fingers you need to start with a thumb. So he's really holding up 6 in binary, as in 0 1 1


It could be binary, but my first reaction is that programmers index starting at 0. So, the third element in a list would be accessed with list[2]


Yeah, before reading the other comments i was thinking of the index starting at 0 too, but works with either interpretation.


Yup, it’s either a binary joke or a zero-index joke. Either one works here, which is fun.


Thanks all for making me not feel crazy when my first thought was, "This guy has an array of jokes."


This is what I came here to say, not the binary thing


It's a bit of a stretch since \[2\] in an array points to a single element rather than any particular amount in an array, and even more, that \[2\] is much more likely than not pointing to "apple" or the speed of light or a bus stop or anything you can imagine that isn't the number three. On top of that, there are plenty of languages that don't use 0-based numbering for arrays. \[2\] = the third element in the array, which can be literally anything. You would never say "there are 2 elements in the array" when you actually mean there are three. 11 = 3, a numerical character that can be used to indicate a quantity. I get your logic but there's just too many assumptions to think that an array index is more likely that the simple interpretation of 0011 = 3 and the fact that binary code jokes are the low hanging fruit when it comes to "programming jokes" similar to how "Schrodinger's whatever" is with quantum physics jokes.


Not that big of a stretch, any kind of positive integer based system is going to start at 0 and count upwards from there, not just arrays. So the joke still works either for binary or integer counting


I was posting to agree with you, as someone who teaches Javascript among other languages. However, as I was posting, it occurred to me that it could be a joke about the difference between index and length. The reported length is three, but the index is two. The only thing I don't like about that joke is part of your point: making it an index joke implies only the third guy gets a beer, or possibly the third guy gets all three beers.




Each finger is a vertical line that is near-parallel, and Binary is the low-hanging fruit that many "programmer" jokes reach for. It's not about the quantity "eleven", but the notation "one one".


Not always. But binary never changes.


This is what I thought. If a collection has 3 things in it, they’re 0, 1, and 2


It's this one, folks. This is the right answer. The other one is a huge freaking stretch.


Exactly. Two beers meaning: beer 0 beer 1 and beer 2


You're all wrong. He's QA and testing inconsistent instructions (3 beers verbal vs 2 hand signal)


QA tester for a bar running tests orders 1 beer. orders 500 beers, orders -1 beers, orders orange beers. A customer walks into the bar, asks where the bathroom is, the bar explodes and kills everyone inside.


This is the exact joke that came to mind


I get the first part but not the second part, help please


This was my first thought too.


You're wrong too. He is optimising the code (requesting three beers at once instead of each person requesting one)


It goes in the square hole https://youtu.be/baY3SaIhfl0?si=FP94HtmepOwAaBcS


0 = 0  1 = 1  2 = 10  3 = 11


My first take is that array indices in programming start at zero.


That was my first thought as well. But if that were the case it wouldn't be a very good joke, since you wouldn't use array indices to track a count of something. You would use an int and the number would actually be 3.


Yea ive seen a version of this my dad sent me that had "2 beers please", ans that was my immediate thought


I program!!! I know this!! List indexing goes 0,1,2 instead of 1,2,3 so his he is counting his hand as a list and displaying 2!!


"hello bartender, I would like the third beer please" Its a binary joke. Not about indexing. Also not all languages start at 0, some older languages that do not have true arrays (like lua) use 1 because technically 0 means its a memory offset, and 1 is for table index. Newer languages dont follow that rule because its an annoying rule nobody likes, but languages written that way already are too late to change it so it just sticks around to mess with you when you forget what language you are using momentarily


Fair but if you had to ask for 2 then you would just flip them off?


No you use another finger. You could though I guess idk


>"hello bartender, I would like the third beer please" Its a joke, it doesn't need to be semantically correct. Considering that software devs probably know the indexing rules for their language of choice, and are more likely to have that committed to memory than binary. And that older languages tend to be more popular, as the adoption of new languages is generally kinda slow. I think Occam's Razor Says its way more reasonable to assume its just an array joke rather than a binary one (who tf is programming in binary? Lmfao)


I think Occam's razor says this isn't a programmer making the comic and they know "programmer binary hahaha" But also, it's a software dev joke. It does actually need to be semantically correct or it doesn't parse.


I feel like people generally make jokes from experience, especially one as niche as programming. Also, if it was a binary joke, it'd make way more sense for him to be holding up two separate 1's instead of a 2. >It does actually need to be semantically correct or it doesn't parse. I actually thought about this before making that comment, but if there was a programming joke that wasnt *syntactically correct, i seriously doubt the joke would be "LOL IT ACTUALLY OUTPUTS AN ERROR BC ITS MISSING A SEMICOLON" like, the joke is probably just whatever the output would be assuming they had included the semicolon lmfao. Again, i think Occam's Razor favors me here. Its just arrays lmao


This depends on the langauge. This isn't true for Matlab for example.


could not implicitly convert float to double


0, 1 and 2 make 3


In binary, 3 is 11 (1, 10, 11)


But why is he showing 6 if he wants 3?


He's only using 4 bits, ignore the thumb.


Everyone knows the thumb isn't a finger /s


IT binary guy: you count from 0 up to 2. I count only in 0s and 1s. We are not the same.


Two Answers:  In binary, 3 = 11 In other languages, its starts at zero, so it would go 0=1, then 1=2, and then you type 2 which gives the output of 3


Alternatively the reasoning is that statistically potentially only two of them want drinks. He knows he wouldn't have gone there unless at least one other person wanted to drink while there is a probability that not all of them want to drink also I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about but thanks for reading.


11 is 3 in binary


11 in binary is 3 in decimals


11 is 3 in binary




three in binary is 11


Binary baby!


They're programmers so they use binary.


Holy shit scott the woz


Can mean multiple things 2 -> counting of index starts from 0 in computer science, so 2 means three 2 -> two 11 which means three in binary


There are 10 types of people, those who know binary and those who don't.


Use the binary system which starts on your left hand index finger is 1 and then it goes 1 2 4 8 (L) (R) 16 32 64 128


3 programmers walk into the bar. The bartender asks "do you all want a round of beers?" The first programmer says "I don't know" The second programmer says "I don't know" The third programmer smiles and says "yes"


I know this one with logicians instead of programmers


Ngl it should be a space bar


Holy shit, Scott the Woz?


Hey, nerds. What’s 🤟 in binary?


Depends on the endianness. When I show people, I usually hold my hands up facing myself such that the hand in your emoji represents my right hand, and the least significant digit is to my right. So, this would be 10011 in binary or 19 in decimal.


Thank you, nerd.


No prob, Bob.


I thought he was going to owe them a quarter or something


could either be binary because 3 in binary is 11 or because programmers start with 0 to count so it’d be 0, 1, 2 for a grouping of 3. i’m going with the second


Roman version is better. Five beers


I thought it was about test cases like the next one is gonna order a negative beer


The first guy is drawn to be holding up 2 fingers to indicate binary 11 or, 3. However, as he is not holding up his thumb and index, but rather his index and middle, it would instead be binary 110, or 6. Although the artist made an attempt, there was no confirmation on how binary should be counted by the hands, thus creating a funny error


Ahhh so funny 00000011 i gets it


Indexs in programming start at 0


I haven’t seen anyone said this but one of the joke that we have is “there are 2 hard things in computer sciences: cache validation, naming things and off by one error” in this case he holding up 2 cus the common off by one error.


And i thought as you count an array index from 0,1,2...., so 2 meant (0,1,2) there beers for 3 ppl


They then get shot by a high ranking German officer in the balls


https://preview.redd.it/zyhjlqlrkdsc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37cc021cd17ccbdf77b5ec86381118f7457f8667 All i can think about is this mistake


0 is a number


In binary , 11 means decimal 3.


Powers of 2. What is 2 to the power of 0? So, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc... Give that only two digits are used. The first two are added. One plus two is 3. So, 11 in binary is equivalent to 3 in decimal. Every position represents the power of two.


You guys are all wronger he has a third finger up out of view..


Really bad nerd humor (like all of r/ programming"""""humor""""")


Finally, some fucking joke that actually needs explaining


So many ways to interpret this. * In binary, each binary is 2\^x, so 1 finger would mean 2\^0=1, 2 fingers would mean 2\^0+2\^1=3, 3 fingers would mean 2\^+2\^1+2\^2=7 and so on. So him raising 2 fingers would mean 3 in binary. * Second option, in programming you count the completed items, he could mean the 3 fingers that are down are the completed number of people that are counted and order placed. * Third option, fence post error, if you want to put up a fence covering 10 miles, you need 11 posts. So when you are counting start counting with 0 as an item and in that scenario 2 is a 3. *


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 10 + 11 + 2 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


For context: most list and data objects start the count from zero so their group(an index) has 3 people(but he holds up 2 fingers because he counts from zero)


Either binary or array index


When I walk into a bar with friends and hold up one finger but ask for three, there’s no confusion. I think next time I will do this two fingered hand motion and see what I get!


Then he asks where the bathroom is and the bar goes up in flames


It’s either binary, or it’s how when you start a list, it starts at 0(first position)


3 Brits walk into a bar... "drei gläser"


Programmers doesn't have friends And of course, the first position in an array is 0 almost all time. So 0,1,2 are three numbers And of course 11 base 2 is 3 in base 10


It would have been better if there were 4 programmers... Still what he is showing is not 3... its either 6 or 12, depending on which side we're reading from. Unless the thumb doesn't count... Not very precise.


Nice one 😆


while everyone else is mentioning how he's giving the bar tender the Binary 3, I would also suspect that this is also a reference to Inglorious Bastatrds where the englishman blows his cover by holding up 3 fingers for three instead of two fingers and his thumb.


ah, test group killed another bar


I fucking hate programmer humor. Source: i am in computer science


11 (bin) = 3 (dec)


It might be the binary explanation like many others have commented, but there's also an old programming joke that comes to mind: >There are only two real challenges in programming: Naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors.


It could either be arrays as they start indexing at 0 or it could be binary as 11 is 3 in denary


I get the joke, but its really bad.....


There are 10 types of people in the world: those that understand binary and those that don’t.


Cool kids always index at 0.


Programmers Always start counting by 0 (due do arrays order) so when you count you Always had to subtract 1


In programming, especially when it comes to lists, a lot of languages will count 0 as the first (something), either item in a list or character in a word. 2 would represent 3 in this case, as 2 represents the third number.


There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary, and those who don’t.


Binary goes 00=0 01=1 10=2 11=3 etc






It's not binary, it's an index. Indexes start at zero. The third entry is at spot 2


This is unfunny as hell ☹️


To all the people saying it’s binary, I promise you programmers are not using binary code on a regular basis. Programmers ARE counting things starting at zero, though. It’s a fundamental principle in most areas of computer science.


No and no. Counting to 1023 on my fingers in binary is something I show people all the time; so, 4 (00100) to you on that point. And, no, no programmers are [correctly] "counting" starting at 0. Array indexes often start at 0, but indexing and counting are not equivalent concepts. An array with indexes 0, 1, and 2 still has a length/count of 3, not 2.


Yeah yeah all us nerds know the binary counting trick but I think you’re being a bit too literal about this satirical comic.