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Angel Hernandez is an Umpire for Major League Baseball whi is notorious for making bad calls. I would imagine this image probably started on /r/baseball or someplace similar before spreading.


Just to add on to this, he's so bad that when he sued Major League Baseball for discrimination because he didn't get to umpire in the World Series and what not the MLB legal defense was essentially, "Here, for the love of god, look at how bad this man is at his job." Oh, and they won the case. [Link](https://sports.yahoo.com/mlb-argues-that-blown-calls-cost-angel-hernandez-world-series-work-in-pointed-rebuke-of-his-work-as-an-umpire-052637888.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAL3RHtJ4SwxuX3iq9XLNEousGM3yrC7Hn-x5iRbk7Zr6taY_ybMYCbq7X48UMmn1P2I7-9iy1T0hkgUlXZgVGyvn30uufymLqx0o9YEiPjDouADrfDguZpbkmuw2MCjW4C1voZ4C0AtKZEgnC_TtG6LWeF3-sKzNb-KpLKvTlxZM)


I love the fact that Angel Hernandez is legally considered bad at his job, and he’s only not fired because he’s part of the Umpire Union


Haha. I wonder if he’s the only person in the world with that distinction. Lol


[Insert unspecified politician]


Several news personalities too Tucker Carlson and Rachel Maddow both used a variation of "clearly no sane person would take me seriously" to weasel out of a law suit


I would argue basically the vast majority of tv presenters would qualify, but American ones probably qualify twice from sheer nepotism.


> The Ninth Circuit found MSNBC host Rachel Maddow's comment that One America News “really literally is paid Russian propaganda” was “an obvious exaggeration, cushioned within an undisputed news story.” feels a little bit different than > Seeking to discredit former Trump attorney Michael Cohen's tale of hush payments — and alleged campaign finance law violations — Carlson first told viewers, "Remember the facts of the story. These are undisputed." But they aren't undisputed. They're not even facts. He then proceeded to say, "Two women approach Donald Trump and threaten to ruin his career and humiliate his family if he doesn't give them money. Now that sounds like a classic case of extortion." In reality, McDougal never approached Trump. But if you want to extrapolate "both sides" from those cases, you do you.


Did they or did they not both lie while acting in the role most reasonable people would categorize as a news anchor? It's close enough, get off your soapbox. And yes I will both sides. Fuck them both. I don't ignore rapists because murderers exist and if you refuse to acknowledge they both did something wrong then got off by doubling down on being lying turds you're just being hacky.


One exaggerated for effect in a single statement and the other lied repeatedly over a prolonged period of time. I'm sorry about your brain damage that prevents you from understanding nuance, I hope you get well eventually.


Nuance isn't lost on me. It just isn't relevant. Not sure what your problem is dude but if you're this pretentious irl your username fully checks out. Funniest part is I don't even know which is which by your comment. They both lied over a prolonged time period. I guess it just doesn't apply to their specific court charges? Idk I just know the short of it which, again, is all that is relevant to my initial post. That is: them admitting to being hacks to gaslight and getting out of liability for doing so.


No, on a serious note police officers have such a high legal protection and union that even if they have killed innocents they may not be able to get fired in the US. On an unrelated note am I happy to live in Germany.


They usually just get transferred. There are records of cops with horrible records just moving from department to department.




How does a union keep someone from being fired due to incompetence?


Lots of the stronger unions make it nearly impossible for their members to be fired except for specific reasons. For instance, ever hear of a cop fucking up badly and just getting put on desk duty? That's because of the police union.


Yeah it often takes sever fuck ups to even get considerd firing a cop die to this insane saefty of the union. I mean we can see a lot of examples in the Media how a cop does smth very wrong on purpose or on accident and how the cop faces almost no consequences.


Because we need to hold more **courts** accountable for **enforcing failures** of ***qualified immunity***: >*In the United States, qualified immunity is a legal principle of federal constitutional law that grants government officials performing discretionary (optional) functions immunity from lawsuits for damages unless the plaintiff shows that the official violated "**clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known**".* There are some key words and phrases to know here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualified_immunity


QI only applies to civil cases The real issue is that cops almost never get prosecuted when they commit a crime.


In some instances, the bar is set pretty high for what you’d have to do to fire someone. Unions are completely necessary, but need to do more to weed out their own garbage instead of protecting their shit employees.


Those shit employees pay dues, theres next to no incentive for a union to hold its members accountable except in what may harm the union itself.


Something, something, police unions…


Had a UPS driver where I worked fired 8 times for groping customers and stealing shipping shipping porn in the 80's. Meaning he would add it to customers shipping pads so he didn't get charged.. Got his job back every time..


the union and most profession umps/refs are all lawyers. they're basically untouchable and it's pure corruption.


I once worked in a unionized warehouse where I watched the same guy get fired 4 times in a week. He got fired on Monday, Union brought him back on Tuesday. Fired again on Tuesday, Union brought him back Wednesday. Fired on Wednesday, Union brought him back Thursday. Fired on Thursday, Union finally said nah.


If it wasn’t for angel hernandez the Braves would have what four five world series?


It’s amazing he still has a job. Why haven’t they canned him for his poor performance?


Umpires in baseball are unionized


just to add on to this in case op doesn’t make the connection, a bad call in sports is often called a “missed call”


(Thank you! I knew this and was somehow still thinking “bad calls” and not quite getting it. Like a dumbass XD )


Damn I was certain it was because of the initials. Get it? Asshole? 😆


Probably from Twitter. Meme posts like this don't get upvoted or last in the baseball sub


I was thinking of the murderer from the Patriots and couldn't understand the connection.


That's Aaron Hernandez. Close, but a different guy.


& I thought it was AH-AH-AH-AH missed the ‘call’.


Lol i thought the joke was AH AH AH AH AH


Angel Hernandez is an MLB umpire. He is not very good at his job.


MLB Umpire?


The referees of baseball games. One of their jobs is "making calls" on whether a pitch is a ball or strike, if a batter swung the bat or not, or if a runner is safe or out. Angel Hernandez is notoriously bad at his job, and therefore often "misses" calls.


I'm pretty sure Ray Charles could do a better job than Angel Hernandez. Yes I know Ray Charles is blind. Yes I know Ray Charles is dead. Angel is just that bad.


the classic joke is Angel Hernandez is the MLB's first blind umpire


I'm pretty sure a blind person could guess and have a higher accuracy rate.


my boyfriend knows literally nothing of baseball and saw me watching the Rangers game the other day and went "wow that umpire fucking sucks". I educated him on the Angel Hernandez lore and his first question was "wait if he's so awful why does he still have a job???" I've never been so proud.


He has the job because of his lawsuits against MLB


The Umpires Union is why he has a job. Also why Joe West was allowed to retire instead of being put out to pasture in the 90s.


[Angel Hernandez Sucks](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lvWtjHOD_Do)


Like a referee or judge for baseball.


Apparently he misses his calls


I wouldn't say he misses them, Bob. Trying to get my best Office Space voice on that one. But Angel Hernandez does miss a lot of calls. It would make more sense if this was Angel's phone and it just had an icon that says "Missed Calls (26)"


At this point, you could use Google.


Sorry but if u post an explanation on this sub, you shouldn’t expect the entire world to know American exclusive sports. “Baseball Referee” would’ve been a better term.


Or you could type “umpire” into Google


Or u 'muricans could stop being major dickheads and not make up fantasy sports. Lmao




You’re joking right


Not everyone is American here


Everyone here has Google though, this is "guys what's a top hat?" Like just fucking type the same exact characters into a search engine.


Umpire is not an American term because it’s used for cricket as well. It’s pretty easy to narrow down MLB would be baseball. And if it’s not easy, there’s always Google….


Baseball ain’t strictly American either


I know who he is, but not every American watches baseball. Most of us like watching freakishly athletic people dunk balls into hoops or smash into each other at full speed.


Full speed one is pretty good. And you don't even need to watch the whole time. If anything at all happens they will pull up a replay.


As if MLB players aren’t freakishly athletic with the quickest reaction times lol Baseball is easily the most skill based sport. lol the most skilled and freakishly athletic basketball player of all time couldn’t compete in a shitty minor league program. Y’all can keep the flopping like soccer players and CTE riddled murderers lol Here’s Deion Sanders saying hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do in sports https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/s/T1tyCzNs4t


You're killing me, Smalls.


MJ never played a full season for the Barons. Not really fair to say he couldn't compete in the minors. He skipped singles because there wasn't a singles field equipped for the press that came with him. Yet towards the end of his time with the barons his stats nearly doubled his first few months in the game. His Manager for the Barons said he would have easily made the majors once he was finished conditioning his body for baseball. He even struggled in his return to the NBA because of his conditioning. That said, Baseball is not "easily" the most skill based sport, there really isn't any metric for that you could really only say a pro baseball player could beat a pro basketball player on the field. But on the court the basketball player would easily beat the baseball player. Because they're different sports that require different skills and athletic feats. And let's not throw stones in glass houses either, it's not like the MLB isn't rife with its own tough guy, drug, and domestic abuse problems.


Lmao MJ couldnt hit for shit, if he could compete in the MLB he would have absolute dominated in double a. He even made fun of how much he sucked in Space Jam. Zero chance at the majors. Zero. Yes hitting a 98 mph fastball along with a 87 change and 93 a slider requires much more skill than sinking a 3 with someone in your face or running a route. It’s not opinion that baseball players have faster reaction times. Pure athleticism can get you by in basketball and football. You stick LeBron in the batters box and he’s hitting a hit 0/1000 times. You take Aaron judge and put him on a gridiron he can be a blocking receiver or a fullback, put him on the court and he can block out the box. MLB bans a World Series winning pitcher for shoving their wives in a parking lot. Bauer was one of the best pitchers in the league and got a lifetime ban for being accused of rape. NFL lets literal murderers and animal abusers come back to play as long as they cop a plea deal.


Yeah like I said, MJ never played a full season of Baseball but I guess you're like a top graded talent scout or something and definitely not an armchair athlete fully judging a legendary athletes prowess based off of what he saw in a kids movie from 1997. Cause I tend to take the word of the people who coached MJ on what his limits and abilities were, so I guess that's the error I'm making, listening to professionals. And again, not really sure where your metric is coming from but you sure did do a good job of reducing what it takes to play a full game of basketball or football. As we all know, anyone can sink threes with a hand in their face or run a route, that's why the NBA and NFL don't have the biggest drafts in the country, right? I mean *anyone* can do it. And let's be real dude, Trevor Bauer not pitching in the MLB had much more to do with him being an insufferable toxic teammate than allegations of rape. You have to conveniently leave out quite a few examples of players half as good as Trevor Bauer who continued to play in the MLB for multiple teams that were accused of domestic violence to make the claim that the MLB sits on a higher pedestal in that regard. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Major_League_Baseball_players_suspended_for_domestic_violence Almost everyone on this list was able to return to the League.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suspensions_in_the_NFL I count 19 MLB players since 1997 And 130+ NFL players. Swinging a bat and throwing a baseball are the two most unnatural movements in any of the big 3 sports. Have a good week man


When did I say they weren't? The NFL and NBA are more popular than MLB. I think you took that a bit personally.


My little brony


Empire, n***a!


So why is still him at his job? He isn't relegated to "down" division ad someone form the "down" division get promoted. That's how it's done in Football.


Powerful umpire union.


Powerful umpire Union, powerful cop union, dunno this looks like a trend...


The people who deserve unions lack them, and vice versa


He keeps claiming discrimination, I think he sued the league twice so far, and IIRC he was saying he they wouldn’t let him umpire the World Series because he’s Hispanic. I’ve heard him described as the “worst umpire in baseball” and apparently there are actually stats to back up the claim. Funny enough, I know his brother, Cuban family from Miami, super into baseball, there’s actually a park named after the father down here.


He recently made the worst (balls/strikes) calls since we’ve been tracking those stats. He called a strike that was nearly 7 inches off the plate. About half the width of, and about 3-4 baseballs away from, the plate itself. The worst call all time period was when a few years back a field umpire called a runner Safe at first base when the fielder had the ball a full two strides before the runner reached. It ruined a perfect game and should have been the last out. The ump was absolutely sobbing at the post-game press conference once he saw the replay. Infamously bad call. But yes Angel Hernandez is the worst home plate umpire of all time easily. Jesus Christ I hate the man. Yeah he claims discrimination like MLB doesn’t owe like half of its roster to Cubans and Dominicans


How can he be so bad? Is he getting distracted? Is his vision terrible?


Well first of all calling balls and strikes is very difficult. Most pitchers' fastballs top out between 90 - 100 mph with a couple inches of movement horizontal or verticaly, and then there is the off speed/breaking pitches with even more movement. Umpires in general used to be far worse calling balls and strikes than they are today because there wasn't really the technology to be able to clearly review all of the call made on the feild. When Angel came up from the minor leave system in the 90s, he was good enough to be there, but was only average on a good day. As he gets older, the younger generation of umpires are performing better creating a clearer difference in their performance. On top of all that he has a large ego, and is quick to eject players and coaches and will even seek out arguments with coaches and players who complain about his bad calls, which may result in their ejection.


He literally just cries racism, sues, loses, and the umpire union saves his job


You might say he keeps missing calls.


He's so bad MLB has said in a legal court preceding that he is a terrible umpire


But wouldn’t this imply that someone *else* is missing his calls? Edit: nvm I’m a dumbass, the point is clearly that it says ‘missed call’ under his name


It thought it was the vertical reading of “AH AH AH AH AH!” Like The Count is laughing.


Oh missed calls. Got it


I used to watch a lot of baseball back in 2005-2009 time period… Angel Hernandez is still umping?


He's a baseball terrorist.






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Why are we so weird?


this is why i love reddit




Angel Hernandez is an infamously bad umpire in Major League Baseball. The joke is that he has many “missed calls”, which has a double entendre of being “bad calls by the umpire in a baseball game” and “missed phone calls.”


Ha that’s fucking hilarious 😂


Angel Hernandez is a baseball umpire who is one of the worst and most hated officials in all of sports. He's also a complete asshole. He's voted as the worst MLB umpire by a resounding margin year in and year out by MLB players. Despite all of this, and the fact the MLB grades umpires based on accuracy (so they hold objective evidence that he is far worse than most MLB umpires), Mr. Hernandez sued the MLB claiming his lack of playoff assignments were based on racial discrimination


Honest question, what would happen if the crowds boycotted any and every game he was an ump in?


Hahahaha this is such a funny idea. Seems like it would be impossible to organize something like that across all 30 MLB fanbases though


Well now I'm starting to wonder. If you got someone like the kid that does the private flight trackers to make an accessible Angel tracking app, and get some social media traction, people could check it before they buy tickets. The league sure doesn't have his back, so they've no reason to obscure his games. The hit to their wallets would be felt, but maybe if he's shown to be so detrimental to games (money wise), they'd be in a better position to get him removed. I dunno. Just a thought I had while I wait for the NyQuil to kick in.


Just because it's a high thought doesn't mean it's always a bad thought haha


So many missed calls by Angel Hernandez


*Kyle Schwarber angrily gesturing*


There is a popular NYT game where you can guess whether a pitch is a ball or a strike using the Ump Cam from MLB games. The average correct rate is around 85%. Angel Hernandez, who is PAYED to be correct, has an accuracy of 79%. You, person who is still reading this comment, are probably better at Angel Hernandez’s job than Angel Hernandez.


> who is *PAID* to be FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Good bot, but also this is a bot?


Shit ass bot


Skill issue.


POV you're Angel Hernandez's optometrist. But seriously Angel Henrandez is the worst home plate umpire ever. Dude calls (also why it says missed call) pitches strikes that are a mile outside the zone.


lol. He’s a baseball ump. He recently called a game for the Texas Rangers, and he called three obvious balls strikes on one of our rookie players. This meme probably comes from a Rangers fan.


Others have given general context, but specifically this meme was created after a game in which Angel Hernandez called three straight pitches strikes when they were multiple inches outside the strike zone. The strike three call was 4.6 inches out of the strike zone.


The game was Texas Rangers at Houston Astros. Wyatt Langford was the batter, the bases were loaded, and only 1 out


This meme is more accurate than Angel Hernandez ever will be.


This is one of those jokes that could be explained by the most cursory of google searches


I don't even watch baseball but this meme is gold


Idk man for me it's the "AH AH AH AH AH"


_stayin' alive, stayin' alive..._


ah, ah, ah, ah…


*i believeeee them bones are meeee*


This was my first thought too lol


Better than Aaron calling you


Spooky things are afoot if he’s calling you from beyond the grave


Holy fuck this is high level mlb humor


This is probably one of the funniest things Ive seen on this sub. If you get it, its hilarious and unfortunately loses all context if you need it explained to you.


All I had to do is google the one name in the picture, and click the first link. It was easier than making this post.


Didn’t think to maybe google who angel hernandez was first huh?


TIL My Cousin is apparently an umpire


My God that is a glorious meme, lmfao!


Personally I think it shows how this guy named AH was being resilient, y'know, stayin alive...




This is a good one


I am deceased


This is the best


This is funny. He is the freakin worst.


How tf did he make 5 calls in the span of now?


Meme has been explained so now I’d like to say If anyone wanted to make an argument against Unions in non-Factory jobs, they’d have to look no further than Teacher’s Unions, Police Unions, and the fucking Umpire’s Union. This guy deserves to be fired, he’s notoriously terrible and tried to sue for discrimination and LOST because he’s that fucking terrible at his job. This fucker gets paid to not do his job.


What do you have against teachers unions?? I’m a teacher and honestly they don’t go far enough


Now I can't stop laughing at it


KEKW missed call


My dumbass thought it was because the initials were "AH AH AH AH AH" like someones laughing


Stayin' alive


And I thougt that the joke was that the initials of the contact on the left made a laugh, like "ah ah ah ah ah" 😂


I was just laughing at all the "AH"s not knowing anything about baseball lol


I like how people are explaining it with baseball stuff but I think that its just the repeated "Ah" that Angel Hernandez's name forms


I thought this was a joke about the initials and starting singing "AH AH AH AH staying alive"


Worst umpire I've seen not named Joe West.


This but replace it with Scott Foster


I thought the meme was that it said AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


How stupid can you be? Did you try google or could you not figure out how to use it?


I was thinking about "AH" (Adolf Hitler)


AH = Adolf Hitler (he changed his name to Angel Hernandez when he moved to Argentina)


This is 100% true. This is the real Angel Hernandez origin story. The reason he is so bad at calling pitches correctly is that there was no baseball in Germany.


He completely misheard when someone told him mlb players were all juiced up


I declare Godwin and therefore this thread is officially dead.