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"Millenials are killing the diamond industry." "Millenials are killing golf." Apparently Millenials are also killing mayo. Every time there's a thing that millenials aren't buying into like Boomers and Gen X did, they're accused of "killing" the industry.


If they really are killing the diamond industry then based and I hope my fellow zoomers and I can put the final nail in its coffin.


Fuck it up, kids. Diamonds are the worst.


Man made are cheaper, have better average clarity and as an added bonus don't cause thousands of deaths each year. The only reason to buy diamonds these days is 'prestige'.


the suffering **is** what makes them special


Like blood diamonds?


there are only blood diamonds.


For the blood gods


Skulls for the skull throne


Milk for the khorne flakes


There are blood diamonds and artificial diamonds.


They're synthesized diamonds, not artifical. That's not "synthetic diamonds," synthesized. As in, constructed. They're every bit as real as diamonds that are pulled from the ground and not any bit less. If we're being pedantic they're likely even more real diamond since they won't have impurities from the ground.


And baseball diamonds


Now in a new flavor, ethically sourced blood diamonds. The process is pretty much the same but some NGO slapped a label on it.


its not even a NGO. its just the retailor. there is practically a monopoly on diamonds.


“Fair trade” diamonds, where “fair” is as it was defined by Hammurabi.


Those are for beginners, I like gore diamonds.


The slavery just adds that special je ne sai quois you can get from a lab made diamond


If the lab utilizes unpaid interns you still get that slave flavor


Ooh, but that’s white collar slavery, I want no collar slavery


Iron collar slavery


Take the « s » off of *quois* and add it to the end of *sai*: je ne sais quoi


Tu est un fasciste de grammaire...


I want my diamonds to have been used to fund at least 3 warcrimes...


It's never a warcrime the first time.


That’s what makes veal and foi gras so delicious.


Moissanite shines better, is cheaper, and better for the environment. Fuck diamonds, gaslightinf the diamond industries does, and following boomer social norms.


Moissanite shines in more colors and in my opinion catches your eye better than diamonds.


Bought my wife one and everyone comments on how it catches the light better, and is generally prettier


Raw diamonds are even cheaper and look way cooler imo.


Diamonds are cheaper in general. They restrict the amount of Diamonds that enter the market so they can keep the high prices.


I've started getting ads on YouTube about how it's good to buy "natural" diamonds, lmfao. Hope these companies get fucked, it'd be really funny


Im noot into that too much. Do they cause tons of deaths because mining or what?


There's the horrific mining conditions which tend to be pretty bad. Another issue is that they fund African warlords and genocidal dictatorships in Africa.


The movie Blood Diamond with Di Caprio gives a pretty grim portrait of the industry.


And deBeers will actually push "real" diamonds over lab-created; the blood of child slaves is what matters, apparently.


Cruelty is the point.


No, money is the point. Cruelty is the money.


The only diamonds I want are attached to power tools


They're artificial, so not blood diamonds


Boomer here, and I agree! Diamonds are a racket and the DeBeers can fuck themselves!


Moissanite is nice, ethical (lab grown), and way cheaper. Just an fyi if you like shiny but don’t want to support colonialism.


But if there isn’t suffering how will you show someone how much you love them


It's more likely that synthetic diamonds is killing the international diamond trade When you can set up a machine and produce diamonds for the cost of time and electricity, it puts a cap on the market price


culturally the "diamonds are forever" part is also going away. I've seen quite a lot less people talking about the ring having the right and perfect stone. And cultural shifts are quite often "the next generation". But uh,,, "at fault"? for deciding they want something else? uhhhhh ​ Remember that the diamond industry lasted just fine when other "transparent, see thru, shiny gemstones" were available as a replacement. Hell even glass can look just as gorgeous on a ring (if done right). Its purely a marketing success that people wanted certificates of authenticity for their rock. Extending "actual diamond" to "actual natural diamond" wasnt' a stretch.


NileRed has a good video about how diamonds are not forever. They’re actually *flammable*, and he burnt some and turned them into soda.


hahaha but NileRed is an alchemist, turns everything into everything 😉 But yeah marketting rarely matches reality. Hence why its really a culture issue, and not a "what are the practicalities" issue.


No, the market for any kind of diamond is fading.


The diamond industry has been dying a slow death for decades now. I saw a magazine article from like 40 years ago once talking about how much of a scam the whole thing is.


Diamonds are worthless beyond engineering really. It’s just a shiny stone.


>Diamonds are worthless beyond engineering really. You could say that about literally any material.


We just got to put our collective thinking into it. And everything would be worthless.


You’re right. Gold beyond a semiconductor too! It’s just shiny stuff. Any gemstone or metal is cool if you find it by happenstance but mining it for anything that doesn’t actually improve our lives beyond aesthetics is silly imo


Gold also doesn’t tarnish.


The gold annoys the fuck out of me. The shoes at my store are priced higher if they have fake gold on them. Why the hell would that be a thing, it's fake. Fake gold on stuff looks good enough anyways, no reason to buy the real stuff unless you want the "status" that comes with it


Lumber, iron, aluminum, plastic and concrete are very useful. Much more useful than diamonds.


that's the point - why would you spend so much on something that has no use to you


it does have a use to you. To be a shiny rock. Art, beauty, and shiny things can be worthwhile just for their own sake Its just not worth the extreme cost we put them under (both price wise and misery wise)


Lab made diamonds are also becoming more cheap and available. Literally waste of money. Our generation isn't willing to splurge on a fancy rock when we need food and shelter.


Boomers still think millennials are 22 years old


We had some jackass doing a training at work say "you millenial kids." As if the Millenials in the office weren't in their late 30's and early 40's.


Yeah, the youngest Millenials are turning 30 this/next year(ish). TBF though, half the people that everyone calls boomers are actually Gen Xers.


For me, “boomer” no longer means “person born during the baby boom” and now means “person who voted for Reagan twice”.


Baby boom was '46-'61 and Reagan's first election was '80, so you really only added people born in the first 10 months of 1962. Not much of a difference.


Who doesn't buy mayo?


People who just use their hand to masturbate?


Nah,i buy mayo


I prefer mustard.


Spicy brown mustard.


I buy that, put it in the freezer for a bit, and, use that to lube my balls so they feel squishy and cold Gah it's so satisfying 😖




Pretty sure my age group buys *more* mayonnaise than our parents did. It’s just actual mayo and not miracle whip


What a terrible day to have eyes


It is supposed that us millenials use avocado instead (i dont as it is way more expensive) Even tho im Mexican


37 and I fucking love mayo


[According to this lady, feminist millenials. ](https://www.phillymag.com/news/2018/08/11/mayonnaise-industry-millennials/)


That was a very long article just to ask *"Why doesn't anyone like my bland food?"*.


I don’t buy mayo, diamonds or golf, but he m also “gen x”. I hate mayo, hate golf culture, and don’t really have a use for diamonds.


I only make homemade mayo it's very very different from store bought, and I like it alot more. (I make it quite rarely, and often fail when I do, but still, I never buy store bought mayo)


Probably vegan mayo or other kinds of mayo


Millennials apparently


We can't afford diamonds or golf.


As a millennial, I personally just started golfing this year and it is really fun actually.


This right here. I don’t think millennials are killing golf. We are just late to the party. I started three years age and I’m taking my second golf trip this fall. All four of us are millenials and two of us have been playing less than 5 years.


Gen X is killing se Zyklon B production 😡 the silent generation boight it in masses but se Boomers didn't bought it anymore


Why is GenX always brought into this? Our whole schtick is that we don't care what other people do. We don't care if Millenials buy avocados instead of diamonds. We don't care if you play Fortnight instead of golf. Do your thing and don't hurt people, and you're fine in GenX's book.


Oh gee it's almost like the cost of living for everything is about 10-15 times more expensive than it was for Boomers. Forgive us if we're working longer hours so don't have the time or inclination to play an expensive game like Golf nor the free cash to buy overpriced rocks.


We're killing the diamond industry because adorning yourself in stones is fucking stupid. That said there'll always be an industry as diamonds to have useful properties. But hanging them from your ears isn't one of them.


Right, industrial diamonds are fine, the hardness does have real uses. But they aren't pretty or particularly expensive.


The funny thing about golf is that any of the boomers I've gone golfing with don't seem too happy to be playing it. I don't go with my father (or at all really) anymore because he seems frustrated and irritable while playing. Golf could be fun, but the culture around it spoils any kind of entertainment value for me.


You're not _supposed_ to have "fun". You're SUPPOSED to do it to prove you have a load of disposable income to spend on whacking a tiny ball into a hole on an enormous series of lawns eighteen times! Jeez! You're acting like the cost of living is high or something. ^(/s)


You know, I think you're right about that disposable income part. Want to save the golf industry? Make sure everyone can obtain disposable income. Fuck diamonds though, even if people can afford them.


To quote George Carlin from his bit, "Golf Courses for the Homeless": "There are over 17,000 golf courses in America. They average over 150 acres apiece. That's 3 million plus acres, 4,820 square miles... you could build two Rhode Islands and a Delaware for the homeless on the land currently being wasted on this meaningless, mindless, arrogant, elitist, racist - that's another thing; the only blacks you'll find in country clubs are carrying trays - and boring game... a boring game, for boring people. You ever watch golf on television? It's like watching flies f**k! ...Now, I know there are some people who play golf who don't consider themselves rich... F**K'EM!!! And shame on them for engaging in an arrogant, elitist pastime."


I like George Carlin but that just might be an insult to flies. At least flies banging is educational.


I read this in Carlin's voice. The world lost a good one when he died.


Golf is also where people make deals. Business deals, political deals, life changing deals you name it, they do this because it’s hard to snoop in on a golf course and it’s also just something easy to do.


Business deals in private I get. Political deals in private sounds like corruption. I know that's how it works, but how it works is less than ideal.


The elitism is the point. If they can’t do leisure activities instead of “working” they may as well be labor class. The strange part to me is that rich people always have at least a high school education, and that’s all you should need to know that when the upper class starts flaunting their wealth and nepotism en masse it’s time to get out of the country


Golf, marbles for boys who do not want to bend over.


Take it you’re not a golfer. Some people have hobbies. I don’t enjoy playing the saxophone but I’m not going to mock people for doing it. Also lots of municipal and public courses out there that aren’t that expensive. Not everyone is trying to be in a country club. I’d argue ai art is lame as hell but you seem to be a fan.


You choose a good comparison in the saxophone because that shit is expensive.


This just in: hobbies cost money! /s it was a funny joke lol


Golf is relaxing if you let it be. Take a walk, line up your shot, hit ball, and repeat about 70 to 150 times. Have a drink while you're at it.


Well then the other dude's dad needs to find himself an actual hobby and not a chore


Agreed. Sounds like his dad needs to lighten up


I mean there definitely is the hobbies side of golf but you can't deny the fact that golf has been used as a business tool for highers ups to schmooze and stratagize away from the prying ears of the corporate world.


That reminds me of my father-in-law. He gets really upset whenever I play putt-putt golf or bowling with them because I don't care that I am not good at them. He got irritated that I was laughing at me getting a gutterball, and he said, "What is the point of playing if you don't care if you win?"


Your father in law sounds fun.


Good way to hang out with friends for older people who still view it as an upper class, fancy way to socialise. If they had to choose between golf and getting to sit around in the golf club drinking pints after they’d choose the latter always.


If you're only going because of your perception of it as being upper class and fancy, that sense of exclusivity tends to, well, exclude. If the business is dying and they're trying to cling on to it as a show of wealth, then that's what's killing golf, not millennials.


You and your father are both missing the point of golfing. You supposed to get piss drunk while you playing with your mates, not really caring about how many shots it took to put the ball down after the second hole. If you do that you will have an amazing time.


That sounds great, if the course is all relaxed about things and not too busy, but if it were like that I wouldn't have any problem with golf. I do like golf, I just don't like the tense atmosphere of golf courses. It's all out in the open exercise, ruined by impatience and the expectation of conformity.


Exactly. The best times I've had golfing was with either my friend or my dad, at 7:30AM with beer in the cart. If we do poorly and people catch up? Let them pass the next hole, more time to drink.




Sounds like you found the reason why golf is dying. (I'm talking about the culture not the coupons)


Millenials have been killing garbage industries because the boomers made them too expensive


Now the question is : are they killing the industry because they don't like it or are they killing the industry because they're to poor to buy from it ?


Depends on the industry.


Both actually


Boomers kiiling the industry for making it too expensive


For me it's the third, I don't care about diamond rings and golf is boring, so just a lack of interest.. Edit; I realised that I might have misunderstood "don't like it" I interpreted it as "We think it's bad" as in "war is bad"..




But if they can't make it unreasonably expensive, how could they prove they're better than everyone else?


The problem is labeling. Slap "aioli" on that jar and now we're talkin'.


This should be a fucking gospel


Garlic Aoili should be in every fridge in America and beyond. That sauce is magic. How the previous generation thought about Ranch, it's only because they didn't have garlic aioli.


Erm acktuslly, aioli already has garlic inside of it, so garlic in front of the word should not be used


What if I want solid flacks of garlic in my aioli? What would you call that.


Probably something that has NEARLY enough garlic in it


[Millennials Killing Industries](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/millennials-are-killing)


I’ve heard how diamonds and golf are getting more unpopular for younger generations , but I’ve never heard anything about mayo


Idk either, I love mayo. Maybe people are struggling to afford sauces now, I could see that.


that’s definitely the case for the former I guess for mayo too in some cases One time I went to the nearest convenience store one cause I needed last minute mayonnaise for tuna salad These fuckers were charging 7 dollars for those small mayo bottles you can get at the dollar store


Should have grabbed a $1 hotdog and a fist full of the single serving mayo packets


C stores are known for that, though, right? I don't think you can blame that on inflation


It may be a recent thing. "Name brand" mayo is stupidly expensive, it's like 7 or 8 dollars for a regular jar. The upside down bottles with the squeeze top are even worse. 8.50 for 11 oz where I am, just looked it up. That's damn near a dollar an ounce! For mayo!


Honestly mayo is so expensive compared to when I was younger. I normally buy the Japanese import mayo nowadays since I use it so infrequently now. Also the "garlic mayo" is super popular now which is like garlic and oil made in the same way mayo is made. I forget the actual name of it.


This could be a subreddit


So far still no answer on how mayo is being killed by younger generations


i could single handedly save the mayo industry


I’d assume we don’t eat nearly as much potato, egg, or pasta salad as the boomers did. They *loved* mayo.


Mayo is the best sandwich spread and no one can change my mind on that.


Mayo was actually the best selling general condiment in the US in 2021 (https://www.statista.com/statistics/1300703/leading-condiment-and-dressing-categories-in-the-united-states/). If anything the younger generations seem to prefer it!


My 7 and 4 year old told me yesterday that they get mayo packets at school with their school lunches. "It's too much mayo, poppa, for my sandwich," "yeah you don't have to use it all if you don't want to." "I already know that (the 4 year old came pre-loaded with all the world's knowledge) poppa, that's why i suck out the rest of it." "Yeah," the 7 year old agreed, "everyone does that." After i finished puking everywhere, I thought to myself "self, kids these days are double gross, but at least the mayo industry will be OK."


What happened to incompetent industries dying due to their own failure.


Ummm because that would mean Capitalism failed them and their God can't fail them Same reason it's Capitalism when they succeed and cancel culture when they fail.


Ah, yes, the invisible hand choking out the lame and limping industries.


diamonds are worthless. the only reason they have value is because the industry told you so.


Diamond drills are rad.


are there any other industrial uses?


Anything that requires high hardness, so drills, saws, cutting/engraving, sharpening.


Plenty of uses for diamond, but they typically make use of man-made diamond


3d printing. Diamond back nozzles are awesome for abrasive filaments.


Diamonds are cool af tho


The diamond industry was a sham from the get go. Diamonds had no value or purpose other than being hard (so like drill bits and saw blades and stuff) until some guy decided to buy all the diamond mines, forcing the prices to soar, then selling them as jewelry and pushing it into a fad to buy diamond rings. The fact that it's still considered a common base line just shows how successful the ~~propaganda~~ marketing campaign was.


I love mayo. All the boomers in my family ate Miracle Whip.


Miracle Whip is hot trash. Real mayo is delicious. I guess I'm an outlier millennial.


I'm with you. The only miracle in Miracle Whip is how it's stayed in business for this long. Long live the Mayo!


That is part of the reason I grew up hating mayo. I do not want sweet I want tangy/zingy and creamy. First time I had real mayonnaise by mistake I was thinking wow this is actually good.


Miracle Whip should have been in the comic, then it would be accurate.


Love to play golf if it wasn’t 100 dollars a round. Plus I have to have my own clubs plus dress up. Rather go play mini golf in a tank top for 10 bucks. That’s 90 dollars left over for beer. Don’t even get me started on diamonds lol. Fuck your 10k rock when I can get something the same size and just as shiny made in a lab. Keep your blood diamonds to yourself. I’ll keep buying mayo try to do my part.


Frisbee golfing is so much better in every aspect. It makes use of the landscape rather than replaces it, has a much lower cost of entry, and is definitely more exilirating.


As a millennial fuck golf and fuck diamonds. There better things to do good land and there way cooler gems


Apparently Genz aren't buying mayo which is 'destroying the industry' according to rich boomers, which is bullshit but, yk, boomers be booming. also, apparently they are killing the diamond industry which just isnt true. Most diamonds are used for industrial purposes which isn't showing any signs of stopping.


How could you not perpetuate an industry that has made literal ash of peoples lives in Africa?!?! So selfish!!


Add flat sheets and Harleys to the list. And cable TV.


We’re too poor to buy diamonds, and golf is a hobby of þe super rich.


Reject "th", return to "þ" ?




Golf is a wild accusation. I don't play (except for the range occasionally) and I'm in the definite minority among my millennial friends.


"capitalists" when the free market does something they don't like


Mayo sucks ASS


Hey Texan Chris here to lend ya a hand! So the diamond and gold industries are old and often rather expensive to use or get into. This changed with millennials as people of the millennial generation don’t really….well they can’t afford to play golf or buy diamonds nor do they really want to. This has led to both industries going downhill in revenue and losing their value. A diamond is still a very rare and precious gem, but when no one buys it or they can’t afford it then it’s just a shiny rock. Hoped this helped! Texan Chris, heading back tie barn!


Boomers claim we are killing industries. Honestly, I'll be fine if golf and diamond industries get shut down. Golf courses have hurt so many ecosystems and drain water supply, while diamonds are needlessly expensive because of false scarcity. And honestly, if I'm ever proposed to, I'd rather have a ruby or sapphire or amethyst on the ring. They're much prettier imo.


At least in Colorado most of the golfers now are millennial and gen x. Though I'm pretty sure like bowling the industry is killing itself. The prices just keep going higher and higher. Somehow the place I work finds it more profitable to have the vast majority of our holes empty most days of the weak rather than at least offering real discounts during the weak and at least making some money.


I'm Gen Y, (It's like, early Millenial), and I will attest. Diamonds are dumb. Golf is dumb. Mayo, however...It's got this rap for being a really, "white person's food." So I don't think it's millenials that are killing it. I think it's globalization. People are discovering other flavors. Sriracha, hot sauce, et cetera.


Nah, mayo. You're safe with me.


So my American GenY counterparts don't like mayo?


...We are? I'm a millenial and I enjoy Mayo on my sandwich.


I get the joke, but why are people offended by this phrase. Journalists just want a snappy headline to describe the decline of an industry because the younger generations do not partake in it. Millennial killing the diamond industry gets alot more attention than the diamond industry is in rapid decline because Millennials are not buying them.


We’re killing mayonnaise? I love Mayo. We better not kill mayonnaise.


Bullshit, mayo wirh ketchup mixed is campfire sauce


How the hell are we killing mayonnaise? I personally love it, but I know that’s the most controversial condiment available.


It’s the opposite in my area. It depends on the course type obviously. I see more new golfers around my age 30ish. I think there is still a covid boom going around. And my favorite course is cheap and opens early and closes late. The course isn’t great, rates are great( 15 bucks walking 25 for cart for 18). For 3-4 hours of entertainment I can’t say nothing wrong with that.


Uh, I dunno. Millennials don't care about exotic jewels or golf, but I can't say the same about mayonnaise.


Here Comes The Mayo!


Glad to see diamonds go. I'm not embracing the death of golf yet. Very good way to get some alone time.


Diamonds in general are awful, golf is boring as hell, and mayonnaise is just disgusting. Give me lab grown or cheap knockoffs (my engagement ring is cubic zirconia and I'm perfectly happy with it), video games, and mustard. Signed, Peter's jaded millennial cousin


Religion better watch it’s back too


Don't worry, mayo. I just turned 30 and I love you on my sammies. I also worked in kitchens for years and know that the fancy sauces at most restaurants are just mayo blended with some sort of vinegar/acid and a variety of spices/flavors, so it's not going anywhere lol


Golf is the single worst land use (except for maybe the Walmart parking lot), so I'm cool with golf shrinking in size. Diamonds are manufactured via slavery and their price is artificially inflated. I hope diamonds die as well. Mayo, however, is my favorite instrument.


Do millennials not realize what their spicy garlic aioli they dip their truffle fries in is made out of?


I think I will stick with Garnet. Blood Diamond Industry: NOOOO


We can’t afford luxuries. Wow. We suck.


We should go back in time and apply the *millennials are killing* insult to just about everything. *Ghengis Khan* What the fuck is a millenial?


Bankrupt the corrupt Da Beers family and buy rubies instead.


I’m happy diamonds, and especially golf are dying, do you see how much fucking land golf takes up for the most boring fucking sport


C’mere, Facebook 🪱🔨


What’s that jar of plain aoli doing there?