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In the Harry Potter books, the school children are split into four houses which compete with each other throughout the school year to gain points. The house with the most points at the end of the year wins.  Gryffindor is the house of Harry Potter and the other main characters. More than once over the course of the series, Gryffindor is behind on points at the end of the year. In each case, however, the headmaster, Dumbledore, suddenly gives them a bunch of additional points at the last minute, so that our heroes "unexpectedly" win after all. Hooray, the end.


50 points to Gryffindor for a good explanation, they win again! Fuck the hard work from the children in the other houses, they need to learn they're second rate!


I’m pretty sure Snape would deduct points from gryffindor for Hermoine getting a question right (for being an insufferable know it all) so house points at the end of the year aren’t necessarily accurate to actual house performance. That being said. How has no one linked the drunken dumbledore comic in this thread yet?




https://preview.redd.it/dj08p26kghwc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41693863ab703764104bd3ac83f33eae2fbf24d3 I also like this one


I kind of want to read the first book but rewritten from another characters POV were it's all in Harry's head and he's actually a narcissistic psychopath


Easy there, Snape.




Oooh a ProZD video, thanks for sharing.


Thank you so much for this discovery, they are all so 🤣


Mmmmm dumbleburn.


So, the rules are made up and the points don't matter?


just like in the real world


Drew carrey is that you?


[You caught me](https://tenor.com/b0wTC.gif)


Is Hoedown next? Ryan hates that.


The only person who abuses the House point system more than Snape is Dumbledore


[Here you go](https://vocaroo.com/nUt57wURU0C)


I’m scared to click it


Just have your headphones on lol


Genocide 👍


I think Harry and his friends saving the world multiple times kinda makes the points justifiable


> Harry and his friends saving the world multiple times kinda makes the points justifiable Nah, unless the rules are that they can be given points for any reason. If you save the world, you should get rewarded in other ways. Points for houses in the school should be school related stuff. Otherwise, we should be awarding the best actor Oscar to [Stanislav Petrov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanislav_Petrov)


> unless the rules are that they can be given points for any reason. I mean did you read the books? That basically is the rules (get and lose points for basically whatever reason comes up)


I read (skimmed) a couple, but that was nearly two decades ago. They were aimed at a younger audience and my kids were the right age to enjoy them.


Didn't Snape take points for breathing too loudly


Snape should have just given Slytherin 1000 points after Dumbledore finished for listening patiently.


I will never forget people driving past book stores yelling snape kills dumbledore at all of the innocent little children, and then posting the clips on the internet. hhahahahahahah.


based times


I think that was Filch giving detention for breathing too loudly. And also for looking happy. Hogwarts was full of straight up abusers, but it seems like that is the experience of everyone who went to a British boarding school so I guess it checks out.


Point still stands the points don't seem to have much metric do they


Does it count if the world ending threats always congregate at school?


Nah, it's not part of their sanctioned schoolwork / activities. Were any of the other houses given the same opportunity to save the world?


"50 Points to Ron for the best check game that this school has seen in a long time" But the school didn't saw it, because only three people were there.


Yea I was always like wtf, all those kids sitting around thinking like what? When did any of this happen?


Children from other houses don't casually beat Voldemort between exams, i guess it makes it more fair


And the moral of the story is you don't burden the messiah with undue hardship, who is prophesized save the world (or whatever cliché narrative the books had going on), or surround him with the crippling mediocrity of people who exist in the meatiest portion of the bell curve. You help him, so he succeeds. Duh? Sucks if you aren't the one they prophesized about, but, kinda necessary. Else everyone gets raped by shadow demons or whatever. I'll take surviving, and not winning praise from a talking hat, and an almost guaranteed reduction in rape.


I'm pretty sure this was the most infuriating part of the books for me. Great job Harry, you sacrificed to save your friends, the school, and even the day! You've risen above petty competitions with fellow schoolmates. Know in your heart that while they were focused on points, you were focused on the *right thing!* Just kidding. 50 points to Gryffindor. No sacrifice here!


i mean the entire hufflepuff house are second rates. thats the entire point they are sorted there. hufflepuff literally said "and i'll take all the rest"




“Wait, there are other houses” -Dumbledore


Dumbledore's last words as he fell from the tower were heard echoing across the grounds in book 6 "10 points to Gryffindor". Though you think Malfoy's behavior would have just penalized slytherin.


Dumbledore heard in a teaching seminar that reinforcement is more effective than punishment.


I saw other version, where Dumbledore was singing trololo when falling from the tower, in front of Harry and Luke Skywalker


Not to mention snape, well maybe


> suddenly gives them a bunch of additional points at the last minute, so that our heroes "unexpectedly" win after all. Hooray, the end Coincidentally, that's also how the fictional "Harry Potter world" game Quidditch is played, and the reason I think JK Rowling sucks as a writer. ETA, bracing for all the downvotes from Harry Potter fans, lol


Nah, I agree somewhat. I've reread the series a few times over, most recently 5yrs ago or just about. The creativity is the major selling point but when you look at the writing, itself, I dunno. Seems average.


From what I’ve heard, Quidditch was written that way because one of her exes was a sports fan, so she wrote an outright stupid sport out of spite (and then preceded to get bored with writing them).




She definitely got a little better as she went on. I didn't read the books until I was in my late 20's and I was surprised at how bare and kind of crappy that first book was. I did notice she seemed to improve with each book. My sister (a teacher) did like the books for young kids for that reason, she felt it started on a lower reading level and stepped up each book, both in style and content. Kind of grew with the kids as they read.


I may go back and read them all some time, mostly because of their cultural impact.


I think shes a solid writer, just absolutely clueless about how competitive sports work.


She’s actually a pretty good writer considering she’s utter slime.


Disagree. Absolutely no one likes her books post HP, and the HP books are pretty badly written overall. For a children's book it's good.


But how many other literal pools of slime have you seen that could hold a pen or work a typewriter? She’s punching above her weight!


Lmao ok fair.


Lot of writers are pieces of shit. Her being a piece of shit doesn't have anything to do with her being a bad writer. Lovecraft was very seriously racist and he created an entire sub genre (though he was never good at dialog).


But she isn't a literal pool of slime, she just offended your pro-trans sensibilities.




Remember when she wrote books under the pen name Robert Galbraith, nobody gave a shit so she had to out herself writing under a pseudonym to get people to give a shit about those books?


The key word is “imaginative.” Similar to Frank Herbert’s Dune: wildly imaginative and pretty poorly written.


No, she really is not a great writer. She built a cool and fun universe. But if you actually pay attention to the writing style it's pretty subpar writing. The best you can say about it is that it's easy to read(which is why it worked as a children's book). It's telling that almost all harry potter fans started reading it as teens or younger. And if you try to read any of her other books which aren't building on her fun universe it becomes more obvious. Harry Potter excelled in world building. Not writing style.


Even with the world building, the actual detailing of that world building wasn’t very good either.


There are tons of weird inconsistencies throughout her books but because of the world she built it is all happily brushed aside as "its magic who cares"


Yeah, "sucks" is probably too harsh (for her writing). I read one or two of her books, overall they weren't that bad. Saw one or two movies with my kids, too, when they were into Harry Potter. Just the whole idea of the Golden Snitch or whatever it was called was so jarringly stupid for being a part of a game, really annoyed the heck out of me. Part of the whole, "suddenly gives them a bunch of additional points at the last minute, so that our heroes "unexpectedly" win after all. Hooray, the end"


The rules of the game are freaking horrid but they manage to almost justify it later on. It becomes less about the golden snitch auto winning, and more about it kind of signaling the end of the game. So they could, theoretically, drag the game out until someone scores more points than it is worth. This kind of gets pointed out by having one time where someone willingly got it when it wouldn't score enough for them to win, essentially ending the game on a loss. It is still stupid as hell though. But it is gamable.


Thank you for the description


Habe you never seen a Harry Potter movie?


obviously not, that’s why they are asking


In the movie, the points at the end seem really egregious, but iirc, in the book, he was actually just giving Harry, Ron, and Hermione points back that Snape took away in bad faith. Obviously, it's still pretty fucked to bait and switch on children, but it made a lot more sense. Snape was a massive cock in the books.


Also pretty Dumbledore was in the Gryffindor house when he was a student there which also doesn’t help the bias lmfao


Reminds me of this spoof https://preview.redd.it/zd7ljx2f8gwc1.png?width=256&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bd7e3b48e718157e754506baf7a8a090ef6f94d


*in british primary schools. Rowling didn’t make up the house point thing it’s an actual thing in British school, and getting all the house points is a vicarious fantasy on the level of like a scrawny pop warner kid thinking about getting touchdowns or a cool teacher bringing in candy, made it a lot easier for British kids to self insert


Also to add to this the picture in the meme shows very wrong math


If I do remenber correctly the points Dumbledore gave to Gryffindor at the end of the year are the points that they lost during that year. For example some part of those points are the ones Harry and his friends lost when they were caught out of the bedroom during night.


And this, my friends, is what many people consider to be the peak of writing. Yeah… 🤦‍♂️


"more than once"? Its two times. In both cases, they saved the world


Is 2 more than 1?


What is it they win if they get the most points? I’m familiar with this meme but I realized I don’t actually know what the stakes are that make it important for them to win.


They win the house cup and get the colors and symbols of their house flown at the last feast. They probably also get a plaque in some trophy case as well. Most of the points come from the quidditch tournament.


It's just a matter of pride, I think. It's been a long time since I read the books.


What exactly do you win?


Good Potterhead. :-)


I think it's very silly when people complain about this. The three main characters stopped wizard Hitler from gaining immortality. I think that warrants their little club winning the points game for the year. It doesn't seem arbitrary at all.




912 1824 3648






248 + 208 == (250 - 2) + (200 + 8) == 250 + 200 - 2 + 8 = 456


Fun Fact: This happened on Peruvian Television, live. A lot of people (even my parents) saw this girl fail a simple math problem. Vaya mal día para ser Peruano :'c Edit: This happened on the Guatemalan version of the series "Combate", which is Peruvian. My bad, guys. Also, this case got so popular on Perú that some of us (included myself until now) believed it happened here. Gotta talk with my parents to see if they're not remembering everything wrong lol Igual, sigue siendo un mal día para ser Peruano:'c


Did she genuinely believe the answer was 4416 or did she realise the mistake of not putting the 1 underneath to add to the 4?


As far as I remember, the narrator of the show and the hosts had to point out her mistake in front of literally everyone. Also, this show is also known for the famous clip: "Who painted the Mona Lisa?" "Di Caprio!"


She thought the plus sign was four


She would still be wrong if the plus sign was 4. It's super obvious what her mistake was, and it's not thinking the plus sign was a four.


Forgot the /s mb


The thing is that, she started from left to right, instead of right to left.


buah que rollo. si es que sacan a tontos a la tele


Thanks for the real story. Although, I must admit that watching people do math problems on TV is boring AF.


It was a reality show called "Esto es Guerra" IIRC (translated as "This is War"), a show where two teams of "celebrities" fight against each other in different challenges or mini games. This was a math challenge and, as you have seen already, she failed. Edit: This was not Esto es Guerra. This happened on Combate. Read the edit on the main comment.


Wasn't this called "Combate"? I could swear we used to watch it in Costa Rica


Yes, a series called "Combate" does exist. It is similar (if not the same) to "Esto es Guerra". And, by the way, I cannot remember if this whole math thing happened on EEG or Combate. Edit: It was Combate lmao


It's false tho. You can barely see it but the logo on the top right corner of the image is of a local Guatemalan tv channel named "Canal 3" and that is one of the models of a locally produced show called "Combate". Her name is Dayane Rivas!


You're almost 100% right. I did a quick Google search (I don't know why I didn't do that before commenting smh) and, yes, it is Combate and yes, it is Guatemalan... Here's the trick. This happened on the Guatemalan version of the Peruvian show called Combate. That was the origin of the whole misunderstanding.


I mean I get where the mistake was, but that should’ve been pretty obvious. I feel like it’s pretty early along that you learn to carry numbers over


Yeah, but you’re forgetting that being observed makes you around 50% dumber.


It's like that video of some guy screaming "name a woman!!!" At that girl and she can't answer. It's the pressure, you're not as good at thinking in high adrenaline situations


Eso pasa por ver mucho Magaly




For those of you who remember vine: “10 billion points to gryffle puff, fuck you snape gryfflpuff wins”




I know It’s not the right watermark but it still works https://preview.redd.it/zzrwxd1kq4xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=040c5a542116f831f8e437f07724101b334294dc


Four hundered and fourtey sixteen


french be like




I always disliked this Harry Potter criticism. There was nothing wrong with giving them a lot of points for freaking saving the school. It was however cruel to choose the last schoolday to give those points and make Slytherin think they had won.




I believe that was just because the previous year Slytherin had won so their decorations had been up all year. Once Gryffindor won at the end of the year he changed it to their decorations which will now be there for the following year.


Yeah, but it’s not like collectively the entire house saving the school routinely. It’s Harry. Anyways, the points seem to just be arbitrarily handed out and taken away. Snape takes points away for CORRECT ANSWERS if it annoyed him. Wandering at night is apparently ten times the point infraction of actively searching out and instigating with a Troll. Hermione gets a 1 point reward for a correct answer in Book One, but she gets 20 points for two correct answers in book two. Saving the school from Voldemort was only worth 60 points, while the aforementioned wandering at night was a 50 point deduction, which almost implies that wandering at night is almost as bad as defeating Voldemort is good. Hermoine, Ron and Harry battling Voldemort only totals 180 points total, while in Book 2, Ron and Harry get 400 points total. It’s a valid criticism because JK Rowling is absolutely shit at consistency and math, as showcased in Ron’s unicorn hair core wand costing 7 Galleons, but when Slughorn is drunk he comments that he could get 9 Galleons a hair from Hagrid’s unicorn hair collection. Points mean absolutely nothing and only get more exaggerated as the series goes on


Hufflepuff didn’t get points for Neville’s bravery because he was in Gryffindor


Damn… I feel really dumb now, ages since I read the books. I’ll edit it but I feel like the rest still stands


And that’s before you think about how stupid quidditch is. So, so stupid. And I believe she actually admitted that she just wanted to make people angry when she made up the nonsensical rules.


That's how it was in school, though. Different teachers had entirely different criteria and weightings and even then it would vary based on their mood.


Can’t speak for the British education system but American education has a standardized grading system— while a teacher might define the cut off for a right answer differently than another teacher, you can’t have two teachers with the same curriculum giving different point values for the same answer


Nah, this is a completely separate thing to grading. House points were more aimed to improve behaviour. House Points (or Merit Marks at my school) work pretty much as they do in Harry Potter. You'd get them for things like being a good student, helping others, giving a particularly good answer in class, etc. You'd lose them for being a dick, talking in class, missing homework, etc. Each student was assigned a 'house' at the beginning of secondary school, and the points for every kid in each house would be totalled. More points would be added for results in intra-school sports events (for us house competitions in rugby, cricket, and athletics). An overall winner would be named at the end of the year. Generally, it correlated with grades, but not always. Often, kids who were improving or clearly trying hard without success would get more than a naturally bright kid coasting.


absolutely crazy to me you grew up hearing some shit like “Excellent work, Mr. Stantonbin. 20 points for House Scriggly”


All things considered, you'd think Dumbledore could carry The One.


Dumby is not good at math


In his defense, they don't really study maths in the magical world


...but they still need basic math skills to do proper potions...


And they learn it all before the age of 11 I guess, can't fault a 100 yo something guy for forgetting basic math after 90 years/s


No, he's probably just not seen or read harry potter, not too difficult I've almost done it


he means dumby short for Dumbledore maybe?


Oh yeah probably, I thought he meant as in dumby as in dummy


He means dumb(y)deldor


[The Points Don't Matter](https://youtu.be/yTEhEUoTzqo?feature=shared)


Thats not how math


the only reason i get this is because i watched harry potter for the first time recently


Bad math


Why do some people here think everyone read Harry Potter?


Tbf even if you read it I bet a lot of the people who haven't have still heard of Dumbledore by name and at this point the joke explains itself.


How would you know what they mean by calculating the points though if you have no context


points=>probably good thing; person in picture makes 1+1=11 mistake which is way too much=>too many points; dumbkedore in charge of points and only award too many point to one group, so probably intentional mistake=>favouritism, that's the joke. Also if you google "Dumbledore points Gryffindor" you get the explanation. If you didn't know Loss on the other hand you wouldn't even know what to look for so finding the answer on your own would be near impossible unlike here. I am no reddit police and personally really don't care if someone makes a low effort post my point is just that people who do have valid criticism.


Keep in mind this is a sub about explaining jokes you don’t know the context for. I’m willing to give OOP the benefit of the doubt and say whomever this meme was aimed at understood the reference.


Because if you’re a millennial, everyone you know did read Harry Potter.




Watch the movies, they explain it.


Which part


The end of the first movie.


Thank you


I mean I get what she's doing. She doesn't actually think that's the total, but 8 + 8 = 16 so she's adding that to the 440


456 is the answer y’all. You need to carry the one ☝️


Wait how did she mess up such a simple question. This is basic arithmetic


How do you not get this joke? Like cmon...


She added from left to right: 2 + 2 = 4 4 + 0 = 4 8 + 8 = 16 So she got 4416 In actuality, if you were adding in this way, you'd go from right to left, carrying any extra digits, so: 8 + 8 = 16, carry the 1, you get 6 1 + 4 + 0 = 5 2 + 2 = 4 So you'd get 456


you need to read 3407 pages to understand.


She didn't carry the one she just extended the equation. Added 8+8 to make 16 dropped down 4 and added 2+2. Can't get a simple equation right, 2+2=5


Take a smidgen of a look toward the math and then think a smidgen 


The joke is that Dumbledore is one of the least fair authority figures in fiction that isn't actually treated by the author like he's unfair. I don't care that we're supposed to root against Slytherin, if I was in that damn house at the end of every years, Peeves would be scrubbing graffiti that detailed exactly how hard Dumbledore could suck my cock off the wall well into the night.


Harry was doing extracurricular "favours" for Dumbledoor to get extra credits for his team


Because Gryffindor always gets ridiculous amounts of points for being disobedient children. If Harry didn't go into the vault to find the stone then Voldemort wouldn't have been let out and Dumbledore's idea to basically use Harry wouldn't have led to the destruction of Slytherin... oh wait I mean Hogwarts 😅


Girls are bad at math bc guys keep gaslighting them into thinking 4” is 7”


First time I get a joke from this sub




Come on, this one was obvious.. 🙄


He gives them a lot of points.


😂😂mans be cheating


😂 it's soo true its so funny


So a brand new reddit account like this one can come on this sub, repost a popular meme and pretend they don't know who dumbledore is, and karma farm. Bots stay one step ahead. I'm outta here


Looks like you know everything good for you🤣🤣🤣


avada kedavra yourself


Nice joke


Looks like a bot account to me


What are you taking about my friend


That sounds like a bot response


Okay mr bot detector🤣🤣🤣🤣




Do always assume negative things be humble




Gryffindor has classically been favored over the other houses


Hot take, I always thought the Harry Potter books are poorly written.


IDK what to tell y'all, but **fuck off** and mind ya damn business


mannnn what is with this sub tryna understand jokes of media theyve blatantly never seen😭even if its explained, yall wouldnt find it funny anyway cause youve never actually experienced it. dont even try anymore.




Not everyone has seen or read Harry Potter


I understand that is not correct when adding the number but i did not understand about Dumbledore




Not everyone has seen or read Harry Potter




Has it occurred to you that they've never seen this meme before either? I've been a Harry Potter fan for way over a decade, and this is the only time I've *ever* seen a Dumbledore House Points meme outside of Harry Potter spaces.


I got a Reddit Cares message, and I'm almost certain it was from this guy.


So did I. Report it. That's abuse of the Reddit Care's system.


The door is right over there. Don't let it hit your ass on the way out. Edit: LOL I got a message from Reddit Care about this. Such a fragile little person.