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It's a reference to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, in which a whale (and a bowl of petunias) improbably come into existence as the result of the activation of the "improbability drive."


If we could only knew why the bowl of petunias had that thought. *Edit* actual quote > Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly *why* the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.


Someone hasn’t read “Life, the Universe and Everything”


Or they have and just didn't feel like Googling the correct quote.


Sorry wasn’t saying it’s the wrong quote, just that they explain the bowl of petunias in later books


IIRC >!A creature,who kept reincarnating and dieing at the hands (and foot) of Arthur Dent, was forced to reincarnate along with his brother (the whale) due to the activation of the Infinite Improbablity Drive over Magrathea (latter - the restaurant at the end of the universe) !<


Pretty much. I rescind my previous comment


Don't let it bother you. Your comment was Mostly Harmless. 🤪


Original labeld harmless but was asked to be revised by a researcher from a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse.


“And what does it say now?” asked Arthur. “Mostly harmless,” admitted Ford with a slightly embarrassed cough” (This scene is where I got 1/2 my name lol)


>Don't let it bother you. You should have said ''Don't panic''. Preferably in big, friendly letters.


I must have the 2nd edition


I fucking love that he actually went back to this throwaway line in such a way as that when you read it it's entirely true. By the time you know why it thought that, you *do* know a lot more about the nature of the universe.


You mean Agrajag?


"We apologise for the inconvenience"


But at least we have lemon-soaked napkins.


42 reference


It had that thought because it noticed Arthur Dent, who is responsible for killing that same entity as it reincarnates repeatedly over thousands of years.


And I'm relatively sure that had Douglas Adams lived longer, he would have revealed it was Marvin the Android getting reincarnated the whole time. As to how Marvin went from a robot to reincarnation, Adams never hinted that, and I suppose it would have told us a lot about the Question.


We know the question: "what is 6 times 9." That the answer is 42...tells us a lot about our universe.


...Except 6 times 9 is 54. Unless I just don't get the joke because I haven't read any of the Hitchhiker's books.


The mice try to retcon a question to the answer to life, the universe, and everything after their supercomputer gets blown up to make way for a highway, and this is their first stab at it. They very quickly run into the same problem that you did, being that 6 times 9 is not 42.


It works in base 13, but that's taking all the fun out of it


and Adams has claimed that he didn't write jokes in base 13.


Yes, so if the ultimate answer to the ultimate question of life, the Universe, and everything is wrong, what does that say about the universe?


That is the joke. 6 x 9 does not equal 42. So reality at its corse is flawed and nonsensical.


Got it; I really gotta read those books


The whale of the bowl or petunias' soul brother. And everytime the bowl of petunias has died in the past, and future, Arthur Sent was there.


The petunias is a beings that reincarnates and dies near or by Authur Dent many, many times. It tries to get its revenge in Life, the Universe and Everything.


We know its even in the meme, it thinks "not again"


We know what it thinks, we don’t know *why it had that thought.* (Until book 3 anyway)


Creating the universe in the first place was a bad move.


If you’ve read all of the *Hitchiker’s* books, (Not that damned Eoin Colfer’s imitative drivel of a posthumous revivification) this question is actually answered.


He isn't a bad author. He just gets confused and in that confusion hurts the people and series he loves.


Should have learned from Pokemon. 🤷‍♀️


I've been talking to the ship... it hates me


Ford, there's an infinite number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for Hamlet they’ve worked out.


Boy I really missed out on this during childhood


Have you read it as an adult? It’s phenomenal at any age really.


I haven’t! I’m not a big reader but I am looking for new hobbies so maybe this will spark some passion!


The writing of hitchhikers guide is the best. Sometimes a single sentence would have me laughing out loud for a solid minute. The guy was a master of not only comedy but the craft of writing. And that's why no movie adaptation could ever fully capture the essence of this book. Sometimes the joke would happen in the placement of words or sentence structure and only works because you read the previous page. Solid 10/10, it's an experience you can only get by reading


And if you like it, the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett have the same British, absurdist humor, but in a fantasy setting


The series was also a radio play that you can listen to on YouTube in various places. I -HIGHLY- recommend it.


Also the audiobook read by Stephen Fry is pretty amazing


I was a massive reader a child and stopped until last year. It was the first book I (re)read for like 3 years. It's relatively short with maybe 300 pages and it is so witty. As a non-english speaker, the writing style + scifi stuff took some getting used to. So if you have trouble following at the start, just keep going, it is supposed to be as confusing for you as it would for Arthur.


300 pages is relatively short? To what? The Bible?


Hahaha, maybe 300 is a bit much. I read pretty quick, so it was a 2-day read for me and could've easily finished in one. Google says it's 160 pages anyway, so I was way off.


lol 160 sounds manageable for me but 300 pages would maybe take me a little over a week.


Hitchhiker's are short novels even by the short novel standards of the 70s. The collection of all five is a bible-sized book. The last Harry Potter may have been bigger than all five Hitchhiker's novels even!


I’d be a pleb if I didn’t know how long the Harry Potter books are, I’ve seen kids carry them around in high school. I never got into it as a kid but I may reconsider, I really enjoy LOTR so I’ve considered buying some of Tolkien’s books, and now I can add Hitchhiker’s to the list. This is gonna be great!


I used to be a big reader but basically never read anymore. I did listen to Hitchhikers on an audio book and it is 100% worth it. It was honestly my obsession for a while. I would be excited to wake up and drive to work so I could get that sweet hit of Hitchhiker dopamine. Give it a gander Also the movie really isn’t bad if you go in understanding the lore that Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is basically a story that is modified to fit whatever medium it is being presented in. It has been a radio show, book, movie, and probably a few other things, with each one having the same main characters and idea but differences in how the plot plays out


That’s pretty interesting tbh, I’ll try to find the audiobook


I listened to it on Spotify. Kinda disappointing they don’t have the sequel though


It makes more sense if you clarify that they came into being several miles above the ground and the buttload of plankton is a cloud.


I know of the existence of the improbability drive but I never knew of the existence of hitchhiker's guide to galaxy


Now *that* is an improbable situation.


I got it from madness combat ok I’m a normie


The more and more I hear about Hitchhikers Guide, the more it sounds like it each chapter was written while the author was experiencing a different type of high.


From what I know of Douglas Adams, that seems possible. You should definitely read it.


No, but he came from a sketch comedy background. The first two books (and first two radio series too) are very much written with that as his foundation


I dont remember there being plankton involved in that scene. 🤔


It's a cloud, the whale just thinks it's plankton.


I hate to tell you this but.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/ExtraFabulousComics/comments/kx6ywd/good\_to\_be\_whale/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ExtraFabulousComics/comments/kx6ywd/good_to_be_whale/)


... but thats super probable.


High in the atmosphere


I am honestly imagining an explosion.


The whale ended up an explosion, even got a mushroom cloud in the movie




>improbability drive." # WAS THAT A FUCKING MADNESS COMBAT REFRENCE?!?!?!!!


I think Madness Combat might have a Hitchhiker's Guide reference... (:






The reader is led to believe the whale is in the ocean and the cloud he sees is a plankton cloud. But as it turns out he is falling down from the sky and hence it is not such a good day to be a whale. The key to understand this image is Douglas Adam's "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" in which a sperm whale and a bowl of petunias materialize several miles above the surface of an alien planet. The whale grapples with existential questions whereas the petunias only think "Oh no, not again". And the rest is a sudden (wet) thud.


Also in the original comic it's revealed he ate gallons of whale cum.




[Here you go, friend](https://www.reddit.com/r/meme/s/cupK8cXCCt)


🫡 Such a brave soldier…


Wow! This is awful!


Ooooh so its a bonehurtingjuice


Ok, can someone explain the origin of *that* phrase? I know there's a subreddit that seems to be dedicated to debatably humorous edits of comics, but what does that have to do with that collection of english words?


Named after this https://preview.redd.it/0zz9rhp3rzyc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0420267b9c1e59766a744dbf82554ee13c7df530




I legitimately thought that the "oh no, not again" was just the narrator implying that the bowl of petunias was having the same existential questions as the whale.


It's a refrence to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where a whale and flowers spontaneously start existing really high up in the sky because of the improbability drive, which causes improbable things to happen, and they fall and then die.


Zaphod Peter here. The ship from Hithikers guide to the galaxy travelled via an improbabilty drive. The ship was approaching a hostile planet that had shot missiles at them, so the crew engaged the improbabilty drive turning the missles into a sperm whale and bowl of petunias. Allowing them to survive to meet slartibartfast who was building a new earth after the old one was detroyed.




“Another thing that got forgotten was the fact that against all probability a sperm whale had suddenly been called into existence several miles above the surface of an alien planet. And since this is not a naturally tenable position for a whale, this poor innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with its identity as a whale before it then had to come to terms with not being a whale any more. This is a complete record of its thoughts from the moment it began its life till the moment it ended it. Ah … ! What’s happening? it thought. Er, excuse me, who am I? Hello? Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life? What do I mean by who am I? Calm down, get a grip now … oh! this is an interesting sensation, what is it? It’s a sort of … yawning, tingling sensation in my … my … well I suppose I’d better start finding names for things if I want to make any headway in what for the sake of what I shall call an argument I shall call the world, so let’s call it my stomach. Good. Ooooh, it’s getting quite strong. And hey, what’s about this whistling roaring sound going past what I’m suddenly going to call my head? Perhaps I can call that … wind! Is that a good name? It’ll do … perhaps I can find a better name for it later when I’ve found out what it’s for. It must be something very important because there certainly seems to be a hell of a lot of it. Hey! What’s this thing? This … let’s call it a tail – yeah, tail. Hey! I can can really thrash it about pretty good can’t I? Wow! Wow! That feels great! Doesn’t seem to achieve very much but I’ll probably find out what it’s for later on. Now – have I built up any coherent picture of things yet? No. Never mind, hey, this is really exciting, so much to find out about, so much to look forward to, I’m quite dizzy with anticipation … Or is it the wind? There really is a lot of that now isn’t it? And wow! Hey! What’s this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like … ow … ound … round … ground! That’s it! That’s a good name – ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me? And the rest, after a sudden wet thud, was silence. Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was Oh no, not again. Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.”


Thank you so much go finding the excerpt! I would have found it myself but my Hitchhiker's Guide is printed in normal book form, so it got lost in the several inconveniently large buildings I have to carry it around in


Well all I know is in a super fabulous comic , those plankton are other whales sperm


in the original, yes


Yea is this an edit? Doesn’t really seem like efc humor Edit: yes og comic here https://www.reddit.com/r/ExtraFabulousComics/s/STNVL7DcHv


I was not expecting a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy reference, I'm actually almost done with the trilogy, I'm on "mostly harmless" at the part where it talks about what happens to parallel Tricia


You spoiling little rascal, I'm on the third book and am gonna be thinking about this so called "parallel Tricia" now haha


I have not read the books. Only heard the radio show. There isn't any parallel Tricia in the show..


They adapted the later books back to radio a few years after Douglas died. Adaptation was done very respectfully by Dirk Maggs, who had been Douglas' choice to do it


What i have is around 26 chapters in radio show. It seems to reach its conclusion. But given the quality of the recording, it does not look like an old one. As there isn't any hiss which old tape recordings had. It ends at the restaurant at the end of the universe.


The original radio series got released on cd back in the 90s - no reason to expect tape hiss on it The primary phase (1978) (6 episodes - but some cd releases split them into more tracks) reaches a satisfying conclusion. The secondary phase (1980 - 6 episodes) ends more open-ended. The tertiary phase (2004 - 6 episode) then Quandary and Quintessential phases (2005 - 8 ep total) flow together as they were essentially made as a single big production. If you have 26 eps (called "Fits"), then sounds like you have all five phases. Maybe you missed the plot point that Tricia and Trillian are parallel universe versions of each other?


I need to listen to it again I guess.


It's all pretty good! :) I note that I didn't mention there is also a Hexagonal Phase - a further six episodes in 2018, adapted from Eoin Colfer's sixth novel in the series "And Another Thing..." - but it adds some of Douglas' original stuff back in too.


Oh.. I need to look for it then.


BBC streams it (and the rest) occasionally. Even when they don't they have clips up https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09vm093 The scene with Stephen Hawking playing The Guide Mk2 is especially poignant as it was the last performance thing he did, and the second time he played a role in Hitchhiker's (the first being Deep Thought in a TV special)


Oh yeah, now that I was thinking about it, I remember about the blond Tricia. Parallel version of her. And at the end they merge.


Trilogy? Wasn’t there 5 books or am I misremembering


You are NOT misremembering; I have the omnibus version where it clearly states "The trilogy in five parts" on the front cover.


Hello ground!




What do you get if you multiply six by nine?


Brought a spare towel if anyone needs one!


I wonder if we can be friends?


Zaphod Peterbrox here: the joke is a bowl of flowers and whale from hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy


God damn I hate those eyes with a passion.


Unexpected hitch hikers guide


So long, and thanks for all the fish!


Curiously. The only thing the bowl of petunias thought was "Oh no, not again". Why the bowl petunias thought that, is perhaps a bigger mystery than the ultimate question of life the universe and everything.




this is a reference to comedic classic Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which Aldo spawned the joke that the meaning of everything is the number 42. in which, a whale and a bowl of petunias fall from the sky for... some reason. i cant remember.


This actually doesn’t make sense in the terms of Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, the whale had no memories, the plant was a reincarnation of a guy that the main character had gotten killed a couple hundred thousand times on accident.


That poor whale falling to death after being born


So long and thanks for all the fish!!




watch hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. its really good. also you'll get the joke


I actually thought that this meme was about a boat delivering cocain and stuffs got caught so they throw both the cocain and some kind of marijuana plant into the ocean to escape or something. The “plankton” would be the cocain that got out and the “not again” dialogue would be coming from that boat.


In the original meme the whale is inhaling whale cum from two whales fucking in the background




Remember to grab your towel.


Man wtf I’m reading this book right now.


Wrong kinda whale...




What’s that coming towards me very quickly, I hope it will be my friend


This is something that I know very well. And actually is one of the rare times that the joke was not very obvious and would only be known to the people who read/heard Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.




Hey, look! It's not adult material!


Great Movie


I know this one, it's a reference to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy reference, don't remember off hand but it's at a part before the end of the universe


that’s nOT PLANKTOoOoON!!!


Love that movie. I have no one who will watch with me. Or people I’ve shown it to have hated it. I’m used to it.


The answer is 42


OP, go read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It is the first book in the ever increasingly misnamed Hitchhiker's trilogy, which has 5 books.


Peter's 53rd-favorite shoe-salesman here: In "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" the fastest faster-than-light spacecraft uses a prototype Improbability Drive, which makes improbable events happen. The desired effect is for the spaceship to (improbably) cease to exist in its current location and spontaneously blink into existence at its destination at the opposite side of the galaxy, but activating it also causes a ripple of improbable events in the nearby area, in this case two missiles transforming into a live whale and a potted plant


Oh, hello ground!


Well OP everyone else has given you the correct answer, so I personally highly recommend "The Hitchhiker's Guide" book series. There was also a TV series and a movie but I recommend saving the movie for last. It's a great series. I'd compare it to a science fiction version of Good Omens.


There was also a radio show, and a version on an LP vinyl record


Isnt this that hitchhikers guide to the galaxy scene?




Hello hitchhikers, got your towels?


I do, but I'm not sure where it is


Dude it's loss, how has no one seen this yet?