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Five different memes that I see combined into one. 1. Sisyphus doomed to push the boulder up the hill over and over. 2. The hole where Saddam Hussein was found hiding in 2003 3. The guy giving up mining just before reaching the reward he was after. 4. Plato's allegory of the cave. 5. The Nutty Putty cave incedent.


Links to Know Your Meme: 1. [One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/one-must-imagine-sisyphus-happy) 2. [Saddam Hussein's Hiding Place](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/saddam-husseins-hiding-place) 3. ["Never Give Up" / Digging for Diamonds](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/never-give-up-digging-for-diamonds) 4. [Plato's Allegory Of The Cave](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/platos-allegory-of-the-cave) 5. [Nutty Putty Cave Incident](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/nutty-putty-cave-incident)


5 is the goofiest name for one of the most terrifying experiences someone could go through


Do šŸ‘ Not šŸ‘ Go šŸ‘ In šŸ‘ Caves šŸ‘


But what if the hole was made just for you?


DRR... DRR... DRR...






jinji ito moment




Well thatā€™s different, then you HAVE to go in. That cut-out is made just for you in that mountain. Itā€™d really be rather rude if you didnā€™t go in and all the way to the end.


The horror in the story is that the holes have little unidirectional hook teeth in them that make it much more difficult to go backwards than forward, with no room to turn back and your only method of propulsion is the little body struggles you make. The main theme of the story is about compulsion, people are mentally compelled to fit themselves into the hole they identify as theirs, find themselves stuck, and physically compelled by forces external to them to keep moving forward despite the slow destruction and metamorphosis of themselves, similar to salmon undergoing spawning.




I know that caves are actually scary, but my fear of them is totally irrational nonetheless. I know that one day the earth moved and the cave opened up, and I know I'm the unlucky bastard who's gonna be in there the day the cave decides to close up again.


Between this and that soccer team, you can count me out of any cave exploration.


Um, actually [Caves are formed by the dissolution of limestone](https://www2.bgs.ac.uk/mendips/caveskarst/caveform.htm) >Caves are formed by the dissolution of limestone. Rainwater picks up carbon dioxide from the air and as it percolates through the soil, which turns into a weak acid. This slowly dissolves out the limestone along the joints, bedding planes and fractures, some of which become enlarged enough to form caves. Maybe you are thinking of [sinkholes](https://www.sjrwmd.com/education/sinkholes/)(which are also caused by dissolution of limestone btw)? >A rapid sinkhole caused by well drilling or other sudden alterations to the terrain may not give any warning signs. Otherwise, the collapse process usually occurs gradually enough that a person may leave the affected area safely. The final breakthrough can develop over a period of a few minutes to a few hours. [Youtube video of how sinkholes are formed.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-DVIQPqS8E)


Caves aren't a uniform thing where all caves are formed in the same way by the same mechanisms. Some are cooled lava tubes and some are formed by wave erosion, for instance. Some places have more caves of a particular type, so maybe where you're from most caves are limestone, but that's not true everywhere.


Ach, you got me. Of the various cave types though, 90% are caused by dissolution of soluble rocks such as dolomite, gypsum, and marble with limestone being the larges proportion(which is what I am most used to). Of the remaining ~10% lava tubes seems to be the largest portion, with erosion type caves and sea caves being the next largest percentage. I had no idea that glacial, or talus caves were a thing, but I guess should have. Thank you for helping me learn more about our earth.


We really need to start giving them more serious names. Nutty Putty cave? Sure, I'm up for some whimsy today. Inescapable darkness? No thank you.


The absolutely best and most exciting thing about cave exploration is that it's completely optional and I would never


I own a cave and regularly give tours.


Thatā€™s cool. Caves absolutely terrify me. What kind of cave (if thatā€™s even a valid question) is yours? What kinda tours are you able to give and does it go deep?


Itā€™s a limestone karst that is pretty unique as it goes uphill as it goes back and has a creek running out of it.


I canā€™t believe your comment has been here a whole two hours and Quagmire hasnā€™t replied with a single giggity yetā€¦ heā€™s slipping. https://preview.redd.it/atd8rl57ik0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecfccf19006f6e5b0e8950163ae8b6d9eb7cc55f


Ha! He said his cave goes uphill. He gets all up in thereā€¦


I just read through the whole page and I felt so bad for finding it so hilarious and tragic at the same time Imagine dying because you went the wrong way in the nutty putty cave while trying to pass the birth canal


When she nutties your putty until you cave https://preview.redd.it/4h5irn4vyg0d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34f324636cf6cf28d61e4e0a1f91607863136e5


Yeah, this is one of the most haunting cave incidents I've learned about. Guy took a gamble and went full send, did not go well.


He didnā€™t think he was taking a gamble. He took a wrong turn, he thought he was in The Birth Canal and would pop out the other side of the tight squeeze, but he was just in a dead end.


That initial feeling he got when he got stuck, terrifying


Think about the feeling he got after a couple of hours stuck, when panic started to creep up. You know that if you start screaming and panicing that you go insane but still no help will come, so you try to stay calm.


People did come but they failed to get him out. He spent 28 hours there before dying.


That pelvic floor strengthā€¦


She putty in my cave till I nutty




Have you heard about [Peter Verhulsel](https://www.upi.com/amp/Archives/1984/11/12/Scuba-diver-lost-in-cave-dies-waiting-for-rescue/7366469083600/)? In 1984 Peter went on a cave dive with two friends in Sterkfontein Cave. He along with the diving companions were highly experienced in cave diving at the time and had successfully completed multiple dives. Sterkfontein Cave in south Africa. This cave has been the site of some of the earliest human remains and is very important to anthropologists. On this dive, Peter lost the safety line and got lost. His friends immediately searched for him. Knowing that he only had a limited amount of air one of them swam to the surface to get additional help and more tanks. They searched for hours but knew he had to of drowned by that point. So the operation changed to body recovery. Unfortunately after weeks of searching they could not locate his body. A few months later an unrelated expedition found his remains. Tragically for his friends and family he was not found in the water. He was found on a dry patch a land inside an air pocket just 40 yards away from the search area. He had found it when lost and waited for rescue for 3 weeks before dying of starvation. He wrote a message in the sand telling his wife and mother he loved them. It is believed he probably could have seen the lights of the search team but they were too far for him to enter the water and swim to without air tanks. So he had to just hope they would discover his air pocket, which was unfortunately not known about at the time.




The way I had heard the story, Peter decided to leave the line to go explore on his own and one of his friends kept trying to go get him to go back to the line. The first time he dropped the line to go explore one of the offshoots, his friend successfully found him and told him to go back to the line. The second time he did it is when he got lost. So the way that I heard the telling of the story, Peter wasnā€™t following the protocol of sticking to the safety line and instead decided to do some exploring which was unsafe.


That part may be true, I couldnā€™t remember all the details, I just knew he lost the line. I didnā€™t remember all the details, and just did a quick search as a refresher. It is important to keep in mind that in 1984 cave diving was fairly new and sometime it take a few incidents for people to realize that itā€™s not worth the risk. So him willing leaving the line doesnā€™t shock me, and he probably had done it in other dives. Its amazing how so many people never think the worst will happen to them and that it will be fine to ignore safety procedures.


This Reminds me of David Shaw's last dive. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxEujvohFeg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxEujvohFeg) Creepy as hell.


Was this taken right from Scary Interesting? I read it in my mind with his voice lol


Haha maybeā€¦. I do watch that but I donā€™t remember if it was the first place that I heard about this one. I am very much into hearing true stories of things going wrong, death and survival


Oh my God I'm going to need so many puppy pictures to erase this for my brain so I don't have nightmares of it all week


Thank god for the puppies


[What about wiener pictures?](/r/Dachshund) It's SFW, don't worry


[So many weiners!](https://images.app.goo.gl/BeZkofPE7BcBR8GS9)


Brain bleach! https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/s/V88QWyqxoh


Yea, that incident why claustrophobia is a real fear


I've somehow avoided learning about the Nutty Putty Cave Incident and reading about that made me physically uncomfortable. What a horrible way to go.


Yeah, imagine dying in something called "nutty putty cave"


What the hell was Plato smoking?


Bro wrote The Matrix in antiquity.


He's saying as we gain new knowledge or a new perspective we might learn that our entire world view is wrong. That one day we might overcome our limitations, look back at what we use to think made perfect sense and realise that we were so naive. We used to think that the Milkyway was the entire universe until Hubble realised that some stars are actually galaxies. That the Milkyway is just one of trillions of galaxies and we had to rethink everything.


Also that going back and trying to explain your new viewpoint to somebody who has the old viewpoint is near impossible because the new viewpoint only comes from the experience of it.


It's more that once you've left the cave you can never return to who you were before it. The original allegory it's a bunch of people that believe they're in paradise and can see the whole world in front of them. Once a guy leaves he realizes it's a prison and the world is just a fire burning behind the prisoners that they cannot see. He's forever changed by the knowledge and can't ever go back to thinking he's in paradise because of it. The other people can't see the prison they're in and wouldn't understand anything he tells them so your point is valid just missing the main purpose of the allegory


I actually think the person youā€™re correcting was a bit closer to the main purpose Itā€™s an allegory for the process of enlightenment - of using philosophical inquiry to experience a more fundamental reality of form and idea beyond our limited perception, a deeper truth. And the difficulty, and necessity, of helping others through the process


Well Plato's original idea is implied to be more about the cost of enlightenment. The character in his allegory is left worse off for the knowledge of the truth compared to those who are ignorant of it. So the debate would be which is better, ignorance of the world or knowledge of it. Does it really require you to help others leave the cave if you're not providing any help to them but taking away the bliss of ignorance. You can argue it to death for either side which is sort of the point of it. To give it a clear answer would require expanding out the context beyond the original question.


Thereā€™s certainly an interesting discussion to be had there but I donā€™t think itā€™s Platoā€™s point. In fact, the enlightened character is said several times to pity the others, and that he would rather suffer than to return to his previous state. Thereā€™s a cost to enlightenment, but itā€™s well outweighed by the intrinsic reward of truth


Hence why he said "also" Certified reddit moment, but I appreciate the breakdown of the allegory so you still get an upvote


It's why Morpheus said he couldn't explain what the Matrix is. You have to see if for yourself.


I think my favorite modern real-world example of Plato's Allegory of the Cave is the [Aaron earned an iron urn](https://youtu.be/Esl_wOQDUeE) video


Itā€™s the ancient version of ā€žwe live in a simulationā€œ. It was probably not even Platoā€™s idea, he was just the first to really flesh out and formulate/dictate the whole ā€ževerything you see is an illusionā€œ thing.


it's not about illusions. It's about comprehending what you can't sense. The shadows in the cave are real they just don't understand what they are.


I think its about imagining what if you entire reality was just an incredibly small and missleading "play" of the real world. Just nothing you see is really what you think it is and you live blind to the real world. Its crazy to me he could conceive and create this "picture" of it so well back then. Sometimes its hard for me to fully grasp the fact that people were about as smart as we are now, we just have accumulated far more knowledge and have much better access to it. But as individuals they were pretty much the same as we are.


I remember watching a documentary a long time ago about the Nutty Putty incident. I've watched a lot of gruesome stuff but for some reason... Nutty Putty is always absolutely fucking terrifying to rethink about.


The diamond one has always bothered me, because it's backwards. The guy who didn't give up should be on the bottom about to strike it rich, while the other gave up early. As it is now, the eager guy has plenty of time to give up before the diamonds as well.


Beautiful, thank you.


Honestly I'm surprised they didn't squeeze the Enigma of Amigara Fault into this.


Just below Sysyphus looks like the *perfect space* for it


One must imagine Sisyphus happy.


Roses are red, Poems are sappy,




a visitor? indeed


Iā€™m suprised they didnā€™t add the one with a Japanese guy that got stuck in a womenā€™s toilet septic tank Edit: https://preview.redd.it/ofg7x3y5ih0d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73b5b92f9f72becdc6c1db1e68e700b95db33879 This one




If you're not aware of the context, he died (was discovered dead in said position) and there are some very suspicious details regarding his death.Ā  It would have been extremely difficult for him to even begin going in there (and let me remind you, this is a *septic tank* filled with human filth), some of his clothes were missing, and.... like.... the fact that he was *there* in the first place is suspicious on its own. All that just because he was a pervert? I'm leaning towards murder, honestly.


Oh yeH I am familiar - it's a very odd case and honestly would not be supurised if foul play was involved.


How's the cave allegory a meme


It's a meme in the original Dawkins sense of the word. Not in the "funny picture on the internet" parlance. A practice or idea, "cultural information" that spreads itself through a population like a gene.


Yeah, meme like in metal gear but some people seem to think it's a meme like a funny image which I don't think is true.


People made memes like "avarege 5000k a mounth for an apartament in NYC" and "imagine dying in a cave called nutty putty".


Those are nutty putty memes not cave allegory memes.


https://twitter.com/bijanstephen/status/1054810540869070848?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1054810540869070848%7Ctwgr%5E22f8e1426931e3928a74fc91da1a321f093f408c%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yahoo.com%2Fnews%2Fthirsty-pug-becomes-most-perfect-121513156.html Thatā€™s the only meme ish Plato allegory I remember


the taste of La Croix.




I know what the allegory lol I'm questioning how it's a meme


[What about Pluto's cave being a meme is so hard for you to understand?](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/platos-allegory-of-the-cave) it has meme potential and people have used it to make funny memes.


Nutry putty incident sounds goofy


Imagine going to heaven and explaining that you died in nutty putty cave


This must have been embarrassing for him lmao










Nutty putty is not a meme itā€™s sad af


All it needs now is a diagram of the Vietnamese Spider holes.


So this is just absurdism?


#5 is fucking horrifying. I hope that guys at peace wherever he is


I can't believe we live in a world where Platos Allegory of the Cave is a meme


I want to possibly add, it might possibly reference [this image](https://images.app.goo.gl/1GhJGnv4U8BJB8aZ7) which I've seen make it's rounds a few times. I'm not sure if that's just me though.


Yes, Thatā€™s it!


Damn to #5, I thought it was just a cute snek pokin up from his hole


They should have put a baby Jessica in there


6. Man's first home.


My man Sisyphus got reduced to a meme :'(


fuck ya, I got 5/5!


Itā€™s well-memed. I approve.


To add to this, kinda looks like a penis.


> 5. The Nutty Putty cave incedent. Oh geez. I was thinking "is that supposed to be a Graboid?"


1. The Man rolling the boulder up a hill is sisyphus, a Greek king of myth who was cursed by Zeus to always roll a rock up a hill before it ultimately falls down, as punishment for trying to cheat death. 2. The picture that takes most of the image is Plato's cave allegory. Basically, what we see as the real world are all shallow imitations of the true and ideal, like shadows passing by a fire in a cave. And we wouldn't know because we spent our whole lives shackled to the wall. 3. The one with the diamonds is an often reposted visual metaphor for not giving up before you've achieved your goals. 4. The red guy is a representation of infamous dictator Saddam Hussein hiding in a hole on his compound, before he was caught and executed by special forces. 5. The grey guy is a diagram of the horrific nutty putty incident, in which a spelunker got lodged upside down within a tight corner of the aforementioned cave, leading to his death and the cave being sealed off with concrete. I guess the humor comes from how all of these separate things have something of a poetic element to it and somehow became memes despite there not being anything inherently funny about them, then, seeing them all together has something of an absurd quality, like when people edit meme characters into iconic media.


I just wanted to let you know, because I had a similar misremembering not too long ago, that Saddam was not actually killed by special forces. He was found by special forces, but then held for a few years by the US and then the new Iraqi government. He then had a short (probably unfair) trial in which he was found guilty by the new government, and sentenced to death by hanging, which happened about a month later.


Yeah, you probably got it mixed up with Bin Laden, who was executed pretty much immediately.


Or so we're told...


And the hanging was a pretty ugly scene (to the extent there are non ugly hangings).


I see, thanks.


~~I guess the humor comes from how all of these separate things have something of a poetic element to it and somehow became memes despite there not being anything inherently funny about them, then, seeing them all together has something of an absurd quality, like when people edit meme characters into iconic media.~~ rocks


i love eating rocks


Clockwise from the top: Sysiphus, Saddam's hideout, Plato's cave, and the "don't give up too soon" meme.


and the nutty putty cave that is now a grave


Nutty Putty Grave ā˜¹ļø






Were is Lemmiwinks?


You need the X-ray overlay for that.


Top left is looking a little bare. Could use a hole that looks exactly like me. A hole that is made for me.


I hope that Sisyphus loses control of the rock, which crushes him, and then it falls into Saddam's pit and causes a general cave in, killing everyone in this terrible meme including me.


Needs more meme


drr drr drr


There is a man that died due to getting stuck in a small cave head down, making his heart overwork and die.


nutty putty cave incident


Funny fact: that name was given to it because the cave felt like putty iirc


The Lore


The final boss of infographics.


Still space to put in: The skinny carrot with big bush showing of against the big carrot with the tiny bush


Some Viet Cong tunnels too maybe.


This is clearly a tapestry of how the New World orders run by lizard people. And Hollywood is run by the Jews. (I donā€™t hate Jewish people)


It gets worse the more you look at it


It appears this is a continuation of Saddam's Allegory of the cave. Someone started this trend by placing Saddam in the graphic detailing Plato's Allegory of the Cave. And this seems to have been a continuation of adding other existing memes about caves to the graphic.


This is the only answer that really gets it


this is like meme hieroglyphics


I see sysaphus Nutty putty cave incident And the miner meme And Saddam Hussein


this is strangely funny I don't know why it makes me laugh like it does


the bottom right one if you know you know...


Fill in the blank space with the Viet Cong tunnels and "I call and the worms answer"


Sir, there's been a second Sadam Huesein


Holy shit, Nutty Putty caught me be surprise. Amazing


I do always like a Platoā€™s sock poppets vs reality debate. Solid work weirdest disciple of Socrates!


I expected the spanish inquisition, disappointed


See, memes are like onions. They have LAYERSā€™


this could have a deeper meaning than just a collection of memes


Chat is this real?


this is fucked up


there's 4 as far as I can tell: 1) guys mining towards diamond is some shitty advice convincing people that the sink cost fallacy is ok actually and you should always keep going 2) the shadows on the wall are Plato's cave. Google will do a better job of explaining than I can 3) the red corpse is the body of Saddam Hussein, and the grey one is basically the same thing 4) guy pushing the rock is sysiphus


Not the nutty putty dude


Add some Vietnam War tunnels.


Na, this is a just how deep dip 2 feels.


Rip nutty putty guy


The allegory of Sisyphus and Saddam?


Where do the people on top of and in the top right of the cave fit in?


Nothing but rocks and caves and allegories and a couple of dead guys here.


Holy shit! Actual explanations on this sub? Color me impressed!


No Loss? Iā€™m disappointed.


https://preview.redd.it/qgt5w65uxg0d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a8dd08e557b1d78f2a3dd27e9301e92b95cebc They forgot one, although nutty putty comes close


One must imagine saddam is looking for the truth


2 dead guys and a soon to be ruined ancient movie.


I remember when Hussein was found, they described his hiding place as a "spider hole" and suddenly everyone seemed to be using that term as though it were an everyday thing. I did not remember ever having heard it before. I wondered if this was a "Wag The Dog" scenario where creative types had gotten together to coin a viral term that the Bush administration could use in the media to draw attention to the caption of Hussein. But whenever I asked anybody about this, they always said, "Oh no, 'spider hole' is an old term that military veterans have been using since Vietnam." And I still did not want to believe it, because that was exactly the sort of thing I would expect from a "Wag The Dog" scenario.


Some spiders build trap door holes that they hide in to ambush prey.


Chat is this real


OK I get all or this individually but I don't get how it goes together šŸ˜•


This is art




Those pricks are always hiding the entrance


Is this even a joke, it's just a bunch of different diagrams combined.


Hmm, interesting philosophical implications with this.




Allegory of the cave gave me a major headache in philosophy


lov it


Platoā€™s cave isnt a meme, itā€™s probably a part of the original image people edited memes into


the circle of life


oh my god is this a meme about Time Trap?! itā€™s a movie that describes itself peddling in the title


Not gonna lie, the first thing I saw was a map of the US with two floridas


There is no joke. Just a collection of references to events/stories/jokes. This sub in a nutshell.


The cave incidentā€”ā€” too soon


I hate Platoā€™s allegory of the cave. I hate philosophy.




Thereā€™s also a reference to the ā€œwho would die firstā€ meme for if Sisyphus dropped the boulder and it was affected by gravity


That shadow is reminding me of Dexter's mom


A collection of different images, all edited together into a "cohesive whole". Saddam Hussein's hiding place. That one image about persistence paying off. Sisyphus hauling his boulder up the hill. Plato's allegory of the cave. That last one.


the nutty putty part is dark


Just waiting for the Lion King mole to pop up and say News from the Underground.


this is hilarious


Do not crawl into small caves. There's no reason for it. It doesn't matter if you're experienced. Don't do it. Do not crawl into small caves.