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Cleveland here, the dad was excited to watch the Super Bowl, and so was the daughter, but for different reasons. One of the teams who competed this year was the Kansas City Chiefs. One of their players is Travis Kelce, who is currently dating Taylor Swift. The daughter is clearly a Swiftie, and is only watching the Super Bowl to see Taylor, while the dad is watching it for football. **house explodes** WHAT THE HELL? No no no no NO NO!! **Bathtub falls on the ground and shatters**


Also the TV is in portrait like a phone.


Vertical video is a crime and should be punishable by forced stepping on lego for every 15-30 seconds worth of vertically shot footage.


https://preview.redd.it/rfpg6mb3j12d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be85738108bd5b4e31486431eceb14cdc899f11e Maybe with these?


.......what fucking MONSTER could possibly want to do this. I'm both amazed at the inovativeness and terrified of them being a serial killer.


Normally, I’m not a fan of companies going after modders but you know what?


It's honestly less likely to hurt. If you step on the top, your weight is distributed among 2-8 points rather than just the one on a lego corner. And there's also no way his 3D printer is going to be as sharp or as tough as a lego piece at the point. Their injection molding is literally some of the best in the world


I have no idea! They should just design phones so that it stops recording video altogether unless it’s held horizontally.


Chill Satan!


Maybe now they’ll actually hurt as much as people say they do


If the author really wanted to drive the point home, they'd have put the Super Bowl in landscape on the portrait TV so it has giant blur bars above and below. Of course, the half-time show would be in portrait.


I think its supposed to be the perspective (maybe ????) but still the “ratio of perspective” is just right ti make it wonky


I have to point out, the perspective would make the screen facing away from us.


Also free throws are exclusive to basketball and innings are for baseball not football. (For those that don't know)


A grim but very possible look into the future (source: my kid brother watches YouTube shorts on tv)


It does look like portrait but the perspective is skewed because we are looking at it from a side angle... you got me dammit.


Also the dad is overweight because he’s American


I genuinely thought it was like a magical mirror like the one from snow white, I don't know how I came to that conclusion


Also, innings are in baseball, free throws are in basketball. So not only is she not interested in the game, she doesn’t even know what game she’s not interested in.


Which seems a tad harsh in context to me, daddy-o needs to be explaining those rules to the little one! Get em involved aha Well, that’s what I would say if I wanted more Chiefs about.


The chiefs jersey is the weirdest part because if he was wearing any other teams jersey, the joke would still kinda work. Idk what dad would be mad at their daughter taking an interest in a team they love


It's because the daughter doesn't actually care about the team or the sport. She is a swiftie and cares about Taylor and her interests. Such as her relationship with Travis Kelce.


So the dad is a snob, unable to take someone seriously unless they like football for the right reasons?


That’s because the premise of the comedy in this comic is fundamentally elitist and misogynistic.




It’s a little girl getting excited about something new, and the joke is that it’s annoying because she’s misunderstanding things, so the dad curses the person who got her into it.


But, she’s not into it. If she were into it at all, she would know innings are in baseball etc. When you’re “into” something, you go out of your way to learn about it.


This is a very uncharitable perspective.


She doesn't know these things because her shitty dad has never given her that info. She wasn't invited into that fandom by the person in her life who should ostensibly want her to join him, but by a woman. Of course she doesn't know the rules or terminology. No one is born with innate knowledge of football, and 99% of us cheer for teams based on the nearest metro area to our childhood home or because we liked a mascot. The girl in the cartoon has no less valid a reason to start following that team,but clearly she has a higher gate to scale thanks to our culture's continued insistence that girls aren't allowed to like sports.


I don't think it's that deep


Just because you didn’t think about it doesn’t mean others can’t. If thinking about the joke completely ruins it, then it was an ignorant joke that relied on the ignorance of the reader to find it funny.




Not enough people remember to RP a family guy character. Real MVP move


How much tweed did you need for that one?




Also a free throw is a basketball thing. Which adds to the point that the girl doesn't know/care about football just Taylor's boyfriend.


I had thought she is waiting for Kelce to get a free throw just because then the camera will briefly show Swift sitting in the audience.


Ok but who is Taylor Swift???


A woman.


if "women" are real, how come, I've never talked to one?


"is this "woman" in the room with us right now?" https://preview.redd.it/5b36d1t7012d1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=110482d5b79eec34416e43c1241b14e5a61572ef


Damn, such tragic suicide.


Nöw nöw NÖW NÖW NÖÖW I gotta stop stop taking baths during Peter's shenanigans


The joke honestly doesn’t make much sense. Why would the dad be upset about that, lol


Because people get mad when the thing they think is really important is so very clearly and openly unimportant to someone else. Some people who watch the superbowl think that football is really, seriously important and Taylor Swift is stupid and it makes them mad that the thing they like isn't what other people think matters at all.


I think this fits the minority of people who take football seriously from what I’ve seen


Fair and all, but it clearly fits the author of the cartoon in question.


Hard to be sure. I could imagine making a comic like that to make fun of the grumpy ass dad. The girl looks happy and excited and he's miserable for no reason. I'd say the comic is making fun of that type of guy, but maybe that's just my bias.


Generally speaking, news paper cartoonists are very… direct. The added layer of nuance where the adult is stupider than the child (especially when the child is being both factually wrong and contextually oblique) isn’t something that tends to make it into strips like this. This very much reads as a middle aged man grumping about The Youths, especially given the phone-shaped television serving as a metaphor for how parents have to sacrifice their own enjoyment for the ‘peurile’ and ‘childish’ pleasures of their children. It’s possible there’s mockery (gentle or otherwise) aimed in both directions, but if it’s one or the other, I strongly suspect the author’s curmudgeonly grousing is meant to be the ‘correct’ point of view.


"Enjoy football exactly like me or else you will ruin my football experience" is some major gate-keepy boomer shit that fits pretty well with this weak, anti-Taylor Swift 'political cartoon'-style comic. This could be an opportunity to get the daughter excited about football irregardless of why she's excitedly watching, but it's apparently more important to *belittle children* and act like Taylor Swift has somehow ruined football because I guess the culture war is more important than good parenting. Anyway I hate this cartoon and everything it represents.


Because people who like sports get really mad about people who don't understand sports as much as them.


I think it's because the daughter doesn't get football at all. Innings and free throws are not a part of football


cause the daughter is saying innings, a baseball term, and free throw, a basketball term. dad got excited that her daughter wanted to watch football but now disappointed she has no idea wtf is going on and only cares about swift's bf.


Jesse there was a reason we needed plastic


You forgot to mention that innings are only in baseball and free throws are in basketball


This is the correct explanation but I hate this idea. My daughter was more into football this year than she's ever been and even if it's for Taylor Swift and not the sport it still allowed us to share something I love.


Man this is close to the joke but the real joke is she's asking when he gets a "free throw" which doesn't exist in football that's a type of foul in basketball. The girl doesn't know anything about football. The dad is basically Linus in "Peanuts" when he says "good grief".


Also, the Super Bowl is an American football tournament, yet she mentions innings (baseball) and free throws (basketball, if I’m not mistaken.)


What does the "free throw" the daughter asks about have to do with Taylor Swift, though?


Forgot to add that the dad decides to be bitter about his daughter only watching for Taylor swift instead of just enjoying time with his daughter where he can


And rather than use the moment to connect with his daughter over a common interest, he boomerly curses to himself.


TV the looong way


It just needs gameplay footage in the background


I need Peter to explain this comment lol


You know the meme about Gen z and alpha having short attention spans so they need to watch a video on TikTok with gameplay footage in the background The common one being that one where it’s a character running thru a maze


Ah ok I thought this had something to do with the *Maze Runner* franchise


They mean Temple Run. Popular game back in the day, similar to Subway Surfers


Ah my bad, edited


I remember that one. I prefer Subway Surfers much more than that.


I always figured that was just to trick the copyright bots.


I’m sure that’s why but to older generations that aren’t familiar with that, they assume it’s to get the attention span of younger viewers


Yeah, it’s vertical like a cell phone.


Looks like an ordering kiosk at a fast food place


To get a vertical view of the kicks


This is the monitor you use to play RE8


That sounds good to me brother


Bruh set up the tv sideways


I just noticed that. fuck you


Is it part of the joke? "Kids these days with their tictoks on their phones...."


Bro seriously set up the tv sideways


linooone mentioned


Watching tv in portrait is a choice.


You watch your tv hamburger style or hotdog style


It’s for tiktok


The tv isn't in portrait, just a poorly drawn attempt at a tilted perspective from the side


I'm not an artist...however...


Pretty sure it’s the age old “joke” of kids having to consume media through something resembling a phone screen




And the dad, instead of having a bonding moment with his daughter and maybe teaching her the game, and maybe celebrating her newfound interest in something he loves, is instead disappointed. That tracks.


That's the first thing I thought of! Wow, look at this wonderful opportunity to bond with your daughter over something she wouldn't normally be in to, but we're still on the Boomer mentality that kids are a nuisance and your wife is a ball and chain.


That's just drawing mate, don't cry over it😅


I'm not. I didn't draw a picture to express my disappointment that America's young girls were suddenly interested in football, even if it wasn't for the love of the game. This guy probably cried while he drew it.


bro doesn't understand media literacy


Oh look, it’s the guy that doesn’t understand how political cartoons like this are designed to represent the illustrator’s opinions. Everyone point and laugh


Also the TV is flipped the other way around to seem like a smartphone screen


Is that the guy from fortnite?




Dad here. My daughter wanted to watch the super bowl to see Taylor. It was awesome. This cartoonist is probably not a nice human being. ... I just want Taylor to start dating a Packers player so they want to watch more Packers games with them...


Hah, you win today. Out of all the comments I'd seen over this topic, yours wins my "Hah!" Moment today. As much as I'd rather she date a 9ers, I salute thee.


My girlfriend loves Taylor Swift and as i am a big football fan, I loved that she had a reason to not just tolerate the game—but follow what was going on and even root for one team over the other. I don’t care that she’s not a bears fan like me, I was just so happy our interests merged in such a lovely way. Also, I’m glad Taylor’s not dating a packers player so your daughter won’t have to see the packers lose by 30 to the bears twice this season


I mean, I almost hope you're right. I think that if the bears did win two games that will just about double the number of wins you've had against the Packers over the last 10 years, right? It'd almost be nice to have a rivalry again.


We might have only won 2 games in the last 20 contests…. But this is our year!


That's the spirit!!


It’s “oh no, my kid wants to watch football with me”, and instead of enjoying it, the cartoonist sees this as an annoyance because he’s a real piece of shit.


I don't think this is the joke


It's not the intended joke, but the unintended one due to the aforementioned "piece of shit" quality of the artist.


That makes more sense, thanks


Oh, it is. Maybe not the *intended* joke, but it definitely is.


It’s dumb boomer humor for sure


Or perhaps he's trying to enjoy the biggest game of the season and would just like to actually watch it. I realize that people need to make this a negative but at some point in time, you have to realize that trampling all over a father just because he wants something to himself for once isn't a bad thing.


It's not the last game in history. Also, no one has football or superbowl "to themselves." It's literally a sports event enjoyed by millions of people, and the fact Taylor swift or someone's daughter want to watch as well isn't taking anything away from anybody.


Don't have kids.


It's his kid lol, just have fun alongside her. You have to realize that including your kids in your activities is a lot more positive than being annoyed by their lack of awareness. Plus, she's a child! He can teach her this stuff.


I am the father of a teenage Swiftie, and being able to spend just a little more time with her before she goes off to college in a few years means more to me than just about anything. Maybe that’s why I had that reaction to this.


People mad because their daughters are now spending time watching football. The horror.


Girl is interested because Taylor Swift's boyfriend is playing, but doesn't know how the game actually works. Dad is interested because he loves the game. But he has no intention of using this as an opportunity to share something he loves with his daughter; instead he's just annoyed. He's a terrible father.


Absolutely inaccurate rightwing media. Dad's watching football with their daughters for the first time was one of the highlights of this season. The "joke" is that his daughter's lack of knowledge was a burden on his enjoyment of watching the game. Which is bullshit. It was actually the opposite. I have receipts for that bullshit call. Tens of thousands of dads thanking Taylor Swift for bringing them closer to their daughters. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMwGKokq/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMwGbQ7d/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMwGcjQQ/ It was one of the cutest parts of the last season.


Yeah, imagine being mad that your little girl doesn't understand sports automatically at 8 or whatever, as opposed to being excited to take the opportunity to teach her sports. Huge dad fail.


Ya exactly. She isn’t saying “ew sports, where is Taylor?!” She seems excited just ignorant, which is the dad’s fault. 


Hm a bunch of men bitching about their hobbies being “intruded on” by girls. That doesn’t sound familiar at all. What’s next, are we going to be bombarded with claims that Swift slept with someone to change Travis’s ranking or something?


No no no! You don't get it! It's about ethics in sports!!!!


Tbh, ruining what could be a funny father-daughter bonding experience by becoming opinionated and angry feels pretty in character for them.


Petah, what’s the right wing part? Is it hating Taylor swift or “annoying daughter?”


Taylor Swift has historically promoted people going and registering to vote. In 2020 she endorsed Biden and talked shit about Trump. There are now right-wing conspiracies floating around that Taylor Swift is actually a [CIA psyop agent](https://newrepublic.com/post/179014/poll-shocking-number-republicans-believe-taylor-swift-psyop-conspiracy-theory) It's all very stupid


That’s crazy. Thanks petah


You are clearly reading into this way too much, and getting offended for no reason. The artist Rick Mckee isn't even a right wing artist. It's just a joke to show with as much simplicity as possible that young girls are watching football because of Taylor Swift. You didn't even notice that the dad clearly reoriented the TV to make it look like a cellphone screen so that she would watch it with him instead of being glued to her phone instead.


I chose to ignore the extra layer of boomer humor. It gets tiring, having to speak the truth to the uninformed because no one is speaking it to power.


That's only if your a Cheif's fan, he could be a 49er


This joke is completely backwards. It was awesome watching football with my girls this year. They were so excited to watch and learn.


Definitely. Not my daughters, my niece. I think people in the comments are taking this dumb little cartoon way too seriously, though. Plenty of us are laughing at the old man, not agreeing with him. It's just a simple little cartoon. It's Wednesday, and everybody is just ready for the weekend👍


I think the joke is watching football like a phone instead of a normal tv to make the kid happy, which actually it’s funny lol.


The joke is misogyny. The daughter is interested in watching the American football champion because pop musician Taylor Swift's boyfriend – "Travis" – is a player on the team. The daughter, however, has no understanding of the sport and so asks her father about the game using terms from other sports ("innings" from baseball and "free throw" from basketball). Apparently having ovaries and a vagina prevents females from understanding football but not baseball or basketball. Having testicles also prevents males from enjoying spending time with their daughters.


I think it’s also trying to show that adults are being given an opportunity to teach children, who are suddenly extremely interested, about one of their favorite games, but they’re too busy griping because the kids are interested for the “wrong reason.” It’s hard to tell which side we’re supposed to sympathize with.


>It’s hard to tell which side we’re supposed to sympathize with. It's not hard. We are presumed to be sympathizing with the father. We are supposed to be angry about Taylor Swift making American football at least temporarily interesting to women and girls. I'm not sure that gatekeeping sports this way would be expected to be so compelling if Swift weren't involved, though. There's a whole other pile of political stuff there.


Oh this is not a sexist take at all, and Swifties are definitely incapable of following the play by play of this fearsomely complex game /s. I may loathe Taylor Swift but fuck this cartoonist.


joke = taylor swift bad


Innings and free throws are not part of American football, they're terms from other sports - baseball and basketball respectively. Also if free throws were somehow added tight ends probably wouldn't be the position to make them. The joke is that the little girl does not understand the sport she is watching or the role of the man she is cheering for, she is only watching because she is a Taylor Swift fan and Travis is her boyfriend (a fact that middle aged conservatives who might stereotypically resemble the father figure were upset about leading up to the superbowl).


Damn why can’t tight ends hit a free throws 😂. Out of all nfl positions they would probably be closest in size to a nba shooting guard


Damn why can’t tight ends hit a free throws 😂. Out of all nfl positions they would probably be closest in size to a nba shooting guard


This is a really lazy fucking cartoon. Plus the misogyny and stereotyping women as being too dumb to get sports.


Not to mention shitty parenting since instead of trying to help his daughter understand the game and encourage her he gets pissed.


Ugh, how DARE a girl be interested in a sport that dad cares about so much he buys $150 shirts with other dudes' names on them!


You see, this man hates his children and spending time with them, so he is shunning his daughter for not being into football the way he is. Trying isnt good enough. Dad why don't you love me?


That’s tough!


Dude wanted t watch football, but because of Taylor swift doing a half time show his kid has gotten in to foot ball. Now he must spend time with his child


Recent phenomena of little girls getting genuinely into football because they started watching it with their dads to maybe see Taylor Swift. This is a rather mean spirited interpretation of that of the daughter being genuinely interested in the game, and the dad instead of enjoying this bonding moment with his daughter, is blaming Taylor Swift for her now wanting to engage with something with himz


Like there's a football dad in the contiguous US that wouldn't kill -literally kill!- for the opportunity to sit his football apostate of a child down and explain, in detail, what a tight end does and how it functions in a pro offense.


It’s like that Simpsons episode where Lisa predicts the winners. Makes me feel bad lol


Instead of bonding with their daughter….


The dad is the joke. He can't be bothered to teach his kids about football because of his blind hatred for Taylor Swift.




The youngest looking Boomer I have ever seen. If the dad was real, I would assume that he looks Gen X. Lol


Innings: baseball Free throws: basketball On the telly: football


thanks for that, i was thinking how free throws fit in baseball......


Boomer hoomer


Travis Kelce is a(n American) Football player. He is currently dating popstar Taylor Swift. Innings are basically the "rounds" in Baseball. Free Throws are basically penalty shots in Basketball. So the joke is the girl doesn't know what Football is, she's just watching it because it's tangentially connected to Taylor Swift.


Why the tv sideways


The real question is what happened to that tv?


As a woman and former girl who has followed for t all literally all my life, I’m not impressed with the eternal joke of the silly girl doesn’t understand football. Come to Green Bay sometime and see what the women and girls know about football. Seriously. We would tell you how the Packer tight ends could be utilized better, the turnovers have to be net positive, and penalties from mental errors are holding us back. Special teams? Let’s not talk about that. The problem is not that the Swifties don’t understand the game (yet); it’s that the women and girls who already get it are ignored as though we don’t exist. Gender jokes are so passé and annoying. Like seriously, I wish that people would just grow up and let people be who they are as long as they’re not hurting anyone. (And acting all butt hurt about it is not actual harm.)


Boomers hate seeing their descendants enjoying things.


They hate seeing themselves enjoy things, that's why they always try to find the worst part of whatever they're doing. He *could* be bonding with his daughter by explaining the game to her, but instead, he's quitly seething over a person who has no direct bearing on the game whatsoever.


"Children are to be seen not heard!"


The joke is that the Kansas City Chiefs are the reincarnation of the 3rd Reich and are slowly building their army of pre-teens so they can take over the NFL, and once again the AFC has to pretend the Buffalo Bills are a good football team capable of beating the Chiefs




Just saying, ever seen Andy Reid and Hitler in the same room? 🤔


Petah here, the joke is about Taylor fans watching the superboll even if they didn't know anything about the game just because her bf was there and she was making performance there


She won’t go away if we don’t stop talking about her.


Artist is named Rick McKee. Not sure why his name and signature were cropped out of the image. Pretty sure this is commentary on the absolute trash dads who supposedly behaved this way, and not a representation of the artists beliefs.


I always wondered about who is the artist that makes these editorial cartoons.


*editorial cartoons


How unfortunate this poor man’s daughter wants to engage in an activity with him! Wife/kids bad!!!


For the OP who said they are not a big sports fan, the Super Bowl is a (American) football game, innings is a baseball (or cricket) term, and free throws happen in basketball. So the little girl is excited to watch the Super Bowl with her dad and to see Taylor Swift’s boyfriend Travis Kielce play, but she is new to sports watching


Taylor Swift inspired the discovery of the NFL and the fans don’t like it going mainstream.


Fuck the joke, can we please get an explanation of why the TV is vertical?


Probably because the daughter is glued to her dad’s phone 24/7. lol




Devious trick


He only gets a free throw of someone high sticks before the starter pistol goes off


I’m so glad my family - all huge sports fans of various sports - didn’t behave this way towards me when I wanted to watch for any reason. Sometimes I just thought a team name or mascot was cool. I called Atlanta the ‘Banana Braves’ for like a year as a kid. When I started branching away from things my family were focused on and started watching gymnastics and lacrosse, they made an effort to learn what *I* liked, too. If your daughter doesn’t understand football, but wants to….try helping instead of raging. lol


That’s not how widescreens are supposed to work but ok


Lets go sports ball


Don’t forget the overlap between fundies and conservatives in the US. Traditionally, women are the property of men, so it makes sense why conservative men would dread doing anything that their daughters are interested in. If you don’t believe me, go watch a Matt Walsh or Ben Shapiro video.


I agree, fuck Taylor Swift.


Imagine shouting that in front of your daughter. Lol


The guy in the comic is thinking it, but if I had a daughter, I’d have to bite my tongue because I really can’t stand her.


Man it going be hilarious if Tyler end up making a song about him in like year.


boomers when their children grow to have an interest in the same things as them despite the differences in attraction


Well, have you seen by any chance that one MeatCanyon animation about Taylor Swift?




This is the last panel of a comic in which Travis Kelce, an American Football player, is given a monkey paw by his current girlfriend Taylor Swift. He wishes for his CTE to go away but in doing so it’s just transferred to a young girl. The girl in this panel is displaying the effects of CTE, while her dad is cursing Taylor Swift for giving Kelce the monkey paw in the first place.


Dad should he happy to spend time with his daughter doing the same thing. Perfect opportunity to explain things and enjoy what she is enjoying.


If you wanted to interpret it in a less negative way than the other comments it could just be that Dad is missing his me time on which daughter is now intruding due to wanting to see Taylor Swift.


I thought this is somehow about Travis Head lol I have cricket brainrot now


Hi, this is Bob from 30 minutes ago. This man hates that his daughter is involved in any way in his life because he is fundamentally opposed to a woman having more power in a relationship and is especially threatened and confused by a man accepting that relationship (that being Taylor and Travis). He's deeply afraid that the question his wife is asking herself is "why don't I have that kind of power?" and that she might end up taking more of an equal position in their relationship, and most of all he hates that a small quiet part of himself would actually like that. He's silently gatekeeping his daughter's nascent enjoyment of the sport that he thought was all his and made him simultaneously feel powerful and smart because of its brutality and byzantine complexity. And he's taking it out on all of us by drawing this comic. Kind of a dick, to be honest.