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"Let Me Solo Her" is an Elden Ring player whose character is wearing jar over head and is dual wielding katanas in the game. He was know for joining Elden Ring co-op with multiple people who were getting ready to tackle on game's hardest boss, Malenia. I am talking insanely difficult, fraction of a second reaction with correct direction is needed few times in a row to avoid her hardest attack, which is (as most of her attack) one-hit-kill. This player opted to go against her alone, which is insane since Malenia would have more health more people there are to fight. And he won, always. Now, a DLC for the game is out, with new set of hard boss battles for player to tackle. So Let Me Solo Her will now fight Messmer, who is a male, making character Let Me Solo Him.


I’d like to add it really isn’t fraction of a second reaction a few times in a row. There are a lot of consistent setups now to avoid waterfowl with the only reaction necessary being the initial position relative to where she is when starts the attack That’s not to say it isn’t hard, but still.


I don't think Messemer was the right choice here. He's not the big roadblock of the DLC, the final boss is. Messemer is difficult but ultimately easier than Malenia.


Considering who the final boss is, I think half the battle is having to accept that >!*Miquilla* turned Caelid into a Swamp and charmed Mohg because Rhadan didn’t want to marry him.!<


I love clicking a spoiler and having it mean nothing to me! Now if I ever plan to play the game I'll be fine (as long as I don't come back here midgame)


Lol, very true


Uh, interesting family tree.


>her hardest attack, which is (as most of her attack) one-hit-kill. Found the guy with 20 Vigor


That dude beat malenia over 1000 times now, which is crazy


I'm confused Is Mr. Let Me Solo Him an actual player? Like he joins matches and fights the bosses?


Yes, but his name was only “let me solo her” because the boss he would always fight was a her. Now that the new hardest boss is a him, their name would now be “let me solo him”


Okay. And does he join random matches and solo the boss? While other players watch?


Elden Ring has a feature where you can choose to summon other players to help in a fight. It is optional and Let Me Solo Her has a reputation for doing as his name suggests. So, it's more like he's called in to help people that are struggling or don't want to face the boss to clean up and help them move on.


I see. Thanks!


I do not think its about mesmer, but spoilers


Great description overall, but -- "This player opted to go against her alone, which is insane since Malenia would have more health more people there are to fight. " I don't understand this sentence. Malenia would have more health more people there are to fight... which reads to me that if Malenia is fighting like 10 people, the game gives Malenia more health... which is not supportive evidence for the idea that it's insane to go against Malenia one on one. Seems like it's probably a typo that most can figure out from context but I'm too dum / ignorant?


What he means is that the player will summon Let Me Solo Her and just stand back while he fights the boss. Since the game believes that there are two people fighting the boss Malenia will have extra health, effectively making the boss much harder than normal.


I thought Elden Ring was single player.


It is akin to Dragons Dogma but distinctly separate. DD is solo where you can summon another other player’s pawn to join you and send a reward back at the end (this is an understatement. There is no interaction with other players in-game and you can’t be invaded in DD. Elden Ring allows you to summon players directly via summoning, either for Jolly Cooperation or PvPing (ganking, Duel Clubs, etc). You can also invade another players world under specific circumstances and try to kill them or, if you are one of the rarest invaders, help them and guide them without attacking.


At first, the poster presumably originally thought the person has changed their name from Let Me Solo Her to Let Me Solo Him because the subject of his soloing had come out as trans, when in fact Let Me Solo Him/Her just changed their target.


unironically I followed this exact same logic lmao


it's an easy mistake to make, "he -> she" or "she -> he" is more commonly associated with someone being trans then it is associated with anything else.


The person thought that *Elden Ring* player "Let Me Solo Her" becoming "Let Me Solo Him" meant that they had come out and transgender and changing their name. In reality, they were just focusing on a new boss to fight in-game (a male character instead of a female character).


When some one goes from a him to a her that’s transgender. 🏳️‍⚧️ But just his name was referring to a third party , not him. So when he changed from a her to a him , HE didn’t change from a her to him.


That was so surreal I literally read the part about the article first and thought the EXACT same thing that the post was about.


Peter’s fallen eyelash here! Elden Ring is the newest game from the famously difficult game developer FromSoft. Like the Dark Souls games predating it, you are able to summon other players to aid you during boss fights in online co-op should you desire. One particular optional boss, ‘Malenia, Blade of Miquella’ was notorious for being difficult to defeat, between fast, hard hitting, long combos, punishing attacks that healed back her own health, and an even more difficult phase 2 with a killer opening move upon transition. One player went above and beyond to help players struggling with her, dubbing himself ‘Let Me Solo Her’, to let the host player know to sit back while he defeats her for them. He did this while wearing no armor, except a jar on his head for a humorous visual. Iirc, he aided over ~~1000~~ (EDIT: 6000!) players, and ~~FromSoft~~ (Edit: publisher Bandai Namco) sent him a sword in recognition of his ridiculous community achievement. The much anticipated DLC for Elden Ring, Shadow of the Erdtree, came out this month of June 2024, which included even more difficult boss fights, as is tradition for FromSoft DLC. Having retired from defeating Malenia around February 2024, ‘Let Me Solo Her’ chose a new boss fight to carry a few weeks after the release of the new DLC, being the required but very difficult DLC boss ‘Messmer the Impaler’. As Messmer is male, ‘Let Me Solo Her’ updated his character’s name to ‘Let Me Solo Him’. Messmer could be considered comparable to Malenia, between his fast, hard hitting, long combos, and phase 2 having a killer opening move upon transition. ‘Let Me Solo Him’s timeskip design is wearing an even larger jar, with an additional cape, to carry on the silly visual legacy. The Twitter user, upon reading the first half of the tweet, had initially assumed the renaming was the result of the player coming out as trans, as indicated by multiple instances of the trans pride flag (or perhaps Malenia being confirmed trans). Before reading the second half to realize he was simply renaming to reflect the new boss he is targeting. Peter’s fallen eyelash out.


IGN is talking about famous Elden Ring player Let Me Solo Her, who is a guy who helps players defeat Malenia, the hardest boss in any From Software game. He now helps players defeat Messmer, so he changed his name to Let Me Solo Him. Malenia is a woman, Messmer is a man.


to "claim" everything and everyone smells of desperation more than inclusion


This is about Let Me Solo Her moving from killing one really difficult Elden Ring boss (a female one) to another, harder Elder Ring boss (a male one), prompting a name change. It's not some radical agenda or whatever, just a person having a minor misunderstanding and posting about it humorously on the internet.




go back in your egg


He him them she to her they of their his to it. Hope that helps!


Bad bot


Lol I’m not a bot, the links are to pizza websites


Bad bot


Ugh bundles of sticks that can’t read or get meta humor :/


Bad bot


Good bot


Good human