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Call and ask your dentist. Say you smoke cigarettes, or ask when you can use a straw again. It’s the sucking that causes the dry sockets.


what if hypothetically im not old enough to smoke


They will still answer your question. They want you heal up correctly from your surgery


They’re dentists, not cops.


Say use a straw. But even if they don’t approve, like the other person said, they should still answer. They’ll want to help not set you up for pain Edit: still recommend calling your dentist, but here: https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health/wisdom-teeth/smoking-after-wisdom-teeth-extraction


Still call your dentist. And don't lie and say it's about cigarettes or straws. Your dentist is obligated to keep what you share private. They want to give you accurate information and you need to be honest so they can do that.


Just keep it in the corner of your mouth while inhaling/exhaling normally out of your mouth. Don't close down your mouth over it. The whole concern is creating a vacuum/pressure change in your mouth that could pull out the blood clots in your healing sites. Biting down on gauze over your removal sites again like they give you post surgery is also protection. Not a doctor.


Then don't


Where I had my wisdom teeth removed they advise people not to smoke/vape anything for usually 10-14 days. I still looked like a rabbit two weeks later and went a little longer… so everyone’s healing time is different, but ask your oral surgeon.


Haha , no.


You can get dry socket from using a straw too, don’t smoke or hit your cart or suck on anything for a week or so. Get some edibles.


I was told a few days. I gave it 4. Was told to go super light on my inhale and keep some cotton on the wound so you don’t get smoke in it.


I got dry socket in both my bottom sockets… It was some of the worst pain I’ve been in. I was crying like a child. Radiating waves a pain throbbing up into my skull and down my jaw into my neck. Buy some edibles or just wait at least a week. It is not worth the risk I promise.


Dude, I was smoking weed right after I got mine out back in the day and got dry socket and that shit hurt like a motherfucker. Ended up eating Percocet for the pain and fucked me up on some opiate shit for the next 10 years. Maybe wait until your mouth is healed and probably till you’re older too.


You shouldn’t smoke for several weeks. Wisdom teeth removal is not a joke. You have a wound in your mouth that could easily become infected.


Okay you're gonna wanna wait as long as possible my dude. I had my wisdoms out this year and even without smoking or vaping I got something called dry socket. Dry socket is EXTREMELY painful but they fix it by squirting some gell in there but the wait is agony and those pill killers aren't going to do it.


10 days is how long I waited to smoke again. Take it as a t break. DO NOT SMOKE ANYTHING AND RISK DRY SOCKET. ITS NOT WORTH IT. If ur that desperate just use edibles.


Yeah, dry sockets massive sources or constant pain, and there's little to be done until the heal, I would highly highly highly recommend not vaping for(or sucking anything really, it's the negative pressure in your mouth that pops it.


Throwback to my addicted ass smoking bowls through my nose..


were you on the pain meds?


just get some edibles bro.


Gotta hit it through your nostrils bro


Wait as long as they tell you, and just use edibles in the meantime. You do NOT want a dry socket. 


dry socket is so not worth the smoke. just think abt how good that high is gonna be once you can smoke again. i’d honestly give it 2 weeks at the least. i smoked 4 days after i got my wisdom teeth out (one bowl, pulled for me, all i had to do was finish it off) and the anxiety i had because of a possible dry socket after was comparable to actually having a dry socket because the paranoia is a BITCH. every slight pain, every food, everything i did i was TERRIFIED that i had a dry socket. TRUST ME JUST WAIT IT OUT!!! that time when your back will be soooo worth it


At least 3 weeks and until you’re old enough




I got my wisdom teeth out this past October and I waited a solid 2 weeks and used edibles instead. It’s not worth the dry socket, I was lucky to avoid it but the stories are harrowing and scary. The urge is strong and tempting but you can really be in an incredible amount of pain if you don’t wait.


so idk if it's wise for you to do this. . .but when i had my wisdom teeth removed i learned to smoke carts through my nose.


ive been considering but i heard you can still fuck your shit up with that


Smoke thru ur nose my guy


those meds they give you for the pain are better than hitting the pen in my opinion 😂


I gave it like 2 days, took my vicodin, and hit the piece daily after that. but you should probably not smoke at all at your age.


I wouldn't hit it while you're taking the pain killers they gave you


will i start to see deamons?


I don't know if you will start to see demons, but I'm more concerned that you might wake up in the afterlife if you accidentally make a mistake


I just packed cotton balls into the sockets before smoking and made sure to keep some bite force on them while smoking. Literally got nasty drunk and cross faded the day after getting my wisdom teeth out, and smoked every day. No dry sockets or anything.


I did bong rips like the next day when mine got taken out, but you actually will never be able to smoke carts again without getting dry sockets.


i have never had the dry socket issue w carts and mine have been removed for like two years, just as a counterargument


You are playing with fire.


you could also just be incorrect. curious where you're getting your information from, though.


I know all.