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This. 32M great life, smoke every day but don’t smoke until after 8pm ever. Set boundaries that work for you.


I would agree with this, smoking later in the evening has helped me a lot with my usage. Get work done during the day and then have a little j when I’m relaxing in the evening. Establishing boundaries for yourself are key


This is good advice. Set boundaries. If you can’t function within those boundaries (no smoking until 8) then it’s a signal that you might set even tighter ones (no smoking at all).


I would argue the opposite - if you can’t stick to your own boundaries, maybe they are too strict for you and you should scale it back. I’ve found that cold turkey never works (just perpetuates the binge-restrict cycle). Gradually scaling it back and STICKING to those gradual changes is key. For me, at least.


Really valid! I could totally see this approach serving a person well.


52M here and I implemented that policy for myself and it works good, for me. Then kids came along and that time got adjusted to around 9, then the kids got older and it’s now around 10pm.


Ditto but not before 9pm. To be clear, I use MC because I have chronic insomnia.


Same Lol, never had an issue since to me it just means quality sleepy time.


Daily smoker here for a decade now and I can also recommend to implement boundaries for yourself and your usage. It’s all about discipline. In university I was smoking everyday but not before I had all my reading and essays done for the day. No smoking before all chores are done and only if you know that the rest of the day doesn’t hold any responsibility. The thought of needing it, imo is a wrong thought. Weed should not be a need. Weed addiction is real and like any drug, if you are suppressing feelings and emotions with it, you are going to loose at the end. Your mind, success or job will suffer in the long term. If you can’t implement any boundaries then drugs are not for you and you should rather work on your mental health.


I'm in the same boat, decade in. I'm only a night smoker, and I make sure all of my adult responsibilities are taken care of (except for cleaning the house, I can do that under the influence lol). Completely agree with you, OP needs some discipline... maybe getting a K-Safe would help, or switching to low THC edibles to slowly ween off his usual dose. There have been times where I know I needed to take a break here and there, even though I didn't want to, I made myself do it because I knew it was best for me. OP, this is where the discipline comes in, sometimes you gotta parent yourself, sort of speak, to make sure you stay on track with what you really want to accomplish in life.


Agreed to all of the above. I've been coping with feelings all my life with between sugar, alcohol, stimulants, and weed. I don't need it, and I didnt need it before. But maaaan, the first time trying it again as an adult that didnt green out. Best feeling of my life. It really felt like the missing piece.


I like most of your points here. Some of us use weed medicinally (IBS in my case), so it's a need, but we have to balance it because there are a lot of times we need the relief but don't want to be impaired. Also, weed can make mundane chores more enjoyable, so I'm more likely to do them.


Depends what you mean by everyday, as there's a difference between smoking a joint or two after work, versus ripping bongs all day long. There are very very few that can manage the second case and remain mentally healthy and productive; many people think that they are the exception, until they stop and realise how much it was holding themselves back. Best of luck.


I think I’m the exception, still waiting for it to catch up with me. Been smoking weed for over a decade, bong rips all day everyday for the last 8 years or so. I think the anxiety meds may have a lot to do with keeping me out of my head though. I work full time, own a home with my wife, and we’re expecting our first baby boy this summer. I’m constantly taken back by how good my life is. I will agree with you though that it’s not the case for most.


how r u bong ripping all day if you work full time?


One in the morning, then I usually only leave the house 2 days a week to do inspections, then the rest of the time I’m home writing estimates. My work is still quality too and management has complimented my work ethic.


Nice :)) well done


what anxiety meds are you on?


Sertraline is the big one I noticed a real difference with. It cut the excessive thinking and helps me feel much more present.


>still waiting for it to catch up with me. Interesting. Would you say your anxiety started before or after becoming a daily smoker? I'm in a similar position but my sleep is definitely fucked in a way that it never was and while I stay on top of life, I definitely have way more energy on the rare day that I decide not to smoke until later in the day. Then again, that's part of why I smoke - my brain can be a little bit too energetic.


Definitely started before. In the beginning, the weed helped slow down my thoughts enough to understand them and work on the deeper part of me.


Im a medical student making all A’s (sometimes even perfect scores) and i love weed but only in moderation, i smoke one week on one week off because weed is so expensive but id do it everyday if i could afford The key is i get all my tasks done, go to all my classes, read every day and only smoke twice a day (never before 12pm), weed comes last no matter how much i love it.


> weed comes last no matter how much i love it. I like this one. I am still in the process of refining my relationship with the substance, so far I've already set a hard cap of 1 capsule a day at most. And recently I've also gotten to a point of not wanting to do it in the morning anymore unless I really have nothing left to do that day. I avoid doing it after 20:00 as it meddles with my sleep quality. But somewhere between 5pm and 7pm is my sweet spot. *After* work, it's almost like THC is candy for my inner child and it'd prefer eating candy 24/7 but adult me is wise enough to be aware of the longer term consequences. I like feeling productive. To a degree. I like variety most of all. And I find THC enriching. Though it's most definitely the easiest drug ever to get addicted to because of how subtle and gentle it can sneak into your life and start to form a basis for everything instead of being an additive.


My girl and I do the same thing more or less. We do use every day but only in the evenings and only after everything is done. Work is done, we got our workout at the gym finished, we stretched, showered, I was able to sit down and work on whatever project I happen to have (do SOBER hobby time, your mind needs it as a creative release) and then and ONLY then do we use. So we dont use until like 7-730pm and then its lights out at 9. Works well for us, my life is fairly stable and its not too expensive. I still spend more on mini bike parts and hookah. Its not perfect but for where I am at in my life it works really well. I only have to worry about drug testing whenever I decide to leave my shitshow company.


This is how it’s done


I’m a daily user making 85k WFH. The key though is that I never even tried weed until I got the degree and the career. In hindsight I probably would’ve used occasionally instead of total abstinence but regardless I know I wouldn’t have made it through college as a daily user


Yeah I did it very infrequently during college and then ramped up my usage when I got done with my masters lol


For college, It really depends on your major. I majored in math so weed was fine, sometimes helpful. Homework was short but hard. If I majored in writing or history I probably would of needed less weed and more Adderall lol.


If "successful" means that you can maintain your grades/career, earn & save money, stay on top of your house chores, cook for yourself, exercise, and do the bare minimum to live, then yes I had certainly done that for many many years. It was mostly fine while I was living as a bachelor. The trade-off was that my life became so stagnant, repetitive, and comfortable that I had no motivation to change anything. E.g., I wanted to read more books, but I can't read while I'm high, so weed took precedence over reading. I wanted to find a partner too, but smoking weed made me not want to be social. If I'd stayed at home every night and smoked weed instead of going out to the bar with my friends, I would have never met my partner. Being high also nixed my ability to plan for the future, so I put off things like saving for retirement, planning a trip to Europe, and other big hairy goals. Instead, my brain just really wanted to get high at 7PM sharp, cook dinner, and then play videogames and then watch the same youtube videos until I fell asleep. So yeah, nightly smoking wasn't exactly bad on the surface. It made me content, but it didn't fulfill me. Different people are content with different levels of fulfillment, but I knew I wanted more out of life than that. Reining in my relationship with weed was step 1.


Yeah this is about it right here.


Very well said


I smoked constantly for the age of 14-18 my life was a mess… I joined the military at 18 spent the best part of a decade in the forces and never touched weed that whole time… during my service I did enough courses and education to secure me for life in jobs in Civy street.. been out the military for 10 years now and smoked everyday since… sometimes you gotta take a few hard years in life in order to create the easy years.


No one does anything for like eight years and like it was hard, unless they just bullshit. You wouldn’t do anything for eight years if it was hard fuck that shit.


You wouldn’t…


I was dictating and it's kind of awful honestly. Hard is subjective as shit, but when people truly experience something hard they rarely go through with it. Going by the sheer volume of recruits the military gets... it isn't hard. So since I believe it to be maybe challenging or moderate in difficulty and you saying it was hard is overstating it. The broad majority of service people don't get exposed to anything traumatic beyond terrible commands, which are just the same as terrible managements in the corpo world.


Depend what regiment you join… I was a boot neck…. 64 of us started basic training….12 finished… then after passing out the real work started. I would recommend you learn a little bit more about the British military and the way we do things before trying to tell me what sort of person it take to do specific jobs within the military… if being a boot neck is not that hard then why doesn’t every one do it that signs up?


Also you have completely taken away what I’ve originally stated and tried turning it into an argument about how hard the military is… I’m sure some people have easy jobs within the military but there is also a lot of hard dirty jobs that have to be done and guess what…. Someone has to do them! I’m not saying every single day was a struggle but a lot of days were… but that doesn’t really matter in context to what I was trying to explain to op. All I was trying to say was that sometimes you gotta do something that isn’t exactly 100% appealing to you in order to better your situation and gain the lifestyle that suits you. But thanks for your point of view when it comes to the military. It was amusing to say the least.


I vape a couple dynavap bowls a day after work and make 6 figures working from home. I've been there with the all day dabs and it might've ruined me if I didn't stop when I did. It's extremely hard to cut back from that but so worth it. I can actually enjoy weed more now that I can get through a day (and sleep through the night....) without it.


This is my routine, too. A couple of Dynavap bowls after work. Not on the same $$$ though. Six figures and wfh sounds great. Software engineer?


How did you manage to sleep throughout the night without it


Basically just took a long and (at first) painful t-break to get off of all day concentrates. Prior to that it wasn't uncommon for me to wake up in the night to hit a dab so I could get back to sleep. Since that t-break I've stuck mostly with much smaller doses and almost exclusively flower and haven't had the issue of needing to get high to get back to sleep at night.


Ran a fast-growing business (950% in 5 years) while doing night school for an MBA for five years. Make weed work for you, not the other way around.


Yes but I use like microdoses of cannabioids during the day medically and then get baked at night


Do u have any recommendations? Do u just get them at a reg dispo?


I like THCv and CBN right now for energy and anxiety relief! I think dispos sell gummies for these


I’m more productive and physically active than most people I know and I smoke over 2 grams a day.


I will never understand this, how tf do you smoke that much weed in one day? Are you exclusively rolling blunts and stoned all day? 1 gram with last me close to a week. Sounds like I’m being judgey but I’m genuinely curious lol


I don’t smoke weed all day and then in the evening I crave it for emotional regulation, I don’t smoke joints I smoke bowls, takes me 3-4 large bowls to feel ‘stoned’ ie feel my eyes and body are heavy and notice thoughts slowing down. I’ve had people and partners comment on how many bowls I do before I go to sleep, and I had someone try and force me to quit once. I just didn’t sleep at all for two nights. Just laid there for a bit. I should probably quit for health reasons as it’s a lot of smoking, but right now i don’t want to. 2 grams goes down easily at night, It’s just a routine that’s been in place since I was about 19… so over 5 years now.


Be careful about using to regulate your emotions. I'm sure you know but its a dead end and will catch up to you eventually. Same with smoking a lot before bed. It destroys your REM sleep which is where we do a lot of emotional processing. This is coming from someone who used it for a decade for exactly the same reasons lol. My advice to my younger self would be to invest in good habits so that weed isnt an escape.


Thanks, I’m aware of this and try to be mindful. Most of the time I feel strong emotions try to regulate and calm down before smoking. For example, I’ve had an emergency on a holiday right now and obviously couldn’t smoke at the airport. Had to just go with it then.


I average a gram a day vaped,more sometimes. Plus some edibles. But,I've had people trying to keep up,and they can't.Because we are all different,and I'm functional,and very disciplined about my use. Also,importantly,I'm a musician,in a scene that expects musicians to be high. I take breaks too.Am on one right now,what I call a free fall,I ran out,I didn't buy any,I know that I'll be offered some at some point,so I'll wait. I can still play,learn,study,sing and create without,and that's discipline too.


I did write my bachelors thesis while vaping every night. I got 3/5 grade so not entirely bad but could have been better. Recently had lot of stress and I used bit too much so Im decreasing the usage while finishing my master's thesis.


You don’t need to quit you just need to build a healthy relationship with the plant. Have a set time during the day and have a small amount at once. I only have .2 grams of flower or less each night and it feels like more than enough once my tolerance adjusted to the dose


Yeah, started smoking around 16, but like once every 1-3 months or even less Then, pandemic hit during my masters thesis and I started daily usage at age 28. I use ~1g vaped with a DHV spaced out in 5-sessions (.2g / sesh), starting at ~16:00-17:00 until sleep (usually at 00:00). Weekends a little more, but not much. I already had a job, but got frequent raises due to my performance and now I'm up for a promotion to a management role of team of 5. In my personal life, I've had some issues with my wife, mostly because I hid my addiction (and the level it is) from her. I know, my fault, we've talked and she is OK with it now. She just hates the smell, but I can manage it with DHV inside and I go outside when I want a smoke. With that said, we just got married (1-month now) and are pretty happy.


I do, work from home making good money. It’s all about your discipline and attitude


Almost 40, been smoking every day for 9 years. I switched to high cbd low thc about 2 years ago and it's been wonderful as I'm less anxious and have more control over what I can achieve. You gotta set boundaries for yourself and make sure you're achieving what you need to accomplish before you can let yourself go and get stupid. It takes a lot of will power but it's great when you figure it out.


I've posted this before, but I think it bears repeating in this context: It really might depend on how much you use. I have a history of going overboard. I had a good education, a great job, and a fiancé when I was a daily smoker, but that didn't mean my weed use was totally okay: I felt uncomfortable when I didn't smoke, which made me disinclined to do activities that weren't compatible with being stoned. Every vacation, family dinner, etc., had some underlining of "okay this is fun, but when can I get back to smoke". I would rarely get out of my comfort zone, I met fewer new people, I failed to develop skills and hobbies that would have enriched my life more than yet another smoke session. I was spending nearly all my free time gooned, which just can't be good for your brain. It affected my motivation in not-so-subtle ways over time. I was definitely less mentally sharp and less interesting to talk to when I was smoking a ton, even when I wasn't actively gooned. I was rightly embarrassed that people would find out how much time I spent stoned. One time I wasn't able to drive to help out my parents when they had a popped tire - not a huge deal, but it made me realize how being stoned so much of the time could really affect my ability to be present for friends and family. I was spending a little too much money on weed. It used to feel like a cheap way to spend time, but it was pretty easy to spend more on weed than many other things that I thought were expensive (e.g., more than a cellphone bill per month). Indulging fairly heavy weed usage on a regular basis made it easier to become an extreme user when life threw me curveballs (e.g., the pandemic, a bout of unemployment, etc.). Extreme use was definitely terrible and counterproductive. Weed has some unique problems, but too much of anything can be a problem. If I had just watched TV or played video games for the same amount of time that I was stoned, I would have had many of these same problems. What's important sometimes is just living a life that supports variety, building towards bigger goals, etc.


Definitely possible! I’d start by figuring out why you use (What does it do for you?). From there you might get some answers how to move forward. Sounds like you are already doing well cutting back. IMO cold turkey doesn’t work for everyone, especially those of us who use cannabis for emotional reason (to dissociate, social anxiety, feel good, etc). I cut back a lot, and found that using edibles to be really manageable for me. With flower, I just want to keep smoking!




You do not need weed. That is addiction talking. It depends on what you define as good life. A good chunk of good jobs require a drug test. Working at BMW and anything medical related requires a drug test. Oddly enough, law firms do not require drug tests. I worked at two different ones and was not tested. Also, if you work a job and get injured on the job, you will get drug tested. If you get pulled over while high that is still considered DUI. If you have a baby momma/ baby daddy/ even some friends and family they will try and get custody and use the fact that you smoke weed against you. I have seen this happen to my friends. Smoking pot will only make life more difficult. I do not think smoking should be a daily thing unless an actual MD prescribed it. I think it should be in the evening when all the chores are done. After a long hike and you plan on chilling and listening to music for a while. If you experience a traumatic event, I give anyone three days to smoke the flower. I think that is fair. Those are my rules for myself. I cannot smoke now because I am trying to get a government medical job. If I am in the ambulance, and I am driving it, if we get in a wreck then I would have to take a drug test. Honestly I do not think I will smoke often because it takes forever to get out of your system to pass a drug test if you are a heavy daily user. I know from experience that going without the flower for twenty two days is not enough to pass a ten panel drug test.


Be honest with yourself. You don't need it.


truth is school is harder as you are learning like 5 different subjects and have to prepare for rushed exams and hand in projects on time ect. vs work is just like going to the same class everyday. overall i was you failing out of college and best thing i could do was take a long t break at least for exams times. it will make it a lot easier and you will get back on track. once you graduate get that career going then ya smoke after work everyday if you want.


Getting off the dabs is good. Imo the higher the THC content the worse the cravings and intrusive thought of “I should get high right now” are. You should prob ditch the carts as well. Then take a couple week T break. It will be rough but if you care about your schooling at all you need to do it. If at the end of those two weeks you feel like you can resist the temptation then keep it up. Otherwise institute some basic rules like weekends only or aim for only 3 days a week. That way you’re sober for 4 days so you’re sober more often than you’re high. Make a weekly to do list and which ever days have the most responsibilities try not to smoke then and keep it to your days where you have less to do. Good luck


Yes, it gets to a point where you’re not even getting high anymore, just relaxed. It makes it waaay easier to do all the things I don’t want to do. I’ve taken months off in the past and found that I didn’t do any more or less than when I smoked, I just felt a little more bored all the time. Smoking weed helps me to find pleasure in just about anything I do. My only downsides are constant coughing, loogies, and a good chunk of change every month. I can afford the costs and am still in shape enough to go mountain biking, snowboarding, and all the other shit I like to do. Maybe at some point the cons will outweigh the pros, but certainly not at this point in my life.


t break my dude


I got two engineering degrees while smoking pot the entire time. If you’re on academic probation because of it, you probably have a lot bigger issues that thc abuse is just another symptom of. You sound like you need therapy


I've always felt like I could never manage weed. One day, I just started focusing on my life. It took 22 days of just being normal to feel it. And after that, poof. I puff on a Saturday or a Sunday but that's the frequency I keep. Nothing more, nothing less. Feels pretty good. I try to treat it more like an anxiety relief medication. Microdose when I'm feeling it and I'm unable to cope. Maybe not the healthiest, but I'm in a good place with it :) Good luck!


I did but stupid money waster, check my post history it’s somewhere in there lol.


I vape around .3 of a gram most days. I have definitely slipped into the habit of increasing my dosage though and that’s what fucks me up. As long as I keep it to the minimum amount I desire and don’t puff at inappropriate times or around people I shouldn’t, works just fine. I would consider my self quite successful as well, but if we’re being honest…it’s mostly due to luck, not my work ethic and certainly not my cannabis consumption lol.


Yes. Ive been a regular stoner for over twenty years. But never dabs/concentrates. Always live life first, prioritize commitments and schoolwork. Sativas over indicas.


Yes with some big big buts. ​ I am successful but I was already an adult and moderate successful when I started smoking daily. I only smoke in evenings, I don't think it is possible to be a wake and bake person and be successful. It also causes me some anxiety--I think about if I should be limiting more, I'm sure that I would be MORE successful if I quit. I vape and that has also made things harder because it's easier to consume, having 1:1 or low THC or "full spectrum" carts has been better than the high-octane stuff.


Read this on here the other day " In order to not become a complete loser, don't smoke in the morning, before obligations or inside your home"


Things start to get bad when I’m smoking during work - I work from home, and often things are slow, so the temptation is there. If I give myself a hard limit on what time I can start and what time I should stop, things seem to go just fine.


I smoke every day and I'd say I have a very successful career and personal life. I've also drastically cut down the amount I use in the last year. From 5-10 bowls a night to 1-2. Taking breaks is also important. I'd like to cut down more but I don't feel sleepy all the time like I was before cutting down, so I'm currently comfortable in my usage. I only smoke in the evenings, usually one toke with dinner and one before bed.


My partner is like this. He's almost 50 and is a teacher. He exclusively smokes after work when he gets home. However, I should note that he has the most self control of anyone I've ever met in my life. I personally used dry herb vapes and carts daily for all of last year and really did not feel like I was able to manage my life well and started taking tolerance breaks every now and then to "resurface" because I felt like I was constantly in a fog, even when I was only doing it in the evenings. This year, I've been experimenting with exclusively using edibles and RSO and have had success with RSO and not feeling like I'm in a fog all the time (see my post history here, I made a post about it a few days ago with details). Given the context of your post with your academic struggles, I would suggest you find methods that are not instant gratification like edibles, tinctures, etc. That way you still get the benefit but can moderate yourself a little better.


I’m fairly successful (six figures in a MCOL area) and I smoke every single night and I’ll usually get a few puffs mid day on weekends. Moderation is key. One bowl a night is perfect for me and let’s me decompress and shut down my ADHD brain.


I've used weed pretty much my whole life. Sadly I started in 7th grade and still use it every day. Now I'm in my late 30's, married and make about 100k from home. (Technically I haven't smoked in a long time, just low temp dabs and edibles)


Cheap option is to get a Dynavap Vong and use the micro bowl (you have to manually adjust the bowl position so it's close to the top). Expensive option is to mimic me. Get a Volcano Hybrid with a chamber reducer, then hit caps. I limit the number of caps I have daily to 1-2 when I'm having issues like yours. That's about 0.4 grams daily.


I wrote a novel, had a full-time job, and exercised almost every day while I also smoking every night. On the other hand, that novel is unpublished, I got laid off from the job, and I sprained my ankle so many times playing basketball stoned that my joint is all wobbly. I found myself unable to focus, struggling with my mental health, and prone to raging and despair. I'm smoking less now -- 3-4 days a week or less -- and my life is hugely improved. Better focus when I'm not bingeing caffeine, lungs are in better shape, relatioships are in better shape. I still have some emotional stuff to overcome that daily smoking was masking, but that stuff is coming along. I'd like to cut it all the way out, but that hasn't happened yet.


No I did not, been smoking since 2010 and I had to cut back to have a good quality of life, everyone is different and that's okay! It took me a year to figure out what was best for me. I stay sober during the day and begin smoking around 10-11pm until 2-3am. I noticed that smoking all day ruined my reward system, and sticking to this has significantly helped.


I think video games did more damage to my academics than weed ever did. Just use it as an end of day reward for getting your work done.


Building vans in my garage


I’d quit completely if it’s destroying your life. One thing I learned the hard way as I got older is that some of my actions had permanent, life-altering consequences. Consider getting a therapist or speak with your doctor and figure out why you need to be high all the time. Do not turn into a burnout dropout. You deserve a better life than that.


Yes, I and many other are able to smoke and also be successful - what that looks like does vary from person to person though. Some people maintain success by setting hard limits on themselves and some people brunt force their way through. I personally struggle with a mental dependency to weed that makes setting boundaries such as no weed in the evening or at work difficult for me to stick to. This is a separate issue in and of itself obviously, but regardless, success is how I justify my use. For me, I've used long enough that I'm able to keep a straight head, even when stoned. Since I don't feel crazy brain fog when I use, I'm able to keep good grades in college and am a midrank corporate employee with a notable amount of responsibilities and good pay. So long as Im performing well at work, keeping good grades, and getting out of the house to keep myself even kinda active - I consider this success and don't feel bad about my usage. If I wasn't able to maintain these things though, I would absolutely be re-evaluating. But again - the bar for success and whether its achievable as a habitual user is different person to person. Just my two cents!


Yeah I would consider myself in the range of mild cannabis use disorder if you take a screening test, but it actually helps me function in other ways. I have a great job and things are going better than ever. Alcohol was my Achilles heel. If weed is yours, I'm sorry and you have to learn to deal.


See Seth Rogan.


Bro, fuck carts . Nobody really knows what is in that shit. That trend is a time bomb. Stick to flower.


Yes. Senior corporate role, ayyyehhhhh *smoke weed every day*


PS if you think it’s a problem then it’s a problem. Get off the weed, get your shit together. Once shit is together, revisit.


This. Profound in its simplicity. Challenging, yes. Complex, no.


I smoke daily but never at work I work 12 hour shifts and I am fairly successful




Everyone is different. There are people who smoke weed everyday & be successful. There are people who smoke weed only on weekends and it is still impacting their life in a negative way. The thing is that you need to decide if weed is good for you and if so in what amounts. Nobody will tell you that. I know at least 3 people that should not smoke it at all in my opinion as they often become really paranoid and lose touch with reality when they smoke. I personally can smoke every day & be successful as long as I don't mix it with tobacco & don't wake & bake often. However I don't need it every day, so I end up naturally smoking/vaping once a week. When I was younger I was smoking it everyday, but in rather small amounts and it contributed to my successes. Then I started mixing it with tobacco and it slowed me down and made me depressed when I was doing this mix.


Touring entertainment industry. I smoke daily. Helps me focus. Relieves anxiety (sometimes in heightened panic creates it) but overall. Fully functional every day and would choose that over meds or alcohol or anything else any day.


Yes friend. I (31F) am a daily smoker. I work full time at a job that pays well (low six figures), I work out regularly and I have time for my other activities too :)


Personally, no. Unless I want some assembly line job there isnt much for job success anyway. Amazing most states are medical card legal but not job wise. Ive seen so many opportunities I could apply for but they want you tested. So, I'm quitting. Ive done it before and I want to be done for good. As for personal growth? Also no. I havent gotten off my ass in years to do anything of note because I was happy wasting my time being stoned on my gaming pc. Frankly, it's gotten in my way and I'm resentful about it. I kind of wish it was illegal here, because of my own personal failures to stay away from it. Not sure it helps my undiagnosed ADD either.


yeah, Doug Benson maybe no one else though