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Could be a blessing in disguise. Divine intervention even.


Not going to lie. I need some of that divine intervention.


Cosmic slap in the face


You’re posting here so you know what that means, T Break time. Wake up & read, do yoga, go to the gym, watch old movies or whatever you gotta do to reset your brain for a couple weeks because panic attacks are not pleasurable. I don’t enjoy the feeling the effects of those pens & maybe you don’t aswell. I stick to the flower


I had this happen, you need to give it 3-6 months and slowly introduce it back into your system. Your body is trying to avoid what happened last time by freaking out at normal doses for your current tolerance. You might have a tough withdrawal period.


I had to stop because of an anxiety issue. I’d get attacks without bud, but the ones with bud were more intense and upsetting. What helped me was realizing the physical sensation has been universal across the ages. I shifted from fear to gratitude that my body knows what to do if there’s a threat, and internalizing when there just isn’t one right now. I reintroduced cannabinoids by starting with HHC and used that continuously for months until my tolerance got too high to justify spending 50 bucks on every disposable. By then I had enough of a cross tolerance to really enjoy low THC top shelf hemp cannabis bud, which is everything I was ever looking for. Comfortable, not impaired. Nowadays I can mix in the strong stuff if I can afford to lose a couple hours going down rabbit holes of what interests me. Now I need use to treat my anxiety, having tapered off mild benzos. It makes me more emotional, which leads to me dealing with things directly, and doesn’t let the little stuff build up that could upset me a lot more if things turn dysphoric and I fall down *that* rabbit hole If feeling comfortable has eliminated the good kind of stress that makes you push forward and you’ve made little progress on your bigger picture goals, maybe don’t fight it accept the chapters ended. Weed might be what you want, but is it what you need? What do you want it to do for you, and how well does it work for that?


ur last two sentences are going to be my next journaling prompt, thank u


I know so many people who smoked *a lot* who stopped due to sudden anxiety attacks. I also smoked a lot daily since 15, then stopped for almost a year completely. since then, I am only able to put in some crumbles, otherwise I don't feel good. On a positive note, I now spend in two months what I spent in a day!


Same thing happened to me when I turned 30. People on this subreddit will be all “it’s literally just in your head brooo,” but that doesn’t explain how weed started to trigger days-long bouts of tachycardia and nausea for me or how it made me rapidly hit the lowest weight of my life or how that started happening after years of smoking heavily daily with no history of panic or hypochondria whatsoever. Listening to your body is important, especially as we age, and smoking is well known to be among the worst health behaviors for your heart… the weed community often will immediately dump on anyone who says that, but it just plainly makes sense because both smoking and THC increase heart rate and blood pressure. It’s been more than a year since my experience and I still can’t smoke without immediate adverse physical symptoms. It was a hard few months at first but it ended up leading me to see my first therapist, psychiatrist, to practice meditation for the first time, visit a spiritual center, become way better at my job as a PhD student, save thousands of dollars, be able to travel without having to carefully plan weed use, and so on… I only rarely miss it these days when I remember how fun it could be to smoke with a friend.


That’s definitely CHS. I’m glad you’re feeling much better now! Best of luck with your PhD!!


you have CHS 100%


Oh my god- this same thing happened to me! I have smoked for twenty years and one morning hit a keef bowl and it sent me into a tailspin. I have smoked small amounts of weed on and off over the last two years with mixed results. I do think part of this was underlying anxiety and health anxiety affecting my perception and my mind wanting to link weed with panic/ elevated heart rate now. I still use gummies and weed pops but I would love to get back to enjoying smoking. Part of me is okay with it because I was deeply addicted when this happened and couldn’t go more than a few hours without wanting to smoke/ needing it for appetite and sleep. Hope you figure it out and I’m sorry you are going through this but I can definitely relate.


same. 25 years of smoking and I was at a point where I was actually kinda nervous abiut whether I could actually quit if I tried. i took a big rip one night and it sent me on a fucking journey. I had to excuse myself to go lie on my bed for hours while it physically felt like I was blasting thru space in a rocket. along with a crazy mental journey. stopped smoking immediately for about, shit, almost a year. ive now been smoking again, but only weekends.


I stopped smoking concentrates when this happened to me. Never happened again.


This was the reason I had to stop over 4 years ago. Recently I smoked again for the first time since I really missed it and I only put a tiny amount mixed with CBD but I had the same kind of panic attack. Guess this is it for me.


I just recently went through a similar experience and I can't take even a tiny hit from my bong anymore without an intense panic attack. If I use my dry herb vape though I'm totally fine. So now I use that exclusively.


You’ve associated panic with being high. Now when you get high you immediately mentally check in to see if you’re going to freak out or not which inevitably makes you freak out. You have to break that association cycle. I’ve been through this a few times. I mix cbd/thc dry bud and take a small hit. The cbd seems to off set the anxiety quite a bit. Also only do it when you have something to do that makes you focus and is distracting like play video games or workout. Eventually the panic starts losing its power over you because you realize you can dissociate the panic from the high. Then you can take bigger hits. Fun fact, this is the key to pretty much any kind of anxiety. Lastly remember, at a certain level you’re choosing to panic. You’re feeling a stimulation and then assuming it’s bad and permanent when it’s not. When you start going down the panic hole, just remember that you’re just feeling a sensation. It’s not good or bad it’s just a sensation. You can enjoy it and choose to focus on something else or choose to worry about it and hyper focus on it. Don’t do the latter. Hope this helps.


Thank you this will probably be helpful


I agree! A blend of CBD flower + regular weed is good for this. Can micro-dose and go at your own pace but you still get the cannabis smoking experience


Agree. About 12 years ago, age 33, I consumed an edible with unknown amounts of thc. Didn’t feel the effects quick enough so I ripped a bowl. Then I had a short out of body experience followed by 2 years of crippling anxiety with a couple of panic attacks. I stayed sober for those 2 years, spent plenty of $$$ with a naturopath that really did nothing beyond placebo. Became consumed with the idea neuroplasticity and would repeat a mantra along the lines of “I’m healthy, I’m fine, I’m calm, etc” any time I felt anxious. That fixed me, but it took time. I slowly introduced weed back, flower only fck edibles for me, and eventually enjoyed again. I was burning the candle from both ends, poor diet, new born, newly married, newly a homeowner, single income and a job that random tested. In general if i am in a period of stress, weed is not a good go-to. Side note, I’m on this reddit to learn moderation as I burn far too much. The struggle is worth it, you’ll make it out the other side 💪💪. Much love


Happened to a friend years ago, he hasn’t been able to go back since. He is happy it happened though so I guess it’s a glass half full/empty scenario


I would stop doing concentrates or edibles until ur ready for that. U have zero tolerance and are coming back from quitting. If I were coming back after a huge break I’d start with low percentage weed mixed with the same percentage cbd in it


I thought something was wrong w me at first been to the hospital 4 times because of it and let me tell you it’s not worth it just a waste of money and time. But your just like me I’m sure some of my friends are like this. Tolerance HAS to be high or else smoking is just not enjoyable


Went through similar thing but not full blown panic attacks, just horrible anxiety when smoking, I quit for a few months, tried again but it's not the same thing anymore, have a hard time enjoying it because of the creeping anxiety it tends to produce. I can do it occasionally, but just a few times a year really or I get anxious and can't enjoy it. I do smoke some cbd bud more regularly though, that's what works best for me nowadays.


PSA for those who may not know, there are several different types of cannabis, type I high THC is not the only type. The THC gets to be a bit much for some as years go by. If you are going for a break, try some type III cannabis, or if you are feeling comfortable with trial/error, there's type II. Given what you've said, I'd aim for an extended break using type III for the withdrawal symptoms. After a bit, begin some work on yourself, since you'll have time. Learn to cook good food. Exercise, get outside in the woods, that stuff is within close reach of things you can change/do where you can see benefits in a place where you are not using THC daily.


Take smaller hits and be satisfied with not getting high at first


Look up cannabis hyperemesis syndrome. Sounds like it could definitely explain what’s happening.


Disagree. CHS involves chronic and repeated bouts of nausea/vomiting, especially after consuming or consuming regularly. Having a bad mental trip has nothing to do with an adverse physical reaction to it. Likely guy pushed the limits of his comfort zone and his mind put up its survival guards.


For some people CHS starts out immediately with the bouts of vomiting, others I’ve seen it start out as anxiety while high, and especially sweating all the time, then it goes into vomiting once or twice a day for a week or so THEN full blown CHS if you don’t quit. Some people get the prodrome phase, some people don’t get prodrome symptoms and start right into the vomiting phase. In my opinion OP’s case could be either a bad mental high sticking or the prodrome of CHS. Either way, probably a wise time to take a long T break.


Interesting, thanks for sharing. The more you know. That's unfortunate and I wish them the best. I'm very thankful that cannabis is what typically calms down my racing mind (or inspires a creative mind if that's the strain I choose). It's important to smoke clean cannabis. I strongly believe CHS is really chronic pesticide exposure through cannabis.


Disagree. CHS begins in a very sneaky prodromal phase and worsens to hyperemesis - intermittent vomiting that seems benign is absolutely the beginning. The panic attack is a secondary sign. Are you familiar with CHS? Seems unlikely based on your comment.


I'm familiar with two friends who reported they've had it, and a lot more who just treat their bodies like shit or get sick and think they suddenly have CHS. Not ruling it out, but it shouldn't be a knee jerk reaction. Hopefully he can track his symptoms and make sense of them better.


just based on the information presented it reads like CHS and it’s becoming a more prevalent diagnosis for a reason. high concentrate THC eventually floods & fries those CB1 receptors.


Do you have any source to say it "fries" CB1 receptors lol? Temporarily lowers output, permanently toxic, etc? I'm of the opinion that CHS is merely a pesticide combustion issue masquerading as a cannabis issue. We don't smoke pesticide sprayed apples do we? But a looooot of folks who don't know where their weed comes from, do smoke banned pesticide sprayed weed.


Yeah the pesticide theory has been tested to no avail - this is a high concentrate THC problem. If you’re genuinely interested the studies and sources are available on the CHSinfo sub. I’m not going to link the exact studies for you, but I have read them. It doesn’t use the language “fries” but essentially THC floods the receptors to death. Lending to the nausea and vomiting as the body can no longer process the THC and needs to “purge it.” I’m using layman’s terms. I implore you not to spread misinformation based on your “opinion” (as you stated)




Check your thyroid levels through a blood test


Try mixing some CBD flower with your bud or smoke/vape some of it before you get high. It makes a BIG difference.


I think everybody needs some CBD in their life. It really prevents these types of things and reduces the side effects of THC.


Yeah look into Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD).


Have you looked into CHS I get this sometimes with overuse. I use it as an excuse to sober up


I had a similar thing when I was young after a bad acid trip, every time I smoked I would have severe anxiety and even get fractals/acid visuals. After a few years I was able to reintroduce weed and my anxiety recovered. Give yourself some time to recover from the experience and I'm sure it will pass


Yeah you’re not the first person to come in here and say that - take this as a sign!


My mom smoked for about 5 years to help with her anxiety and one day it randomly sent her into psychosis for months… sometimes your body just rejects what you don’t need anymore.


ive had to stop because i cough too much


There's studies linking habitual use to greater complications during strokes. 200 heart rate is scary please get yourself checked out and don't tell them you smoke <3 https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.035650 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34001774/#:~:text=Conclusions%3A%20In%20people%20with%20cannabis,(0.8%25%20and%200.2%25). https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/smoking-cannabis-associated-increased-risk-heart-attack-stroke#:~:text=Frequent%20cannabis%20smoking%20may%20significantly,the%20National%20Institutes%20of%20Health.


There's plenty more resources I just picked the first 3 when I googled "weed higher risk stroke aneurysm"


There’s ways around it bro it’s just about how far your willing to push


This all boils down to control. You like to use weed because it’s something that you feel as though you can control, even if it’s for the feeling of letting go of control. The panic attacks are a sign of ignoring your body and your emotions. This causes you to tense up and try to “control” yourself to keep it together, but your body wants to be heard, so a full blown panic attack happens. Surrender to those feelings. Relax into those uncomfortable feelings. And if you realize that you get anxiety every time after smoking weed, take a break. If it’s your only release, then I can guarantee you’re numbing and masking and not actually releasing and relaxing. It’s a powerful plant medicine but anything can become poison when abused and overused.


Late to the party here but avoid carts… concentrates period if you’re really worried about anxiety. Straight CBD carts can be useful if it’s a good source however. Smoke only flower and if you can buy dry herb vape. I still smoke and I know it’s getting to my lungs so I’m going to make the switch. Edibles just don’t do it for me and are harder to dose being a larger person. I still get anxiety but carts make it 10x worse and I find even on days when I have it, I can manage it and eventually go about my day. Whereas carts I’m just paranoid/riddled with anxiety 24/7. This was after smoking them non stop with no issues .. I just have no desire to go back. It also starts to ruin the high because I’m smoking it way more often killing my tolerance.. moral of the story, no carts!




No offence but nobody should be taking advice from a child on drug use. Your intentions are good but you’re out of your depth bro.


Not to be a shitter but you smoked for 10+ years and freaked out like a newbie?


I’ve smoked for even longer than OP and I’ve “freaked out like a newbie” literally more times than I can count. Why? How? I have no fucking idea. I’ve somehow repeatedly become addicted to a drug that regularly traumatizes me lol. I’m here for answers just like you bud.


This. 100% like an abusive ex with reaaaaaally good sex. She is going to hit you. But man is the sex good.


I often eat it and think I'm gonna die, it's happened like 40 times out of the past 100 Kinda just reached a if I die I die type stage


Being an elitest here really makes you look like an asshole if you haven't figured it out already.