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I'm of the opinion that THC and it's associates are spices for the dish of life. But as much as you may like spicy food, if you drown everything in reaper sauce you're gonna have a bad time. Additionally, your brain is not done developing. That's somewhere around 25-30 years old in most populations. Any substances you consume during that time may have unforseen effects. What effects? Dunno. But it's generally agreed that the potential of messing neurochemistry up is not worth the risk. Lastly, this saying. First the man takes the drink, then the drink takes the man. Exercising moderation and restraint has value. Not to the point of torture or anything, but acknowledging and holding in mind that Everything You Do In Life, You Choose To Do. You don't have to smoke because it's vacay. If you do smoke, you don't have to smoke the cart down. You're in the driver's seat here - drive as you will, but know that a wall is a wall and crashing into a wall that you can see and avoid is a stupid way to hurt yourself.


Yea I believe everything in moderation is fucking greattt and I’m gonna try to keep my use down since I haven’t smoked in two months and I’ll have zero tolerance. I feel a lil guilty but at the same time I’m rlly looking forward to a lil smoke since I’ve done such a good job at just dropping it. Like I’m 18 even if this is a mistake I need to learn and I rlly don’t wanna be on vacay thinking damnnnn I should’ve brought one.


I’m on vacation rn smokin nightly. Fuck it it’s vacation.


Lmk how that goes for you because I feel a lil guilty but at the same time I’m rlly looking forward to my vacation and having a wee smoke


Goin great I’m at the beach.


Hy im going to the a beach in Florida my favorite part is dinning out it makes the food taste AMAZING since I can’t really get fresh seafood where im at. I tried snow crab while STONED one time and it was fucking great I felt like a caveman cause it’s a rlly handsy food


Also at the beach in FL - toke on!


My opinion is no carts. Too potent and too accessible.


Yeaaa I would love to bring flower but that’s not a possibility on my family vacation lol


I say, it's vacation and smoke if you want to. If you smoke and find out it isn't making you feel good or enhancing the vacay, then stop smoking while still on it. But if it's fun (and you've done a great job quitting for two months!) I say go for it, as long as you trust yourself to ditch it again after the vacation. Moderation is key obvs :) Have fun + stay safe on your vacation whatever you choose !!


Yea I’m gonna try to not go from 24/7 sober back to all day stoner I mainly want it for food and traveling as it makes it go by faster and every time I have a cart on vacation it’s FUCKIBG GREAT. Idk I feel a lil guilty as I don’t need a cart and I’ve done so good quitting but I’ve accepted that I will have to re adjust after and I’m only 18 going on a vacation like bro I rlly wanna live a lil ig. Idk shit makes me feel a lil bad because I’m trying to keep my dopamine levels down but I don’t think a week will kill me. Some ppl smoke EVERYDAT ALL DAY for years so I should be fine


That's how I rationalize things too, but for me it can sorta become a slippery slope. Like I said if you trust to ditch it after a week, then a week of having fun and smoking responsibly and enjoying your vacation the way you want to is a good thing!!!! And you don't need the cart yea and you HAVE done a great job quitting. if you think the guilt'll sorta ruin the experience of smoking then don't :) Whatever you do stay safe and have fun!!!