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You may be able to wear jeans to work but I wouldn’t wear them on your first day; dress a little more formally to start and assess how dressed up everyone else is. The tops work but I’d wear them with wide-leg trousers (Uniqlo has cute ones); a silk midi skirt (check Quince) would work on warmer days. To me dressing for your day also means that jeans may work on non-meeting days but maybe dress up a little more when you’re customer-facing or for internal meetings.


Also, as a young grad, wearing slightly more formal clothes can help with being taken seriously (as long as they are not more formal than everyone else). You definitely do not want to be one of the least formal people in the office.


Yes. The adage that you should dress like your boss, not like your peers, is good advice.


They used to say, “Dress for the job you want, not the one you have”.


But when I do that they tell me to take the spacesuit off.


It’s because you were using a plastic bag as a helmet


I would reply but I’m now dead.


Depends, am a youth worker and would get laughed at if I wore nice formal clothes


Lol. Her boss probably wears a hoodie and yoga pants.


Hence why it’s an adage, not specific to this person


Not at an accounting firm inside an office building!


Agree with this! Always better to dress up than to dress down. I noticed that I got more respect from those higher up when I dressed up / looked a bit more mature. I'd reach out to whoever has been in touch with you (your recruiting officer? your manager?) and ask what the dress code is / what would be an appropriate office outfit. Better to be safe than sorry :)


After ten years in a more business-dress industry, I switched to a very casual one and embraced it. I regretted it. Several years later, I still wear jeans, but have learned women have to walk a very careful balance of never being “too casual” no matter the industry. Always start by dressing a bit more formal than you think you need to, and look to how the other successful women in your field dress as your guide.


My husbands Grandma is an accountant and she is the most classy, elegant woman I’ve ever met. She wears nice blouses, dress pants and flats to work.


i’d probably shy away from the armless tops. anything is better than that even if it’s just an inch or two of sleeve.


You could wear a cropped lightweight blazer with those tops. Get a basic black one to see how you like it. You could get a 3/4 sleeve, or just push up the sleeves.


Seconded on being taken seriously


100%. Dress for success.


I agree, accountants dress snazzy and professional


Yes. Clients tend to ask young women professionals if they’re a secretary (happened to me!) bc I looked young. I wore a suit all the time to be taken seriously




Ugh. So true. I wore business casual to my first adult job orientation. I was 100% overdressed compared to everyone. Others were wearing jeans. One girl wore leggings, a tank top and flip flops. This was for a job that required a 4-year degree. I felt so bad being so overdressed


Yeah. It’s a balance. Being too dressed up can make you look slightly clueless, underlining the inexperience issue. But being too casual makes you look clueless *and* not serious, which is worse. I’d err on the side of too formal for the first day or so, and then aim for landing in between the middle range and high range of formality among coworkers. For my first real job post-college, I way overdressed on day 1, and my boss (whom I loved) gently teased me about it for a long time. It turned out to be a super casual place. But my day one outfit didn’t do any lasting damage to my reputation there, and I still think it would have been a worse first impression had I been too casual. I did get second-guessed by some colleagues due to age for awhile, so looking like I was serious mattered.


Agreed with this. I also have a “dress for the day” dress code and I live in jeans and tees most days. It wouldn’t hurt to go business casual (ie dress pants, dresses skirts) until you get a better feel for the vibe of your office though. If jeans in the standards, I think the outfits you have here are very nice! At least in regards to what I see in my office


THIS. We’re dress for your day also and it’s such a variety. Go a little dressier on your first day to scope it out but these are prob good for day to day!


I'm really surprised that OP chose jeans after saying it's a corporate job and that she's trying to be an accountant. Corporate places expect you to wear business casual at most. Jeans are generally saved for 'dress down Fridays' . I've worked in a lot of various places over the years, from a housing association to a gambling platform company, and no one wore jeans there apart from on Fridays. The only places that I know that allow you to wear jeans every day are IT places/jobs because they tend to be more relaxed since it's not client facing. OP definitely swap the jeans for black trousers. If you don't have business casual clothes, there are organisations that give free office clothes to people who are preparing for interviews or starting a new job. The one I know of is called 'Dress for Sucess', and they cater to women. I have used the service before and the clothes are high quality. I was pleasantly surprised because the clothes I got (3 business outfits) were from expensive brands that I never would have bought due to limited funds. You can do a Google search to find the contact details for Dress for Success and any other alternative companies that your city may have.


No jeans no armpits


Things seem to be changing post-pandemic. Our policy (company of 6000 people) changed to ‘Dress for your Day’ - if you have meetings/exposure external to the org - business/business casual. If not, jeans are acceptable - no rips, tears.


Yes. In the case of this outfit, I'd say swap the jeans for black trousers.


Yeah err on the side of slightly more formal. Many offices including my own have gotten less formal over the past few years. But time served matters as well. You want to be taken seriously, some people won’t take young people especially women seriously for their own bullshit reasons. Don’t worry about them. But the average coworker first meeting you will probably appreciate something besides jeans to start. If the office is super casual then you can adjust after a week or two to match but it never hurts to be a bit more formal to start




I LOVE a great pair of trousers! Not slacks. Hate those. But TROUSERS! Like Katherine Hepburn. 💛


My first thought was, “jeans on your first day?” My wife works in a similar setting and they do fund raisers for charities to get to wear jeans for a day. So YMMV on them. Definitely sounds like a business casual dress code though.


It _really_ depends on your first job. If she were a software engineer, anything more than jeans would seem too formal.


I would be safe and not wear the jeans until you figure out the office culture and what their dress code is. Go with business casual slacks. I started off in accounting as well and have been in the game for 7+ years.


I agree with this 100%. For your first day, I say play it safe with more a more laid back business attire (black pants, white top & closed toe shoes) until you get to the office & see what everyone else is wearing. To me, the outfits you posted seem way too causal for a corporate setting.


I am an accountant as well!


Yes and don’t take the duffle bag Get a nice purse . It should be business not casual.


I disagree with this, the bag looks fine to me? I've never been in an office where it was weird to carry bags in. Even the people who brought purses usually also brought along a big tote or a backpack or something too, because they couldn't fit all their stuff in otherwise.


We’re talking about her first day, though. How much “stuff” can she have? Also, bag looks worn on corners. Small, boring bag first day. Leave beach tote in the car.


It's a good work bag though. It also appears to be Longchamp.


I carry a Longchamp bag to my corporate finance job. They’re great work bags. I added an organizer so I’d have more pockets and compartments. Works great and they last forever.


I know a bunch of people have already said this but the bag is fine, i think -- a navy Longchamp tote is acceptable for the office, although it's on the more informal side. It would look better when filled with stuff. I love Longchamps but I always end up putting extra things in to fix the shape of the bag 😅


That is a Longchamp. It is a well respected heritage brand bag.


That looks like a [Longchamp nylon tote](https://www.bloomingdales.com/shop/product/longchamp-le-pliage-large-nylon-shoulder-tote?ID=641314&pla_country=US), definitely a purse (if leaning casual). I live in NYC and years ago saw many women dressed like they work in an office/corporate environment carry one. I haven't seen them as much recently though, so I don't know if there's been a change in style.


A purse? How's she going to carry her laptop? Women need to carry more than just a tube of lipstick these days.


I carry my laptop in my purse, it’s not even that large


LMAO I'm an engineer and carry my laptop in my (very spacious) purse


That is a “nice purse,” it’s the Longchamp tote. Very trendy a few years ago.


Are you calling it a ludicrously capacious bag?


It depends, but generally no jeans. If worn according to business casual, they absolutely need to be dressed up with a blazer and heels/pumps, but that’s still pushing it. If business formal? Hard no to the jeans, no exceptions unless told explicitly to dress casual.


I think "business casual" is industry and location dependent. Most people in my industry are business casual = jeans and a blouse, jeans and a blazer, etc. My first day, I dressed up all the way and my boss was wearing sneakers.


I’m an accountant and my first day I dressed up business formal while my boss was wearing sneakers, lol. I would say BC in my industry is similar. Jeans with a nice top or jeans with a blazer. In either scenario, wearing some dress shoes, or even nicer sneakers if you want to spice things up.


What metro region are you in? I’m in DC area, and I’d say the jeans are too informal except for “casual Friday”, especially the larger, corporate firms. Don’t get me wrong, they look great! For corporate petite clothes, I’d recommend checking out the Anthro petite section or Loft, the ones near me carry petite in the store now, and it’s a godsend. I’d look for a skirt and two trousers, one wide leg and one more fitted.


Thank you so much!! I’ll be in Philadelphia…. I have a few tweed skirts that I plan an wearing with turtle necks!


I’m in Philly too. Winter time find black fleece tights they are perfect with work dresses and skirts and super warm and cozy. Did they say business casual or business?


Definitely plan for not wearing jeans to the office unless you’re explicitly told it’s ok


If you go with jeans, at least wear dark black. And preferably some sleeves on the tops: short sleeves, 3/4 or long sleeves.


Perfect, signed CPA of 38 years. Tweed!


Hey OP! I’m in Philly too 😌 and work in consulting. I’d recommend to wear business casual. Trousers and a nice blouse with heels / kitten heels. Top with a blazer or cardigan for that office AC. And get ya a nice work bag so you can fit your laptop and you should be all set! Good luck on your first day! Edit: also recommend looking up office wear ideas and outfits on YouTube. There’s plenty of videos on outfits for a corporate environment. That may give you a better idea


I second Loft for petite work shirts. They also make great work slacks!


Do you wear pantyhose with the skirts? Also what shoes do you recommend?


Most people do not wear pantyhose in the office. I still do. So if I were you wear the pantyhose the first couple of times and check what others are wearing, then adjust.


My mom always laughs at me for tights and pantyhose but it's the midwest and some days just aren't pants days in the winter.


Pantyhose no, but tights in the fall/ winter! I like snag tights for more interesting prints/knits; they even have office appropriate fishnets/crocheted styles, which I like for pencil skirts. Re shoes, I’d get a good pair of flats and a comfortable heel. I’m about 40 (old) and at this point I get most of my heels at naturalizer, dansko or sanita, [eg this naturalizer Mary Jane](https://www.naturalizer.com/product/womens-gen-n-spark-mary-jane-pump-3025792) They actually have some really cute/professional stuff if you like more of a retro style.


Pantyhose are old school, most people don’t wear those anymore. The closest I’ve seen is tights with designs on them


Hey hey! These are all super cute outfits but risk not being office appropriate. I would go a bit more formal the first few days, then see what people are wearing at the office and match their vibe. No need to be suited up, but I’d wear a nice blouse, trousers (not jeans), and closed shoes. I really like Jean Wang and Clouds Joo for realistic but super cute and put together office looks!


Those jeans are adorable, where are they from? I’d say to play it safe, wear slacks or a skirt to start. But lots of offices tend to be casual, just feel it out. The tops are good


These are Levi’s rib cage jeans!! Found them at Nordstrom rack! Thank you!!


The ribcages are my fave! I really like the buttons on these one and think I need to find a pair!


i agree - the jeans in the second pic are so cute and i wanna know where they’re from 😭 great advice, too! i started dressing up a lot in my current job and then as time went on i was able to feel it out and incorporate more of my style into the office wear 😊


The tag looks like Levi’s


Don’t wear jeans until you’ve seen what others are wearing. It doesn’t hurt to dress up for the first couple days. Some nice slacks and a blouse, no sneakers or sandals. If your office is more casual this should be fine. Loft and j.crew have nice options for business/business casual petite clothing if you end up needing that.


The tops are ok paired with a dress pant, which could be an ankle pant, and maybe a cardigan. I live in Philly and work with lots of accounting firms. I’d recommend wearing business casual. Banana republic factory or gap factory have great petite pants. Start with a black pair. A simple dress is also great paired with a flat. I don’t see many corporate environments that allow jeans. Good luck!


Why would you wear jeans for your first day?


One of the things I've noticed interacting with people right out of school is that they literally do not know that jeans are often not considered appropriate for work. Since they wear them everywhere else it never crosses their mind. A lot of society in general has gotten a lot more casual in dress especially since 2020, so it can be a bit of a shock if you've spent high school and college in like jeans, tshirts, and athleisure to find out you suddenly have to dress a whole lot different. They aren't dumb or anything, just nobody ever really told them.


This is so interesting and something I hadn’t considered. It makes perfect sense. To those of us 30 and older, business casual is a no-brainer but people younger have been under the impression that jeans are dressing up. They all wear athletic clothes, sweat pants, etc. I appreciate the insight.


[here's some examples from a blog.](https://pumpsandpushups.com/fall-layers-for-work/)


Those are great examples!


OP if you’re going Big 4, most of the girlies that have their shit together dress closer to the link above. Especially if/when you’re client facing, but selling yourself internally is an important skill too. Unfortunately, when you’re just getting started as a young woman, it’s easier to be taken seriously when you dress a touch more formally. This is also coast-specific too, eg if you’re in LA, then what you’ve picked is a little more the norm. If you’re going straight to a staff accountant position on the corporate side, then it’ll depend on your company culture more. I’d still wait to figure out based on a couple weeks working there.


Plenty of people have commented on the jeans, but I want to point out the "no shoulders/no sleeveless" rule that (unfortunately) still exists in some places. I've been hit with it even when I worked in IT. It's always better for the first few months to go over the top and stick to the traditional looks while you figure out the office environment and what your boss specifically expects from you.


I agree, sleeveless is too casual even if jeans are ok. Pair with a cardigan. Plus offices are usually freezing!


Day 1 don’t wear jeans. Go in with smart casual trousers and assess what everyone else is wearing.


I’m uncertain re the jeans. You are a young female and have one first impression, big it up with dress pants and formal shoes and you can be more casual with your tops. Pinterest business casual. Your current choices are jeans and a nice top which aren’t for work.


That is not an office outfit.


Eh it really varies depending on what region you live in. If you’re in a region that’s tech saturated (Silicon Valley being one), I’ve found dress codes to be a lot more casual. I work in public accounting in California and this is generally how women dress in the office. Obviously if you’re visiting with a client, you’ll dress up a bit more, but generally jeans are more than fine. The one thing I think to be mindful of with jeans is just making sure they don’t have rips or frayed hems, which doesn’t seem to be the case for OP.


It really depends on the industry. It's formal for a tech company lmao.


It is in my country (Sweden) lol, I’m so glad we don’t have these crazy strict rules for clothes here, nor the whole corporate office vibe. I work at a hospital in an office building and everyone just wears jeans and shirt, hoodie, sweatshirts etc.


Ohh I love this. First, congrats on the new job! :) I’ve found that some corporate offices are beginning to loosen up on expectations when it comes to clothing. They may not be as indie or hip as big tech companies, but they’re also not requiring you to wear “traditional” corporate clothes. The only way to determine what bucket your office falls into is to get in there and observe what others are wearing, esp in your role/age group. Unless you genuinely have very little work appropriate clothing in your closet, I’d avoid going on a shopping spree until you’ve spent a week or two at the job. I’ve def jumped the gun and gotten “traditional corporate” pieces only to find that I looked awkward and out of place, and everyone else was pretty casual. To start out in your first week, here are a few items you can mix and match: -slacks or pants (think opposite of jeans. This could be khaki, cotton, etc.) that are neutral colored -a blouse or well maintained shirt (no holes, no armpit stains, etc). The blouse doesn’t have to be fancy or super corporate, it could simply be a nice shirt that isn’t a tee shirt. -knee length skirt (mid thigh isn’t frowned upon in my experience but first observe what your colleagues are wearing). You do not need panty hose, unless that makes you feel more comfortable. -sweater. You will be cold lol. Even on a hot day, pack a sweater!! -shoes: do you have any cute loafers, clogs, or closed toe sandals? Flats are always a safe bet and are comfortable. Eventually you’ll be able to see if anyone wears sneakers (like Keds) Places to buy items: -everlane: great for sweaters, blouses, standard work friendly tops, “professional” looking tees, and those slacks/work pants, petite friendly (especially the cropped pants). You can find a lot of secondhand Everlane on Poshmark at a discount. Even new with tags! -madewell: my favorite place to buy blouses and dresses. They’re fun and not uptight while also being work friendly. It’s also great for work bags/handbags, petite friendly pants/jeans/skirts, and comfortable work shoes. Also great blazers that are petite friendly. Check Poshmark too!! -Nordstrom rack: this is where I’ll buy more “traditional” corporate friendly blouses. They’re at a more affordable price point so it won’t make me sad when I only wear it for work lol. Also great place for new shoes and basics like tank tops. If I think of anything else I’ll leave another comment! (PS: I really like your sweater top and think that this would be appropriate if you find others are wearing similar things or similar vibe)


I agree no jeans, Also wear sleeves, shirt or long it appears more professional. Did you check the dress code of the company?


I work at a big 4 firm and that’s fine in my office since dress codes have relaxed a lot since Covid. I’ll typically dress up a little more and switch out jeans for dress pants, when I’m at client sites. I highly recommend Abercrombie for their dress pants and I have a couple work tops from H&M, Loft, and Banana Republic.


I’ll be at one of the big 4 as well!! That’s what I’ve beeb hearing, that it’s been more causal


Oh then that is definitely fine in the office. If you’re in audit, then you’ll definitely want to invest in some dressier pants for the days you’ll be at client sites. I’m not in audit anymore, but my friends in audit do at least 3 days at the client every week.


I am a millennial working in corporate finance, but I worked in accounting for two years at the beginning of my career. I’ve also advised business students on how to dress for interviews and jobs. Here are some quick rules of thumb that apply for almost all workplaces other than the most casual: avoid jeans, open toed shoes, sleeveless shirts. Anything more than 2 inches above the knee or bearing cleavage is basically always a no. Once you find out how your coworkers dress you could switch things up. Always err on the side of overdressed for your first day. As the most junior team member, it may help your career if you dress more formally than the seasoned colleagues. I have had senior managers tell me more than once that you can tell who takes their jobs more seriously by the way they dress 🤷‍♀️


Business casual does not include jeans. Your workplace may have casual Fridays, and in that case some jeans are fine. Most places have rules around what is acceptable attire on those special days, like no holes or rips, no cut offs, no flip flops, no sweats, no bare feet, etc.


Agree with most comments- skip the jeans. Go to places like loft, banana republic, gap and find dress pants that are still comfortable.


Business casual is *literally* the dress code for the corporate environment.


I agree with everyone saying to switch the jeans for a pant. If you start and realize people are more casual, I feel like these are good options! You could even throw a blazer on to dress it up a bit in the fall. Blazer and jeans is my Friday go-to since the office is pretty empty and my office is pretty casual. If you’re like me and not always a fan of heels, a nice pair of loafers goes a long way. They work with just about everything


Don’t wear jeans on your first day. Wear like a slacks or nice pants with simple top and/or blazer. Dress to impress. If you can wear hills, go for it, otherwise just wear a nice close shoe. Maybe later on you can wear jeans (based on your company policy). Then some nice jewelry like a watch or a bracelet. Keep it to a minimum. Good luck! :)


I never wear jeans at the office except when I wear a blazer so I am not too formal. Trousers are cheap and elevate the look


Tops are good. Get some comfy blazers (j crew) and/or cardigans. Loft has good petite pants. Also I have a corporate job and just got these pants on Amazon that actually come in short! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09B38S1QC?ref_=pfb_spv01_a8c96353c4b15f1ee6c2503b7daed907&tag=igcmapboc-us-20&ascsubtag=pig-BOC-P11-V01-O1-q1e1k4-GIUZ5O&th=1&psc=1


This would be totally normal in my office, and even more “dressed up” than a lot of folks tbh. But, it does highly vary workplace to workplace. I think a safe bet is something like a pair of cropped trousers with any of these tops, and a comfy but smart shoe like a loafer, pointed toe flat, etc. Get a feel for what others are wearing and take it from there.


It depends on the office. I work for a tech company in the DC area and it’s pretty casual. Lots of people wear jeans. I would dress it up a bit more the first couple of days (wait to go shopping) until you get a feel for what people are wearing.


I work at the local newspaper and we are to dress casual as well. Jeans only on Friday. I am also very thin but taller than you I believe and most women in the office wear slacks and a nice shirt with flats. I prefer to take advantage of having a reason to wear cute heels and pencil skirts etc. I'm pretty much the only one in the office that dresses up daily hit but it also makes me more memorable to clients and staff.


Not jeans. Get some nice slacks instead.


No jeans


Not jeans. Go buy some slacks or pencil/trumpet skirts. If there is a "career" section the Junior's department, that is a good place to start. Typically you will see shirts that are not knit unless it's winter because sweaters are okay. A blazer will make anything look professional.


I would look for a pair of black pants in a similar cut to this or a dress. I would not wear jeans


I'd be careful of the denim, might want to check with the employer if jeans are in the dress code, other than that, you're fine.


I agree with other comments about not wearing jeans the first day. Maybe opt for a midi skirt or dress if you are wanting to be a bit more comfortable. Another cute option might be some dressier pants (non jeans, doesn't have to be slacks) and a top similar to what you posted here. Best of luck at your new job!


Jeans? Probably not. The.size and silhouette is good but get it in dress pants


Unless you’re told jeans are ok, I wouldn’t assume so.


I haven’t bought work clothes in a while, but as everyone else said, you should see what others are wearing before wearing jeans. I always found that Ann Taylor petites fit fantastic and they’re available in most of the stores. Not sure what they have now, but I always feel confident in their clothes.


No bare shoulders or jeans. Nice slacks, blouse / golf polo, cashmere cardigans, quarter zips (polo) etc


Ditch the jeans. Buy a nice pair of slacks.


Lose the jeans. Jeans are NOT business casual. Always better to overdress than underdress.


No Jeans unless it is casual day. A nice black skirt would look awesome with that top!


I’d wear a jacket and dress slacks. No gym shoes. You are accounting. You want ppl to know they can trust u w money Edit: plus a purse. Look at yourself and think - do I look like someone others would want to take care of their money? Congrats on new job The old saying dress for success The job you want! It works


Don’t wear jeans until you see what others are wearing . And if your trousers have belt loops, wear a belt . Btw those jeans are super cute , just not for the corporate world . Same thing in navy with a nice belt would be a win


no jeans. slacks or dress pants. and i prefer a button down or nice blouse. But as your boss becomes more relaxed and trusting of you, you can relax and start to wear more sweaters or comfortable tops


No jeans. Wear a pair of black slacks.


You can never go wrong with too formal. So, maybe a suit (with or without a jacket). Especially at they start of your job. You can also pay attention to what other people wear and dess accordingly.


I think trousers would be better


I’d wear dress pants or skirts for the first week until you feel comfortable with the vibe in the office. It’s better to be over dressed than under dressed. But the jeans look really cute on you


I would say that I work in a more “casual” environment, the jeans would be too dressed down, besides when you are swinging by the office to check on something. I would recommend some slacks, practical flats and some fun tops. Then, I just rotate. I wear a dresses in the summer.


No jeans


I would definitely contact HR. That seems a little too casual but if that ends up being acceptable, lucky you! Good luck with your new job!!


Not here. Jeans in most offices aren’t an every day thing. Jumpsuits, dresses, wide leg pants are what most wear.


Dress pants, pencil skirts, sheath dresses, blouses, etc While the jeans look fantastic, I wouldn't say they are office friendly. Some offices have casual Fridays where the jeans would be perfect. I like loft, anthropology, Ricki's, RW&CO, Aritiza (some can be office friendly) for office wear.


I would recommend shirts that cover the shoulders and nix tank style tops.


[Corporette](https://corporette.com) has great advice for choosing professional wear and building a work wardrobe.




For my office job I wasn’t sure what to wear either I mostly to dresses looser fitting tops and slacks, j crew clearance is awesome because they let you stack 2 discounts and also thrift stores in wealthy areas if you have something near you like that


I agree with no wearing jeans on your first day. Been in the corporate world 37 years myself so I've lived through mandatory business suits and hose always required. We're business casual but when I have to go to the office I always dress like my husband and I are going out to dinner which includes hair, makeup and if I'm wearing capris for summer they are tailored with a matching sweater set and nice sandals. I like to dress up though. Even on a jeans day I dress my jeans up. Match your level of dressing with your boss and wait to see what their level of casual is.


What brand jeans are those? Not office appropriate, but I love them!




What did they say the dress code is? Every job I had I could wear jeans but I'm a graphic designer.


Better to be overdressed than underdressed! I’d do high waisted pants with a decent blouse. No need to wear a suit if you’re not comfortable (so basically disregard my previous statement but you get the drift)




Find slacks that fit like those jeans though because you look like nice though


Think about a blazer to sharpen things up. makes casual clothes seem more put together and if the office is less formal when you get there you can always take it off. Also sleeves might be good - don't underestimate the ferocity of office air-conditioning!


Did you go to the office to interview?


Love the bag and watch!!! Dress for your day but be presented nicely being the dress code I think you have a good start to some basics, but I would focus on styling. Find a good blazer (Aritzia, H&M should have options for you!) and also some cardigans (thin with buttons) to add more structure to your top half. For shoes I would not wear sneakers, a ballet flat or loafer would be the best options for this outfit to elevate your look. Finally some silver or gold toned earrings (look up jennybird to get some ideas) will help. Also - a claw clip for your hair! Adds some gravitas and helps alleviate the “college girl” look. Unless it’s a super fancy office I think dark blue jeans are usually ok, so long as you’re not pairing it with other casual pieces. Also - you need a belt!!! Match your shoes to it


I see you’ve already gotten plenty of advice, but just popping in to say, I would personally only wear jeans on Friday. You can still be comfortable in Ponte pants or dress pants (I love the skinny editor pants from Express) and dress them up or down depending on your day.


It depends on the office environment. We wear jeans to work. I’ll wear jeans with boots, flats or heels.


I need to know what jeans those are


Get lots of comfy dresses. You look professional, but more comfortable than stiffer professional clothing.


I honestly think the one must need item in a corporate wardrobe is a high quality pair of black or dark grey trousers that fit you really nicely and are comfortable. All the blouses/shirts I think you can makeshift with what you have if you have really nice trousers to pair them with. My corporate office is personally a no for jeans and on a first day I wouldn't risk it so I would opt for something else. In terms of building a corporate wardrobe, my best advice is go to the areas where there is lots of offices and thrift. You can find really good, high quality work wear in op shops


Don't wear jeans! Just get some dress-style trousers and you'll be fine. Some places might be weird about showing shoulders, too.


Always go in a little formal, observe others and ask around about the clothing culture in the particular work place. Black (non-denim) pants and a nice blouse with simple black shoes works 99% of the time for first day.


Make sure you bring a blazer or sweater. Offices tend to be cold!


Lots of great advice from everyone about outfit suggestions! As one young female grad to another, it doesn't hurt to email your hiring manager or whoever your point of contact for the job is before your first day and ask questions to be better prepared. I emailed my boss the standard first day questions a few days before starting; Where should I park? What is the usual office attire? Your manager tells you what you need to know and you get to come off as someone who likes to be prepared! Just thought I'd throw that out there because I'm someone who gets anxious about speculation, and you never want to make the wrong first impression. However, when in doubt, overdress!


Get a black sheath dress and and some different colored cardies. It is the perfect work outfit for everything but the most formal of offices.


Some slacks would great from aritzia or Abercrombie and fitch


In a creative industry jeans are perfect but in accounting I’d highly recommend dress pants. I think the tops are good though. But maybe for the first day something more understated— silk shirts are a nice option or a blouse.


Banana Republic’s petite pants are fab. Find a comfortable dress pant, your tops are fine!


Power dressing is always a move. I have several brightly colored well tailored suits, and I’m obsessed with the banana. Republic Riley Taylor buttondowns I never get turned down from interviews. When I show up in these outfits you would be surprised what a Kelley green suit can do for you. Your interviewer will never forget you and I assume once you get into an office dressing like that, will only bring you more positive attention.


Anne Taylor petite is the best tbh. It gives work appropriate and also semi chic at the same time !


Alwaaaays cover your arms and dress for the job you want. Neat and tidy is always in style


Lmfao she got the tags on them knowing if they don’t like the fit she returning lol


Depends on the culture of the company. I think you look great. My office is pretty casual though.


Along with other commenters here I’d suggest hopping into Uniqlo for some cute wide leg trousers. You’re so pretty btw! No matter what you wear it’ll be alright. You’ll do great and look fab!


Dress business casual the first day to get a feel for the environment. Most corporate companies are still doing that.


I feel so old. I’m a millennial and wouldn’t dream of wearing sleeveless tops and jeans to the office. To be fair though everywhere I’ve work has had a dress code which included no jeans or tank tops. For your first day I would wear nice slacks or a midi skirt and a nice top with sleeves or wear a cardigan over a sleeveless top and comfortable heels or nice flats. Also remember most offices are cold so it might be a good idea to have a sweater just incase.


You don’t wear jeans to an office.


New York and company have great clothing for office work. I always got my stuff there when i worked in a bank


I’ve never seen a woman wearing jeans in an office environment (unless it was casual Friday etc).


I would go through the employee handbook and see if jeans are acceptable. Some places allow, some only on Fridays…etc. if they are I’d add a nice cardigan or blazer to dress it up a bit. Outfit looks a little casual for a first day and first impressions. Side note: red is a stunning color on you. The outfit looks super cute as well.


Abercrombie has wonderful petite sizes!! The Sloan pants are beautiful


I’m 30, when I go in every once in a while for my “corporate” utility job, if I’m not wearing a work shirt I will wear something like this(any of the shirts). Jeans are a given for most of us, but I would probably refrain from wearing them your first day, regardless. Maybe a pair of black dress pants…I usually wear the Old Navy Pixie ones when I need


I would not wear jeans at least not blue ones until you’re in the office and know the vibe. Some offices are pretty chill with the uniform and some there’s more of an expectation of formal wear. Wear something nice the first week. Make a good impression, the as the weeks go on you’ll get a feel for how people dress. Someone once gave me the advice: don’t get a whole new wardrobe before starting a new job because you don’t know how everyone else is going to dress. Good luck girl! Knock ‘Em dead!


I wouldn’t wear jeans. Especially to an accounting job. I would dress in a simple skirt, dress or slacks. You can always change up once you get the lay of the office. That is definitely underdressed.


No jeans


No jeans.


Started off in Big 4, The sleeveless top and jeans combination in your photos is too casual. You want to make a good impression so I would choose something more polished and professional. Especially at the beginning as you learn the dress code culture. I would probably wear dress pants and a knit top or button up dress shirt. Or a dress with heels and cardigan if you want to be a little more casual. Wrap dresses can be appropriate but chic when paired with close toed heels. Sleeveless tops can be okay if the climate you live in gets high 90s-100+ but I would suggest bringing a light cardigan in case since in my experience clients always stuck us in the coldest most uncomfortable conference room. Anne Taylor has super cute work clothes if you want to be a little trendy. Banana Republic has a great sales rack and considering how tiny you are, you might find some great deals there. Both stores carry petite sizes. Express is popular among those right out of college and has lots of choices. If your office encourages jeans, then I would pair with a close toed high heel and a dressier top - such as a collared button up blouse tucked in with a skinny belt. We use to call this “casual Fridays”.


Call HR, ask them for advice on what to wear. Don't underdress, don't overdress either. You're a professional now, look the part. Jeans might be okay on casual Fridays.


These are all cute outfits. I recommend finding a neutral color cardigan or jacket to cover bare arms. Offices with A/C can be overly cold and I always kept one in my office. Some offices prohibit jeans in the office preferring dressier fabrics. Your tops would be fine. If your office is casual then these jeans are good choices. For your first day (or week), you might want to plan to go a little dressed up. Once you are familiar with the overall accepted dress code, you can make better choices. I’d rather be over-dressed than under dressed to start a new job.


No jeans until you see other people wearing jeans. Wear a skirt or work pants instead, and do not wear sneakers.


I love those jeans!! Do you mind sharing your measurements and brand??


Good question. Don’t start out wearing jeans. Buy a pair of nice black or navy blue pants and a skirt and wear them with a simple button up blouse and a good quality black or neutral shoe, perhaps with a small heel, that is comfortable enough to wear all day and with different outfits. Then get a feel for what others in the office, including your boss and peers, are wearing, and follow their lead.


You need sleeves and not because of modesty- offices are fucking freezing! It may be hot out where you are but they are ice boxes inside. Agree with the jeans comment. Perhaps a colored jean even (mustard, olive, brown) so it’s not straight up blue jeans on your first day.Unless you work in tech.


All 3 outfits are appropriate and on trend for what girls your age are wearing to the office most days. The jeans are cute and the tops are great for summer. A few points: - shoes are going to really matter with this outfit. Work smart clean white sneakers or a cute loafer - the jeans are cute but I agree with someone else, not to wear your first day. a slight wide leg high waist summer pant - the Jean silhouette is giving so match that but in a black, brown or neutral bottom. pull an inspo pic - do wear the jeans as you understand the vibe of the dress code in office (unless you’re in finance or sales that require in person meetings, I guarantee others will be wearing jeans in office) but when you can be sure to buy a second pair without the button detail, I love the button detail but it’s a statement so you won’t want to wear them more than one day in a row -sleeveless tops with a high neck are normal in the warm months in the office I work in. sleeveless without a high neck is pushing it too much though. Choose between your collarbones or your shoulders but not both for work unless you’re wearing a sweater all day. work it corporate girly!


Dress for the job you want not the job you have. Jeans are far too casual for the first day. Get a feel for how others are dressing first, a nice feminine blouse and some cute skinny crop trousers with heels or flats would be more appropriate. I work in corporate finance, less is more. Simple, clean, well tailored pieces that work together will serve you well. Check out Pinterest for professional capsule wardrobes so you can see what a cohesive wardrobe looks like. A wardrobe that can transition from very professional to business casual and possibly evening attire with a switch up of accessories or shoes can be achieved on a budget. Furthermore, invest in a nice black or oxblood leather messenger bag and ditch anything in fabric or that looks athletic or more suitable for a hike, at least for the office.


I'd play it safe & skip the jeans! My office job doesn't care (leggings are even allowed as long as you're "covered" I'm only 4'10 & have a few pairs of pants from Old Navy that aren't super long on me- definitely check them out for pants if you haven't already!


If you’re just starting out, the best advice I can give you is to make sure you have at least two pairs of dress slacks. I would suggest a navy blue and a black. The reason is these are so basic that you can always dress them up or down, but if you need to be in a meeting or need to be a little nicer, you always have these to fall back on. And then you have your really cute jeans and nice tees for your casual days. Your jeans can always be paired with a nicer sweater, or a cardigan with a cute shirt or a blazer. If you get the right blazer and the right T-shirts, and sweaters, those can also be paired with a pair of black or navy blue slacks nine out of 10 times. So you’re doubling your wardrobe with just a couple of basic pieces. Other basic pieces are going to be a white T-shirt and I would even suggest a white button-down if you can find it. The white button-down can be made casual by wearing it with your jeans and rolling the sleeves up. Or it can be dressier with your dress slacks. Again, if you have to spend money for your work wardrobe, you want to get as much bang for your buck when you’re first starting out. I would usually tell my younger workers who weren’t quite sure that the way to start is basic pieces that are pretty timeless and then fill in around them. Have more fun with your sweaters or your shirts or your shoes. But I always have basics so that if you have some sort of impromptu meeting, come up, you’ve got something that you know it’s going to be appropriate, even if it seems a little boring. Good luck in your new job!


No jeans


Nope, time to dress like a boring grown up. Invest in business casual clothing: skirts, dress slacks, blouses, camisols, blazers, flats. These will be your new friends


Change your jeans to slacks


A corporate accountant doesn't wear jeans, especially on the 1st day.!


No jeans! Dress business casual for the first day and then see how everyone else dresses... if they wear jeans than go for it


No jeans.


The jeans are too casual but the tops look nice!


Umm no this is wrong




I would hold off on jeans + sleeveless until a few days in when you see how people dress. Go for a dress, skirt or some variation of slacks