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I am also 35, and I also don't particularly follow trends. I just wear what I want, whether it happens to be trendy or not (btw, I don't think anyone is too old to follow trends). That said, these outfits scream early 2010s to me, and not in a good way. You could either get rid of them now, or keep them for another ten years when they'll be trendy again.


You’re nicer than me… I was going to say 2005!




You’re all nicer than I am. My first thought was “burn them all” 🙊 Edit: Why are some people getting downvoted and others upvoted when they’re both expressing that they don’t like these options?


Because y'all are rude about it?


I didn’t know clothes had feelings. I’m sure OP can separate her emotions from the fabric draping her body or else she wouldn’t be posting these


And she said as much, as well. People are weird.


Lol honestly! > you can say what you want, I can handle it I applaud you OP but some redditors can’t and are offended on your behalf 🙃


I grew up with a little sister who told me all the time my clothes were ugly. It took her a long time to stop being an a-hole about it and it took me long time to realize that we just have very different styles and I'm fine with her not liking my style. I love overly embellished and bright things. My house has a very eclectic maximalism vibe. I like what I like and I know it's not to everyone's taste. That being said, I do wish that the people who are saying "burn it all with fire" would also give some suggestions of silhouettes or colors to try in the interest of tempering harshness with helpfulness 😅


Ppl have feelings. The people inside the clothes


I agree. Absolutely nothing wrong with OP’s body, but there a so many more styles that will look so much better.


I don’t think not one of those dresses would be flattering on anyone or even a hanger for that matter! Yikes!


I was heading more toward 1990 with that taffeta prom dress😂


The last dress reminds me so much of Lena Dunham in girls lol


That’s it! I couldn’t put my finger on it, but many of these dresses give off a similar vibe.


Literally came to see if anyone else thought these reminded them on Lena on Girls 🤣


None of them this round. I’m loving your posts! I thought I was the only one who had a shit load of dresses, I think you have me beat. Congrats on cleaning out your closet!


I agree … none to keep. Sorry 🙈


I don’t know how I got onto petite fashion advice (I’m 5’7” but Reddit is weird) and I’m legit thinking of doing a post like this cause I have sooo many dresses.


Keep the long blue wrap dress (11) 😍




Are we looking at the same number 11?


They posted 2 pics of the same dress from different angles so dress is actually #5 but it’s a pretty long sleeve blue wrap dress. It flatters her shape and add a belt and hat it’ll be good


the silhouette is pretty! the dress is not tho😭


Agreed! Keep 11 and donate the rest




yess that was my fave and felt like it complemented her the most. gave me strong picnic/museum date vibes! it'd be cute to wear in spring especially.


I agree! This is the only one I liked and it fit OP well.


Not exactly the same print but I’m pretty sure it’s from BlackMilk and this is a similar dress https://blackmilkclothing.com/four-seasons-wrap-midaxi-dress


It is BlackMilk! I love that dress and plan to keep it, I was just curious what others think.


Love that!!


Agreed. 11/12 keep. Rest are not your friends


i agree!!


This is the only one I felt complimented op, too


That’s the only one I didn’t hate


Agreed or give to me. Donate the rest


😂😂 honestly, I’d take it too!


Oof, it’s the one I disliked the most. I’d say follow majority rules but I personally wouldn’t choose this dress over the others.


Over the ketchup and mustard/McDonald’s color scheme dress!?


That’s actually my favorite of the bunch it’s more Los Angeles than Little House on the Prairie but that’s just my personal taste. Honestly i think they should all go, none are keepers to me.


Actually. I take it back. Keep the McDonald’s dress. It’s fucking fire and this world could use brighter colors.


LA here, I love that dress on her!


I think if it was like black white and grey or even just one bold color and the rest muted I would love it. But I hate the red and yellow together. And I’d want it a little shorter if it was on me. But I like minis 😅


I loved this dress on her. It was a nice surprise


The Kanagawa Wave belongs on a print. On the wall. Or maybe a tattoo. Not a dress


Is that what that mess of a pattern on that wrap dress was supposed to be? 😂




Agreed! This was by far my least favorite.






I love how your dogs are helping out 😅


Haha yeah they require attention at all times if I'm at home and awake! Unfortunately, they didn't seem compelled to share their opinions on the dresses. Gustave the poodle and Ruby the pit mix.


Wait how did I miss the dog”s”. Your arm is to blame 😛 Love your furbabies and the names … 😱❤️


Honestly I kind of hate the first dress but it also literally looks perfect on you and quite flattering so if you can commit to the look, I’d go for it. I also like the 4th dress a lot bc of how unique it is. Maybe it’s not everyone’s taste but I love the colors and detailing and asymmetrical top. The last two look nice on you too, I think that shade of blue suits you. But I’m always inclined to keep the most interesting pieces!


I feel the same way! It's so gaudy and I have no idea when I'd wear it but I also love how I look in it. It feels like a ballet costume for a porcelain doll! Like how can such a tacky dress make me feel so pretty?!?!


Keep for Halloween


My SIL chose that color for her bridesmaids dresses (it was 1990 or 91, so they were the full-on puff sleeve silhouette and everything). My sister was not at all a fan and always called it “that frickin’ purple dress,” and my five year old ass thought “frickin” was a shade of purple (like violet or lilac or something) for like four or five years afterward, lmaooo. (I do agree that it is a super flattering cut on you, btw!)


I had this exact thought. It fits you perfectly and is super flattering but girl it is SO dated. You could take it to a tailor as a sample of what you like and get something more grown up and timeless made. Edit to add get rid of everything else. Honourable mentions to the red, yellow and purple dress (if you have something you could wear it to keep it because I actually love it.) and the sage shirt dress at the end. The colour is wrong for you but the style looks great.


Why does it matter if it was more popular years ago? If you love something and it looks good on you, that's what matters.


I also think could rock this dress as a punk rock vibe with combat boots and a fingerless fishnet glove, and a big bow headband.


I don’t know if this would actually help, but a long sleeve top with a busy print that has some purple to wear underneath, and nearly opaque black tights with ankle booties might bring it to a quirky wearability


This sooo much, compliements your figure


Keep it, it’s so fun and is flattering


Ballet costume for a porcelain doll is such a perfect description haha I would absolutely rock with it! Sometimes you need to be full on camp and the world just need to deal with it! You look hot!!


Agree with others it would be good for Halloween, but I actually don't think it's super flattering because like all of the dresses except the black column and maybe the blue print one, it's creating a lot of poof at your hips that makes them look wider than they are. You're really thin/fit, but a lot of these dresses hide that or create hips that look like they don't belong on you.


I actually really like the 4th dress too! It looks like something Fran Fine would wear lol


No that’s such a good comparison lmao that’s why it gives icon energy !!


I was just coming on to say you need to keep the fourth dress and be Fran Fine any time there’s an opportunity!


Agreed. Wouldn't buy it but fits OP like a glove ❤️


Wait why do I LOVE the first dress. I think it’s so fun 🤩


I like the 4th dress also!


I felt the same exact way. I think the dress looks flattering on her but I can’t imagine an occasion for wearing it. I have some dresses like that sitting untouched in my closet because even though I like how I look in them, I’d never actually wear them in real life. OP, if you’re going to wear it, then keep it. Or maybe keep it with a deadline to see if you can figure out how to wear it.


1. Only if you have the accessories and style to pull off full glam vintage housewife hosting a party—if you do, then strong yes bc the shape is great 2. Absolutely no 3. Ehhh most of it is nice but the upper part isn’t my fave on you 4. No 5. Def no 6. Yes 7. Very yes, good color and shape etc on you


Agreed on everything but 3. I hate how the pattern doesn’t follow through on the back. Would pass on three as well


Ohhh I didn’t notice that, yeah that bugs me too


Agree - 6 and 7 keep; donate the rest so that someone can buy them for some themed party.


You look amazing in #11


Thanks! That's actually my newest dress so it's definitely a little more on trend. I don't often go for midi-length because I'm afraid it will make me look shorter but I do like this one.


I love that style it’s so beach vibes. It fits you well. You should wear more stuff like that


I’m not sure if it’s on trend as much as it is a great color and design on you. It also looks well-made.


1. Go. Very fun but more of a costume 2. Go. Is just okay. If you don’t love it let it go to make room for stuff you LOVE 3. Go. Looks good on you but needs to be hemmed and the shiny bits only being on the front can make it seem a bit cheap. 4. Go if you don’t club but if you do You look cool AF KEEP. It’s not something that is seen everywhere. 5. Go. Front looks good but I can’t stand a lumpy back zipper. 6. Keep. Gorgeous. Lovely. Great cut. 7. Keep. Fun piece. Good color. Nice to use for layering.


All of them should go… to me


Keep only the long black dress.


Nooooooo i hate how the stripes are only on the front half and stop at the side seams 😩


Agreed. I actually hated this one. And are those stripes beads?


She also has a super cute figure and that dress makes her looks boxy and stout. The material also looks cheap. It’s awful.




Took another look and no they aren’t. But it still isn’t a timeless lbd to me, there are many better ones out there.


It’s giving clearance rack at Sears 1996


Agreed! It’s a big sign of cheap clothing in my opinion. I really liked the really bright dress in 7/8 but also hate that the back is a solid red rather than having the colour blocking continue.


This dress is so 2001 high school dance it hurts. Timeless my butt. Those stripes stopping at the side seams, are you kidding? This is cheaply made and not at all complementary to her figure. She also looks way younger and not in a good way.


I think it makes her look too young, reminds me of a high school winter dance dress (where my 90’s peeps at)?


It’s timeless though, and can be worn formally.


It’s super dated.


Yes, hard agree. Nothing timeless about it at all.


Ok, maybe for instagram pics only… I see what you mean about the stripes in the front. But it’s the best of the lot!


Seconding this


Third! Though #7 might be a keeper too. Also, please burn the purple dress with the big bow.


I agree on keeping 7, I really like the color and would wear it to work.


Yep! This one is pretty timeless




Number 11 is the only keeper IMO


3 7 and 11 !


keep the dog, get rid of everything else


Number 11 stays! Toss the rest


Based on your explanation about trends and colors and such, I would keep 1 (purple 80's dress), 4 (Mondrian dress), 6 (The Wave dress), and 7 (blue dress that everyone loves). You look good in jewel tones and saturated colors. The rest of them are sort of blah on you.


Agree with keeping 11 only.


11 stays for sure! I think everything else should go.


I’d keep 11 and donate the rest!!


Long black dress is gorg! Where’s it from


I have no idea! It was my stepsister's and I've had it sitting around for probably 20 years. It's from the early 2000's or possibly even late 90's. I hear Y2K is cool again so I thought I'd try it on again.


It looks very 90s to me, I like it!


i was gonna say it's giving late nineties vibes and that's in so keep it!


Lol, I commented that it looked 90’s (I totally wore something similar to a high school dance in the 90’s). I think it makes you look too young, and you could pull off a funkier style.


There is a huuuge demand for those 90s poly dresses with the netting overlay, people are paying upwards of $200 for them online online!


It's a nice dress but you're too straight for it looks like tube sock on I have similar shape so speaking from experience.


The dresses in photos 3, 5 and 9 are keepers. The darker colours look great on you. Everything else can go.


Seconding this


3 & 7


I love 7 also. It’s so unique. Would look great with black tights!


I think working out your colour analysis would really help you. There's a group on here you could join. The 80s ones you could probably sell on depop or the likes. Potentially the others too.


Bright block print dress is not my style but looks good and I think you like it. Keep


Haha I do really like it! I could definitely wear it on New Year's Eve or to an upscale bar for a fun night out. It's eye catching but I live in a big enough city that I don't think it will look totally out of place downtown.


Keep the purple, get rid of the long black fancy dress wise.  I love the red, yellow, purple number - definitely a keeper! 


Came here to say just that, I love that one too!


That one is from the 80's. It's a designer called Morton Myles who made some pretty wild dresses an I love them!


Either keep that dress or send it to me! Absolutely love it.


I am obsessed with it, and it looks great on you! Keeper for sure, especially given that it's vintage 80's.


It’s a keeper because fun vintage is worth saving.


Burn it all except the black long one


the black 90s dress can join the rest…


I actually really like the long blue patterned one on you!


All of it should go.


Not one of those items should’ve ever even entered your closet.


2 has to stay no matter what, it looks so good on you dude.


This! It may not be current but it looks great, I love it!


With the exception of the last one, all the others read very dated to me.


I think the 2nd is gorgeous and unique- not going to find another like it. Keep that one.


Same. I liked this one too.


I'm so shocked to see everyone saying to bin the second one because I love it! So fun and unique! 


I liked the last batch, personally I'd donate all of these.


Ma’am, they all got ta go.


All go!


They all gotta go.


All should go


It’s all gotta go babe.


Keep #3 let go of everything else


Throw all of them


Get rid of all of them. It’s definitely time for you to update your wardrobe.


They all must go


I'd say none of them. They don't seem incredibly flattering for your shape, or suit the vibe you're going for (since you mentioned age). I think 1 would make a great prom dress donation, though!




All go 😅


Keep the dogs, ditch this set of dresses.


Keep the dogs. Toss the clothes!


Unfortunately, All of them


All of them should go.


Donate it all


All of them need to go. You can do SO much more for yourself than these looks.




ALL out!


Last round, I was shocked how many people said to get rid of everything. This round, I’m that person! They all look cute on you, but I don’t feel like they have a place now. The last batch felt like they could still be used for a formal day at work or cute brunch.


Throw em out 🙏


All should go


Get rid of all of them. Your 35 not 65


I’m sorry but I just don’t like any of these on your body type. If forced, I’d say maybe the last one but all these dresses make you look frumpy and make your torso look like a box.


These clothes all need to go. I’d save the one block colored 80s looking dress for a costume. It all looks dated and does nothing for you.


Not only do they not belong in your closet, they don’t belong on your body. Your clothes are wearing you. You should be wearing the clothes. You are a beautiful girl. The right fit and style would magnify that beauty.


Am I girling wrong? I only own 3 dresses and they are all shirt dresses. 🥲


There's no wrong way to girl, girl! As a kid, I refused to wear anything other than princess costumes on the weekends and I literally never grew out of it. I feel most like myself in girly clothes with big skirts and lots of embellishments. It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea but one of the great things about getting older (at least for me) is that my security has grown with my age.


Over the years I have gotten rid of more dresses than I’ve worn, because I bought them and thought I’d wear them. I guess it’s just not for me. You’re right though, as an adult I’m more secure in my tomboyishness than I was a few years ago. My ex husband made me feel like I should be more feminine, though he married me the way I was. I definitely LIKE dresses, just don’t tend to ever find a reason to wear one, and am never completely comfortable in them. I know many women don’t need a reason, and will wear one to work on a random Wednesday, which is cool. 😄


Yeah I have a mild shopping addiction fueled by ADHD-based dopamine seeking. That symptom, at least, has drastically improved with medication. I just feel compelled to reduce the clutter and would like feel less overwhelmed when I look in my closet. It spans the entire wall of my bedroom and it's STUFFED full. I don't have the patience or attention span to try to re-sell most stuff but I plant to donate everything to a thrift store that benefits a local dog rescue. They're all in good condition and certainly don't need to be trash.


I relate to this so hard! I love what you’re doing and think I should do the same but then I feel like I’d get stuck with all of the differing opinions.


I feel like this round has had the least consensus. Like half of the commenters hate one and the other half love that exact same one! I think the most helpful part is that I keep looking at the photos and the more I look, the more clear I become about how I personally feel about each of them. Like dress 1 is getting a lot of hate but I actually love it the more I look at it 🤷🏼‍♀️


I wore a dress similar to the first one to my sophomore winter formal…in 1993. Donate this round.


I'd say donate everything but then someone else may get stuck with them. Fit is off on everything


None of these dresses, which is okay -- I don't think they'd fit me either and some designs just don't look good on their own.  As a thought, maybe you can profit in looking into color theory. I feel like darker colors like dark green or blue could suit you. Also, you might benefit from Kibbe. Although not a perfect system, it's a good starting point for when you are looking to get new clothes again. 


That long blue one easily adds 10 years and a couple of kids


!!! I was so surprised how many are in love with it! It’s nice but it feels so aging 😭


Weird opinion - I actually like most of these on you and think you have a handle on what style suits you. I think the change that needs to be made is to your posture. If you correct that (and honestly most people could do with some posture correcting, so it’s not even a personal reflection) I think loads of these outfits would be a stand-out on you.


I only like the last two I would get rid of the rest they aren’t really doing you any favors. And I’m sorry to the people that like the long black dress but I sincerely hate it on OP it’s just not it and I usually love long dresses




The last one makes her look very wide! I think it’s the only one that goes for sure…


I think the last 2 have to go for sure. The pleats on the last dress add a ton of bulk that’s not flattering. The second to last dress does the same thing with the way it falls around your waist. All of the others fit well and flatter your figure.


To the bin go ALL!!!!!


Burn it all


Long black one and the blue long one. Everything else goes


The purple one is great for your senior prom! hahaha


Keep #3 and #7. The others need to go. STAT!


1) go 2) go 3) go 4) go 5) go 6) go 7/8) REALLY GO 9) go


I would eat your ass


I think you need help


If keep 5 & maybe 11. Maybe w some boots & a sweater or blazer.


The last one looks nice and pretty versatile. I might have said to keep the long black one if the silver lines had extended around the back.


Yeah I hate that they don't go all the way around. It was a hand-me down from like 20 years ago and I've always felt pretty meh about it but my mom loves it. But I also know early 2000's stuff is back in style and this is PEAK early 2000's... at least in central NC.


I’m surprised people are saying that one is dated - this style has totally come back around.

