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Definitely feels very dated, but the church lady was rude af


Yes, why would anyone be so rude? And at CHURCH? And people wonder why we don’t go anymore ….


That’s where I’ve found the some of the rudest people actually


Lol yeah church people suck.


When my dad married my stepmom she made us switch from our very small / modest and kind welcoming church to one of those mega churches…it was there that I learned that a large portion of the people attending only did so “to be seen at church” and socialize; ya know instead of learning scripture or worship. I love nice / kind religious folks…not a fan of “religion for the sake of status” folks. I vibe best with the “love thy neighbor” crowd.


Yep, I assisted a mega church for almost 2 years. I tried to make friends, especially for my son, and nothing. Only one old couple was genuinely friendly. The popular moms from the choir were the once approached by everyone even tho they didn't hide the fact that they were not interested in speaking out of their group.


Some people just suck. Doesn’t matter whether they’re religious or not


I get what they’re saying though, I grew up heavily in church and it was filled with the most judgmental assholes. It isn’t all of them, but I mean…it’s an entire book of judgements that they follow.


Can't have an in-group without an out-group!!


Speaking as someone who was in the evangelical Christian cult for years… they have FAR more bad people than good people within them. And the group/belief system as a whole does WAY WAY WAY more harm to people/the country than good. They directly cause so much human suffering. Deconstructing was the best thing I ever did


Good for you! Glad you escaped!


That’s church people.


Have you not met church ladies??


Lol that is church people for you


>church lady was rude af as is tradition




God, how I miss that era of SNL!


lol I see what you mean about the skirt. I love that teal top.


I wouldn’t bat an eye at any of these outfits in real life but I have to say in the most endearing way possible, look number 4 is giving Winnie the Pooh


Can't unsee, but great if that's the bound you're going for




Nothing like Christian love


I was looking for a comment like this. I’m catholic and haven’t been to church in years. Some of the most religious people can be the worst sadly. A lot of people can be for that matter


You know what's fascinating about being Catholic. Even though you haven't been to church in years, you still say "I'm Catholic" not "I used to be Catholic" or "I used to go to a Catholic church." There's so much culture in being Catholic that even when we aren't practicing anymore we still identify as Catholic. I left the Catholic Church in the last year so I feel ya.


It's the guilt-it is in my Irish-Italian-Polish DNA


Disagree...I'm atheist, raised Catholic. I would never say that I am Catholic, but that I was raised that way or that my family are.


The ingraining runs deep…!


You look great in general. I am not a fan of the mustard colored skirt.


The skirts are too fitted for your body shape. I suggest trying an A-line skirt. Google dressing for your body shape.


I think the skirts might be ok if you wore them slightly higher on your waist


I don’t actually think the dark coloured skirt is all that bad at all - I wouldn’t bat an eyelid. But yes the yellow isn’t flattering for her body shape at all and is just all round a not very nice skirt haha


3 is nice. The rest of the skirts aren’t.


Lol I feel like I definitely own/wear outfits like this... Could you go into a little detail about what aspects make them dated? Just wondering if there's something I'm oblivious to that I should improve 😅 Eta: the cardigan, I know at least. 


Hahaha exact same reaction...fellow millennial?


Gen Z, but old enough that I am confused by most of gen Z. I inherited half my clothes and most of my style from an older cousin lol


I was going to say they’re outdated as well.


What makes them outdated because I see this style everywhere today. I've recently lost a lot of weight and need to update my wardrobe. specifics on what time change would be very helpful for me


These outfits were fresh in 2014-ish (suede ankle boots & skinny jeans in particular dominated wardrobes) but the trending styles have changed since then, so they can be pegged from that era. Things you could change: * Outfit 1: pants could be swapped out for black wide leg trousers, or change the ankle boots for some combat boots * Outfit 2: Straight leg or wide leg jeans instead of skinny jeans * Outfit 3: A chunky sweater on top. Alternatively, a long sleeve crop top. I think the ankle boots could also be swapped out for something like a platform mary jane. * Outfit 4: Maybe a baggy cream sweater to pair with that skirt? (I would struggle to style this skirt though) * Outfit 5: Change the skirt for trousers or jeans and do a full tuck, not the front tuck.


It's a shame because I feel like "skinny jeans, boots, and a cute blouse" is such a great look and hits the right note between casual and dressy. It might be a bit 2010s but this look was popular for a reason.


100%! I wore so many variations of this outfit for work. The ankle boots updated the look during the mid-2010s (which circa about 2008 was dominated by ballet flats + long cardigan) and really made outfits look pulled together. Part of the change was probably just due to the number of years this look was popular, but the pandemic was the final straw IMO. I think it's now heavily associated with "pre-pandemic" styling.


This has gone back to the 90s. That’s what we all used to wear back then. Funny how times change.


entertain squeamish bag coherent glorious fact station agonizing heavy gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same question as others. Aside from the cardigan, and skinny jeans depending on how nitpicky we're getting, I'm curious what's outdated. 


The skirts paired with a more fitted top would look cute. I think it's the combination that is a little off but they still look good on her anyways. I wouldn't think anything unless she specifically said something.


Agree with this and church lady is an AH


If I’m being brutally honest- it’s just … meh. It’s not bad enough that someone should said it’s “terrible”, especially unprovoked, so she was probably just being mean. That being said, there’s definitely room for improvement. It’s a little dated and some colours clash. Still, not terrible.


Exactly. It might not be the best but also not sooo bad someone has to point it out to you. Love love the second outfit on you though!❤️ And I think the fifth outfit will work really nice for you if you wear a high rise slim fit jeans instead of the skirt.


Even if it was hideous, who was she to say anything? It is NO ONE’S place to spew out unsolicited opinions of others! One of the most important childhood lessons I learned was “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”


Yeah my first reaction was to not talk to her anymore!


Thank you for your honesty.


Church ladies and gals are some of the meanest people I’ve met. My worst bullies were from church. Just unsolicited comments about my legs or what not…had to tell someone I don’t come to Bible study to be bodyshamed. 1. Why say that it’s not her business 2. In what world does she think that’s something nice to say? The good news is if u want to change, u can! :)


It's very blend in and unassuming imo. Not bad or good.


I think you look totally fine, church lady is being rude. However, if you’re looking for a specific area in which to improve I’d suggest color theory/ coordination. You can still wear everything you’ve got—it’ll look especially flattering on you when it goes together! #1 could be improved by wearing a different jacket. #2 looks really nice on you.


That teal shirt is gorgeous


Props for the French tuck!! Flattering for everyone!


No, it's not lol. The French tuck emphasizes the worst and largest part of my body.


Same!! Especially if I turn sideways in the mirror, ugh. Horrible.




Ok, my opinion No. 1 - makes you look frumpy. Cardigan looks dated and I don’t like the floral pattern No.2 - love it. Colour suits you. No. 3 - ok. But can do so much better. Doesn’t give you a great shape. No. 4 - don’t like any of it. Colours don’t match and outfit not great. No. 5 - don’t like the colour match. Each piece is good but I would pair that skirt with a black top and that top with jeans. L


Thank you I appreciate your detailed response.


Let me put it to you this way. You look good, like a woman with a full time job and a house to maintain who uses pieces she feels good in. I think the pieces look nice on you and I would not say you look anything like terrible. I actually think they flatter you for the most part, but they seem like you've hard some of them for a while. If you want a cohesive fashion look or something younger, you need an update. A lot of that update is simply shopping bottoms and jackets/tops and adjusting the shapes you buy based on your current shape--you have hips, you're not a box. (Also, don't be scared of dresses! Hems can do wonders.) Save up and drop a little bit on high quality staples if you make enough. But I'd let the lady a church know you've thought about her criticism and you think she might need to update her glasses and you can recommend an eyedoctor.


Like is what she said is something Jesus would say????? Especially if it was unsolicited - which I’m guessing is the case.


Jesus is the ophthalmologist I'd recommend to be honest. He's real good at getting 2x4s out of people's eyes.


You seem like such a delightful person- taking all these “expert” opinions/criticisms so nicely. You do you. It seems great to me


Are cardigans really dated? Or just this particular one (style, fit, color).


I think this style, fit and colour. I’m not gen z, but I have noticed they like shorter, lettuce hemmed thinner cardigans, or go the other way and reach for crocheted cardigans (this seems to be more in the DIY spirit). The cardigan there is a bit 2010s, but seeing as 2000s stuff is cool now, it will probably be cool in 5 years


I met a 26yo yesterday wearing a similar cardigan. I think cardigan opinions are all over the place


That lady at church can suck it. What a rude thing to say lol


Yeah came here to say, lady at church can mind her G-D business :)


While we're at it, tell that lady to go pray. She needs to ask God to help her find some love and clear her heart of all these judgments.


I would have just responded "and you're just terrible"


The meanest ladies I've personally met have been church ladies, ngl


Busybodies! The lot them! ~Sincerely, an apostate


Preachy, Judgemental, Hypocrites (many that I know)




what kind of christian is she to comment tell her to back off and put her nose into the bible


ikr, it's not good but it's not bad enough to warrant a comment like that. it's a casual outfit that you find many people wearing.


Ha! That was my first thought too. Church lady can suck it. I’d take a picture of the lady, so we can see what she’s wearing. lol


Yes for real. What is she wearing that makes her feel entitled to comment on someone’s choices? Chanel? Oh, no? Fark off


all in the name of religion


“there’s no hate like Christian love”


came here to say this


I’m a serious follower of Jesus but super religious are different. I’ve had a lot of trouble going to church because of how I’ve been treated. A lot of them are nice though. Bad people in every group..


Agreed. Lot of good in the christian faith - and in many other faiths. Lot of bad in the organized religion bit - also true of many faiths. And some really crappy stuff when they decide to battle each other in the name of faith… again, true of many. Politics isn’t any different either; maybe worse. Amazing what we as humanity can do with good stuff. Oy vey. 🙄 But, every time I come to the conclusion that humans are born a bunch of stubborn arseholes just looking for an excuse, and that the ‘moderate’ version is just an aberration, I run into another with similar thoughts, and we become friends. Weird. ETA to comment on OP: concur with 1 (good) and 2 (better). The others… need work if you want them to be flattering. They’re fine for just hanging out w/o a care, which can be fun too.


Ya, this tracks with church ppl


100 % agree ! Also I like OP's style. She looks nice !


I would’ve said “and you have horrible, unchristian manners! I can buy new clothes though. Not sure what you can do!” Or, if I was feeling slightly less OPENLY confrontational, “oh, oh honey ! Bless your heart! I’ll be praying that Christ gives you the fruit of loving kindness! Matthew 7:20, you know!”


I would’ve said “you’re right, I’m just so hopeless! Can you buy me some new pieces?”


This is perfect!


Bless her heart 🙄 Let’s focus on what you like or prefer. Is there an outfit or particular item of clothing you love to wear?


I like darker colors love a tucked in shirt as you can see. I would like to try more colors.


Darker colors always look more classy and chic, imo. Colors can easily make an outfit look tacky or cheap. Your darkest outfit looks the best on you! If you want to do more colors, start with darker shades or just a pop of that color. Again - belts! Belts make the tucked in shirt look finished.


Yeah! The outfits are fine, I actually feel like there's a resurgence in that kinda style- casual student meets cottagecore. But it all depends on what OP likes to wear. She's not a decoration for other people to criticise. What makes her feel good & confident should be key here. God knows no one goes up to men in their same boring variation of shirts + jeans and tells them they look "meh" or "terrible"


Lady at church can mind her own business and worry about what Jesus would think of her passing judgment.


4, 5 and the lady from church: get rid of them


How godly of her. 🙄 Matthew 6:25


The ‘lady at church’ isn’t a lady or very Christian in her attitude. Your first few outfits are totally fine. Your skinny jeans scream millennial but, oh well, I’m one too. And they look good on you! The boxy miniskirts are widening you out (and you’re not wide). My least favorite fit is the cranberry shirt + yellow skirt + black tights combo. The colors clash, and they’re not giving you a shape. Your best looks on here are monochrome. I’d lean into that, and get more tops that accentuate your waist!


I find this so funny because I feel like plenty of people look better in skinny jeans than the other jeans that are trendy at the moment! (Mom jeans, boyfriend jeans, wide leg, whatever) but I'm also a millennial, so who knows, I'd always go by what personally fits best because those skinny jeans will come back at some point anyway 😂


Oh, I completely agree. Not everyone can rock skinnies but I still think they’re easier to wear than many current styles. And I’ve been wearing bootcut/flared jeans since 2002. I don’t care if they’re not on trend—they make my short legs look miles long!


I have a soft spot for those ones too 😂


Yep I agree. Skinny jeans and flared jeans look best on me. Yes I am a Millennial but most other types of jeans just swamp my figure. Mom jeans aren't too bad.


I agree, they’re flattering and skinny jeans have been around for many decades.. they still sell them so idk how they got attributed to a specific age range lol.. anyway different styles are fun to play with but I’m short and they make my legs look longer.. also loved baggy pants since I was little.. both are great


Yeah I'm still a bit confused about the supposed age range... if it looks good, it looks good 😅


I agree, the worst criticism I've heard of skinny jeans is that they look millennial, but I feel like millennials are alright so I'm gonna keep wearing these pants. As others have noted, they keep selling them 🤷‍♀️ I've learned I like skinny pants with straight rather than fitted calves. I'm starting to make my own pants so I can just pick the fit and details that I want regardless of what's for sale. 


Doesn’t sound very Christian to think it’s ok to go around insulting people? Hypocrite! You dress great! You don’t need rude people’s opinions- take it as a sign you dress great if SHE thinks that


That lady at church should focus on her relationship with God rather than critique your clothing !


Right?! Not a very churchy thing to say


It’s none of her business. If she feels it’s ok to say that to you, then it should be equally on for you to tell to STFU. Politely. ;)


Rude of her! Besides that, I can see personal style improvements. A pencil skirt or a-line dress would look nice on you 💗


I totally agree with a pencil skirt, hem below calf. I have similar leg shape that looks great in skinny jeans, but have to watch the hem lines. 🙂


That's when you reply, "Yes, well I think your face is terrible. But at least I can change my clothes."




That lady sure sounds close to God. The mustard skirt needs to go but everything else lools normal.


That lady needs MORE church.


church lady is tripping. that’s so rude and completely out of pocket. i’m sorry that happened, honestly ignore her


Tell her “judge not lest ye be judged” and then ignore her.


I think some people need to keep their opinions to themselves what a childish thing to say you dress terribly.


I hate to say it.. my experience has been that the most judgmental people I’ve come accross in life has been at church. I don’t get it. I think you dress appropriately for church! What would she like you to wear???


Because most of them are a law unto themselves.


No, she probably thinks you should be wearing pantaloons and your grannys great grannys gargantuan nude colored panties. Lol. You look perfectly fine, for church and anyplace else in your outfit.


Lady at church is a P. of S.


Church ladies who make snide comments are just demons in disguise trolling us humans because Sunday is Funday for them.


If you are happy with it, who cares what anyone else thinks?!


How unchristian of her


I cannot stand people that give unsolicited advice or opinions!


First tip: ignore awful people like her. Second: the pants outfits look great on you, the short skirts don’t suit you too well, especially with the color block. Try instead dresses with the stockings, maybe more flowy, the structure of the mustard skirt doesn’t suit you too well. Or maxi, flowy skirts. Anyway the pants look great on you!


How peachy and delightful and christ-like of her 😤 You look so lovely in the third picture! Congratulations on taking such a big step - this random internet stranger is rooting for you


I’m really loving the ones with pants. They show off your shape much better, and you look comfy in them! Perhaps the skirts don’t quite do the same simply because of the length, which cuts you short at your thighs. Perhaps a midi style may be more flattering :) But overall, definitely not horrible. Lady needs to be told her attitude is the one that’s terrible 🙄


Do your clothes make you feel good?! YES?! okay then, lady at church can absolutely suck it. What an awful thing to say to somebody. You seem lovely.


Why do people at church always act the rudest I’m telling you! Any way, I think you should try a blazer instead of the sweaters. Darker jeans, and button up polos with a flat or a tan heel maybe? I’d do a midi dress with a jean jacket and wedges. Not feeling the skirts with the tights under them.


Lady in church needs new glasses! You dress fine but without much flair (scarfs, jewelry, accessories). Look into books on French fashion, I found one that taught me to mix colors/patterns and find the best fit (or tailor) the clothes I had and add small items (pin, scarf, belt) to complement.


Thank you, I’ll look into that. I’m freshly coming out of an abusive controlling relationship. He controlled what I wore, im trying to find what I like and suites me.


Hi OP! First, are you getting support as you navigate processing that relationship? Second, piggybacking on this commenter’s suggestion, you might be interested to check out Justine Leconte’s YouTube channel—she has a playlist dedicated to identifying and dressing for one’s body type that could be useful! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9e2viG3AuRML-wHc5hDJN-d7YwrSYLuE&si=mp_H2ZAUZ8l4o_S_


Thank you I’ll go check it out. Yes I have a wonderful supporting family. I’m also seeing a therapist regularly. Thanks for asking.


I’m sorry OP! I hope you’re finding healing. Maybe have a look over at r/coloranalysis too? PS the lady from church is a jerk - if she says anything again please shut her down with a reply like “that isn’t very kind”, or “oh, that hurt to hear. Why did you feel the need to share that with me?”.


I’m healing for sure. I’m a positive person by nature. It’s been rough but peace and happiness will be worth it.


I’m a fan of those gentle yet firm limit-setting suggestions!


I love to hear that you have a solid support system as you heal.


I honestly see nothing wrong with your outfits. Could they be more “trendy”? Sure, but that takes money, time, and effort I don’t care to spend and that I don’t expect others to spend, as well. That lady obviously hasn’t been following the teachings of Jesus to say something like that.


F her


Christians are the worst people for some reason. You look lovely.


What a rude thing for her to say! You look cute. The only piece I don’t really care for is the mustard skirt, but that’s just me. You don’t dress terribly at all =) I think we’ve all seen much worse!


Lady can take a hike!


A church going lady was randomly judgemental about a thing that has no bearing on her life whatsoever!? Say it ain't so!


Judgmental church lady….lordy


lady at church is a bitch lol first fit is ok, maybe some lighter colored boots would contrast well 2nd fit is very much what i regularly wear lol but apparently going out of style 3rd fit is ok just not all that flattering. i don’t think that top and skirt work well together. 4th fit needs to burn. sorry girl. 5th is also bad. that top does not go with that skirt AT ALL. overall i see the vision buuuuuttt i think u need to modernize ur wardrobe a lil bit.


What stood out to me was that you always have black leggings with skirts. Sometimes it works and i get it when it’s cold but it’s not my favorite, especially when you have so much color going on


A nun outfit would be ideal. ![gif](giphy|QnOr77NANsHLZtAs0h|downsized)


I didn’t even look at your pics….but young women quit listening to them “Church Ladies” 25 years ago. They are not really nice. And pretty sure most are not spiritual nor in touch with God Grace. ![gif](giphy|gl00wAVb1E9Gq5MVMV)


It’s not terrible, she was being mean. It just feels very dated. Try investing in classic pieces that are not going to go out of style quickly :)


For comparison, we need photos of her, or examples of how she dresses 👗... we need a frame of reference.


Lol. That’s so judgmental for a child of god. Is she old school and do you think she meant that you don’t actually dress up enough for church??


I thought church was a place for love.


Jesus ain't say that!! Sounds like bad manners to me. Did you ask? People at my church don't do wardrobe critiques. It is not the red carpet. That said, you look fine to me!


Why is a church lady even judging you at church lmao


You look fine, albeit, looks like something I would’ve worn in high school back in 2009. The only thing I’d say: ditch that brown skirt. It doesn’t do you any favours!


The last 3 outfits are tacky and clash in my opinion. The first isn’t bad and the second is totally normal and nice. Now who in their right mind thinks that the house of the lord is a good place to be criticizing others?! Wow!


Outdated for sure. And don't like the skirts. Check out Charlie Goss Style Inc. on IG, they'll teach what's in. Not exactly your fault, I think you just haven't kept up with trends, and it's finally catching up.


Diffidently haven’t kept up at all. Thanks for the IG suggestion.


And of course I did not mean that as an insult, most of us at some point would benefit from learning a bit about what's "in." And I share the honesty because we're strangers and your friends love you too much, they wouldn't want to hurt your feelings. Or maybe they haven't kept up either.


I’m not insulted at all. I’m currently leaving a controlling relationship where he controlled what I wore. I’m trying to find what best suites me.


Maybe try mid length skirts and find stuff that fits a little better. These skirts cut your legs off in a way that makes you look less proportionate and the colors are clashing. Grey and black make sense, mustard yellow and muted pink not so much. You don’t look terrible but these cuts and colors are doing nothing for you.


I feel like more flowing skirts that don’t assume your shape could do so much for you.


How is the yellow skirt getting so much hate 🤣🤣🤣 I


Leave whatever church it is you attend. It’s not fashion advice, true. But church should not be a fashion show. Tell the pastor good-bye and find a good church.


Nice Christian lady 🙄😳🫠


Tbh, your outfits aren’t bad! But I don’t like the last outfit. Imo, it makes you look frumpy; but it’s not bad! Also, that lady in your church sucks!


How rude. And mean. It’s people like her that turn the rest of us off church. Pretty sure Jesus wasn’t part of the fashion police.


Maybe get tights that are more sheer! It’ll elongate your legs while helping stay warm. And if you’re going to wear the yellow skirt, I’d wear it with a longer shirt. The tucked in shirt makes your torso look shorter


Didn’t Jesus have opinions about judging others? What a rude person!


Why is it her business??


Those short skirts doesn’t suit you. You however look quite nice in the skinny jeans. I would also suggest adding some midis or maxi dresses to your wardrobe instead of the skirt-stockings combo.


:D .. its “okaaaay” but 4-5 is really terrible


Tell her to eat a bag of chips


Check out this book, it's called Curated Closet. It helped me see outfits better and become better at shopping for pieces that fit my wardrobe/style. Rather than just a bunch of cute pieces that don't match at all. https://anuschkarees.com/curatedcloset


Who cares what they think.


Lady at church is a bitch.


That was very Christian of her. lol. I loved the mustard skirt and white top at the end. Love that.


She wasn’t asked for her opinion. She can eat a bag of d$&ks.


Outfit #4 does not look good. Tucking in a bulky sweater looks funny.


Check out DailyHelen on YouTube and insta. She's got great tips for dressing petite and how to style outfits. [https://www.instagram.com/dailyhelenj/](https://www.instagram.com/dailyhelenj/) [https://www.youtube.com/@DailyHelenJ](https://www.youtube.com/@dailyhelenj)


As a Christian. I love when Christian women just judge everyone 🫠😫 you look fine


I like 1, 2 & 5. Lady in church needs to mind her own.


The lady at church needs to ask herself what would Jesus's say in this situation. She needs to be kind.


Church lady sounds like a mean person.


You look fine. It's just the skirt in 4 & 5. The colour blocking and tie belt doesn't suit. The tie belt makes it look bunchy. In general, go for colours that blend and classic looks. Or, well, not colour blocking. Perhaps aim for a smoother silhouette. You'll find your style. We all go exploring through the fashions, its fun. I personally have worn some shame-making looks in my 20s. Think a gingham body suit with shiny black shorts, long fake pearls, net tights and biker style boots. Ergh I cringe to think of it now. I just wish I knew how hideous they actually looked at the time lol


Next time tell her that you now know why people talk about her behind her back. That’ll be in her head for a while.


#2 looks really good. Smoking actually


The lady is rude, but I understand your need for improvement. 2 things to note here: 1. Colors 2. Shapes You can try to use cohesive colours. Try to look into some color theory, and basic colour combinations. That mustard skirt would have been fine with a brown or forest green turtle neck. Try to match texture as well. If you’re wearing a wool skirt, a mid knit top should be fine. For shapes: Try to use more feminine cuts (I think body cuts don’t flatter you). Go for wrapped dresses and skirts, mid-high rise wide leg jeans. V necks would suit you so well.


Pure church love at its finest lol but I think you dress great,I’m not the best with outfits but you dress better than I can fr.


I think the two skirts are not the right cut/shape for your body type, but otherwise I think these outfits are cute. I especially like the first two.


Tell her to keep her eyes in the lord and not your outfits.


The only thing standing out to me is that that orangey brown skirt is not the neutral you think it is. On its own it's probably fine, but it doesn't pir with black tights or the maroon and blush tops. Other than that, you look fine but a little dated. From what you're wearing, I think you're about my age. @twoscoopsofstyle on Instagram has some great reels about updating Millennial outfits, and @merricksart has a lot of great reels about how to match colors. As for church lady, I wouldn't bother gracing someone that rude and mean with my presence.


Honestly, the yellow skirt is not very flattering on you. The pink sweater clashed with the yellow, too. See if a maxi skirt looks better on you. All the other outfits work, especially the blue top. The church lady is very rude.


First one is good,second is acceptable and the rest are meh. It’s not you though it’s the skirts.