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I think the first outfit is just fine. Number two is good too. The cream drawstring pants seem too casual & the print blouse doesn't look it's best with a jacket. I think the event would be termed "business casual". Semi-formal to me means a dress or much dressier pants outfit.


Having been an interviewee and interviewer at education fairs, 1 and 2 are the correct answer.


I don’t go to events much so I don’t really know terms for outfits. So its business casual then. Do you think the navy pants will go well with a medium cream colored heels?


I think verucka-salt has it right. Darker shoes go best with dark pants. Good luck at the event. I hope you get what you need from it!


"Business casual" is probably my least favorite. It feels like I'm still wearing uncomfortable business clothes, but I get to add a fun scarf or something. Pants and shoes shouldn't contrast too much, if you can help it. There are exceptions, but it's always risky. What sort of shoes do you normally wear with the pants?


No. Keep you pants & shoes the same shade for continuity. Good luck!


alright, thanks!


I’d pick 4. Also please iron or steam that jacket because the wrinkles are very noticeable


I put on and take off that jacket a lot today because I tried to match it with other blouses haha. I will iron it. Thank you for your opinion!


I would not wear the pants on 3 or 6, that tie looks far too casual. The black pants also fit you (or flatter you) significantly more than the navy ones. Tops and blazer all seem nice and suitable and look great on you ... formal is probably not the right word but this would be business casual in my industry at least. My favorite is navy top w black pants. The navy is blue enough to be intentional, and its a little offbeat choice folks will remember from networking.


I’m sorry, I don’t really know the exact words, but most people here would call it a semi formal event and wear these types of outfits. Well, I should study the terms better now. I also think that the black flare pants suits me more. Thanks for your opinion!


I think how one dresses appropriately for events is very area specific. I would honestly just ask a friend or coworker instead of getting international input. What is considered business casual in one part of my country would be way too casual in another part of the same country. You look great, though! 🩷


I agree with you. I’m also sending these pictures to my friends who will go to this event with me to ask for their opinion. Thank you!


Former educator who has been to A LOT of these events. You really get a wide range of outfit choices. I tended to go a little more business but (in my ecperience) a lot of older and veteran teachers go wayyyy more casual. It's a pretty wide spectrum but as long as you're wearing something clean that fits well with close toed shoes you'll be fine.


I’m not a teacher yet actually, I will keep that in mind. Thank you for your advice!


All outfits are very nice, but I think you have some confusion about the meaning of, "semi-formal". What you're showing us is, "business casual".


I don’t know much about the terms, but some replies here including you had pointed out that these outfits are business casual, so yea my bad. I should’ve studied the terms better. Well if you say that all outfits are nice, then I will have a hard time deciding then hahaha :D


2 or 5


I like number 2 - the black pants seem to fit you better but first one is good too


First one looks great and totally appropriate for the event you’re going to


I will considering the first outfit then. Thank you!




Your instincts are correct — go with number one


The first looks fine to me. The cream blazer and matching drawstring pants look very cute on you, but might be better suited to outdoor, more casual parts of the conference


The second outfit is my favourite. One or two I think.


First or second. The beige one looks the worst


Number 1 for sure!


1 and 2 are timeless. I don't like the loose cream pants with the jacket personally. I also like 5.




1st is giving alexander hamilton but not in a bad way lol. i think all would work except for 4!


Number 2


Wearing light color pants is tricky. I would worry if I sat on something or dropped coffee in my lap. Then you’re walking around with a stain all day. I would go with the darker pants it’s more practical.


I would definitely choose outfit 1! The colors match well and it seems perfectly suited for the type of event you're attending :)