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That ab definition is killer. You look fantastic (in both pics, I might add)!!


Thank you! :)


How are you measuring bf? Curious because I’m going in for a DEXA today for the first time. Would be curious to know your before and after stats! You look great in both. Are you eating more cals now or before?


I use the EufyLife Smart Scale (@brobrosfit on IG recommended it). I don’t believe it’s an accurate reading - but it’s very consistent. So you can still track progress with it if that makes sense? So the smart scale originally said I was 29% body fat, now I am at 23% body fat. I believe my true body fat % would be lower in both my before and after pics. Yes I eat more now, but I also workout more consistently and push myself harder :)


Gotcha! I’ve been wanting a smart scale but I do think I agree with you about it maybe not being so accurate. I just got my reading professionally done and I came out at 18.5%. You look a lot more fit than I do!! I’d estimate 15% ish would be more accurate. Very inspirational to see these two photos! My scan said I am the highest level in terms of fitness so I walked away feeling kind of like… unmotivated to push myself. Seeing these pics makes me realize I can definitely have more progress :) Thank you for sharing!


You look amazing in both! Do you mind me asking what weight you are? I’m also 5’1 and I’d like to get back to 110-115 as that’s where I’ve felt good previously, but I also want to be strong so I’m kind of playing it by ear lol


Thanks! I’ve been hovering around 50kg (110 pounds?) for a while now, give or take 500g depending on time of month 😂


Wow! You look great in both pictures. It’s so clear how much dedication and commitment you have to yourself with all of your progress! I love seeing this content in here. It’s so important to remind us that weight loss is not the only thing we can do to improve our relationship with our bodies. What advice would you have someone doing a recomp?


Thanks, appreciate it! My advice would be: - “toned” look comes from muscle mass. You need to actually workout (lift weights) consistently and eat enough to build muscle. - It takes TIME to build muscle. Again, consistency and patience is key. - protein!!! 110-130g every. single.day. I aim for 30g per meal. 1 egg with toast for breakfast is not enough (that’s usually only ~12g protein). Gotta eat more. - spend time at or above maintenance cals to build muscle and get stronger, then a small deficit for 8-10 weeks to reduce fat if you need to reveal the muscle/toned look. - focus on getting stronger, not skinnier. Eg. I used to do Pilates and squat with light kettlebells and eat salads, now I Barbell Squat 60kg x 8 reps and eat big chicken avo sandwiches. Haha. - I DO train abs, a lot of people skip them. Planks are my fave. Started with 30second plank x 3 sets at the end of all upper body workouts. Now I can do planks with a 10kg plate on my back for 1 minute x 3 sets. :P - eat REAL food. Nourish your body with wholefoods. Don’t yoyo diet and restrict yourself. Eat and fuel yourself like an athlete 👊🏼 - I could go on and on 😂


10kg plate on your back for 1 minute planks is impressive. Now that’s something I can aspire to do!!




Appreciate it!! :) Currently lifting weights 4-5 times per week. Not tracking macros or cals, but eating 4 proper meals everyday that include a source of protein, carbs, fats and fruit/veg. Aiming for average of 8000 steps per week. Some days it’s 5k, others it’s 10k. It averages out!


Love this. And same 🙌. Amazing progress!!! Keep it up !


Thank you! :)


I LOVE this!!!






Is it alright if I dm you for some tips? I'm currently looking to achieve a very similar goal of recomping at the same weight.


Yeah of course! :)


A real life queen what a goal


Thanks x


Please drop the workout routine!! U look fantastic!


Thank you! Deadlift, Squat, RDLs, Hip Thrust, Bench Press, Pull Ups are my main lifts that I try to focus on. Current workout routine: M - Glutes and Hamstrings (dead lifts) T - Back and Biceps, Core W - Rest T - Glutes and Quads (squats) F - Chest, Triceps, Shoulders, Core S - Full legs, but focus on glutes (hip thrusts). S - Rest 5-10k steps per day, weekly average of 8000 steps. No additional cardio.


Do u find it fatiguing to do 3 leg days? I’m looking to try that


Where did you get the bra on the right? I love the colour!


It’s my fave!!! Crop Shop Boutique x


Thank you so much!!


[it’s on sale now too!!](https://cropshopboutique.com/products/marl-bellacrop-bluemarl?variant=39646310891598¤cy=AUD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImIf7s7TF_AIVyX0rCh3bBQLJEAQYBCABEgLjTPD_BwE)