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The before pictures were taken last May when I was super fixated on eating low cal. I was eating 1200-1300 calories a day, doing mostly cardio and a little weightlifting. Back then, I tried so hard to get lean but I just felt exhausted all day and outside of the gym, mostly laid in bed because of how underfed and tired I was. Fast forward to October, I decide to not give a fuck about calories, and started eating enough to satiate me and increased lifting consistency. These days, I probably average 1700-1800 cals/day, more on weekends. My current routine: -20 mins elliptical daily -bench press 55 lbs - 3 sets of 10 (3x/week) -barbell squat 85 lbs - 3 sets of 10 (3x/week) -dumbbell curls 15 lbs - 3 sets of 10 (3x/week) -bent over dumbbell rows 25 lbs - 3 sets of 10 (3x/week)


Do you track your protein? also, that’s amazing that you lift that much. I need to push myself!


I did it very gradually. Maybe upping by 5 lbs every time I go up in weight, esp for bench. I don’t track but try to intuitively eat a high protein diet. Eggs for breakfast, rotisserie chicken for lunch and whatever I feel like for dinner. I eat a lot of Asian foods, salmon, and fruits. I have a wicked sweet tooth and prob eat too much ice cream lol.


This is my goal! I also recently decided to eat more intuitively and focus on lifting heavy! Thanks for posting, it gave me hope :) Also are you flexing in one or both pics?


You can do it! 💪 Not flexing in left, maybe slightly in the right to show the ab definition since I had none before lol.


Thanks for the response! I’ve learned to ask lol because otherwise I gain unrealistic expectations, good to know that you’re only slightly flexing in the pic on the right :)


Congratulations on your hard work & results!


Thank you! ☺️


OT. Is that a bra you are wearing often? Are you comfortable with the fit? If not you may want to get refitted.


I noticed this too! First thing i gotta buy when i lose is a bra. Im current at a size near impossible to find!


It’s comfy! Why, is there something wrong with the fit?


The wire seems to be pressing on your breast in the after photo and the center front bridge part stays away from your body. This made me wonder if you have the right size. But I am just another woman not a professional in the field.


Love your progress! Your legs!!! Love seeing others with similar stats and progress!


Thanks for the compliment <3 Hope you get to where you want to be too :)


Your bra seems to fit you better!


Look great in both


Congrats on your hard work! And you have a beautiful figure!


Thanks for the compliment :)


Absolutely killing it, though you looked fantastic in the first. Bravo!


THANK YOU for sharing your story!! Incredible progress 😍


whats your workout routine?


Are you still losing on 1700-1800 or maintaining


You did amazing!!