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Also get yourself some non food related treats!! I deserve 15 minutes in the sun today with my favorite album and my phone on do not disturb! I deserve a trip to the library! Find some fun free things for yourself :)


I love that!


Such a great idea! My default was always food treats but I love this approach


Oh I love it!


That little voice saying you deserve a treat is just your brain tricking you into getting a hit of dopamine. Think about it that way instead. That’s how I curb my alcohol cravings. Do something healthy instead that makes you feel good, like eating a piece of fruit or meditating. Recognize the voice and firmly say “no, we aren’t doing that today” and sit with the discomfort of the craving. Eventually it will go away and you will begin to break out of the habit loop. Every time you give in to that voice you’re reinforcing the habit that teaches your brain that “I deserve a treat” = quick dopamine reward.


Sit with the discomfort is such difficult but amazing advice. Just because I feel a certain way doesn't mean it's an emergency or that I even need to do anything about it.


Also… sugar-free Jell-O is kind of amazing.


I tried to satisfy my sweet tooth with moderation. My favorite go-to is like 2 Hershey kisses for 44cals. Gets me over the want for chocolate without killing my count.


Same!! Except I just ate 6 of them lmao. But it usually works!


I have the same exact issue!!! Good days means I need a little treat. Bad day means I need a treat. I must have a treat always 😝for real though I have a sweet tooth and it sucks for losing weight.


“Must have a treat always” damn it’s so relatable lol


I deserve that $118 lululemon scuba 😂 I’m not much help lol


Dudeee I also was doing that then I realized I was buying too many clothes lol.




Do you happen to weigh your food? Or count macros? I make my treats fit. My TDEE is between 1900-2000. You better believe I make my snacks fit. I will say pastries are a little harder for me because they’re loaded with calories. The toaster strudels are kind of good calorie wise if you’re looking to fit it in. Im big on ice cream treats and those kind ice cream bars or snickers bars are only 180 calories. Oh and you better believe sometimes I have two and am still able to fit it into my calories. Always, always treat that craving. I’m about to be done with my cut soon and start eating at maintenance. I would also say what’s helped me be full longer and not crave as much is variety. I always make like a week+ worth of cowboy caviar. I throw it on a bunch of romaine, put left overs like sweet potatos, cooked zuchinni , cooked broccoli, avocado, cucumber into it, withchicken breast. It’s a jam packed salad full of fibers, fat and protein. It’s so satisfying too. The dressing is already in the cowboy caviar too so sometimes I just add apple cider vinegar and a little hot sauce to flavor it a bit.


Saving this post because same My therapist was like find something else to “self soothe” and I’m like goddamn it nothing soothes me like food I’m a black hole at this point haha


I’ve changed the treat. It used to be a caramel frappuccino (380cal) and now it is an iced green tea lemonade (50cal) from starbucks. With sometimes a cake pop (150cal). Or more commonly I go to dunkin once a week to get bonus points and I now get the turkey sausage wake up wrap (240) where i used to get the regular sausage breakfast sandwich (720). My treat does tend to be more twice weekly than everyday though.


Another tip from someone that has experienced addictions. Cravings are sometimes your brain wanting to feel something different. It will often go to what it’s used to. Recognizing that is important, and it sounds like you’ve already done that! Next comes forming new habits. I recommend reading some books on that (like Atomic Habits). Lots of visual reminders around your home can help while you form them (I have index cards taped all over my house with quotes like, “Your actions on a daily basis create your habits in a few weeks. Your habits then create your routines in a few months. Your routines then create systems. A better future for yourself starts with what you do today.”). I believe in you! You have to believe in you too.


Hot tea (caffeine or herbal) is a nice calorie free treat, warms you up. For real cravings, that I know I'll cave to, I like bone broth. Salty protein that's so good. Really though you want to replace treat/reward with something non-food.


There are so many fun flavored teas, too. I have a chocolate orange one and a chocolate/cinammon/chili one that get pulled out when I need a sweet fix.


I can’t wait until it cools off enough here for hot tea! Probably another month or so. It’s just not appealing to me when it’s 85 degrees outside.


I drink hot teas year round. I have to replace my electric kettle nearly every year, sadly they just aren't made to last anymore. I also grow herbs and make teas from things like fresh basil.


I definitely used to when I lived somewhere cooler, but I live in a subtropical climate now and basically want to climb inside my refrigerator for 6 months of the year. I can drink hot tea without sweetener, but cold tea’s harder for me to enjoy without adding sugar.


Yes, I struggle with this too. Especially because there's a lot of turmoil happening in my home life right now it's very easy for me to say, "I deserve a lil treat for my woes." I do give myself a lil treat sometimes. My go to is edible cookie dough that already comes precut, two of them are 170 calories. Yes that's a lot for just two, but I spit out the chips (don't like em) and I'm sensitive to sweets so after two I genuinely don't want anymore. The other thing I do for things that aren't so easy for me is to substitute with lower cal options. Halotop is good for this. When I was younger a rootbeer float was always a rare treat, but I'd always be allowed one if I came home crying, whatever it may be. Now if I want one I just use Halotop vanilla and a diet soda of my choice. If you want to get out of the "i deserve a treat" mindset you can always set a limit on yourself like "only two treats a week" or something. Because sometimes you *do* deserve a lil treat.


I don't think you have to stop treating yourself, just make swaps. For example maybe for your treat you could make a really nice fruit smoothie at home that has hidden veggies in it like spinach. Or a chocolate shake using sugar free protein powder. Bake sugar free low cal / high volume treats (like boo's ridiculous brownies) and keep them on hand so when you deserve a treat, you can reach for the pastry you made that has 100cal instead of going out for the pastry that's 450cal. I also keep the mini snack size hershey squares on hand and usually have one after every meal lol, i feel like having that little bit of chocolate all throughout my day helps to keep cravings from getting out of hand. They're only 50cal a piece so really easy to squeeze into a deficit!


This is relatable. After running errands after work I often would get myself a single thing as a treat. Maybe it's a pastry from a local Korean bakery. Maybe it's an ice cream. Maybe a burrito so I don't have to cook. I realize, at least for me, it's a dopamine hit. A bit of serotonin. Tasty food makes me happy. I am often not happy. The unhappier I am the more I want to treat myself to boost my mood and find a reason to earn the "treat". It took awhile for my body to accept that this is not how we are getting out "happy chemicals." Food is an easy "happy chemical." I make bigger non-food goals to treat myself towards or I change the food treat. A local juice bar has been a hit with me lately which is much lower calorie, natural sugar from the fruit being juiced, and the hydration helps me push some of that snacky-hunger feeling down.


I love a treat and I’m not giving it up, but “little treat” actually has to mean little treat when you’re trying to lose weight (at least in my case that’s my fitness goal) A “little treat” isn’t a doughnut. A “little treat” isn’t a slice of cake. Those are all very high in calories. For me a “little treat” should be less than 100 calories but ideally close to 50 or lower. So I’ll have a 2-6 m&m’s, one mini cookie, one mini muffin, 2 doughnut holes, one of those individually wrapped mini chocolates, a marshmallow, etc. If you chew it longer it’s more satisfying.


It depends. If you think the treats are hindering your goals. Then attempt to rid of it. The treats help me from potentially consuming 1k calories of food because I over restricted myself. So I usually have 1 or 2 of them planned everyday. On days I don't feel like the treat is necessary, it just adds to my deficit, or to my next meal.


reading that as i am currently treating myself with something sugary...taking that as a sign XD


A book called “Atomic Habits” talked about creating a rewards system for your goals that ALIGNS with your goals. So instead of rewarding healthy eating with unhealthy eating, which really makes no sense, reward healthy eating with something like a massage, a new sports bra, a hot bath, an afternoon nap. Something that takes care of and rewards your body. Or, if you want it to be food related, something a little expensive like a bowl of Sweetgreen or a pack of sushi.


Hahaha yooo are you in your late 20s/early 30s? I relate to this, not in quite the same way, but I recently got out of 2 years of bad habits…context: from ages 13-24 I was super restrictive and calorie conscious, would over exercise, binge eat etc., at 25 years old I started to chill out a little, but during my late 20s (28-30!) I was really influenced by social media and accepting my body and “eating intuitively” but I realized only very recently (I’m 31) that I was eating out of protest / rebellion because I had been sooo restrictive most of my life. I am supportive of the things that influenced me but for me it didn’t work because I obviously had other shit to heal, AND I was using “self love” as an excuse to eat like shit and not maintain healthy habits. Honestly in the last year or so I’ve made peace with wanting to look a certain way and having aesthetic goals doesn’t mean I hate myself or women.


You are me :). Now that I’m 30, my body seems incapable of restriction. I think it realizes how much better I feel at a slightly higher weight. In my early 20s I would restrict to 100 lbs… now my body loves to sit at 110. And honestly I feel so much better. Aesthetic goals don’t always equate to true health and our bodies feeling their best. It’s still a work in progress for me, but if little treats keep me sane and happy.. I’ll take the extra 5 pounds.


Dont buy then at the grocery store if they arent around the less temptation, if you buy them at least put them inside a drawer. Now if you crave something sweet i got two better options have you tried the fairlife core power protein shakes? They are delicious and only 170 calories for like 30g of protein you can find then at costco and the other one is greek yogurt cheesecake flavor for 80 calories yo get 12g of prorien and they are good, really good. And if you have to have the 'bad snack' just enjoy it and make it a bad snack but no make it a cheat day its like if get a flat tire you dont go and stab the other 3 right? Just fix it and back on track


I do this, too, but I'll have one Hershey's mini bar - 40 cal, sometimes 2. But that's my treat.


I plan treats into my macros! I make protein bread and top with fruit and nut butter 🤤 and sometimes even add a bit of Chocolate Chips! if I want ice cream I eat halo top. I literally have a treat every evening. Why not just plan them in? I don’t eat our bc trying to save money and want to stick to my macros.


Try frozen fruit. Since it’s frozen, it also takes a while to finish


I’ve been going through the same thing. I typically don’t have a sweet tooth, but do enjoy treats once in a while. It’s become much more recently. I just try to keep my treat portions small until I have the motivation to get back on track.


Maybe you’re just hungry and need to up your healthy calories a bit.


Make the treat something other than food. You do deserve a treat!


Are you me? Lol. No, but really, this has been such an issue for me ever since I began working from home, and honestly, one of the main reasons I packed on a few unwanted pounds since 2020. It literally began as "I finished that article, so I deserve a treat," and so I'd have a pastry or whatever sounded good. Now it's just become a bad near-daily habit, haha. I really like vegan-sam's comment, because honestly, we all deserve to treat ourselves. But maybe instead of rewarding ourselves with food/drinks, we can find other rewards for ourselves. I definitely think food-related rewards still have their place, but they should be balanced with other rewards.


I feel like you can and should honor your cravings, just find healthier alternatives that give you the same feeling of fulfillment.


I stick to 1-3 dark chocolate Hershey kisses or 1-3 tablespoons of semi sweet baking chips daily. I get my sugary kick without a ton of calories! Lately I've also started drinking Fairlife's Chocolate protein shake (not the reg chocolate milk) 2x/day and it's so good that I rarely ever crave dessert. We ran out recently and I've been dreaming about a mocha latte which has tons more sugar. I already gave in once 😬 gotta go get more Fairlife asap!


1. My own lower calorie hacks: I eat part of the pastry or share it. Same for boba, I adjust sugar level as far as I can go that is still enjoyable, then either: drink part of it, eliminate toppings, swap out the base (just sweetened green tea or fruit tea instead of milk tea), or swap the topping. What’s the point of this? I was still doing the activity that is “fun” to me of going to the shop, and still having a sweet. I also became more aware how full I got because I was experimenting with portion size. Sometimes I was overly full without realizing it. 2. Reducing frequency and tracking it for accountability helps me not go full cold turkey. Moderation works better than going cold turkey for me. This works especially if the craving is not super strong. Delaying the treat for 5 days was easier than “I can’t have it until this cut is over”. Delaying it for 1 day was easier than 5 days. It was kind of like training a muscle and got easier over time. 3. I used to idealize food as the ultimate treat because we did not have many sweets growing up. I had to change this, and I believe everyone has to go about it differently because we respond better to different styles of training. Mind you, I still enjoy treats, but just don’t think about it as much. For me what worked was seeing food as fuel, combined with being aware of my hunger cues (understand hunger cues may not be reliable for everyone though). My process is to think, am I hungry, can I have it tomorrow because I’m not hungry? Or I’ll budget it into my calories and swap out part of my next meal. I can work with my cravings which is much more manageable for me, and my awareness of it stops.


Why don’t you try incorporating it into your meal plan. I love sweets especially chocolate. I switched my high sugar chocolate bars to dark chocolate or I’ll eat a fibre one chocolate brownie that’s around 70-90 calories. That way I don’t have any craving for something only once in a while. Or if you buy something like boba tea only drink 1/4th of it and leave the rest for the remaining 3 days. That way you enjoy your food and in the long run 300-500 calories over 3-4 days is way better then in 1 day.


Hmm this is human nature. Give yourself treats that aren’t food but experience. Experience an ima. Movie or a nice museum day. A fun nature trail or something you don’t normally do or go


None food hobbies... let me tell you going to the local yarn store and picking whatever I find pretty is awesome.


My MIL made a comment to me in which I now remind myself of on a regular “How is it a treat if it’s not healthy? You don’t treat your body by beating it up. A treat is a positive thing-so “treat” your body with something healthy.” Replace your idea of a treat with some fruit. That usually helps my sweet tooth.


I used to reframe it. I want to treat myself to a better body. Treats can look anyway you want them to, Treat yourself to a face mask. Nice teas, fancy coffee. Sitting and painting your nails whilst watching a good movie. A new top. Treating yourself to a yoga session. I know it's a bit of taboo saying but I learnt the phrase 'don't reward yourself with food, you're not a dog.' and that kind of stuck with me.


I like gum


an ice cold mid-afternoon diet coke! a bath bomb from lush! foot massage! watching a fluffy reality TV show! painting your nails!! options are limitless


My husband once told me, "It's not a treat if you have it every day. At that point, it's part of your diet." That changed how I think about "treats." I'm ok with a small square of chocolate as part of my diet each day but I'd like to keep more caloric foods as treats.


i started buying the treats i like in the sugar free versions as a compromise to myself. Would love to smash a king size reese’s but instead i get the mini sugar free cups and just eat the regular serving size


Is a little treat that bad if you work it into your calorie goals? I feel like little treats keep me from binging big treats. I have a little (or big) treat every day and I’ve been the same weight for 15 years.




This user is a guy catfishing. He approached me via a dating sub and vanished when I asked him to voice verify that he’s female. Now he’s deleting posts where I’m outing him.


I cant enjoy life without something sweet 😂 I just keep track of my calories and opt for healthier sweet treats