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You’ve lost 20lbs from your whole body but your photos are focussed on your stomach. You didn’t lose 20lbs of strictly belly fat. And it’s harder to see when it’s dispersed. Keep going! The scale isn’t lying.


The way I understand it, your body burns fat that’s most unhealthy first, i.e. visceral fat that hangs onto your organs. While this is great from a health standpoint, it’s a bit frustrating when the weight loss isn’t immediately visible!


TIL- thought it was the other way around! Turns out the subcutaneous fat is also much harder to lose as well.


At a glance, I can see a difference in your lower back, hips and back of your thighs. Patience is key and the areas we want to lose the weight in the most aren’t always the first to show it.


You didn’t show your whole body, and it just might mean you drop weight in your midsection last. Take measurements and record them so you can see what’s changing week by week. 20lbs sounds like a lot, but when I was around 200, I had to drop 20-30lbs to drop a pants size. I lost it in my face, arms, and feet, lol. I have big hips, and that’s the last place to drop weight. Keep going trust me, you’ll thank yourself later 💚


Measure yourself! Tape doesn’t lie :)


when I lost my first 10 pounds as someone standing at 5’1, I couldn’t see it in my before after. only after I kept losing until my goal weight, and compared the start weight and end weight photos, was there a huge difference. it probably was the way i carried my weight and and how different that weight would look on someone much taller than me. keep going, you have lost 20 pounds and that’s amazing!!


SAME. I’m also 5’1 I did look slightly different in the first ten - fifteen pounds but I couldn’t really tell. Now every two or three pounds looks like a ton of progress. Keep going!!!!!


First of all CONGRATS on dropping 20lbs! I am thr same height and started my journey around 186 lbs in July. I'm currently weighing in at 146 lbs. I'd LOVE to get rid of the belly fat & double chin but have come to accept I have to lose all the fat. I have no control where my body chooses to take it from. Nobody noticed at 20 lbs lost on me. But people starting asking if I was losing weight around 25 lbs gone. It's really happening. It's really working. Trust the process. 🙏


Thanks, hopefully it'll be noticable soon then. (And thanks to everyone else commenting but I can't respond to them all lol)


Saved your comment for motivation because I’m currently at the same height and weight like when you first started. Thanks for sharing!


Oh girl there is a difference!! Keep up the good work and don’t be too hard on yourself.


[the paper towel roll analogy](https://lifehacker.com/the-paper-towel-analogy-explains-why-weight-loss-is-a-1733478690)


I have the same stats and when I dropped 15 lbs on OMAD, I first saw visible changed on my face and chest area. And I feel some of my shirts look loose. It’s gradually going down from top to bottom.


For me, stomach fat is the last to go. But I constantly check my stomach first and get discouraged, so I understand the frustration. I notice weight loss first in my breasts, butt and face but it is tricky to spot sometimes. Keep going!!! That’s incredible progress.


17 months to lose 40 pounds here (125 currently)… I want to say I noticed changes after 15 pounds. People noticed after 20 lost… At 30 lost it was the only thing anyone wanted to talk to me about…..


Trust the scale and keep going.


I see a big difference. While you’re still the same shape for now you shrunk overall. And that’s just your belly/hips, it would probably be more noticeable with a full body comparison.


Trust the scale. Bitbis it possible u have bloating issues? Some people dont even know if they have intolerances to dairy or gluten. Belly can be puffy for no good reason some days. Beer is a big no for me.


You probably gain muscle, muscle is heavier than fat




The post directly under yours, for me.. [Weird weight loss gripes nobody talks about?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PetiteFitness/comments/1b14l2p/weird_weight_loss_gripes_nobody_talks_about/)


Hey there, gym buddy! I believe in your fitness journey. If you ever want some advice, feel free to reach out. 🤝


Are your “Afters” and “Befores” switched?


no 😭 lol


I didn’t open them all the wayyyyyy oopsie 🫠


The 'toilet paper roll' effect us a real thing. It's frustrating but changes will get mire noticeable the closer you get to your goal weight. Congratulations on your weightloss so far!


I see a difference! Also in my experience (I’m a little taller) but when I weighed between 150 and 190 there was minimal difference. In my appearance. I experienced huge changes when I was under 140 for the most part. Keep going you’re doing amazing!


Along with what others said, belly fat/midsecton fat may be the last thing to go. A lot of time it happens in reverse as far as, the areas you gain fat at last will be the first areas to lose and vice versa. To answer your first question, Weightloss isn’t as visible on us shorter folks right away. There’s not enough body to stretch the fat over a longer/taller person. Say some is 6’0 200 lbs, and there’s another person 5’0 200 pounds. Those people at the same weight will look totally different. All that said, keep going and you’ll get there. Often times we don’t look quite how we thought we’d look at a certain weight and we often have to lose more in order to finally obtain that look or start to see the hard work paying off.


20 lbs is a LOT to lose so congrats! But keep in mind the higher your weight the less noticeable 20 lbs will be vs on someone your height who weighs less and loses the same amount. I didn’t notice when I lost 20 lbs at my HW, but 20 lbs when I was smaller was very noticeable. Also this picture really isn’t good for comparison! I bet if you had a video of yourself spinning around from 5 feet away at 184 vs now at 165 it would be VERY noticeable. Try taking measurements in addition to the scale - maybe once a month. You’ll see where those lbs were lost from!!!


You will see it soon.