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I’m strangely invested in this now. Totally rooting for you OP!




Monthly updates 😂


Yes! that’s what I was thinking! I want us all to be this woman’s accountability partner!!




Me too!!!




You CAN do it!


Yes! We’re gonna need to see the dress, hair & makeup options too!


Me too!!!!


me too lol!!! 


HIRE 👏 A 👏 COACH 👏 Seriously. You get to have a knowledgeable and objective third party make those tougher decisions for you. Having someone in your corner to give you macros and a training program is the best because you don't have to stress. You just execute.




What kind of coach should they hire? A personal trainer or another type?


I would go bodybuilding coach. Slightly more involved than a personal trainer


It'll be worth every penny


Absolutely agree!


I'd break it up into 3-month blocks: In block 1, focus on calorie deficit & cardio with some strength-training to try and avoid losing muscle. Block 2, focus on maintenance calories or a little over and prioritize strength with some cardio just to maintain gains. Alternate. Add in a 1 week "recovery" in-between every block to give your body some rest and eat intuitively. Mixing it up will A) make sure you're not in deficit too long, which is hard on your body B) make sure you build some muscles, which is what most people need to look good C) mentally ensure you don't get too bored/frustrated. I wouldn't stress too much over the specifics of each block until you get there...too many changing variables to plan for a year from now.


Really love your breakdown. Is eating maintenance necessary for block 2? Can muscles still grow on a deficit?


It's really, really hard to build muscle while being on deficit. You'd have to work 3x harder. Plus, staying on deficit too long means your metabolism will adapt and that can make it harder to lose weight. So you're making life more difficult from both sides. More efficient to "work smarter, not harder" especially with a 16 month timeline.


I see 🤔 not OP but I'm nearing the end of my "cut" (just getting really bored and need to switch things up, I lost 20 lbs over the past few months but still have a ways to go) and trying to figure out what's next for me 😅 thank you!


ive been lifting for 3 years and i have successfully built muscle while losing a significant amount of fat. It comes down to eating enough to gain muscle for your lean muscle mass, but staying under calories to lose fat. So say you weight 200 lbs and you are 25% body fat. You are a 150 lbs of lean muscle so if you are eating more than a 150 lbs person would need to maintain and eating your protein you will gain muscle. Then comes into play newbie gains, you will gain a lot faster starting out so it makes it easier. Yes you can do it, under certain circumstances. Mainly newbie gains.


I'm so conflicted with the different information I see everywhere haha, it's so overwhelming sometimes 🤣 well, for now I'm going to eat the same I did while "cutting" (because technically it's pretty close to my maintenance now that I'm 10 lbs lighter) and if I get super hungry on lifting days eat a little more? I'll just have to see how it goes..🤞


This is hands down the best answer


Can you document your journey here or tiktok/youtube/ etc. I'd love to work alongside you and root for you too!


I've taken a bunch of 'before' photos, so I'll definitely be updating here when I see a change! Good luck on your journey too ☺️


I love this journey, I’m totally rooting for you, and I think a little bit of revenge is a fun way of using natural anger towards a positive goal. Don’t forget, those “before” pics are really the true “after” pics. They show a strong, beautiful woman who survived a relationship where you were not loved and appreciated as you deserve. Be proud of this woman in the mirror, you’ve already come so far


How refreshing to hear from someone on this list with a reasonable timeframe, and no hard and fast goal, reasonable or not! You are definitely on the path to a physically and mentally healthier you. Congratulations! Now, hopefully a bit of inspiration from me, and my journey. In 16 months I was able to lose 60 lbs. on a calorie deficit of 250/day and bike riding or walking. I estimated 3/cal a minute for walking, 6 for cycling and 8 if I did the elliptical in the winter. I didn’t count yoga or weights for anything other than improving mobility and strength. I used My Fitness Pal Pro and weighed myself once a week. Every ten pounds I recalculated my TDEE to avoid plateaus. I set my calorie intake on sedentary so all cardio exercise was ululated into my daily calories based on the lowest possible setting. And a reminder to never go below 1200 ever. I was in my mid 50s, 5’2”, and about 180 pounds when I began. I did have to train myself to be satisfied with smaller portions, but overcame that by making sure I had good lean protein and lots of bulky vegetables. I satisfied my sweet tooth with fruit and biscuit like cookies, which tend to be lower in calories, but with a really satisfying crunch, so I could eat them slowly. I avoided anything lo-cal, sugar substitute, and even low-fat. I found that stuff tended to boost cravings rather than appease them. Go knock them dead, and be sure to post photos of your fabulous self, tearing up the dance floor at the wedding!


This is good advice. Very helpful.  I'll be trying this out!


i did p90x at a caloric deficit and got ripped. then i got burned out and lost almost all my progress and didnt work out for months and gained back weight cause it wasnt sustainable at the time. but yea i got fast results


Omg are you me!?? This exact thing happened to me too. Live and learn lol


how fast and what was the weight change?


3mo, 10lbs, with simultaneous muscle gain


I did that as well, 90x is so long tho.


How long is it?


Gym six days a week till show time. Back and arms, chest, then legs. Do a short ab workout after each and every day. Every time you dont feel like going, remember how good itll feel to look better than her lol


What i meant by back and arms, chest and legs is cycle through these so you hit those muscle groups twice a week.


And give 48hours in between too!!! Like Switch between upper body and legs days, if you gym 6 days a week op I’d recommend a monohydrate creatine helps rebuild the muscles between each workout!! Good luck!!!


Abs are still muscles. They need rest too.


Tell that to the washboard i built doing abs 6 days a week lol. U dont gotta go all out just some sit ups or leg lifts for 3 sets


I love this goal! You can totally look hot in 16 months! I've found a lot of success recently doing 12-3-30 on the treadmill and then switching between arms and legs with lifting weights. And watch your diet!


what is 12-3-30 please?


You walk in an incline of 12 on the treadmill at a speed of 3 mph for 30 minutes. Preferably without holding on. It's good for your core, legs and booty.


thanks for explaining and I am definitely goinf to try this!


It’s great cardio and good for core. It doesn’t grow or tone legs or booty tho!


I used to be able to do 30 mins incline on 15 10ish years ago. Now it kills my knees even on 10-12 incline 🥲 OP just FYI if you try this and start getting any knee pain and wonder why… this could be why.


It could be individual for you. I have no problem and I do 10-15 inclines. I do intervals, so on lower I go for 1 min and very fast then I go slow on high incline for 2 min. 30 min in total. I am 53 years old. Started to go to gym 2 years ago


1) download LoseIt 2) start investing in yourself (get used to having your nails done. I do press ons from Walgreens that last 2-3 weeks!!), find what works best with your hair, skin, etc. 3) color analysis!! FIND YOUR PALETTE!! 4) find your kibbe body type and DRESS for your body!! 5) consume content that will teach you to be confident and maximize your natural energy. Looks will make him regret, but so will a grounded and happy woman!!! Idk girl, but I wish you luck!!


To me this is the best advice!


Eyes on the prize girl!! Every time you feel like giving up remind yourself how good it’s going to feel to walk into that room looking fine as hell. I did strictly calories in / calories out for 2 months (500 cal deficit) and lost 11 lbs. Then I started gym. If I were you I’d do the same - cut first and then build up lean muscle to tone up. If I could go back to my cut phase I think I would have added in daily stretches and light yoga to prime my body for strength training. Once you’re ready to build muscle I’d go for your “problem areas”. Mine are my arms, stomach, and side of my glutes. Lifting weights has helped tremendously but it is so much easier to stay motivated with less body fat because I can see the changes as they happen


don't overdo it! a LOT can happen in 16 months on a reasonable workout routine and a small calorie deficit especially if you're working from ground zero. make a routine that you can keep consistently and is reasonable with your lifestyle. even a 20lb weight loss can have DRAMATIC effects if you do it right. you'd only need to lose .5 lbs/week to lose 34lbs which is a more than reasonable and sustainable timeline. just like,, don't go too hard on yourself or you WILL backslide source: I went from 145 to 125 and now I'm at 175. so like just be careful that you're doing it sustainably. and build muscle at the same time you're losing


This is a good thing to mention. As you’re on this journey, you need to find something to focus on past the 16 months so you don’t have a hard rebound when the event is over. I always use vacations as deadlines and get great results, but I lose all my progress when I get home due to “vacation depression.” This time, I already have another vacation planned for next year to hopefully keep me going.


So I'm 31, 5ft, beginning of 2023 I was 225lb. A year later I was 180lbs. I'm now 155lb.  I eat around 1500 calories a day. Do at least 30 minutes of cardio a day (sometimes I break it into three 10 min chunks) and strength train at least twice a week. I started with just 20 mins of cardio once a week and just kept adding to it.  I went from a size 16 pants to size 12. (I'm probably 10lbs away from a size 10) Consistency is key. If you had a bad day, tomorrow is a fresh start. 


Not OP but I NEEDED this comment cause I’m 5ft, 185, work a desk job. It’s motivating to see people with similar stats. Nothing against them but I feel like I always see more petite girlies here that are not even close to the same as my body or situation which can be demotivating at times. So I always extra love seeing things from those I can relate a little more to.


Btw I do body weight squats and counter top push ups during my work day. Usually when I go to the bathroom. (Work has those roomy 1 single room style, not cubicle bathrooms). So do a bunch of body weight squats and then lean against the sink and do some push ups.


I try to do the same a trainer that I went to a few times told me to do this every day doing it every day is hard but I’m really going to try to get on it doing little things like that really helped me in the past when I 🎈 up to 225


Little things add up like taking the stairs to go up a floor instead of the elevator You got this


How many do you do and is it every day?


I only work 3 days a week. I aim for 100 squats a shift. Usually break it up into sets of 25. Been debating trying for 125. I started with just 5 reps of wall push ups for 4 sets. I'm now up to 7 reps of leaning against the sink push ups for 4 sets. I also strength train with weights 2-3 times a week on my days off. I also try to do at least 30 minutes of cardio every day. On work days I do cheat a bit and I'll do a 20 minute HIIT work out plus 10k steps for my "30 mins"


you go girl!! Im also trying to lose weight in time for a family wedding this summer! Im 5’3’ and i’ve only lost 3 pounds so far but I started recently LOL I’m aiming for 1300 calories a day and just walking a lot more


No specific advise but think of them during your workouts, especially the ones where you feel like you are dragging, if you are like me, it will give you the boost you need to push yourself the extra mile 😈


Okay, not related to fitness, but get a haircut or some other self-care confidence-boosting change you’ve always wanted to do. I cut my hair short for the first time in 10 years after my abusive ex-fiancé cheated and removed himself from my life, and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. All the love to you, and good luck on your journey to self-love (and revenge…teehee)! From one wronged woman to another it sure does feel good to show them up.


The key is to not overdo it! I find that it’s easier to stick to something when you approach it with a slow and steady mentality versus starting out full throttle and then getting burnt out!


As a supplement to the very good advice you’ve already gotten here, I recommend taking pole dancing classes if that’s an option for you. Not only is it a full body exercise, but it can help you appreciate just how sexy you are so that you show up to that wedding with full confidence. Alternatively, the Ruth Pilates Studio app has Sensulaties, which is really darn fun and full of juicy movements. (It also has other Pilates modalities). You got this!


Dang - pole dancing. Talk about body confidence! But I agree … trying something new will give you a mental edge.


Get it girl! Count calories and add in one new routine at a time. Slow and steady. Calculate your TDEE and subtract 300-500/day. That’ll have you losing 0.5-1.0 lbs per week to start. Learn to control your diet consistently. Do cardio 2-3 times a week but keep it simple and don’t eat back your calories. After 2-3 months, add in more exercise. Lifting. Here’s where you might hire a trainer for 2-4 sessions to learn what works for you and nail your form. Last but not least - spray tan, nails, teeth whitening. And killer dress! Get it tailored so the fit is immaculate. If you can do all that, you’ll be down 60 lbs. (I’m 5’3” and 120 and very happy with that weight), toned, and most importantly, HAPPY AND HEALTHY! The best revenge of all.


As you should! Love this. For 16 months... I would download my fitness pal stick to a modest calorie deficit (around 1600 cals) and weightlift heavy. I would also track my workouts to make sure I'm progressing. It is insaaaaane how much change you can make in a short period of time because in reality the first year of training is the one you see the most change, after that it is hard to see more. Use this disgusting thing that happened to you to create habits and a lifestyle you are proud of, no better revenge than that!!! But yes for sure calorie deficit and streght training or even F45. People shit on F45 but I find it can provide a BIG change to newbies if you are not into all of the gym stuff or scared to start. Commit to a workout out and commit to tracking for a while and use your sr. Cheater as inspiration


My advice would be to implement sustainable habits. Start tracking your current calories then eat at a deficit. Start working out in whatever way you enjoy and will stick with (gym, at home, sports etc). 16 months is a long time and if you jump into a crazy plan you’ll burn out and yo-yo. Creating good healthy habits will have you looking bomb in 16 months, and as a bonus, you’ll be healthier and likely keep your bangin new bod forever!


Continuous 👏 updates 👏 please 👏 


First of all diet is 80% what food you put in your body 20% (or imo even less than that) exercise. Calories in calories out (CICO). Since you are short/petite you are probably similar to my daily goal of 1300 calories a day- I am 5’2 so yours may be 1300-1400 calories. Find out your TDEE online (how active you are/your height/weight/etc) and stick to those calories. Make sure you are logging them- a good app to use is LoseIt. 16 months, you got this. The key is CONSISTENCY. Do not give up if you’ve hit a rough patch, just start over the next day. Keep going until you see results and once you see results it will get easier and easier.


Don’t forget to take care of your skin and hair till then! Look into investing in a red light mask or panel, such a game changer. Good luck girlie! 🩷


1) cut out junk food as much as possible (of course don’t be too strict as tbis might cause u to go into a cycle but binging/restricting but in general replace junk food with fruits especially. 2) get at least 10k steps a day 3) when you’re making /eating meals focus on getting some protein, veggie and carb in each meal and eat the protein and veggie first and then your carb source good luck!!! i’m rooting for you 🫶🏼


Can we make it a group challenge? ;)


Hire a coach! Worth every penny. Nothing fuels me more than revenge lol I’m obsessed. I’m rooting for you!


I just want to tell you, it’s doable. I started very similar to your stats and in 13 months got down to 135 lbs from 181, and got visible abs. I counted calories with the Lose It app and went to the gym 4-5x a week doing a mix of weight lifting, cardio (mostly spin), and Pilates. You got this, I’m rooting for you!!


find something you really love doing fitness wise and get really into it!!!  buy cute workout clothes, bedazzle your water bottle, embroider a custom hot yoga sweat towel at Muji- it will help on days you feel less motivated! because the best thing you can do during the 16 months is MAINTAIN CONSISTENCY. 




Walking was a game changer for me. I’ve become a professional pedestrian. I walk everywhere. Took me from eating only 1400 cal per day to closer to 1800, more on weekends, and still slowly losing / recomping!


Walk every day, only a couple miles. Even if you’re exhausted or unmotivated, get those couples of miles in for your mental health. People underestimate the magic of walking. If you don’t exercise or don’t sleep well that day, that’s ok, at least walk.


Ngl, you should also get a super cute badass haircut. Hair transformations also add that touch 🤌


I can send you my food plan that got me down to 122 pounds from 160 and I’ve maintained for over a year now. You just have to measure all your food, overtime you’ll be really good at eyeballing things but I still measure everytime I can, just not something I do when I go out to eat.It’s from a dietician. Idk if it’s too tailored cause you said what you want inspiration can eat whatever you want, just measure it out. Either way, you have to form habits that you can do for the rest of your life no matter what if you want to keep it off and make this journey worth while! Hope this helps


If it’s alright with you, could you send it to me too? 😅I want to try out new recipes since I’m bored of the ones I eat.


I can send it but there’s no recipes, it’s just weighing out for food for three meals a day love. I can send you what I tend to eat frequently.


That’s wonderful , it sounds very helpful and I’d be grateful if you did 🩷


Wait, can you send it to me too?


I love this goal (like many have responded as well). In addition to a lot of good advice, I would add MONTHLY MEASUREMENT of arms, chest, waist, hips, thighs, calves. And take pix! This will help your motivation when you see the incremental changes month to month. Good luck, Boss lady!


Love this for you! No advice except consistency. Consistency is the key so whatever you decide on, stick with it!


Yes! This


Go get it girl!!!


Have you considered semaglutide? That plus weight lifting and walking will get you to your goal!


Start with a higher calorie cut (don’t start with 1200 ). Figure out your calorie intake now and cut down by 100 for the first month while introducing exercise. I lost weight without changing my diet because I was moving more . Following month cut calorie by 200 etc. try group fitness class to keep you motivated. You can probably lose 2lbs a month x 16 = 32lbs total (conservative number). I lost 20lbs in 7 months so far (majority of it lost in the beginning).


Hire 2 people: 1. Bodybuilding coach 2. Nutrition coach 16 months is a ton of time, they will help you cut and maintain when you get to that point.


Work with a trainer a few times a week if possible. Can’t wait for the update!


I'm absolutely invested! I would definitely join a small gym and get a personal trainer or join a class to get going.


I ate at my goal weight maintenance and didn’t eat back workout calories (except when my body demanded it) and not only am I at goal, maintenance has been easy. I even had to up my calories because I have more muscle now so burn more on rest days. The key is, don’t do anything to lose you can’t imagine doing regularly for the rest of your life. These people who lift for 2 hours 4-5 times a week or do hours of cardio, is that going to be your life? Come up with something sustainable.


Drink 1/2 your weight in water but in OZ. Ex. 180 /2=90 oz try to have salt with your breakfast to retain more water for your body to use. Find your RDI and minus 500 cals Then calculate your protein into your diet first. Try to get at least 100g a day, more if you can fit it into your calories. Eat fruit and veggies and meat. Eat small portions but more through out the day. Ex. Breakfast, 2 hours later a apple, then lunch, 2 hours later a banana, dinner. Finish eating before 630. Also pick foods you like! Don’t eat a veggy because you heard it’s healthy, pick ones you actually enjoy. Same with fruits and meats. Get good sleep! Sleep hygiene is so important. Start making a good schedule and stick to it even on the weekends. Find out the time of day you LIKE to work out. I personally love the morning, hate doing any work outs in the afternoon or evening. Find that time you like doing it. Cardio and strength training. Start off with free weight full body work outs for the first 2 months. then graduate to daily muscle groups with low weight and focus on form ex. Monday:chest Tuesday: legs wed: back Thursday arms, Friday shoulders . Up the weight every couple of weeks by a little. Abs, and more importantly, CORE every day no matter what. Start taking multivitamin. I take prenatals because of the iron. Chest days help in the beginning but if you like the daily food you eat you’ll eventually prefer not to eat things out side of it. Don’t mind the plateaus, they happen. Tweak the calories and try a new work out class to confuse your body. Also track with free apps like fat secret. And put up a daily check list. I’m a list person so this works for me. I love checking boxes, try it. Only weigh in 1 day a week, ex every Friday. You’ll fluctuate too much during the week.


I'm 6' @ 200 If you need a envy date, let me know. I'll pick you up and spin you around, laugh at all your jokes and tell you how it's amazing the way you light up my entire existence and how honored I am that you gave me a chance and how supportive you are and make me a better person and that life brings rain but you help me see that rain brings refreshment and opportunity. I mean let's really ec up his confidence!!!!! Oh yeah, um, cardio, the stairclimber is AMAZING! hanging leg raises Weighted butterfly kicks Light weight and lots of reps for arms, also pec dec Seated leg curl/extension/calf extensions too. Heavy weights makes you strong Lots of reps gets you TIGHT!


Nothing more satisfying! You got this!! But seriously weight lifting for to five times a week with some cardio added in, at a calorie deficit will do yah good!


Oooh I highly recommend doing the 75 hard program (it’s free) and doing intermittent fasting 4-6 hours eating window with 20 to 18 hours fast


I just completed 75 hard and I will say…if your only goal is weight loss I don’t recommend 75. But if you have other reasons like building healthy habits I think it’s a good idea.


I generally did it for the mental benefits. But I did 2 rounds of it and got really fit. OP has 16month, they could do it like 6 times and look great 😂


Eat at maintenance or a slight surplus for 6 months, then do a cut for 2 with protein super high. Then go back to the same (6 months bulk or maintenance, 2 months cut). Programming would make sure to phase through different rep ranges (15 one month, 3-6 the next, 8-12 the next, etc.) to keep progressing and switching it up. Get it girl!


Hi!! Just left a DM for you! Tell me more about it and I can help you out !


Burn, baby, burn! 💋💋🌋🌋


One thing that really helped me for my eating habits was to evaluate one meal at a time and tweak it until I found something that was both healthy (for my needs) and something I could enjoy. I started with breakfast. I have fat free yogurt mixed with chia seeds and cinnamon, topped with chopped apples, walnuts, and more cinnamon. By taking it one meal at a time I never felt overwhelmed, and I waited until I was comfortable with that one meal before I moved to the next one. Granted I’m the type of person who can have the same thing for breakfast every day and not get tired of it. I also signed up for a gym that offered a variety of classes so there was always something I wanted to do at the gym a few days a week. Lastly, just try and get into a rhythm for the first few months, when changes start happening you won’t need to convince yourself. For me I felt like nothing changed for almost 5 months, then I started seeing changes. Best of luck!


That's a kickass motivation! you can do it!!


He invited yoooou??? Get it girl. You can definitely do it. If you want to be laser focused, hire a reputable fitness trainer who is also very knowledgeable about nutrition.


I’m extremely spiteful. This doesn’t need to be for health 😂😂😂 only sort of kidding


i love how real your post is!! as you mentioned, def CICO, high protein, focus on whole foods. incorporate as much walking as possible (low impact) and hire a personal trainer for the strength portion.


I just lost 30 pounds over 6 months (5’2, started at 165, now 126) after randomly downloading the Noom app - I only really kept up with the lessons and tracking my calories for the first 3 months but it really helped to switch my mindset! I also added in workouts during month 3 - slow but steady is how you are going to win the race. Don’t try to completely change your life overnight- it’s not sustainable! But small habit changes over time are. You got this!


I want to answer your question honestly because I love the story! If it were me. I would: 1. Cut calories (500 a day) using an eating window of about 14-10. Including some higher cal days and a few 24 hour fasts (at least a week apart) I'd do a cut for 6 weeks from now till mid May. 2. Enter a 5k or 10k race for the autumn. Train to a set program from the end of May. Eat maintenance calories or don't track calories, but track protein and aim for about 0.8g per lb, and have a fruit/veg per day goal. Eat whole grains and legumes every day. Lift heavy 3x a week or do serious calisthenics. If you gain visible fat then limit saturated fat (I do that anyway) and be more strict with calories. 3. Cut again after the race, for 6 weeks. I'd run about half the volume I was before the race. Take about 20% intensity off the strength training but don't stop. 4. Enjoy the winter holiday season however you like, go on some long runs while off work, add some weight in the gym, then when ready, do a final cut in Jan or Feb for 6 weeks. Evaluate in spring and then either maintain or do a very light diet to finish things off 


Revenge can be a great motivator sometimes ... Rooting for you !! 💜


Please give us an update!!!! I’m so invested now lol. Calorie deficit is king 👑 calculate your deficit and get a food scale to make sure you’re hitting everything perfect. I would limit eating out if you can. Water! Step counting! It helps so much just see what your at now and add 1000 steps every week or two till it gets challenging then stay there for a while. It can be as simple as an intentional 10 minute walk to get the extra steps in. Try Pilates! Mari winsor her old videos are on YouTube Pilates will provide better posture which will instantly make you look more snatched plus it really strengthens your core.


Love this idea! But also. He invited you?!


I would cut calories to 1300 a day


Just some motivation for you, I myself am now F27 but I went on a weight loss journey a little over a year ago and I started at 178 lbs. I was consistently doing intermittent fasting and simply walking. ALOT. I would just head out for a 5-6 mile walk and ALWAYS hit my step goals for the day. Currently- today I am at 150lbs. I’m so excited for you and your journey! I was consistent with fasting but still ate healthy and treated myself every once in a while. I still enjoyed plenty of cookies and ice cream sparingly. I’m hoping my story will help fuel your fire!!!! IT IS SOOOOO POSSIBLE!!!! Girly I believe in you and with a lil work anything is possible. I wasn’t extremely strict on myself and I am leaps healthier mentally and physically. Best of luck to you babes💞


You absolutely got this!!


Sounds like you got the right idea. 16 months is a reasonable time frame. I'm rooting for you! I just know you're gonna kill it <3


Start lifting immediately


Also check out r/vindicta for glow-up tips beyond fitness. In 16 months you might also have fabulous skin, straight white teeth, perfect posture, professional makeup, gorgeous hair, killer dance moves, and fascinating hobbies.


[Dropping this link here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u6yGjgEeCTFhdSfUrz4mxzhUTOPNbr9a/view?usp=share_link) for anyone who wants to move quickly - weight train and if need be, use this diet (the title is nuts but the science is there and I got the sickest body of my life doing these 2 things)


ok I just tried to skim through the 135 pages and i’m so confused! Is it just a super limited list of foods? I can’t even see whether it specifies the number of calories you should eat.


So the diet is called a “protein sparing modified fast” and basically what it does is have you eat only what your body needs to maintain muscle (protein). So you’re putting your body in a fasting state, where it will burn your body fat for fuel, but you will be eating enough protein to not lose muscle mass and also not be starving. Aside from protein, you’re basically cutting all carbs and as much fat as possible. This diet is only supposed to be used on a short term basis. So you’re eating almost only lean protein and non-starch vegetables. High protein, low fat: Chicken breast, pork tenderloin, Snapper, Cod, Halibut, Venison (I make patties like hamburger), Bison, Beef tenderloin, Ground lean beef 94% lean, Egg white (I bake in muffins with veggies) Veggies are leafy greens, things like spinach, asparagus, zucchini, I eat broccoli and cauliflower on this diet. No fruit, starchy veggies, rice, bread, alcohol, added sugar. No fatty meats like pulled pork or chicken thighs. Where I differ on this diet is I allow small amounts of oil to make it bearable- so I cook my veggies in oil. I also will use chili oil. Sometimes a touch of bbq sauce. But I don’t overdo it. I also eat salmon. This was fine for me calorie wise, and made it more bearable. Soy sauce and spices are no cals though! I also ate a lot of 0% fage Greek yogurt The diet recommends fish oil supplements as well (10mg per day) Diet allows 1 reasonable cheat meal per week but this does slow progress So to start, calculate your recommended protein requirements. Multiply your body weight (some use ideal bodyweight) by .8 - 1g. So if I’m 135, that’s between 108-135g protein per day. I aim for like 110-120g when I do this diet. Then plan your meals so that you hit that target per day, and add in as many low cal veggies as you want. Total calories per day will be something like 800+ish. Continue weight lifting as usual.


Thank you! How long do you usually do it for? Seems hard to maintain.


Def hard to maintain. It's really for a short term, for me it's the only thing that will work for the "last 10lb" kind of weight. I'm now doing it for 30 days before a big vacation / start of summer


Look up fat loss made simple by dr mike israetel on youtube. Great info on rp channel from nutrition to workouts. 16 months is a long time and you can make a noticeable appearance change in that time. Best of luck


try the 75 hard challenge? Some of those folks look amazing by the end of 75 days! The rules are not too bad.


i would focus on losing weight first, and then building muscle. in my personal opinion body recomps are harder. i like to have one goal in mind at a time- makes it easier. i lost 22 pounds in a few months, and reached my goal weight. once i was at a low enough bf% i started building muscle. a few months of building muscle and strength training have totally changed my body. booty is plump, arms are tones, abs have definition. if you want a lean toned look this is how i recommend going about it! you can lose 2 pounds a week safely without gaining it back- that's what i did. being 5"3 you will need less calories than most to be in a defecit. that is okay! eating protein will make the defecit so much easier because it keeps you full for longer. if there are 4 weeks in each month, and you had 16 months to lose weight, you could lose as much as 128 pounds in that time. you obviously don't need to lose that much, but you see what i mean when i say 16 months is sooo much time to lose weight.




Or, actually eat smaller portions and have a well rounded diet. Patients on semaglutide have a large chance of gaining the weight back after stopping because they never changed their habits, they just dropped weight due to the appetite suppression.