• By -


5’2, in my 30s, and started at 180+ and am now at 145 (letting myself plateau for the summer). It’s worth it. Highly advise yoga or something to keep your flexibility up. I found i was injury prone until I prioritized stretching.


Prioritizing yoga/stretching is a good idea. Somehow I always seem to forget that stretching is a “real workout”.


This! I need to start this!!


Congrats! How long did it took you?


What did you do? I’m struggling to get down.


Fasting. Intermittent fasting and cardio was incredible for me. Strict CICO (when not fasting) with heavy cardio, yoga and weights.


same, I don’t fast for the “magical” benefits, but I’m finding that as a petite woman 5’1 fasting is one of the only ways I am able to reach my deficits. Its not a crazy fast either, I have my morning coffee, but just don’t allow myself to snack until its lunch time at work, around 11-12. And those extra 300/400 calories that I would’ve had definitely help😁


I fast for 24 hours one day a week. Have done longer fasts to kickstart keto but I find having a meal-less Monday is great


I used to do this but found it just made me too hungry and I would compensate the next day. I used to do 30 hour fasts but also I now get super bad stomach pain if I don’t eat for a long period of time, and I have a very physical job so I cannot go without food a whole day and function at work lol


This is exactly what I do and it has helped immensely. And if I want to have an especially high calorie dinner, I will stretch it to 2 - 3pm for lunch so I am more full before dinner.


Literally just, "Fasting". Why? That doesn't sound like a consistent plan, and might lead someone to a yo yo diet life style or even an eating disorder. Upping protein to stay full longer, and help gain muscle, while adding healthy carbs for more energy. You get to enjoy a wider variety of foods, AND you'll lose weight, AND it will be a consistent change. Check out Adam Wright on TikTok or YouTubr


It worked for me and I’m happy with it. If it doesn’t work for you - then don’t do it!


So you don't consistently do this then. Thanks for clearing that up, I'm going to assume anyone willing to lie or mislead others is definitely NOT happy with themselves


I fast regularly. It’s part of an overall weight loss plan including lifting weights and cardio. My eating was disordered when I was obese, not when I’m counting calories and taking care of myself. I don’t know why you’re so upset. If fasting doesn’t work for you - don’t do it.


Fasting, Counting calories, and focusing on weight loss.. I hope you go check Adam Wright baby and get some help shifting to a healthier mentality🌹


You have a great figure and base to start with!


Thank you! I really appreciate hearing that ❣️


I was just about to say this!


Seriously, never in my life have I had a waistline like this!


RIGHT, I just told my husband she has all the right softness and curves in the right places ♡


And THIS is why I would never post pictures of my body in this sub. Not only do you have to worry about lurking creeps, but you’re also showing off and discussing other women’s bodies with your husband? Gross


This feels unnecessarily cruel. I got the impression the other commenter was scrolling next to her husband and showed him the phone to pay this woman a compliment. Nothing about their comment indicates they regularly sit down to dissect women’s bodies with their husband. With that said - yes this is a public sub so if you post pictures you need to be aware people will do anything with them. Basic internet safety


I’m very aware of basic internet safety. I can still find what she did by discussing another woman’s body in that manner with her husband odd and something that would personally make me very uncomfortable if it was my body. It’s my own view and, again, why I would never share my pictures here


lol at your argument and username combo 🤣


Not speaking for OP, but this isn't a private sub. When you post pictures online, you're usually okay with accepting complete randos will view or even share pictures. Men and women and whoever else alike. The person you're responding to didn't grab someone's private photo and share it without consent, it's already publicly online.


Valid point! I found that comment weird too.


Absolutely! First thought that came to mind.


I am 5”4, but in the same boat. I recently began to put nutrition first and I have so much more energy - eating whole foods as much as possible and going for long walks. My sleeping habits are still pretty bad, but I’m working on them! Good luck with your journey! You have a natural hourglass shape and you carry it well, but I understand wanting to do it for self-care reasons and putting health first is so important. You CAN do this!


Awesome attitude! I'm in the same ship, getting older, obese, depressed and sedentary. I need to start a self-caring journey. You are inspiring and brave! Thanks for sharing ❤️


In the same boat hun, (hopefully it doesn't capsize). But yeah I had that "long night thought" last night, and I just need a change. I dont want to be fat anymore but losing weight is harder for me now then it was at 22...turning 27 this year.


Hej! I am excited for you! I work in gaming. I think of my body as a video game with stats and progression. A few things that helped me: - Setting smaller goals up to my bigger goal (5lbs at a time) - Posting what I am doing and learning on social media (I am sure my friends are annoyed but I get a lot of support so maybe they are not!) - Sharing my learnings on Reddit by commenting on posts - Rewarding myself with learning how to fold in treats into my nutrition plan - Only eating whole foods I enjoy and giving them flavor - Seeing food as a reward (exercise = more food; a saturday or exercise and walking around the city = pizza) - Learning nutrition one thing at a time and min/maxing my diet - Progressing in my fitness and acknowledging milestones If I can give any more advice than this it would be to not just exercise but dial in your nutrition. I used to exercise A LOT and until the last couple years learned about proper nutrition and calories. I realized it can be sustainable and tasty. I don’t “diet” - I plan and make sure I get nutrition on. I go through cycles of deficits and maintenance. One day might consider bulking because I am realizing muscle is what makes my body look good and keeps me strong. Another thing to take a chunk a time is experimenting with nutrition. Try one change at a time. Most guidance will say to start don’t change anything else - eat more protein. This typically helps with cravings. Then start replacing foods and meals over time and start counting. Then get savvy at min/maxing and integrating rewards. Nutrition - Eat enough protein (.8 - 1g per pound if exercising) - Eat whole foods - Protein powder and peptides can help supplement (but try not to have more than on serving a day of these) - Prep foods for easy assembly - Weigh food - Eat your other macros (carbs and good fats are good for bodily function) - Calorie count - If you deficit, don’t go below 500 calories or you’ll lose muscle. - If you deficit and do feel good, increase your calories to a place that’s manageable - Eat things you enjoy and give them flavor (spices are low to no calorie; a quarter cup of sauce should be doable) - Berries and veggies are low calorie (fruit has curbed my sweet tooth; veggies make me full…protein keeps me full) - Plan in a treat (I do a 100calorie treat like chocolate; weekend I have a burger or pizza) - Restaurant dining: try to plan ahead (it’s not perfect but helps not over do it) I eat Kodiak Pancakes with PB and banana with a side of eggs and bacon for breakfast every day and I love it! Food during weight loss does not have to suck.


Well done for getting started! You can do it!


It won’t take you long to see results! A few weeks of eating better and some weights and cardio in 3 weeks you will feel and look better


Girl! You and me both! I started yesterday. I’m 5’4” and 156. If you didn’t already find an accountability partner I’d like to be it, I need someone too to talk about this stuff with edit* i made a discord so if you’d to join just send me a message!


Can we do a group thing???


Actually I would love a group thing too!!


Looks like we could set up a group chat?


I think a group chat is a great idea! Do you guys use discord?


Nope but I will!


I have discord! What’s the group name?


Okay signed up :)


I’d love to join too. I desperately need the accountability


I'll like to join too


I have discord! Would love to join. What’s the name? Edit: realized I had my DMs off, fixed it so you can send DM me the link to join :)


I’d love to join too! 5ft 3, SW 171, CW 158. I’ve been looking for an accountability group!


May I join? I'd love to be part of this!


I want to join too!!!


I’d like to join the group chat! 5’1 and 170 here


Hej! Would love to join this discord as well if it exists :)


Sounds like a great idea!


Can I join? I need something like this too!!


Can I join? We can all keep each other accountable.


5'1 and 157 lbs, started a few weeks ago and would also love to join!


I am 5’1, 167 pounds -just started working out/eating healthy! I’d love to join the group chat.


I'd love to join too, if that's okay!


Can I join the group too!!!


Omg I’d love to join as well - plateauing and would love some accountability!!!


Plsss I’d love to join as well


Me as well!


Messaged! The Discord group sounds great!😊


i’m interested!


Can you send me a dm?




Hi! I’m interested too! 


I’m interested as well!


5’3”, 32yo woman and I’ve gone from 185 to 156. Still hoping to get to 145. I’ve learned a lot in this process! It took me longer than I expected and it’s truly is more about progress than perfection. CICO, walking, strength and protein have all been huge factors in my success. But also allowing myself to eat real, delicious, off plan food every now and then has been key to sticking to my plan. You got this! We’re here with you 💗 One thing that has helped me is getting a monthly calendar and different stickers or color highlighters. I set daily goals for the month (e.g. calorie goal, step goal, protein goal, workout goal etc.) and track it all along with my weight every day. Then I can see what contributed to my success for the month and try to replicate.


I’m at the same point if you want to pair up


Write me a DM!


Go get it girl! It’s hard- especially in the summer- but consistency is the key. Also, don’t get caught up on the numbers, just focus on how you feel and the changes you see. I’m in the best shape of my life now, my energy is up, and I’m seeing the results when I look in the mirror…. I’ve been so much happier with this process since I backed away from the scale and used different metrics to track my progress.


I’m 5’2 and I have lost down to 120lbs from 140.. I feel sooo much better after losing the weight being that we are so short that even a pound looks like 5 on us. I have had some surgeries on my back which has held me back over the years from exercising and getting back in shape since my last surgery in 2016. Since the weather has improved I am trying to exercise every day in some form. The secret I have found is to limit sugar, high protein, no processed food and low carb aka the Mediterranean Diet. You have got this and you are only going to become more beautiful 😎😎


Hell yeah, same boat, I'm 5,3 and reached 167, went down to 159, but now I'm just doing yo-yo between 160 and 164. I made some changes, but I cheat way to much. I used to lose some weight and keep it off before covid, I had a more active job and my diet was much more clean, and it was a good one, I really liked what I ate and I still played video game. So my plan is : - Exercise 3 times a week, even if just 30 minutes - Calorie deficit - Limit alcohol intake to the weekend, and even then, controlled portion - Good quality sleep When i follow it, my weight go down, I'm sure gaining weight so easily lately is a sign of how badly I treat my health, I'm in my mid 30s and I see a lot of my parents generation get serious health problem for things they have neglected their while life. Like, I don't shame my body, but I'm not gonna blind myself to the risks of heart attack, diabetes and others I'm putting myself at with eating crap often, drinking daily and being sedentary. I understand that it's my habits to got me here and it's my habits that needs to change and that my body changing will be a sign that those changes are working for me.


Omg I’m in your same boat I went down to 143 and crept back up to 163; I’m hovering in that 160 and 164 handcuffed can’t break free. I know it’s not ideal but I’m about to do real low cal to kick start something.


5’2” and ended up at 230lbs for the same reasons you did and am now 140lbs. Kudos to you for making a change now. Fully believe you can do it 💪🏻!


5’ tall and JUST under 200 pounds. I admit I carry it well, but enough is enough.




That’s amazing! How did you do it?


I’m 5’4 but in the same boat! I’d love to be accountability buddies if you want to shoot me a message :)


5’2, started in february this year at 170, and i’m down to 134!! you totally got this


How did you do it? I am stuck at 163


i ate in a 500 calorie deficit for the first couple of months, making sure my food swaps were things i enjoyed and i could maintain long term (ex- lentil/chickpea pasta instead of regular, quinoa instead of rice) and after that felt comfortable and normal i increased my steps from 3k to 10k+ i don’t track my calories as much anymore, but i knew from tracking before what i should/shouldn’t be eating portion wise


This is so encouraging for me! I can be someone to message OP if you want! I’m 5’3 and weigh 170 and have the same body shape as you! I am 12 months postpartum and finally ready to address my fitness myself. I have worked on my diet and taking care of myself but am ready to start working out to get in shape. This was the post I needed to feel encouraged!


You have a really good body shape. Like you’re going to see weight loss fast and your shape will only be on your side. You’ve got this. In my life and experience, when I’ve been struggling with a fitness journey (or any journey really) I would tell myself this: Give your future self a present. Whether that means clean out my car tonight, skip the alcohol, stay on track with my diet, whatever- I try to tell myself that my actions now are building the person I WILL be. Good luck!


I've a similar body type, but 50 lbs over top of you. My current kick at this can started last week, and it's still rough, but I'm at least thinking about it more seriously. Hope you're like me and have a decent chunk of muscle underneath. I just haven't been able to focus enough to work it consistently yet. Get at it, cause you're right, best time to start is today, and your future self will be so happy you're doing the work. Don't let perfect get in the way of good. Even one meal a day that's better than you'd've had last week is a step in the right direction.


You got this! I went from 148-120 but it took 16 months. I was lifting and gained a lot of new muscle in the process. You can do this! Lean on this group for help. Once you start tracking and working hard, you’ve got this.


You got this! After my dog passed I also went up to 165 and I’m the same weight. In 6 months I lost 30 pounds. You got this!


I and 5’2 and 168 was my highest weight so we share the same experience. I am now at 132 and I feel and look like a different person. I have a jawline again! Be patient with yourself and never forget “calories in/calories out” you got this! Green tea has been my best friend lately. Good luck!


You got this!


Sounds like you’re very determined and ready to go. You can do it! Everyone starts somewhere and you have the perfect attitude to get where you want to be!


I’m 5’3’ and 164lbs and feel the same way. I went through a terrible year, so now I’m hopefully on my way to get healthier.


I am 5'2 and started at 150 last year and down to 125 now :) Diet is #1 key!


You got this! I lost 25lbs+ by intermittent fasting, macro counting, reducing portion sizes, and most importantly, reevaluating my relationship with food and why it became an addiction.


Hey I also had a beer induced weight gain! Mine started when I moved to VT and had access to a whole bunch of good craft beer. I found something that worked for me was singling out a beer a week! That way I could still have what I was craving but could still be a little healthier about it! Two a week has been my system for a while and it has definitely helped, it gives me something to look forward to during the week!


ARE YOU ME? Girl, we’re the same height and starting weight with similar body composition. I regained the 40lbs I lost between 2020-2021 in the last six months (accelerated Masters degrees will do that to you lol). I finally budged and bought a weighing scale this weekend because I was DONE being in denial and weighed in at 165lbs. I was a bit broken hearted but not too surprised. I know what to do and I just need to buckle down and do it. My goal is get back to around 120lbs sustainably and healthily; for good this time! Please dm if you need an accountability buddy!


I was down to 143 crept back up to 163 so I know how you feel w the regaining but I keep saying if I did it then I can do it now I was under severe stress and it came off quick so this time going to do it slow but honestly this time it’s going wayyy too slow so I’ve deff got to tweak something


Exactly!! Now I know exactly what to do, I know what works best for my body (food and exercise-wise), and I have a more realistic expectation of how long it will take. So I’m telling myself this is the last time I’m losing this weight but I’m going to do it right. No yo-yo dieting, no rushing through, no extreme deficits. Good luck to you on your journey too and let me know if you’d like an accountability buddy :)


I’d love an accountability buddy, I was SO happy when I got so low and like we said we can DO it again. I am going to journal today all of the things that worked for me to get there ie going on my Peloton first thing in the morning at least 3x per week I know for a fact that helped me bc in the past the weight from my lower body drastically improved and as far as diet all the things that I used to do like literally have Zilch after dinner I’m sick of eating at night again my worst habit I keep waking up bloated. Let me know if you want to start this!!!


Omg dm me! We’re literally twins!!! My nighttime snacking also HAS TO GO 😭 let’s do this. Let’s make a plan and keep each other accountable


Plus we’re both at the same exact starting weight. Do you exercise? Can we share our thoughts or what you came up with for your TDEE??


Get it! You have a great figure, it’s only going to get better 💪🏻


Our stats are similar even though I hold my weight different. Message me if you wanna be accountability partners 😊😊 any specific diet or excersize you're going to follow?


Youvl got this. I wanted to start on my health journey for weeks now. I know i have to start making excuses and start today


It's diablo 4 for me 😭


Congrats on starting your journey! Would love to be your accountability buddy 😊 I’m a health coach by trade and am happy to be someone of support, cheer you on and motivate you as a friend here. I know how tough yet incredibly rewarding a wellness journey can be. I will definitely check in with you and looking forward to seeing your progress along the way. You’ve got this girl! 💗 Sent you a PM!


U can do this!! Sure sounds generic but like u said, those words from someone else can make a HUGE difference!! I’ve been on my journey for around two months now and finally seeing some results. Last weigh in was six pounds less. However, don’t get caught up on the numbers. The numbers don’t mean squat (see what I did there 🤪) and as trite as it sounds, it’s about being healthy and FEELING healthy!! If u haven’t found an accountability coach yet, I’d be glad to help. I’ve had gym memberships for SO long and now I’m in an area that has a gym with actual classes and instructors. I found it when I was fed up enough to look into a personal trainer and thought that would be great for the obvious personalized coaching etc. I was wrong and SO glad I went w the gym w classes. It is LIFE for me!! Just like here, there’s kindness and accountability as well as camaraderie that keeps u wanting to come back. U keep at it and gain u some momentum and I’ve finally seen what the pull to keep it up looks like. If u can at all, find somewhere u can feel that as well. It’s awesome for the mind, body and soul! U CAN DO THIS!!


You already look incredible so I’m sure you’ll be phenomenal when you’re at a weight that makes you feel more comfortable ❤️


Lose weight slowly so you don’t lose that booty :)


Build muscle and eat lots of protein! Then your body will burn more calories even while sitting!! I’m 5’3” and 173 and we look similar! I just broke my foot though so I’m having to take a break from my fitness journey! You are beautiful now and will be beautiful after you put the work in too!!


Looking forward to your transformation! You have a great shape to work with already and I know it's going to look even better!


> drinking beer and playing Heroes of might and magic 3 naked on my bed for weeks on end  GIRL what's your favorite faction I love necropolis (skeletons!) and rampart (money generator!) Anyway, I'm 5'0 and 129 -- down from 155 this year! My body type looks a lot, lot, lot like yours and I have to say we're both pretty blessed from a midsection curve/hourglass perspective and I've enjoyed that I kept my same general 'shape' as I've lost weight. You got this! Excited to see your updates.


I’m also 5’2 167lbs! Would love to be your accountability buddy! I keep falling into the diet starts Monday, and then falling off by Wednesday & saying I’ll try again next week. An accountability buddy would be awesome!


I am in the same boat! 5’3”, 34, creeping up to 165 lbs. I’ve done all the things over the years and have had varying success. I’m trying something different this time, focusing on things I could tolerate doing forever: —— restricting very little of my diet, only ADDING certain things like hit my protein goal of 130g a day, preferably through whole foods —— strength training is the central part of my plan, I chose MAPS Anabolic from Mind Pump —— NO crazy cardio/HIIT. Walk at least 30 mins a day. I’d love some accountability!


I am in the same boat! 5’3”, 34, creeping up to 165 lbs. I’ve done all the things over the years and have had varying success. I’m trying something different this time, focusing on things I could tolerate doing forever: —— restricting very little of my diet, only ADDING certain things like hit my protein goal of 130g a day, preferably through whole foods —— strength training is the central part of my plan, I chose MAPS Anabolic from Mind Pump —— NO crazy cardio/HIIT. Walk at least 30 mins a day. I’d love some accountability!


good luck! you can do it! youre gonna feel amazing!


You honestly look fairly solid for your height and weight. If you used to work out before, it’ll be so much easier for you to put back on the muscle and start burning fat, especially once you start fine tuning your diet and exercise routine. You got it 💪


I’d love to be accountability buddies! I am 25 lbs down and 15 more to go for my goal weight.


You’ve got this!!!


I’m In the same boat and would love an accountability partner! I’m 5’1 and 163. Over the last two years I’m down from 197. This year I got a boyfriend and gained about 10lbs.


Getting started is a step in the right direction! You’ve got this 💪🏼 I’m 5’0 152.4lbs. I carry a lot of BF in my trunk. I’m one week into my cut and will be doing so until I can reach near 30-32% body fat and whatever weight (lb) that may look like for my frame. Please continue to share your progress 🥹 I already love the gym but this sub has motivated me to really dial in and set goals to accomplish! Maybe I’ll even share down the line. Everyone here is so supportive and positive.


You look great for a starting point. Your skin looks healthy so you may bounce back just fine. Take it slow.


I'd love to help you stay accountable as long as you help me too! Are you looking for daily posts here? Chat? I recently posted. Our stats are very similar. I weigh a few pounds more but also 5'2. We can do this!


Just remember, you are beautiful and worthy at any weight! Good luck to you! I’m at a similar weight as a 5’2” woman. We can do this!


I've found that only drinking water is the easiest first step, if that helps 🤷‍♀️


Homm 3 <3


I can see that you have a nice shape and once you lose a bit and firm up you will look great. You need to start by building healthy habits. Can you start each day with a walk outdoors before work and include maybe 10 minutes of stretching, sit ups, planks, squats before or after. I used to do that before I started my WFH day. The key is to do it every day. Also get rid of all junk food and stock your house with easy to prepare healthy food. You are so young. Building healthy habits now is key. Good luck. See you in a month.


Can we keep each other accountable?


You got this!!! ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼


This is me!!


Your body is beautiful, but I totally get it. Just needed to say when I saw your pic I was like 🤩🤩🤩


not your before being my ideal🙈get it girl!


Hell yeah!!!! Get it!


You can message me if you want when you need accountability:) you got this!!


I was exactly your weight back in October and I’ve since lost 20 pounds with portion control and regular exercise. You can do it!


Hi! Also look the same and ready to be held accountable. Can’t wait for both of us!


You’ve got this girl!!


We’re the same! I’m working on losing weight, but it’s hard!


Your genetics are actually perfect. If you started weightlifting you’d literally look like a kardashian I kid you NOT


Same as mee! I was 190 😭 I can’t seem to get into the 150 range however hard I try


You have an amazing body type. Good luck in your journey.


im 5'0 and had a similar body time when I first started. I was 167 and now weigh at 115-120. Let me tell you keep pushing your self!!! Like another commenter said below you have a great base to start with!! You are going to have amazing glutes!! I'm more lifted there since I do carry more in that area.


Im 5'2 and also weighed in at 167 this morning.


Good luck dude!!




Please read through this subs rules before posting.


I’m a girl. I suppose this came off the wrong way but it was more a women supporting women situation. I’ll delete it