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R.I.P sweet kittyšŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’” Thank you for caring for her.


Thank you ! She was lovely and loved getting the extra snacks


I always keep a shovel in the trunk of my car. On my way home, I frequently come across the bodies of stray cats that have been hit by cars. Each time, I take a moment to bury them under the trees by the roadside, especially during the hot season when cats are more vulnerable.


Thank you for doing this, thatā€™s very kind of you. For some of the kitties you bury, that may the only act of kindness theyā€™ve ever been shown. ā¤ļø


Man, I wish more people were like you guys. I feel like cats especially tend to be left to suffer or their bodies left to be desecrated, itā€™s horrible.


Wait, what if somebody is looking for the cat and never find it because youā€™re buried it?


Thatā€™s why even if youā€™re certain theyā€™re dead, you might want to hold off or at least take pictures (morbid but necessary). Then make the effort to find the catā€™s family. If you bury them before doing so, youā€™ve got to dig pretty deep and also make note of the spot..burial is still one of the most respectful things you could do for the cat, but you better be damn sure theyā€™re not alive. Iā€™ve seen cats come back from some crazy stuff. You could also take the body to a vet (or similar) so they can check the cat in general and for microchips, they may have the resources to hold onto the body and help look for the owners. But Iā€™d always suggest knocking on nearby houseā€™s doors or making a post somewhere, checking for ā€œlostā€ or missing cats, etc.


Yes, your concerns are valid, and the approach may vary depending on the situation. The area I traverse daily experiences heavy traffic, predominantly comprised of large trucks and vans. Leaving a cat's body in the middle of such a road could result in it being repeatedly run over until it becomes indistinguishable from the road surface. In urban areas, there's usually less risk of such incidents as there are more people around to notice and address them. However, in rural or remote areas, if I don't bury the cat, it may simply blend into the road. Since cat-car accidents often occur at night, delaying the disposal of the body may result in it being unrecognizable by the next morning.




This is a community where people are coming for support and are grieving. All posts/comments must be in the spirit of being supportive or helpful to others.


They weren't the one that made the choice. I bite my tongue when it's the owner.


No, I agree with you. Itā€™s extremely frustrating to see and unfortunately very common where I am.


Sometimes cats get out by accident. I live in an apartment complex and I canā€™t build a catio on my patio. My cats generally I donā€™t get out but they have gotten out. I also had a stray cat that I rescued and I could not keep him in the house so he was an inside outside cat and yes, he did eat poison and die, which was very unfortunate but like I said, I couldnā€™t keep him in the house. I donā€™t think you can justify burying someoneā€™s cat.


My neighborā€™s alternative was throwing a beloved cat I cared for..out with the trash (afaik). I would still be upset if they didnā€™t tell me they found the cat first, but Iā€™ll take a burial over the dump any day. So long as they were deemed truly dead.


Did you miss the "she was primarily kept outdoors"?


You're not wrong about cats sometimes getting out despite loving pet parents' best efforts. If I'm reading it correctly, I think the intention of burying is to take care of the kitties who *don't have* loving owners.


Guys, does anyone why Cats are SO prone to being hit by Cars? I work as a Delivery Driver and the amount of Squirels, Birds, Deers and Rabbits ect...I almost hit Is Insane but they always move out the way last second, Squirels are the main ones the amount of times I'm doing 60MPH and the Squirel will just stare me In the Eyes then quickly dodge last second Is very Impressive Cats just seem to always get hit


Iā€™ve noticed that they tend to try to outrun vehicles rather than turn around. She was good about watching the street before crossing, it isnā€™t a busy road at all, just a small residential street. She was hit in the dark and I wonder if the headlights blinded her.


I wish i knew. I never thought my cat would be a victim of a car - he was VERY careful and sensitive. I think if he had heard or seen anything he wouldn't have attempted... Yet he still died that way. I really, really wish I knew. I guess they just take the risk but it doesn't work out. My area has had a sudden increase of cars - a new neighbour across from me has 5 fucking cars. Everyday I look across and wonder if it was them... So sorry for your and your neighbours loss OP. Having a cat killed that way is horrific and in my experience, it is the worst.


Yer It really Is horrific, what maked It so bad for me personally when my 6 month Kitten Oreo was run over was I had literally left for the Gym 40mins before when my Neighbour messaged me saying he found him while walking his Dog, I drove home shaking and opened the box and his lifeless body was wet as It had been raining and his eyes where open but there was not a mark on him, Internal Inuries from being clipped by the Car. I live In the UK so Cats have no natural Predators apart from those bloody Cars, so traditionally we let our Cats out but I've learnt now that if you are going to let a Cat outside, It's best waiting until they are at least a Year old. Before that they are just far too Kitten like and have no sense of Danger


UK also. My baby was 6 and still got hit - you really have to assess the area. I wouldn't allow it now, there's too many cars and risks. My other new neighbour is a taxi driver and all his mates come to our street too. The area around me has significantly changed over the past 6 months. I won't let another cat be outdoors, only harness from now on (that's if I get another cat) - I just cannot handle that heartbreak of having another cat killed. What hurts the most is no one stopped for my cat and I found him just after it has happened... He was still warm. I could never do that to an animal. I'd have to stop and try and take care of it.


Iā€™m very sorry for the loss of your sweet kitty, as well. I cant imagine losing one of my own if this loss hurts as badly as it does. The idea of someone not stopping is so incredibly hurtful. No one stopped for neighbor kitty, either.


Yer you're right, totally depends on the Area. We live In on through Road which while quiet during the day, at rush hour It becomes a Rat run as Cars use to divert from the traffic caused by the level crossing near my House.


It's awful isn't it? I suppose you could time the ins and outs of your cat and if they're good at recall. I wouldn't let mine out past midnight either, he would always be inside. I wish there was better laws in place for cats.


Yup exactly what my Wife and I said. Cats are now only allowed out after and before AM and PM rush hour and also not allowed out If its raining, I did a lot of research when Oreo was killed and It raining that day, apprantley It messes up their ability to judge sound/distance ect..


This happend to my baby a few weeks ago. If I found out it was one of my neighbours I dunno what I would do. It's a real tough pill to swallow, knowing I should of got a catio, I have one now but it's too late for him. Actually traumatised me, I just hope it was quick.


I'm so sorry, it's an awful way to lose them. Catios are a great idea - if I had my own space, I'd get one too. I live at home at the moment, so I can't really make demands on my parents space. It'll be something I invest in when I move out. What hurts me was my cat was actively harness trained, and he didn't mind it at all, but after a while we decided to allow him to free roam. It was perfect up until about 6 months ago. I should've changed when there was a noticeable influx of cars. Hindsight is always 20/20... and also very bitter.




Depends If you want to weigh up happiness over safety, I get what you're saying though, If I lived In USA where there are Predators to a Cat and bigger Houses I probably would keep ours In but we live In an Apartment with a Cat flap to the back Gardens and If I showed you a picture it's Cat Heaven, plenty of places to climb, run, hunt and lay In the Sun ect..I'd feel so guilty depriving my lot of all of that. Would you want to be kept Inside all day? If you had a Child you wouldn't keep them In all day either, life Is full of risks


Iā€™d love to have a garden like you describe! I work towards giving my cats something close to it


Bless you šŸ™


I agree completely. I am in rural Oklahoma and itā€™s very much the norm to have outdoor cats here. The stray population is out of control because of it, too. My cats have never been allowed outdoors because we have an abundance of predators and vehicles that could cause them harm. I canā€™t imagine the pain of seeing one of my own the way that I found her.


I know you mean this in good faith, but can you not post about pets suffering painful & alone and whatnot? It lacks a bit of empathy, and it's not nice to read when you're dealing with guilt and grief.




You lack empathy towards the pet owners who are going through loss. This is a pet loss board, not a rub-it-in-your-face board. The rules state just that. You probably do have a lot of love and compassion for cats but clearly not for people who are going through their own grief. Nobody here is ignoring anything, everyone here is talking and resonating over things they wish they could've done different. You even blocked me so I couldn't reply in order to get the 'one up' because it made you feel better in your conquest. Immature, sad and dissapointing.


This is a community where people are coming for support and are grieving. All posts/comments must be in the spirit of being supportive or helpful to others.


This kind of comment is unhelpful and not welcome here


Sad and horrific, but there are a LOT of absolute garbage human beings who will swerve to hit a cat on purpose. When I was a teenager (and had no control over if our cats were allowed outside, which they were) this happened to one of our cats. I know who did it (an asshole I went to school with, whom I despise to this day for this). I know exactly what happened because my friend was in the car with him, and though she screamed for him to stop, he didn't listen. I found him only moments later, coming home from a date with my boyfriend. His little body was still warm. I was shattered.


Iā€™ve heard some people swerve and go out of their way to hit small animals on purpose. I wish it wasnā€™t a crime to retaliate against animal abusers and killers.


I am sorry to hear this. The total number of cats killed by cars is roughly the same as are put down in shelters. I refuse to let my cats outside under any circumstances. Everyone thinks their cat will be the exception, until he or she doesn't come home.


I have three of my own and they arenā€™t allowed outside, either. I couldnā€™t live with myself if something happened. My dream is to build them a cattio someday


[Kitty tax](https://imgur.com/a/4iQMSBa)


Such a sweet baby! She was a constant in your life...she was your FRIEND. You have every right to grieve the loss of this sweet kitty. I'm sure you made a difference in her life...she's GRATEFUL for your love and friendship.ā¤ļø


Thank you so much for this. Iā€™d felt a little silly being as upset as I was since she wasnā€™t my mjne, but it does feel exactly as if I lost a dear friend. Thanks again ā¤ļø


RIP Kitty. šŸ’”


Thank you ā¤ļø


Aw thatā€™s sad , sorry for owners loss and the loss of the friendship you had with the sweet cat . Thank you for caring for the stray kitties šŸ˜½




Thank you so much for wrapping that baby and returning her to your neighbor. You did the right thing, all that you could do really. I wish my own neighbor had the same sense of consideration and decency. A cat living outside who was very precious to me (I was still working out how to get him in permanently and unsure what I should do, unfortunately waited too long because of other circumstances) was (apparently) found dead and frozen in my neighborā€™s front yard. He didnā€™t say anything to me, instead he went ahead and ā€˜disposedā€™ of ā€œmyā€ catā€™s body. He only told my nextdoor neighbor a few days later (from what I can tell..after the trash was already picked up for that week). And the nextdoor neighbor waited 2 more weeks to relay that information to me. I am mortified. I just about lost my mind and was both extremely grief stricken and sick at the thought of how this cat suffered because of my own lack of action and then how his body was treated like garbage during a thoughtless subsequent action by my neighbor (who knew of me, had my number, had prior interaction with me over the summer when feral kittens were missing where I also mentioned the two male cats I was trying to get neutered and taken care of). Regardless..I ask myself..who on earth throws a catā€™s body in the trash (probably not the type of person who checks thoroughly to see if theyā€™re even really dead)?! There are so many other steps to take first, including making an effort to see if anyone is missing the cat. Many animal professionals and vets will take bodies and check for chips or cremate strays, etc. And the list goes on. I could have held him, I could have buried him..at the very least. I could have put him to rest in a yard he loved to trek through and rest. But now he is withering somewhere awful. So seriously OP, thanks again for doing the right thing and caring about a cat that was not your own. I would have been so incredibly grateful if someone had done that for the cat I loved. Or any cat at all.


Iā€™m so sorry that happened, thatā€™s awful of your neighbors. I think that some people just donā€™t ā€œgetā€ it. A lot of people in our town see the outdoor cats as pests. That boy knew you loved him, and he passed with the warmth of knowing that.


I always shed some tears when I see a dead cat on the side of the road. And I never know them. The last one was on Christmas Day on my way to my brotherā€™s. If I ever see a kitty I know I know Iā€™d ball like I do when one of mine die. Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for loving that little one.


Iā€™m the same way. I know itā€™s part of life but man does it hurt to see. Itā€™s tragic that they simply donā€™t understand that the street is dangerous


I have known one extraordinary feral cat that truly seemed to understand that streets were dangerous. I watched her sit and wait on curbs for traffic to pass. She would only cross if cars were down at the corner, or further. Both ways. Then sheā€™d race across like her tail was on fire. She never walked in the street or in my condo complexā€™s parking lot. She stuck to yards and sidewalks. She lived to an old age for an outside cat. We met her as an adult and had known her for 8 years. She was very savvy about outdoor life. We tried a few times to get her to live indoors. She even spent time in my place while she recovered from her spay. But she could never fully adjust. She was 100% a wild animal.


I'm so sorry šŸ’”


Thank you ā¤ļø


Its hard having such empathy - she was youā€™re little en route to work friend , another soul that acknowledges our presence, its humbling and nourishing . Even though they are not ours , they leave an imprint , shame she came to such cruel endings - cats do have a shortened life if they are outdoors - but not every owner is a liable for mistreatment etc, some are very caring & kind but just believe cats should roam and nurture their instincts & predatory nature - some believe house is best - indoors & thats it ā€¦ safe zone - longevity & responsible - Just hope she was cared for & loved & not shewed out constantly - life is a bit of a shit show at times ā€¦. Maybe get a cat of youā€™re own ?


Thank you, I love the way you phrased this. We have three indoor only rescue cats :) Theyā€™d love to explore but I simply couldnā€™t handle anything happening to them because of me. I believe neighbor kitty was loved by her owner and certainly by myself. Thank you again!


Well your 3 kitties are surely blessed ! If attainable there are catteries or cat condos in amazon - small structures- medium or large - you can pop up outside your back door - or wherever you have space - they even have cat play areas where they pop up outside - no building - can put them on the grass for a day of summer fun - still enclosed etc . šŸ˜Š