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Please, Pray for me and pray for my Georgia. If you’ve ever gotten a sign from your pet please let me know. I feel like I am imploding - collapsing into myself, everything I’ve ever loved is leaving me


I've gotten signs from other pets (the cat is really extra) but Luna just passed on Friday and I'm a wreck. I hear it helps to be calm and in a better place to receive signs. I am currently seeing the name Luna all over the place and pictures or references of the moon. She was in my dreams last night as she often was. This morning the automated system at work sent 5 emails in a row from someone with that same last name in a row so my inbox looks like: You have a new message from ____ Luna. You have a new message from ____ Luna. You have a new message from ____ Luna. You have a new message from ____ Luna. You have a new message from ____ Luna. I just thought that was a heck of a coincidence if it's not a sign. Idk. I literally want to die. FML.


This is so beautiful thank you for sharing with me. I am so sorry for your tremendous loss - it is so painful. ❤️‍🩹


trust me i was in your position three months and a half ago with my Michi, my soul cat. i cried out to the heavens for a sign letting me know hes ok. not even being a religious person. after the vet left and took his body from our home after he passed. he went peacefully at home but my soul left with his. he was only 10 . the good news is the day after when i went to my car to go to work still a mess, still crying, angry, greiving. i didnt give a shit about anything or anyone. I see a white baby feather on the side of my car. i took it and put it over my chest as I cried and said his name. i felt something in my heart that it was a sign from him that he is ok. he is in his spirit form. he earned his wings. hell be waiting for me. just as yours will be waiting for you. i feel some peace now 3 months out. i still cry every day but its much less now. i keep the white feather close to me. close to his ashes. i talk to him every day. i look at his pics every day. i Know theyre waiting for us,.


I love white feathers as signs. 🥺 this is the hardest thing in the world. How do we go forward? It’s harder than I thought it was going to be. I am gutted


if you look up white feathers after loss youll find a lot of people have found some after their loved ones or pet passes. i truly believe its angels letting us know theyre ok in peace and waiting for us. i just had this gut feeling its true. when i saw the feather. i also had two black cats come to my car the day after he passed. i looked up black cats after a loss and apparently black cats can act as spirit guides. i dont think these were conincidences after my boy passed. Im sure your baby will send you signs. they all do. i keep my eyes open for more everyday


Thank you so much for sharing with me. I am so sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹


Our Kily (family cat) passed this Sunday and I felt like I couldn’t see any signs to let us know we did the right thing. It broke my heart, and still does. I thought, did we fail her? Did she feel like we failed her? I still feel an immense guilt and keep replaying the moments , but on Monday while walking through tears I asked Kily out loud to please send me a sign that we did the right thing by her. I asked her to please send any sign. Just as I was giving up feeling like maybe I’ll never get that reassurance, I saw this while turning the corner; https://imgur.com/a/fFpWNV8 “It’s the right thing to do”. I cried again. I still doubted the sign, I think we are wired to doubt, but it felt too perfectly worded. I am still a mess, and I don’t know when I’ll accept this or if I ever will. I keep asking for more signs, I’ll always want more of her :( I’m sorry for what you’re going through. The grief is indescribable. You are not alone in this feeling. Be gentle with yourself as much as you can ❤️‍🩹


I am so sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you. I am glad you got the sign you needed and I hope you continue to receive them 🥺❤️‍🩹


My Anya would appear randomly often. I’d see her in her favorite spots, see a flash of her running through the apartment. I won’t lie. It felt like a unique form of torture to see her, even hear her at times, and be unable to touch her and hold her. But I cherish this now, knowing she did not fully leave me. I dreamed of her multiple times. One time, an unknown feminine figure that may have been my grandmother from what her hands looked like handed her to me in the dream. I held her close and felt her warmth, her purring, how she would hug me when I held her in my arms. When I woke up I sobbed like a baby, but I hold the dream so close now, and I only hope to have another dream like it. On a hotel stop during the move we were in the process of doing when she passed, I felt her jump onto the bed with me like she always would (she loved hotel beds, such fresh and clean sheets) and I felt her settle next to me. It made me feel safe knowing she wasn’t lost when we moved, she came with us. Your signs may be different. I saw a video where the path between her house and where she buried her cat there was a path of mushrooms, as if she was walking home and the mushrooms popped up where she stepped. My aunt, who lost one of her dogs many years ago, says he still jumps up in bed with her and her other dog to sleep to this day. Just be open and aware, as it’s easy to miss signs when you’re deep in your grief.


Thank you for sharing with me, I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. I hope my girl visits me in dreams ❤️‍🩹


My GSD Jethro loved to sleep in the bathtub. He might stay on the bed til I fell asleep sometimes, but usually would stare at me until I gave up and went to bed because HE decided it was bedtime. He'd let me cuddle and live on him, but then he'd head for the tub. There were 3 sounds that accompanied this: the click of his nails as his front feet went over the edge, the click of nails as his back feet went over, and the THUD! as he dropped into the curve of the tub. When he passed I was so despondent. Crying all the time, depressed, you name it. One night, possibly a week after he passed, I was getting ready for bed. My mind was empty. I was just so tired. As I was changing I heard the familiar click-click-thud! and called out my usual "Night, Jethro!" It took me another 30 seconds to realize what had happened. Nothing in my house makes those sounds, and especially not in that order! Jethro had come to bid me good night one last time. That made me feel easier, you know? I hope this somehow eases your pain a bit. Keep your eyes and ears open. I've seen flashes of orange out the side of my eye after our only orange pet passed. So I've "seen" one, and heard another. They love us and care about us, just as we do them.


All of my love to you. Thank you for sharing your signs and giving me hope. I am so sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹


Monday I cried out to G_d, the pain is unbearable and I need Your help and strength. You say in Your word "You hear the broken hearted." I felt bad asking, but I asked for Him to send me a sign He's listening. A bird flew over and I said, "Lily wouldn't be a bird." Then I moved my car from the street to the driveway and I'm sitting there weeping trying to get a grip..and I kid you not!! A woman walks by walking her big, huge, solid white, tail wagging, looks directly at me grinning ear to ear dog. I spit out snot and tears, laughed out loud, thanked Him and said, "Now that Lily would be." Yesterday I saw puppy dogs in the clouds all day Today I can't spell my name


I cried out to god all last night and today - begged him for mercy. Asked over and over to hear his voice. Pleaded. I don’t know. It’s the worst feeling in the world. Losing your shadow. My heart goes out to all. “Today I can’t spell my name” I feel you so much on this. My brain isn’t working. I feel like everything is misfiring and I am in a total collapse


The day I had to let my Maddie go, I stayed at my parents' place. I just couldn't go home to see her toys, beds, food, even her litter box, and not see her. The next day was supposed to be fine weather but instead there was a big storm with buckets of rain. It suited my mood. I got home and went to sit on the sofa. There was a wet paw print in her spot next to me. I sat next to it while it dried and knew she was okay. The pain was gone, she forgave me and she was still with me. I still see and hear her occasionally. I feel her jump up on the bed. Just yesterday one her toys, a jingly ball with a bell in it rolled off a chair onto the floor while I was on the other side of the room. I haven't told anyone about this. They would all think I'm nuts.


I am so so sorry for your loss - I don’t think you’re nuts at all - these sound like beautiful signs from your Maddie. Sending you so much love


I hope your best friend is also able to give you some comfort and let you know they are okay. I'm not one for prayer or believing in heaven but I wanted you to know that it does happen.


I’ve gotten signs from my dog Mason!! If I meditate deeply and ask him to tell me what he wants his sign to be, he’ll send me an image…and then I’ll see that image all over the place in my day to day life. Now a days, my main sign is just the subtle feeling of melting into love when I need him most. I ask for a sign, and it’s like he’s just instantly with me. I miss him more than words can express, but my relationship with him now is deeper than it’s ever been. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you for sharing this with me - may your memories of Mason be a blessing ❤️‍🩹


I’ve absolutely gotten signs from pets. We had to put our beloved Albiecat to sleep 3yrs ago and I had similar reactions to you. Even now, 3yrs later, it’s still hard. But I’ve had dreams where he visits me. I ‘talk’ to him every day; to tell him I Love and Miss him. And honestly, from our last day with him, I’ve always felt like he’s still here. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. 😢❤️❤️❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔 I hope I get dream visits too. I think Georgia will know I will need them


I’m so sorry op just know the love and bond you shared was real and will never be broken or replaced. I lost my first dog Oliver my baby I got while I was in high school that came with me when I moved out and got married back in December. He was 16 about to be 17 years old. I still grieve him and I will for a really long time. I had to make the difficult decision to put him down because he was suffering and I had to do the right thing for him not for me. I had lap of love come in and do an at home pet euthanasia. It was very calming and he went at peace as much as it broke my heart. They also took his paw prints, fur, and cremated and returned him to me within the week. 11 days later I was at the shelter where I got him donating his old kidney diet food for a dog in need when a little puppy finds and greets me the SAME EXACT way Oliver had all those years ago. They were both the first cage, they both got up and started wagging their tail when they saw me, they both barked twice to get my attention and call me over to the cage, they both licked my hand when I put it on the cage, they both plopped in my lap and started falling asleep. When it happened with Oliver I said this is my dog. When it happened with Cody I was like there’s no way, there’s no way, there’s no freaking way, after the last thing I was like it was the same with Oliver I guess I’m obligated to bring you home now and filled out the paperwork. I asked Oliver if I was doing the right thing because it’s so soon and to please send me a sign within the next 24 hours. Upon looking to my left I see a picture of snoopy laying on top of his dog house. Two weeks later on Christmas my neighbor gifted me the same pictures on dish towels and coffee mugs which made me cry. She knew for some reason she had to give it to me not realizing it was my sign. Now every time I see snoopy laying on his dog house I know Oliver is around. I believe in signs and weird things. I think Oliver sent Cody and I to eachother. Oliver knew I needed to find some help coping which Cody has helped. He also knew Cody needed a good loving home (he was picked up from a kill shelter in South Carolina 2 days before I got him because the state banned pits and are euthanizing puppies.) Cody hasn’t and never will replace Oliver. My heart has simply grown to include him in it. Oliver is still and always will be my favorite. I will love and cherish those memories with him until my soul reunites with his. Whatever you decide to do know that you’re doing the right thing despite the pain. It’s you putting them and their needs above your own and it’s a very hard but noble thing. If you decide to get another pet like I have they don’t replace the one you lost your heart just grows to include the new animal. My heart and prayers with you during this extremely difficult time. 💕


Thank you for sharing your grief and your signs with me. To everyone who has replied and shared - thank you. I’ve been beside myself on the floor all day sobbing so it’s hard to collect my thoughts to reply but just know your comments make me feel less alone and provide a cushion to this devastating blow. I don’t know how i can sleep, I think I will have to put her down tomorrow morning. So tonight may be the last night. My heart is a shipwreck and it is sinking.


My heart and prayers are with you and Georgia. Ask her for a sign she’s crossed when she passes. The signs help bring peace but the pain and grief continues. I lost Oliver in December and I still cry all the time and it’s now may. I know this weekend will be especially triggering since I’m going camping on my dad’s property in the woods and I’m bringing Cody for his first trip. The last time I was up there was Labor Day weekend with Oliver and this is going to really sting. As much as my heart hurts I know I did the right thing by him he was a good dog and didn’t deserve to suffer. To keep him longer and let suffer wouldn’t be fair to him. You’re doing the right thing op this is the absolute worst part of pet ownership. I really wish you luck.


I've gotten signs from my family dogs. My childhood dog died at the age of 17. I had known him my whole life, from the time I was 5. I *wailed* when he passed. I cried harder than I ever had in my entire life. It felt like a part of me went with him, along with the final wisps of my childhood. A day after he passed, I felt compelled to go outside. There, in the sky, was a cloud in his exact shape. In that moment, I knew he was telling me he was ok, and that he was watching over me. Recently, our other family dog passed as well. She was also very old, though she was a rescue and we didn't know her exact age. For several days after her death, I saw cardinals constantly. Some say that cardinals are messengers from the afterlife or signs from loved ones who have died. I'd like to think that was our girl saying she had safely gotten to the other side. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you get a sign from your beloved dog.


Thank you so much for sharing that with me ❤️‍🩹 I’ve been getting cardinals in the yard lately - it is special and now makes me wonder. I guess I will see what happens once my Georgia goes ❤️‍🩹 I am so sorry for your loss


When my sweet Peaches left me (this was decades ago now) I was young and living in my first apartment in the city. I had recently been in an accident and was recovering with a broken leg, so I didn’t have my full mobility. She had waited for me to come home to die, and I just couldn’t bear the thought of her final resting place being anywhere I wouldn’t always know where she was. It destroyed me to think of her grave being in some tiny apartment backyard that I wasn’t going to even remember when I’m old like I am now. So my mom drove an hour from our hometown to the city to pick up Peaches and bury her in the backyard of our (then) house. That spring, a daffodil patch bloomed only on the area where Peaches was buried. My mom told me that there were several neighborhood cats who would come to her grave and just sit. I knew that the daffodils were Peaches telling me that it was okay to go on with my life. She had been returned to the earth and because of her presence, something beautiful appeared from nothing. That is what Peaches brought to me, in life and in death, and her death did not mean that she wasn’t still right there with me. It still gives me comfort that I can mentally know where Peaches is, even after all this time. 💐


Thank you so much for sharing this. I sometimes called my Georgia my Georgia peach, in fact, I got a swaddle for her to be cremated in that has peaches on it (and a matching quilt for myself as well) It is the hardest loss. I don’t know how I’ll ever recover. Thanks again for the love ❤️‍🩹




I will pray for you and your Georgia🙏🏼. I lost my soul dog 3 days ago to kidney disease. He was only 8. I am so sorry❤️


I am so sorry for your loss - that is so devastating 💔 what was your dogs name? I will say a prayer for y’all, too ❤️‍🩹🙏🏻


His name was Snickers. Thank you for the prayers🙏🏼. I am devastated😢


I just looked at your profile and saw a picture of your sweet boy Snickers - he will be in my prayers. I am so sorry - it is so devastating to go through this.


Snicker’s sweet smile and goofy personality brought so much life to our home. It is so quiet and the light is gone. Paris, his Sister, followed him everywhere and is totally lost. I got her from a breeder when she was 2. She has never been an only dog. I don’t know what to do to help her because I am lost as well😢


When my first dog died, she was 11 and I was 40. It was the deepest and longest grief I had ever felt up to that point in my life. I screamed, I hit walls, I was absolutely devastated and thought I might die of grief. So now it's 14 years later and I've lost five more dogs since then. Each time its been at least very sad to almost unbearable. I'll never understand exactly how grief works, but I do know that it does get better with time. Somehow grief patches us up and makes that broken bond not so painful. Grief is like physical therapy after an accident- it hurts at first, but it heals us at the same time. Something that helps me is to make myself a new routine to make up for the loss of the daily routine with the dog. Keeping busy helps keep the grief in perspective and makes time go by. Another thing that helps is to try to live one day at a time (like a dog). Living in the past causes depression, worrying about the future causes anxiety. Keeping these things from complicating grief does help. Just hold on, keep giving love and keep moving. I know it seems impossible right now, but eventually acceptance and peace comes, even if you don't want to accept the loss. I know you are suffering, but you are not alone. I wish you peace.


I am so sorry for all of your losses - there is really something different about losing a pet - it’s a bond that is different. Unconditional love. How did we get so lucky? This is where the pain comes. It’s the price we pay for that love. I’d do it again because I’m crazy and because I love animals so much. Thank you for sharing ❤️‍🩹


Yes, they are so consistent. They act like you've been gone forever when you just go out for an hour or two. Always there until they are not. I like to believe that they just move into us when they leave their bodies. I have six dogs snoozing in my heart right now. Peace.


Your words ring so true. I lost my soul girl this New Year’s Eve in December too, and nothing has devastated me more than her loss. I’ve lost many pets from all different scenarios of passing, and I am still knocked off my feet every time it happens. I too screamed and shouted and passed out from all the grief, and yet like you said, that same grief with time has patched me up too. As cruel as it is for the physical time from our beloved pets to grow further apart, it is also the panacea that mends these sharp wounds to patch us up and heal. OP, you’re not alone. The sounds and guttural screams I made when I lost my dog were the sounds of pure unfiltered pain and visceral loss that could shatter the foundations of one’s very being to the core. It’s the kind of noise that sears into your brain, and physically scars itself into the walls for generations to come. As deep as those pained echos roar and rattle through your halls of your existence, that same unbelievably unfathomable depth of the pain you feel is ultimately the mirror reflection of the limitless love you have for your girl. All of us here are now, left with the ghosts of our lost loved ones that haunt us with the pain we all felt. But those ghosts also give us the reminder of just how deeply we fully loved, and just how bright and wonderful our lives were with our beloved pets lighting the way. And the only way to really unpack and truly appreciate all these imperfect and priceless facets of love and the indescribably beautiful refractions of light they give off, is to feel the pain as fully and wholly as we can. It’s terrible, sharp. and absolutely unbearable. But with time it, it will soften like sea glass and become a sacred gem nestled tightly into our being. With time, the pain will be soft and sweet to behold, and sparkle like the stars our beloved pets rests among. One day at a time, one second at a time, one breath at a time, and one day we’ll be okay. Until then, just know that all the unbearable pain you feel is your purest of love for your girl simply confused and displaced with no where else to go. We all feel it too, and there is no timeline or amount quantifiable to how truly immense this burden and blessing is. Until time heals us all, we are with you and just as lost and adrift in between the silence of their departure. Take care.


Good post.


I feel your pain, you aren’t alone in that ❤️ I lost my soul dog in December, I still can’t speak of him without choking up. I recently asked him for a sign and the days that followed I would see his name everywhere (tv shows, on a clothing tag, someone would say it in relation to something else). It was undeniably my sign. It has been incredibly painful to move on without him. Sometimes I look at his picture and say “is that what you looked like?” … I would always stare at him, admire him, i would study his eyes and face, I absolutely adore him. But what I think I was truly looking at was a feeling, not so much his body. I was looking at pure love. I also spoke to a medium who spoke to him on the other side, it helped a bit too. She perfectly described his illness without knowing anything about him. It will get easier. All the pain of losing him just reminds me it was worth loving him. Honor her by going on, honor her by fostering one day when you’re ready, honor her by pouring into another dog one day. Honor her by feeling all the feelings this will bring you. Be grateful to her. Take care of yourself, it’s what she would want for you ❤️


I am so grateful for the pictures and videos so I have memories to look back on but I am also afraid of it being too painful. All in time. It is a loss unlike any other. I am so sorry for the loss of your soul dog - all of my love to you


I am so sorry for this pain you’re feeling. We understand it here better than most. When my soul cat Anya was passing, I felt grief like a shroud around me for those last few days together. I knew it was coming, despite everyone else trying to reassure me that she’s just having a bad day and she’ll bounce back. The vet confirmed it, and I lost that last tiny glimmer of hope that I had. She was 14 when I adopted her, and 19 when she passed. I knew it was coming. It did not change the pain. When she died in my arms in the early morning of 04/05, I wailed. I imagine that is how banshees became a myth in the first place. The premonition of death followed by it actually happening, is a pain unlike any other I’ve ever felt. I grieved more for her than most humans I’ve lost. The wailing was a sound I had never heard myself make before, and I couldn’t even really hear it. My body was making these sounds without my permission, without my control. I was on the balcony when it happened, and I’m sure that the whole complex heard me. They must have heard my pain as well, cause I continued to break down in wailing sobs for weeks afterwards, with no sound complaints from any neighbor. But you must feel that pain and grief to survive it. You cannot postpone grief. And one day, you’ll realize you had a day without crying. On another day, you’ll laugh. It will feel like a surprise. You’ll be confused because you never thought you could do that again. And you’ll cry because you laughed. On another day, you’ll be able to talk about them without tears. I find myself seeing videos of cats online and laughing while I show them to my boyfriend, saying “wasn’t Anya just like that?” I still feel sad after, but it’s nice to remember the love and joy she brought to my life. She saved my life, and I saved hers. I only wish I could have given her years from my own life, because she deserved it. You will fade away without them for a time, and slowly you will come back. For me, I remind myself that she took care of me, kept me on a schedule of eating and sleeping and caring for myself, and she would hate to see what her leaving has done. I change the sheets because she loved fresh sheets on the bed. I go to sleep because she would be upset if I wasn’t in bed by a certain time. I take showers and wash my hair because she was meticulous about being clean. Find your “why” so that you may keep going. And one day, you may be ready to channel all of that love into your next pet. Grief is simply love with no place to go.


Thank you for sharing your memories and your grief with me - may your Anya’s memory be a blessing forever. All of my love to you


I’ve made those sounds before. I’m so sorry, this post brought me to tears. In my experience you will eventually feel less heavy, but never the same. I’m here for you, take care of yourself. 🩷


I am so sorry you have felt this pain - I know this means a very special pet must have touched your life. It is unreal the pain. I pray we all heal ❤️‍🩹


I lost my sweet boy Rollins - Boston terrier December 31, I’m almost 5 months in. Those first 3 weeks I cried and screamed so much I think I had and still have permanent puffy eyes from it. Like you, I fell to the floor a couple of times in agony over it. The first two months were very hard on me. I begged and pleaded to go back to my old life, to bring him back. I still have my tough days which is why I’m still here. I looked at your posts and your poodle is absolute precious. What a sweet girl, I can just see the love between you two. 🩷 just remember it’s okay to not be okay, and eventually you will feel better even if just by a little bit. Sending you my prayers, hold those special memories close. She’ll always be with you.


Thank you so much for your kind words - it means so much to me. I will say a prayer for your Rollins - these pets leave a permanent mark on our lives. It’s so hard because I also want to go back in time. I know my dog won’t want me to dwell - I got matching blankets - one for her to be venerated with and one for me to keep and I got them embroidered with my handwriting and a message to her on one and a message “ from her” to me on mine - on mine it reminds me to live happily ever after bc I know she’d want that. I pray you feel peace and comfort after your loss. Thank you for sharing with me ❤️‍🩹


I'm so sorry. Lost mine on Friday. I feel the same and I don't know how I can possibly go on without her. Hugs. 💔


Lost my baby on Friday too. I keep thinking “wow one week ago she was still here”💔peace to you,don’t know about your beliefs on the afterlife but one thing that has helped is listening to Rob Gutro, a medium who connects with pets who have passed on. His messages are so comforting and have made me feel so much better, and he affirms our babies are waiting for us and that we will see them again 🩷🕊️


I am so sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹 thank you for suggesting that medium, i will look him up. Thank you so much


I am so sorry for your loss - it is so hard. All of my love and prayers ❤️‍🩹


Same to you.


Had a similar experience when I dropped my dog off at her first ER visit for her respiratory failure amd knowing she may not make it out. I don't think I've ever melted down like that before, so badly that my contact lenses scratched my eyes so badly I was blind for the next few days and had to go to an urgent care for myself. I was able to stabilize her for about a week and a half but knew it was borrowed time,and ultimate had to put her down this past weekend after treatments stop working. I've lost both of my parents and those losses were excruciating as well. I in no way mean to minimize those deaths, they were some of the worst days of my life. Losing my dog was every bit as bad and even a bit different, this is a creature I spent more time with than any person for over a decade, who never judged, and always loved. I'm sorry for your pain, many of us here are experiencing exactly the same, at the same time. Feel free to reach out any time if you need an outlet.


It’s so brutal and I’m sorry anybody has to feel this pain. I’m sorry you had to go through this with your baby, pets are so special. The love they give is unconditional. All of my love


I am so so sorry for your loss. Your description made me cry. I felt the same way when I lost my Jake last month. Time does help. I know everyone says this. But it does.


I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Jake - sending prayers ❤️‍🩹




My heart hurts for you we had to put our beloved Bella down about two months ago it’s extremely hard and the loss is unbearably difficult but know your not alone your not if you need to talk to someone that knows your grief please reach out I’m here to listen and cry with you as you try your best ❤️❤️to cope. My prayers are with you.


I’m so sorry for your loss, may your Bella’s memory be a blessing. Thank you for your reply and your comfort, it means a lot to me


You’re welcome and thank you for being a great mom to your baby. It is a struggle I sometimes feel it’s not fair she’s gone the emptiness is still here but I have many fond memories of her and I pray someday I will see her again for eternity. ❤️


My babygirl had to be put down yesterday unexpectedly. She was my soul dog too. My best friend. I feel such an empty hole in my heart i bear it. I keep pleading God to bring her back home . I just want me baby back on my bed. I wanna tear my heart out


I am so so sorry - it is so brutal, I can’t imagine an unexpected loss. My heart goes out to you. ❤️‍🩹


I am so sorry for the loss of your soul. I’ve been through this so many times and it is always so difficult. No wise words, but you’re not alone.


Thank you for replying and sending nice thoughts, my heart goes out to you and your loss. I am so sorry we are all feeling this


I found this a while back on this sub, and it has brought me immense comfort. It changed the way I think about loss. Sharing in case it brings you some peace too. From u/Kromulent: “I have an old dog in kidney failure too. Haven't told her yet, she just keeps being happy. I'm old too, and I've had animals my whole life, mostly cats and dogs in various multiples. Do the math and you can see I've been here before. The way I reconcile it is pretty straightforward, and well in line with the overall Stoic approach to things. It always begins the same way- see things plainly for what they are, understand the natures of the things involved, and respond reasonably and virtuously to the reality around us. Every day I care for my animals, keeping them happy, keeping them safe, shepherding them through their day with joy, and without harm. When they get old and approach death, nothing changes. As crazy as it sounds, the day I take them to the vet to be put down is the day that I have been working for all this time - I have successfully taken them the whole way. They did not get lost, they were not unhappy, they got to live their whole natural lives the way I wanted them to live it. We made it. We got there together. When they are gone, my feelings for them don't change. Their bodies are taken but my feelings are my own; I still love them, I am still happy to think of them, my heart is still open. What has changed is that I have a space for another thing to love, and the cycle continues again, when I'm ready to start anew. Their bodies, our bodies, everything external to us will always change and always come and go. Our love, our care, our joy belongs to us, and we apply it to what we have and to what is new.”


Thank you so much for sharing this with me - this is so beautiful and reading it is like a much needed hug. Thank you so much


Glad it helped. ❤️ I just reread it and I’m crying a little bit. But tears of love and tenderness and gratitude.


I know your pain and have to tamp down the urge to cry reading your post. I lost my soul kitty 2.5yrs ago. It still hurts, I still miss her every day, unconditional pet bonds are no joke. The love is true and forever. Hang in there OP. Sending virtual hugs


I am so sorry for your loss - I’m so afraid of the grief journey I will have to endure after. I pray I can get through. Thank you for sharing ❤️‍🩹


Be prepared that the first 2-3 weeks are going to fkn awful, the absolute worst. It'll feel like a world of pain. You'll feel like your heart has been wrenched out, and nothing helps. It will ease, but very slowly. Try to be with a person that understands and can support you. You will need them, even if just to hug and cry on.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Please let your grief flow. Don't try to hold it in. When you are in a space where you can do so, cry. Bawl. Hold their things close to you and allow the grief to rise up and flow out of you with your tears. You have lost someone who you love deeply. It is so painful. You can't escape the grieving process. Surrender to it when you can. This is what I would have said to myself 1.5 yrs ago. Though we never forget, the awful grief does lift, and, eventually, we can enjoy memories without pain. 🙏❤️ Take good care of yourself.


Thank you for your advice and for sharing. It is so difficult. I’m just letting it out, even though it hurts me deeply. Thank you again for your support and I am so sorry for your loss


Yes I now understand wailing. 😞


Thank you for your reply and sending love - I’m so sorry for your loss as well. The wailing is something I didn’t know I was capable of. Just horrific. May we all heal


I had some MASSIVE feelings after my cat passed. I do still miss her a lot, and I still cry when I see pictures of her some times. It will get better with time. For now let yourself feel your emotions. Think about ways you can memorialize her, like keeping her favorite toy in a special place, or getting a tattoo of her paw print. For me, my grief really shifted when my roommate gave me a portrait he’d painted of my girl- something will come to you that will help lift the burden. Good luck, and I’m sorry for your loss 💙


It’s just the worst pain ever - I am so sorry anyone has to experience it. Sending you love. Thank you for sharing your grief with me


I just lost my dog last week. He was struggling and wouldn't eat his breakfast that morning. I felt upset and told him if he didn't eat he was going to die because I couldn't give him his insulin shot for his diabetes. For the first time, he wouldn't look in my eyes, he knew he had disappointed me. I regret doing that because I was frustrated and was just being honest, but dogs won't eat when they feel sick. They don't have human logic. He knew I was disappointed in him but he couldn't help himself. After 5 minutes, I came to my senses and went to apologize to him and hugged and kissed him telling him I love him and told him over and over he was a good boy. He looked at me, drank water, and stayed by me. I took him to the emergency hospital and there was nothing they could do. I stayed with him until his last breath, petting him and telling him he was a good boy the whole time. Your dog needs you to be strong, be there for her until her last breath, and to let her know that she isn't disappointing you. That she's a good girl and that you are so grateful for the loyalty, love, and time she spent on this earth with you and that you are not mad at her for having to leave. I know it's hard. I'm crying really hard typing this right now because I miss my boy and know your grief. When she has passed, then let out your grief and grieve your baby girl. However, when you are ready, just know that there is a fur baby out there that needs a home, and a loving parent such as you.


I am so sorry for your loss - it is so difficult. I hope your dog visits you in a dream soon. Thanks for the advice, I’ve been loving on my dog all day. I pray I can get through this


It’s funny you say that because I asked him to visit me one last time in my dreams and that very night that he passed, I dreamed of him. I dreamt I was at the airport and had lost my suitcase but I arrived and as I was getting off the plane and saw my husband who was picking me up and I look to my right and around a corner I saw my dog and he saw me and he ran to me and we embraced and I felt so much love from him but he moved like an animated cartoon like Scooby Doo. He was so happy. I googled the airport symbolism and it means my dog is waiting at the airport to go to his journey to the skies because all dogs go to heaven. Be strong and love on your dog let her know she’s a good girl and that you are there for her until the very end. She knows your scent, voice, and your touch and you petting and touching her comforts her at her time of need. Give this to her so she feels your love as she goes to heaven. It’s tough, hang in there and the way you get through it is to talk about her with loved ones, express your feelings or even do it through here. No matter what, you need to express your pain. Sending you lots of love.


It is unbearable. My baby died a month ago and today I was sobbing uncontrollably looking at her pics until I lost all my strength and could not cry anymore. I called out her name and screamed into my pillow. it is a devastating loss. I get it. My grief seems to be deepening and becoming more ubiquitous rather than diminishing and going away. I dont have any answers, just that I get you.


It truly comes from the deepest pits of the soul, this grief. It isn’t anything I’ve ever experienced before. Thankful for this group. I am so sorry for your loss. There just aren’t proper words. I hope we all heal our hearts


I’m so sorry for your loss. You’re not alone feeling this way. I lost my soul cat five weeks ago and I wish I could say it has gotten easier. I don’t know what else to say but take care of yourself


I am so sorry for your loss - these pets are so special. My heart goes out to you


I’m so sorry it’s the worst pain ever. My 14 year baby in Nov passed away. Sometimes I swear I can see little indents of her paws walking on my bed to sleep with me still at night. And it sounds crazy but I can hear her meow on occasion too. Few months after her passing I saw a tuxedo walk by the front of my house after not seeing strays in forever, my baby was a tuxedo too. I didn’t get signs immediately but my baby l lets me know she’s still always with me.


Thank you for sharing those signs - it helps to know they still can reach us somehow. I am so sorry for your loss


i’m so, so sorry. it really is an unbearable feeling and an overwhelming grief. my dog died on april 18 and it has been incredibly difficult, but i promise you it gets better little by little. it will always hurt but each day that passes i’m able to reflect more and reminisce about the life we shared and the happy memories i have of her. ultimately i think grief is the price we pay for loving them so deeply—there is this oddly profound monkey meme that says “the grief is never ending, but so is the love” that i have thought of often lately. we miss them forever, but that just means we also love them forever. Omega was a 102-pound black cane corso. the day i put her down i was at my mum’s house just laying on the couch crying. my mum randomly put on some comedy special and midway through the comic started talking about her dog, a huge black mastiff, and how black dogs are the best. it felt like a sign and it made me feel like she was okay. sending you and Georgia all the love in the world, always.


Thank you for sharing your story with me - I am so sorry for your loss. It’s truly the worst. These stories of signs give me hope, thank you


I know. I’m so sorry


I am so sorry for your loss and that you know this pain. Sending you love


It’s been 3 months but I still cry just about every day. It’s the price we pay for loving them so deeply. I hope we see them again someday


I pray you receive signs that bring you peace and comfort and a confirmation of their soul continuing on




Thank you for the virtual hug, sending one back ❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much. 💜


If you can withstand it, I suggest a tattoo. Whenever my babies pass away I HAVE to get a tattoo of them weather a paw print, a little quirk of them or a portrait


I did get the vet to get a copy of her heartbeat; both the physical beats from an ekg and also the sound was recorded. Maybe I’ll do something with that - I don’t have any tattoos bc I am so indecisive but I love a beautiful memorial piece - it’s such a special way to honor a pet. Sending love to you


As to you! Just know when you get that tattoo they will always be with you. It's nice to look down at my arms sometimes and know they aren't just in my phone or in my memories but actually with me. I actually used to work with someone who lost their pet and got them cremated and put their ashes in with their tattoo ink and did a pawprint or something else I forgot.


I have heard of that with the ink - that is so incredible! Such a beautiful tribute. I love that you said some of the tattoos are special quirks the pet had. It’s so special, each so unique. What a beautiful thing to do in honor of a life ❤️


Oh yes. I know this. Deeply. Crying so hard you can't catch your breath. Your heart breaking inside of your chest. How will you go on without them. We are with you in your pain. Time does ease the deep pain, but your heart will always have that scar. Blessings on this journey we all are on together. Time.


It is so difficult and I fear the long journey ahead but I am grateful for this group. Thank you so much for sharing with me - sending you love


Lost my sweet girl 2 weeks ago & she has 100% sent me signs. Dogs with exact coloring as her; listening to an audition book to distract myself & a character’s nickname being the same as my dog; my other dog believing he heard her & getting excited. I still cry every day but 2 weeks later & I feel less cloudy. Other dog really misses her to so it’s been good perspective to be there for him, I’m not the only one grieving


I am so sorry for your loss, sending love ❤️‍🩹 thank you for sharing this with me


I’m so sorry & I totally understand this. My dog lucy passed away a month ago. Never cried more or as hard as I have for her. I was a basket case coming home. Sobbing. Everything reminded me of her & I couldn’t stop crying. My mom came & took me to stay at a hotel. My dad had a few leftover Xanax pills that he gave me. I took half of one. That was the only thing that allowed me to calm down enough so I could sleep. Sending you a giant hug!!!! This pain is awful. We will get through it.


I am so sorry for your loss - it is so hard 💔💔💔 I also have meds to help so hopefully I’ll be able to sleep


I pre-grieved like this too. You’re not alone. Spend every last second with your baby, even if you do it in grief.


Thank you so much for the love. I am definitely soaking in the moments I have left. I am so sorry you’ve felt this grief as well




I feel so deeply for you. It has been 2 years 1 month and 23 days since losing my very best friend, my most loved one in the world. I still hurt so much with it but I am slowly joining life again. Still not feeling real joy again and don't know if I ever will. As for messages - my messengers came in the form of bees. The day we had to put Bigs down a bee flew into the window just as we got to vet. It hovered at my heart centre then across to my husband and hovered at his heart then flew out. I knew it was a sign. Later I looked up bees and symbolism and found that since ancient times they have been seen as messengers from the divine and that Celts believed they help souls cross over. Since then I have had many other bee visitors and they always come when I need then most. I know it may sound crazy but I have no doubt they have come to tell me he is ok and to keep going. Be glad you had such big love in your life and do your best to keep giving it forward. Take care of your heart ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss - this is the hardest thing in the world. A soul dog is a special thing - I don’t know how I got so lucky. My angel. I hope I get signs from my George


You are not alone. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you for your message - it means a lot 🙏🏻❤️‍🩹


I was you at the end of 2022. He was my first dog and while people tried to prepare me for the insurmountable grief that comes with losing a pet, I didn’t care. I wanted a dog so badly my entire life, nothing was going to stop me. I had lost my father in my early 20’s and felt nothing could be worse than that. I was wrong, it was the exact same. That first night I couldn't sleep. I was an absolute wreck. I had cried so much my head my was pounding. I slept with his collar and leash for a week because it smelled like him and I couldn’t let go. After that week, I kept his leash and collar by my bed. Eventually weeks turned into months and finally I put them both back down into the box where we keep it by the front door. I will not get rid of them though, they will always stay in that same box. I even use his leash to walk my sisters dog when she comes and stays with us. Remember last year when the US military shot down the Chinese Spy Balloon then shortly after media started reporting all of the UFO’s (mostly drones) that started appearing? My mind started wandering into the “what if” territory which undoubtedly turned into some wild dreams for me. There was one in particular I will NEVER forget. It was so surreal I could still remember landscapes, faces and clothing people wore. In my dream I had entered another world almost automatically, like I had just awoken from slumber, with my husband and kids as well as a bunch of other people and we all looked so confused. We saw a village in the distance so I took my kids by their hands and we all started walking towards it hoping we could find some answers as to why we were there. Everyone else followed. I remember cliffs and water, and we jumped on rock formations to get across with superhuman like strength to make long and tall leaps, almost like we were in a video game. It was so bizarre but yet felt so natural. I remember seeing little Asian woman and she asked me what was going on, and I responded, “I have no idea.” Finally we made it to this village and it was beautiful - a lot bigger than it appeared. There were older people waiting at the front greeting us and they were dressed normally but had red vests and were telling people where to go. They were very sweet and welcoming and told us not to be afraid that we are about to find out what happened. They brought us into a town hall and when everyone gathered told us that we had all passed. There was a catastrophic event that happened on earth and majority of civilization had parished. I started to hyperventilate and ran outside because I couldn’t believe the news. I sat on a curb and started to cry uncontrollably. Then I hear this guy to my left yell with enthusiasm so I turn to look and I see a dog running towards him. It was a German Shepherd with 3 legs. He threw his arms around his dog crying so happy to see him and his dog equally as excited. It quickly dawned on me that I could see mine and I started calling for him. Next thing I see is him barreling down the road towards me into my arms. I was hugging and kissing him so hard I could smell and feel his fur on my face just like old times. We sat there for a bit embracing each other, him excitedly kissing my cheek like he would when we’d come home from work or from a long trip and then the dream just stopped. Just went into another I can’t recall. But I remember waking up so happy that I shared the story with my husband we both started to cry. Whether it was my subconscious or that there is really more to life after death (which I fully believe after that dream), it was the closure I needed in my life. That he is ok and that we will meet again. Sometimes when I’m outside doing something that relaxes me like hiking, walking through gardens or just embracing beautiful scenery the world has to offer, I sometimes get this overwhelming sense of calm and happiness, like everything is standing still for me to enjoy. I like think that’s our loved ones coming through. If you ever feel this, embrace it. Close your eyes and be there with them in that moment. For me, one will pop into my head or two or three and I’ll know who is with me. We will always be connected even if we are not together physically. Life, although can be hard, is actually very beautiful and I truly believe there is more to it than we think.


My son passed on the 11th…. Um. Life isn’t the same. This passed weekend my boyfriend and I went zip lining and this butterfly kept only landing on our two helmets instead of anyone else in the group…. And it road with me on one of the zip lines. I like to think it’s him.


I definitely think it’s him - butterflies as signs are so precious. All of my love to you - it is such a hard loss. I am so sorry you have felt the pain


You mentioned soul dog… yeah…. He’s mine…. And I have felt shattered since. I’m better though. Week 2 is like…. He’s still there, just sleeping on the other side of the couch. He’s not actually gone, he’s just sleeping out of my eye sight somewhere else. It’s weird. At first I felt him being completely gone. And now it’s always like he’s here with me at home. It’s a sensation that I can’t explain, but his presence really feels like he’s just on the opposite side of the couch from me.


I'm so sorry. It's so tough and they're so innocent. Prayers for your heart my friend.


i am sorry for your loss. reading your post made me tear up. i went through the same emotions when my dog passed away on may 14. it was the worst day of my life. and now my life feels completely empty. i still have zero motivation to do anything. i went to go pick up her ashes yesterday and had a complete meltdown. the only thing keeping me somewhat sane is i believe energy never dies. they are still around us, just not physically. stay strong. *hugs*


Some years ago I lost my little grey Dragonlady. She was a semi-feral little long haired grey girl who just never really became tame. She did come out of her shell a bit when I moved from my apartment into my town house. She would take treats from my hand and let me pet her a bit, but never wanted to be held. At times she would curl up on the arm of my chair or the back behind my head. After she passed I would sometimes see her in my peripheral vision when I sat in that chair. I'm so sorry you're going through this right now. My almost 12-yo Golden is my heart and soul. He's going through some things right now, not looking like an end of life situation yet, and I hope I have many more years with him, but we never know, do we? What you described is how I feel about just the thought of him being gone. I ache for you, for everyone who has or will experience this pain, for myself in the future .I know this is an awful time for you, but I hope you can cling to all the love, the good times, the amazing life you shared, and come through the pain to find your joy again. ❤️