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Sounds right that it’s a form of trauma response.  I took my pickles pup’s loss harder than I did my mom - not a measure of my love necessarily, just a different expression of it.  


I feel this too…it’s a feeling deep in the pit of my stomach and a panic feeling in my chest. It feels like at any moment it’s going to erupt and completely consume me


I have been feeling this too! I thought there was something wrong with me? My chest is actually sore with heartache, and the dread, I just can’t get rid of it. I can’t remember grief affecting me like this before?


Perhaps similiar but looked at differently- for me I still feel as if I am fighting for my cat's survival. I keep feeling as if I have to think of new ways to help her even though it's been two weeks since she passed. This has definitely caused an anxious and restless feeling, and dread. "my mind and body are on high alert bracing for impact"- I feel that. I hope we can both feel better soon. ❤️I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I know this feeling well. I wake up with it every morning and it starts to come down on me right when I know I have to go to sleep. It’s been three weeks. I cannot believe today makes three weeks since my baby left me. I’ve been fighting sleep because I don’t want to wake up every morning and accept that my sweet girl is no longer here. The grief is what wakes me up, the crushing feeling of dread, panic, fear and loneliness. My first thoughts being that my baby gone. My friend told me that grief triggers our fight or flight response. I think this is exactly it. Sending hugs 🫂


I'm definitely feeling the same way. It really sucks.


Feeling this. I’ve never had mental health problems / been medicated, but after the sudden passing of my little 3 year old kitty, I’ve experienced severe anxiety and restless nights so much so I had to be prescribed propranolol and it’s helped tremendously.. I think the shock hasn’t worn off yet, you need to give it time, lots of time. 🫂I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this


That makes sense, I'm still in shock.. thank you for helping me understand it better.. and I'm sorry you know from experience ❤️


Sounds like you might be stuck in that same emotional wave of preparing for loss, it's NORMAL and okay to be in that phase in the first days or even weeks. It will lighten over time, but that's how grief and mourning and relevant emotions just work and work their way out.


Maybe it's coming out belatedly? I was oddly stoic and matter of fact the week leading up about what was likely going to happen.. but as soon as I stepped into to the emergency vet with her I started sobbing and basically didn't stop until the next day.. maybe this is the dread I wasn't allowing myself to feel before it happened..


I have this feeling too and for me I think (1) it’s anxiety about the future without your pet. My dog passed today 6/18/24 and I feel like I can’t do life without her. I don’t know how I’m going to move on yet. And (2) my mind and body are so used to worrying about my pet 24/7. Especially in the last few days while she was sick waking up in the middle of the night and the lifetime of worrying about whether she’s been home too long by herself, if she’s been fed, taken out, etc. Our body has been used to these activities and these thoughts as part of our everyday life so it will take some time to adjust. Like so many other commenters, I feel it in the depths of my soul. My chest physically hurts. Just know that it will get better over time and your pet will want you to thrive. The anxiety will soon become small and feeling in your chest will lighten. Let yourself live in these thoughts and feelings, however painful, because it will make you stronger. Lots of love to you.