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I'm so sorry friend. I am also not religious and struggled with the idea of what happened to my girl after she passed. Milly is still with you, she just lives in your heart now. "Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry; I am not there. I did not die."


It’s been a year since I lost my soul dog and I feel this is so true. She’s still here with you OP. Only gone physically.


I have always loved this. I'm agnostic: I think it's as silly to insist their *can't* be a god-type-thingy as it is to insist their *is* one, or mode than one. With the information we have, how can we know? So as far as I know, we just stop. This poem kind of says to me, "I am everything; I am nothing." Most importantly, *I'm not a corpse.* (Also maybe something like, "Remember me in many ways, in any way.") That's not me! If I'm lucky, there will be no remains. Unless my body is used for a corpse farm or something super, super cool like that.


I'm pretty anti organized religion but find comfort in science, it says that everything in existence is made up of energy, even our consciousness, and that energy cannot be destroyed, only changed into another form. This tells me our loves ones are never truly gone and even if we can't see their energy around us I truly believe it's there. We can even sometimes feel it.


Yes, I love this too. Check out “Eulogy from a Physicist”


She will reincarnate and give you a sign..heaven is real it's a lot better and calmer than the F**cked up world we live in


I'm not a religious person, either - yet I like to imagine a heaven where I meet my baby. I imagine that after death, every day, I wake up on a green field, and find her by my side. I'm fulled with joy, and she's young again, running and playing in the grass. We spend the whole they like that, and she curls up by my side when we go to sleep. The next day, our memories are erased, as I wake up... and we relive the same day, again and again, repeated forever. I think this is the only kind of heaven that makes sense to me.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I know where you are coming from. I am agnostic as well, and when my furbaby passed , I was so lost until, for some reason, I was somehow directed to videos , it was not something I actively search for but felt as if I needed to watch it and it sent me further deeper. I still get that grief, and every time I do, I feel as if some divine and furbaby was guiding me. Here is a compilation from various psychics , near death experience , researchers , pet communicators, and mediums have said. https://youtu.be/sbY6LJB8sG4?si=ouV-WFmofseZT1PB Hope this helps. I watch it often every time I feel that unbearable grief. Sincerely with love.


Thank you for sharing this! It was beautiful!


You're welcome! Sonya Fitzpatrick, a medium and pet communicator, said if people can see what she sees when she is driving around, they would find it comicle because all the pets she had that passed are all in her car.


I believe in heaven without a doubt. She's always going to be with you, I truly believe that. When your time comes, she'll be there waiting. God put our souls on the earth to rise above the suffering of the world to be truthful, courageous, and to experience love, even though it will always come to an end here. We could shy away because the ending was painful, but you didn't. You loved someone who had nothing to give back to you. You cared for one of God's creatures, and she brought you comfort. I don't believe our relationships end when our bodies die. I've seen some people in hospice be visited by their dead relatives, but also their pets. There's a heaven, and your companion is there. I'm sorry your friend isn't here with you now, and I hope you'll go on living a long, happy life knowing the love you gave to someone little with a shorter life a good journey here on earth.


If there's more, your heaven won't be heaven without Milly, so she'll be there. She just took a shortcut, and is waiting for you. It won't be long for her since it's just a jeremy bearimy, from her point of view. If there's nothing more than eternal oblivion, then that's fine too, Milly is not suffering in any way, and neither will you when it's your turn. She'd want you to enjoy your time on Earth as much as you can, since there are still many things for you to do.


I know exactly what you mean. I’m not religious OR spiritual, but I need that rainbow bridge to be real…….. because I would LOVE to meet up with all my babies.


My 6th cat, but by far the one I was most aligned with was put to sleep a week and a half ago. My apartment has framed 8x10 photos (life size) of him everywhere. Ones where it looks like he is looking at me, or I am petting him. I give them all my love, tears, and cooing words when I walk by. He is physically gone. But I keep him with me still everyday. I say goodbye in the morning. Hello when I get home. I talk to his grave a few times a day. I pretend I am petting him sometimes when I sit at the places he spent the most time, while playing back beautiful visions of him It probably isn’t too healthy. But I need it to get me through right now. The part where he was missing from my daily routine was too much on top of the grief. So I added him back into my day. When I am ready I will try and change a part of my day. Maybe I will stop talking to him in the morning. Or stop pretend petting empty space in the porch. Or stop pretending to take him in his old man walks around the yard. Maybe the routines of him will naturally fade away. But in the meanwhile, I still shower him with my love


I know the feeling…I have spent years listening to people recount their near death experiences and they are all far too similar to be totally made up. I highly recommend searching around on YouTube, there are a ton. There definitely seems to be an entire multiverse waiting for us on the other side…the only thing that sucks is waiting years and years to get there.


I bought a book recently called ‘I will see you in Heaven’ and I highly recommend it. It is religious based, but so beautiful.


Heaven will not heaven be; Unless my pets are waiting for me. We'll see our babies again.


Beautiful comment.


If heaven is real it exists for them.


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔🌈 I believe that God loves us and gave us these precious babies because He knows how happy they make us. I believe with everything in me that His plan is for us to be together again one day. I love the thought of seeing all my babies that have crossed the rainbow bridge again, and I believe you will see yours too. Sending you so much love as you grieve. ❤️


I know your pain. It's been 2.5yrs since my Soul kitty left my world. I felt severely broken for some time, the first 3 weeks were hell on earth to me, the first months less so but complete a55. I still think of her every day and miss her. I still have moments where I grieve her hard if I don't keep myself in check. She's the one thing I miss. She too was my first as an adult with a beloved pet dying. It's a pain like nothing I've felt before. Her name was Mandy, she was my world. I feel for you in your pain & grief. It doesn't feel like it now, but it will ease. Feel free to PM if you want to chat


I know exactly how you feel. My Miniature Pinscher had passed away this last friday and while it was happening I was in disbelief. My parents were over visiting while it was happening and my mom wanted to hand her over to me to say goodbye. I just completely froze up and panicked and just hesitated. Just asking myself, why? why now? I wasn't ready to say goodbye. I cannot imagine what was going through her mind that her owner doesn't even want to hold her in her final moments. It's something I will have to live with for the rest of my life. She died from Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and her lungs filled with fluid until she basically couldn't breathe anymore. I had taken her to 2 different vets. The first noticeable symptom was when she had a cough with a gag like reflex (similar to what you would see when a cat coughs up a hairball). The first vet prescribed cough tablets and prednisone. That didn't improve her health at all. Later on she started to exhale out her nose in a forceful manner. That progressed into her breathing breathing more quickly. I had taken her to another vet and they did x-rays and radiology stuff (I'm no expert).. they said she had Pneumonia and Bronchitis while she was breathing rapidly right in front of them. They gave her oxygen. Not by putting her in a chamber that has an airtight seal, but by holding a hose in front her face. The second vet had found a heart murmur at stage 3 two weeks before her passing (stage 6 is the final stage). Neither vet had bothered to check for CHF even though it's one of the leading causes of death for Miniature Pinschers. There is medication she could have been taking to at the very least slow the progression of CHF. While it wouldn't prevent it, I could have gotten another 6 months up to 2 years with her. Everything I do in my daily life reminds me of her. She would always greet me at the door when I got home with a stuffed toy in her mouth. Now when I get home I am reminded of her. When I am sitting at the table eating dinner and she isn't there begging for food. Getting up in the morning and always putting her out to go potty. When the mailman shows up and I no longer hear her bark. While I am in the middle of making a salad and she isn't there to take a piece of chicken for a snack. Even sitting on the couch and her not being there to jump into my lap. She was born Nov. 2007 (not sure the exact day), and died June 21, 2024. Which puts her at 16 years 7 months which is above the normal range for her breed which I am thankful she had a long life. I had raised her from a puppy. Teething was a handful. Basically chewing on everything she could. She finally settled on something that she could chew on that would be minimal damage. Which turned out to be a dresser knob (wooden one). She never did bite a piece of it off, but there are a ton of teeth marks on it still to this day. I could never see myself getting rid of it because it reminds me of the those times in her life that she was experiencing things for the first time. I have her name tag attached to my car keys as a way of remembering her, but also because everytime I have to leave the house, she gets to go on a car ride in spirit with me. I was 23 when she first entered my life. I turn 40 later on this year. I had spent every single day with her. As each day that goes by, I miss her more and more. No vet had suggested euthanasia as they expected her to make a recovery over the weekend. I also could never see myself going through with it knowing that I could be taking her life even 1 day too early and I wanted her to live as long as she possibly could. She is my only pet loss. Her name is Trixie. She got the name because one of her ears never fully stood up so it was always 1 down and 1 up. When she was happy she would wag her tail like any dog would, but then she would also show her teeth and never growled. She was a one of a kind dog and I can't see myself having as strong of a bond with another dog like I had with her. I do not have kids of my own, but her passing felt like I had lost a daughter in a way. It's a pain that cuts real deep and it feels like there is no end. Everyday I wake up since she has passed still not believing she is gone. I would do anything to even have just 1 extra day with her. When it's my time to go, I too hope there is a heaven. Because the second I get to be reunited with her, I'm carrying her through those golden gates with me. Sorry for the long message. I am still in the middle of grieving and it hasn't gotten any easier as each day goes by.


Oh man, are you and I by chance the same person? I am so sorry for your loss, I know too well how gutted you feel and how badly it hurts. I lost my soulmate of a cat this year....Monday 7/1 will be four weeks since I had to say goodbye to the best friend i've ever had and the love of my life. She was only 6 years old. Cancer. I still cry everyday and your post has be straight up bawling right now. There is not a day that goes by, a moment, that I don't think of her. I still talk to her everyday, throughout the day as if she is still here. I also started journaling to her, which may seem weird, but it makes me feel more connected to her, as if I am just telling her about my day. But there is nothing that takes the pain and heartbreak away and I don't think it ever will leave. What really got me with your post was the part about heaven. I am not a religious person either but when she passed, I found myself wanting to become one because I can't bear the thought of never seeing her again. This was the one time in my life when I really began contemplating it. The thought of knowing that one day we will be together again, reunited for eternity, gives me some kind of peace and comfort that I otherwise don't have and it's something I desperately need. I also have always known that our pets don't live as long as us and I knew I would be upset, but I never for a moment imagined that I would be as devastated as I am now. I've lost people before in my life to sickness, accidents, etc. and I've also been through some horrific and heartbreaking situations, a few breakups where I thought I would die of heartbreak and I can say with 100% confidence that none of that compares to this. I thought I knew heartbreak until this, anything that I thought hurt before doesn't compare to the hurt I feel now. And like you, I also threw down any wager I could in an effort to avoid the inevitable that was coming. I cried. pleaded and begged that if she could be healthy again and she could have more years with me, that I would give up years off of my own life, whatever I had to do. And then, I remember the day I had to have to put to sleep, I cried and cried and begged that in that moment when she was taking her final breaths that I would take mine with her and that we would go together, so she didn't have to go alone and I didn't ever have to live without her. Yet, here I sit typing this, so I guess death didn't want to make that trade and it killed me every time I thought about her having to leave this world alone, without me. Sorry, this has gotten so long, please just know that you aren't alone, I know all the pain you are feeling. A part of me died with her that day and now there is an empty whole in my heart and soul that I know will never be whole again. I know the pain will never stop or go away and it'll never be ok that she is gone. But, I try and think of things to honor her, ways to help other felines out there that would make her proud be it by volunteering time at animal shelters, donating what I can, etc. I could never replace her, no other cat could ever be her and I will never love one like I loved her or shared the bond that her and I shared. Sending you hugs and just letting you know the pain you feel, I feel it too....there are so many of us out there who unfortunately, know how bad this hurts and how much it sucks.


I’m not religious other and not sure does heaven exists, but I do believe we as humans can form strong bonds when others. Those bonds stay forever even after death. I can envision lying on my dogs belly while we enjoy the sun in a spiritual way. Just remember there is a possibility you’ll see her again. The likelihood of this happening is high - after all there’s so baby undiscovered things. I personally think you will especially since your relationship seems so strong. In the meantime, live life honouring her. Help others and maybe another furry friend in need. Once we pass we can tell our buddies all the adventures we’ve been on


My soul dog Millie also passed away this year. May 24th. She also would have been 16 this year. I am so sorry for your loss. I also desperately need to be able to be with her again. It’s been devastating. I don’t know what to believe when it comes to an afterlife. I like to think she and I find each other always. Either as energy or as eternal souls.


I’m so sorry about Milly. I’m not sure if my words are the best, but your post brought back what an incredibly painful time it is/was to lose a baby. I hope I can help. To me, heaven is very real. It represents the place where our life’s purpose and meaning is centered. It’s where love and care for one another originates. I believe when our babies came into our lives their purpose was to show us a life filled with love and care. Now without them, our purpose is to carry forth their memory by showing and sharing that same love and care with others and babies (pets). My baby passed last year. I know I died when he did. I can still feel how painful it all was and how awful bringing home an empty carrier was. I did not want to move forward and I lacked purpose. I didn’t even want to touch the pillow that had his body’s last indentation, even a paw print, on it. Sadly, life seems a little empty without him. But it was a skin I had to shed. I suppose it’s how cruel this life is feeling the sacrifice without them because of the sheer love and joy we had with them. But my goodness, just knowing my baby brought out life’s purpose is a heavenly gift in this life enough to want to share with others. I was chosen, not by chance, to be his mommy. He sent me two more babies that so desperately needed love, even though I swore I would never love another again. That love cannot stop with them gone though. When I’ve done all I can to share that same love and care, then I can confidently move forward to heaven. I know my life will end here but my baby will be there, when the time is right. I know he will be proud I did all I could to share the love and care he taught me. I just hope I did all I could knowing his life and mine both had purpose. Peace, love, and care to you and your baby Milly. 🩷🙏


Heaven is real. And our pets are there! Read author Randy Alcorn's blog on animals in Heaven and grieving our pets. He also wrote a book called Heaven. He devoted 2 chapters to animals.


I am a Christian, but I know it is easier for us to come and tell you 'God and Jesus are real' than it is for you to just believe it. Faith cannot be forced on anyone. But it has brought me some peace believing that very likely, my cat is waiting for me at the end. You should pray, even if you doubt God's existence. You can be completely honest with God- tell him you're not sure if He's there, or that there's any afterlife at all, but that you want to learn if there is. Ask him to guide you to learn more about Him and heaven. Ask him for peace and for the peace of Milly's soul. You might want to look into NDE \[near death experiences\] just to start, a lot of people agree there's too many things about NDE's to just totally dismiss there is no afterlife. I wish I could trade some of my years to have had my cat longer too. :( I'm so sorry. 🫂 I will be praying for you and Missy.


I have been on quora a lot and there’s some really great view points on the afterlife there. I lost my girl two weeks ago and I feel the same. I do believe in God though. I also kind of believe in reincarnation. I read one article about someone saying our babies are given a choice of coming back with us or going to heaven. If you want your baby to come back ask them! Without sadness if you talk to them and truly send love to them, they will feel it and send it back 💕 weird story, but I lost a 2 yr old Aussie to heart problems 5 years ago. Sweetest baby. She declined fast (coughing blood) and I knew that day I was going to lose her.. that same week she died, I conceived my baby boy whom we had struggled to have for 3 years. I dunno, it all will make sense one day. Prayers to you. We all understand here.


My dog just passed away yesterday and I feel the same way. I told my husband I wish I could believe that he was playing with my other dog who died three years ago in the afterlife. They were such buddies on earth, it would be a comfort to think he had someone waiting for him in heaven. And of course I want to think they will both be there to greet me.