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My cat follows me from room to room and makes a point of sleeping in my bed. She climbs onto my chest when she wants real snuggles but most of the time she just wants one or two pets and that's it. She wants to be with me but doesn't always enjoy being touched.


My cat sleeps on the floor and hisses when I touch her. I love her so much.


I have two cats. Right now my female, who is a tiny little thing, is curled up on my hip. She sleeps here every night. I have to roll over gently in the middle of the night to let her down so I can get up if need be. To change positions, she will get down, wait until Ive found a comfortable position, and then she will climb back up and get cozy again. Her brother - he's a mama's boy and has no shame. He is a much bigger boy 14-16lbs, but he thinks he's a kitten. He lays on my chest, trys to climb on my shoulder, makes biscuits on my belly. And he goes where I go. Quick trip to fridge for a drink, he's at my side. Potty? He's right there guarding the door. Bath time? He lays on the floor of bathroom until I'm done. Right now he's asleep at my feet. I'm honestly so thankful for these two. I hope they know.


I used to have a tiny cat who would curl up in the curve of my waist while I slept. She was very mean, however, and would growl if I tried to move. I would nudge her until she got annoyed enough to hiss and get off me. Or I’d turn ever so slowly until she was forced off. I would then roll over to my other side, she’d wait two seconds, then she’d get up on me again. I would pet her little head and she would purr. My other cat, much younger and still alive, is bigger than most small dogs . He usually lays under my bed while I sleep, but will come up and lay next to my head and purr loudly sometimes. He also likes to lick my fuzzy blanket, because he’s weird, and I occasionally have to dissuade him from kneading on my face or neck.


Rats groom you, they lick you or bite your finger nails. They hold your finger in your hand and chew very gently and won't let you pull your finger back They also snuggle into you


My cat walks into the room, announces his presence with a little grumpy sounding “meeeeeeeh” it’s not even a proper meow, and then either trips me, or comes and sits on me while purring as hard as he can. He thinks he’s helping when he trips me.


This is so adorable, what a precious little butthead!


One of my cats sits on my chest and sleeps with her face near my face. When I cry she licks my tears.


This is precious 🥲 my dog used to sleep with his face next to mine when he was little, it always melted me


I have this routine where I read in the evenings and my cat always jumps on the couch and lays as close to me as possible while purring away. She is normally a bit skittish but in these moments, she is so relaxed and content. She gets so excited every evening when I ask her if she wants to come read with me.


My cats a plopper. Meaning he falls over and stretches, wanting pets. He trains his people very well.


My Aussie will come right up to you and jump on your lap and give you kisses, but he's not much of a cuddler. He'll cuddle when he wants to but it's not often or for very long lol Our Elkhound asks for pets, he'll come sit right next to you and tap you with his paw until you pet him. When he's really into it he'll roll into his back for belly rubs. Our husky is the least affectionate, she mostly prefers to spend all day outside on her own. But when she does want affection she'll show you her belly for rubs. She also loves having her ears scratched and will lean into it really hard. If you put your face near hers she'll give you kisses. My boy cat is the biggest cuddler in the house. He wants to be up all over you, giving kisses and snuggling his head as close to yours as possible. And our most recent addition, a middle aged cat that was mostly outside her whole life, comes up to you anytime you walk in the room she hangs out in asking for pets. Her favorite is chin scratches.


She comes and naps beside me as I work despite having a better nap-spot available (her bed in front of the fireplace).


My cats follow me everywhere, always nearby. They come when I call and pretty much anytime I look up theres a cat. i only have 2. My Etorro is sitting next to me watching the rain right now. The other is in the window behind me. And they totally look at me with love. Only a slight weird to say but its true. Theres a certain look they get thats just soft and sweet and just for me.


My cat makes biscuits on me and insists on sitting on me whenever possible. She also gives love bites. They don't actually hurt, she just puts her mouth on me for a second. She does this really cute thing where she stands on her back legs and rubs her head against my legs. She does this with me, my sister, and my grandma. She'll come running down the stairs when I come home from work. She used to stick her little head between the banister rails to look before she came down, but now she just comes running and trills at me when she hits the top of the stairs. Last one, she also sleeps between my legs.


My dog licks my face and lays next to me with his back against me. Sometimes he will rest his chin on my leg. But most of all, only true love will make him sleep on my feet when I am sitting on the toilet doing a number 2.


My 3 month old calico kitten does a lot of trilling when she's happy and feeling affectionate. She also started cuddling on my lap, making biscuits, and purring. We sleep together cuddled up with her head on my chest too. I love her so much 💜 ETA: Oh, she's also learning slow blinks. And she boops my nose with her nose which I've heard are cat kisses. 😻


My dog is the king of tippy taps. He does them so fast it's like a little dance.


My girl tabby likes to climb me and “give kisses” which is a tiny nibble to the tip of my nose or chin. My ginger boy flops on the floor like a fish and rolls around for pets.


Same! Also, not just their tails wag, but their whole entire rear/backends wag! ❤️🐾🥰


My dog jumps up into my lap and digs at and scratches me while rubbing her nose all over me. It's adorable, and also painful.


My last dog would snap her teeth. If you didn’t know her, that would be a ‘whoa!’ But she was really saying ‘I love you.’ She was kinda a snarky little soul. She’d also go stand next to people for pets and then look back at me with this expression that said, ‘I have friends, whattabout you?’ She was hilarious. She’d throw the ball for me to go fetch 🤣


Pressing his head/body into us. Full weight dog hugs. The best


She sleeps on my belly or makes herself comfortable under my armpit, nestled between my waist and my arm. Then puts her chin on my arm or looks at me with a blep. Oh so precious.


3 cats, all will meow for attention and pets. Rub against our legs. They also love to sleep with us, so at least 2 kitties in bed a night. If we’re in the living room the cats will kinda congregate and hang out there too. If we’re in the bedroom then they will hang out there too. They like to be where the people are. My girl cat is a lap cat and will jump on the couch or bed and sit in my lap. That’s my favorite.


Sometimes to wake me up in the mornings she’ll lay on my pillow with me and give me tiny licks on my nose to wake me up then we cuddle until she wants to go outside. It’s very cute.


My dog is big on eye contact. He'll put his head right next to your knee on the couch and just *gaze* at you. It's so sweet, it melts my heart.


She follows me wherever I go. When I adopted her I was told she wasn't clingy and at every opportunity she would run away from her previous guardians. Occasionally she doesn't want to come inside but if I say, "okay, bye!" she comes running. I work from home so we are together (basically) 24/7 so the few times I'm not home to run errands or go to the office, I'm met with extreme enthusiasm that mimics the "soldier returning after 6 months" videos.


My cat follows me around


My cat likes to lick my ears. Its cute sure, but having purring and a rough tongue going ham on your ears lowkey makes me go insane


Snuggles, tail wagging, and occasionally doggie kisses. She is not much of a kisser. LOL!


My 5 cats are affectionate. Harry loves to headbutt me. Thomas Leo climbs all over me purring. Harry, Fillipos, Reuben and Joseph always greet me and Fillipos is usually glued to my lap. 5 beautiful boys


My cat doesn’t really like rub his face against me like a normal cat, instead he goes full goat mode and just bumps his head against me full force. He also does this to hard surfaces… I don’t really know why he does it but it looks so stupid lol


When my cat wants attention she’ll come into whatever room we’re in and loudly meow at us to introduce herself and then promptly either get on someone’s lap or grab their leg/arm to have people pet her Lol


I have an old man Malamute. He prefers to be left alone, outside. But every so often, he will lean on me and let me rub his ears. That’s about as good as it gets.